Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan Fi...

By HopeJohn

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The Pharoah is gone peace within the spirit world, but that does not keep the world alone peaceful... More

[PART ONE] Issue #1...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #2...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #3...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #4...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #5...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #7...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #8....a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #9...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #13...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #15...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #16...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #17...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #18...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #19...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #20...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART TWO] Issue #21...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #22...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #23...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #24...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #25...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #27...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #28...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #30...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #31...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #35: Reanimation's Holiday Issue [continued]...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #37...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #38...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #39...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #41...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #42...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #43...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #45...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #46...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #51...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Issue #50...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

539 21 5
By HopeJohn

Author's Note: Here  is my update! By the way for whatever reason if there is a blue font in this chapter that's underlined DON'T click on it because I don't know how it got there but I am doing my best to try and get rid of it.

Video off to the side I made specifically for this chapter. Hope you like!!


            I lunged off the plane while we were still a few feet off the ground, Seto gripped the side of the door, as I quickly brushed past him. I landed on all fours, my paws pounding across the earth as I ran forward, teeth bared.


[Third Person Point of View]

            Kaiba gritted his teeth glaring down at the scene before him. He turned yelling over the roar of the engine. “Mocuba—stay here! No matter what happens!!”

            His brother’s eyes widened, “Seto!!”

            Kaiba jumped off the plane, landing on the ground as the golden wolf. He felt the power of it surging through him, the immensity of its dark power shaking him. He was able to control it and bared his teeth as he ran forward, snapping at a snake wrapped around Joey, his own inhuman spirit defeating the shadows.

            Mocuba was about to dash after him when Breanna’s eyes narrowed. “Oh no you don’t!!” She snapped, grabbing him.

            “What are you doing! Let go of me!” Mocuba snapped, trying to pull away as Breanna tightened her grip on him.

            “No! You don’t want to get in your brother’s way.” She said, looking past Kaiba’s assistant, Roland, whose jaw dropped seeing Hope shape shift as she surged forward, snapping down on Bakura’s neck from behind as he was distracted by Roran.

She tackled him to the ground, blood splayed out down his body, but instead of his cries of pain, Bakura gave a dark chuckle as maniac laughter filled the area.

Black clouds began to surround him.

Eyes widening, the white wolf lunged backwards, her fangs dripping with blood as she landed next to Yugi, whose eyes were closed.

The smoke whirled spinning like a cyclone, shifting from black to grey, and grey to white as the smoke began to solidify into solid pale scales as Bakura took on his true form, a large white Basalisk, so large it nearly reminded Kaiba of a great wingless dragon.

Sawyer’s silver eyes widened. “Dammit, no one can take something on that large!” He jumped out of the chopper, shape shifting mid fall. As he landed his paws were clicking across the ground.

            Jason’s gaze met Gus. This creature was even worse than the wolves, and they had taken orders from it, allowed to it to live.

            Jason’s teeth gritted as he remembered Sawyer during the last fight, when he had pointed a gun at his chest.

“I need to help them! They can’t do this on their own!” Sawyer growled.

            Gus glared, “I think you’ve helped enough on your own.”

            “Well than shoot me! Then go off and kill that Bakura, one that actually deserves it… These wolves aren’t monsters.” Sawyer snarled, “The only damned ones on this beach are me and that stranger that claims to help you.”

            Jason had been fighting for the wrong side this whole time. He clenched his fist together in frustration. Damn this…the white wolf…Sawyer…Bakura….Damn them and this whole situation!

            His jaw clenched. “Gus, how are we doing on ammo?”

           “I think we’ve got plenty,” Gus’s eyes widened with realization, “Oh hell no Jason you’re not—”

            The young hunter ignored him, jumping out of the chopper as well.

            Gus clenched his fists together in irritation. “Ugh!!! Dammit Jason—I’m gonna kill you if we end up dead because of this, you moron!!” He hollered, following behind.


            I looked at Yugi’s motionless figure shape shifting as I grabbed him, feeling his skin was as cold as ice.

            “Joey!!”  I shouted, who turned a few yards from me. “What happened?”

            His teeth gritted together in annoyance. “Bakura fought Yugi—” He said gruffly, as I sensed his voice waver as he choked back tears, “A-and…Yugi lost.”

            Taiya was crying, tears filling her eyes as she dropped to her knees next to me.

            I looked at Yugi in frustration. He lost? This was the same one who had always thought the best of me, no matter what situation, he had never questioned my methods of fighting, and never once seemed afraid of my power.

He was my friend.

            Tears filled my eyes as I placed my lips on top of his forehead, remembering what Pharoah had done for me, in healing my powers he had also told me this gift of healing could be given twice, whether it could be used on someone who was in the shadow realm I didn’t know, but I knew I was going to try.

            My lips pressed against his forehead. An aura of yellow covered his body and I pulled back, as I looked at him with worry.

            Joey’s jaw dropped, “I didn’t know you felt that way about Yugi…” I refrained from rolling my eyes; he hadn’t realized what had happened, and he was confused as to what a simple kiss was.


My hair fell over my face, as I glanced at the King of Games, “Yugi?” Taiya asked her eyes filling with tears, realizing I had done something to him.

His eyes slowly opened, “Taiya? Tristan? Joey?”

His friends smiled happily. “Great man you’re alright!” Tristan stated as Joey gave a broad grin.

“I was so worried.” Taiya stated, tears falling down her face as he took her hand and glanced at me, “Hope…you’re here? Why am I not in the Shadow Realm?”

“Not really a good time to explain,” I said, “Let’s just say it’s a gift from Atem.”

“Atem?” Yugi sat up, looking around in confusion, his eyes widened at seeing the great white snake which was letting out a dark chuckle.

            “Ssoo you saved him from the shadowsss….” He hissed, “That will still not make a differencce.” His tail whipped demonically back and forth.

            Yugi’s eyes widened, “Is that Bakura!?”

            “Yeah, the freak got a power boost or something after Hope tore him apart,” Joey stated as I gave a nod, my eyes followed the great towering snake, his solid scales, his strong muscled body that would be able to slither across the ground like a demon. Fear crept into me, I never have liked snakes.

            “I guess we’ll just have to kick its ass.” I growled.

            Yugi’s gaze hardened, “Right.”

            Roran roared, the great winged fox dove for Bakura from behind. Like a great branch its tail slammed into the fox as he slammed into the side of the building.

            “Roran!!” I heard Breanna cry, as the window shattered behind him.

            “I’m fine,” Roran growled picking himself off the ground, blood trailing down his sides. The basilisk dove down, a hiss escaping its lips as a strangled cry rang from it. A grey wolf was sitting on his back, his jaws clamped down onto him. The snake hissed, throwing its tail into its assailant, smacking down onto him, yet the grey wolf did not move. His eyes were closed down in pain as the snake continued to cry, bringing his tail down on him repeatedly.

            “Sawyer…” I watched in shock, as Bakura slammed his side into the building, the wolf finally tumbling off and onto the ground.  

            Bakura panted heavily, the white snake gasping in pain, as the blood ran down its sides. His head hovered over Sawyer, wavering back and forth like a large cobra.

            “You bastard,” He growled, as the grey wolf picked himself off the ground, “You’ll regret that!”

             He struck downwards as I lunged at him, fangs bared. Pearl fangs dug into his scales, my paws’ nails tearing into his skin for some type of grip, but there was none. Snarling I had taken the same approach as Sawyer, only attacking from the side as I landed a bite on the side of his neck. He is too damn much, I thought wearily as he began shaking with rage again. I couldn’t tear him apart, not like before.

            My eyes widened as I jumped and landed onto the ground on all fours. Had I been any slower his tail would have connected with me, and I would be in Sawyers condition. I landed next to the grey wolf as he glanced at me, one of his eyes closed as blood ran down the side of his face.

            Sawyer’s single eye widened, surprised I had bothered to save him, “Hope—”

            “—Do you forget I am the darkness you stupid girl!?” Bakura snarled interrupting.

            My eyes narrowed as my teeth bared, “Did you forget I don’t care?”

            He dove for me again with a hiss, screeching in pain as a sword was buried into his side. I glanced at the corner of my eyes. Seeing Joey with his Flame Swordsman played. Bullets rained into the snake's skin and he shouted in agony, as my eyes flicked to the person next to me.

            “Jason what—” My eyes widened, “Look out!!” I grabbed him by his jacket yanking him backwards as the snakes tail was brought down from the left, however he had tricked us, and started to come around from the left side. We couldn’t miss it this time, how could I have been tricked so easily?

            We were brushed out of the way as shots fired into the tail, as Jason’s eyes widened, “Gus!!” He was slammed into the side, by the tail as Bakura roared in pain as his hand gun shattered apart into the brick building from the intensity of the hit.

            Gus slammed into the side of the wall, causing my eyes to widen. He didn’t move.

            “GUS!!” Jason shouted again, ignorant of the tail coming back our way. I slammed him backward, this time both avoiding the tail completely, Joey who was too far away for  me to reach was broadsided, as he skidded to the pavement.

            “JOEY!!” Yugi, his friends and I shouted in unison. He grunted picking himself off the ground, blood running down the side of his head.

            “This city will drown in the shadows,” Bakura growled, “You will all die first, I promise you that.”

            Tristan ran forward trying to close the difference between him and his friend, Taiya and Yugi not far behind. “Joey! Man are you alright?” Joey’s body shook as his eyes rolled and he started to go back down.

            “Joey—” Yugi began but stopped mid sentence when Joey’s arm was grabbed, to keep him from smashing into the concrete.

            Joey’s brown eyes opened weakly widening to see who was holding him. “Kaiba?”

            Seto looked annoyed, to have helped him, even more irritated that Joey was still conscious enough to realize he had helped him. “Shut up Wheeler.” He snapped, “Only you would manage to get yourself this injured.”

            Joey closed his eyes, knowing that not to be true. Yugi, Tristan, and Taiya approached, “Here, take better care of this loser next time,” Seto growled in irritation as Tristan took Joey’s arm, as Seto let go.


[Third person perspective]      

Joey opened his eyes, “We need to help the old guy out.”

            “Roland and that Jason guy are helping him. Come on, let’s get you back into the chopper.” Taiya stated, watching her friend with worry.

            They walked aback into the chopper as Breanna stood in the doorway, “He needs a hospital, you guys go, I’m not gonna leave Roran,” She replied.

Mocuba’s hand was pressed against the glass of the windshield, looking out to where Bakura was. The white and golden brown wolf dove for the snake, his fangs connecting with the corner of the great white snake’s throat. Bakura whipped his tail down as Seto quickly dodged, his teeth barred, the snake’s blood dripping onto the pavement. Mocuba’s eyes narrowed, “She’s right Roland, we’re going to the hospital right away!” 

“But I only take orders from—” Roland paused seeing how angry Mocuba was getting, “Uh—Yes sir.”

            “Good.” Mocuba snapped, “My big brother can take care of himself, we need to take care of the others.”

            Joey, Taiya and Tristan brought Joey into the chopper as Breanna was lunging out. She landed next to Yugi, who was waiting.

            He blinked his violet eyes at seeing her approach, “You’re staying?”

            “Yep,” She chimed.

            He glanced at his friends, who were waiting for him, “Yugi, come on,” He jumped into the chopper as it roared to life, the propeller spinning as it began to hover and lift.

            All his life Yugi had stuck by for his friends, now he wasn’t sure who needed him more? Both groups were united at times, but he felt as if he was choosing. He watched the snake recoil striking close to Hope.

“Jason—give me you’re gun!!” Roran shouted, causing the hunter to glare.

“What in the hell would you want with it?” He snapped, standing in the doorway of the chopper next to Yugi.

Roran narrowed his electric yellow eyes, “I’ve got a plan, now are you going to complain or give me the gun!?”

Jason gritted his teeth, not wanting to, he closed his eyes, tossing the gun at Roran, who caught it a second before he slid underneath the striking head, on his back, pulling the trigger as he did so, slamming the snake’s great throat, the torso of the snake flailed, snapping Roran backwards and into the side of a building as Bakura roared.

“Roran!!” His friends shouted as Yugi closed his eyes with regret. He glanced at Joey, who was watching him with half closed eyes, the two exchanged a silent conversation as Joey gave a brief nod.

Yugi’s gaze hardened, turning away from his friends, “Sorry guys—I can’t leave not yet!” He jumped out of the plane, landing down in a crouched position.


“—Let him go Taiya,” Joey interrupted, weakly. “I’ll be fine, he needs to go and help.”

Jason looked at Gus, who was pale and shaking uncontrollably, “Its going to be okay, you hear me Gus—it’ll be fine.”

Gus leaned forward, clasping Jason’s hand tightly in his own, Jason’s eyes filled with despair as the chopper headed towards the hospital.


            As the chopper left I turned my attention to Roran, who Bakura was the most furious with, having taken the largest hit from him. The snake’s tail brushed by me roughly, as I slammed into the side of a car with a yelp, my body being bruised into the car. Seto grabbed me, shoving us under the car the tail slammed it heavily.

            “You alright?” He growled, his blue wolf eyes gleaming as he bared his teeth up at Bakura. I gave a brief nod, “Dammit,” He snarled, “He’s too large to take down this way.”

            “Even though we can reach his throat all we’re doing is pissing him off,” I agreed, “We aren’t hurting him that much. We need to use our cards.”

            “RORAN!!!” I heard Breanna scream again at him, who was laying on the ground, she was too far to help. He was no longer moving as the snake’s large head wavered above him, no longer moving in front of us. My eyes widened, he must’ve been knocked out cold from that last hit. He was still in his human form, his large wings unfurled behind him, like a dying angel.

            Bakura was toying with us, preparing to finish him off, “Now die!!” He struck downwards, and from my angle I wasn’t able to attack, only defend, I ran forward in front of Roran, blocking the attack.

            “No!!” I heard Seto shout, yet it was too late to turn back, and too late for regrets. Roran was my friend, he wasn’t getting killed off, just because he was unconscious.


[Third person point of view]

            Defenseless, the fangs sunk into her back as she cried out in agony. A small chuckle reverberated through her body from the basilisk. Fangs were dug into her, blood trailing down her back as she shook, the blood spreading across her shirt. She was flung away, slamming into the ground with a cry.

            She knew she had fallen into his trap, it had been her mistake, her downfall. She stumbled back up, her vision blurring as she forced herself to rise, her bloodstained hair covering her eyes. She knew she would not defeat this thing alone, even her power had its limits.

            She glanced at Roran, who was laying on the ground, blood splattered onto the ground next to him, his eyes were closed in pain, his wings open behind him like broken sails. He gritted his teeth as he regained consciousness, forcing his eyes to open, they widened as they saw her condition.


            Bakura rose, his yellow eyes blinking like slotted windows. He chuckled, “How does it feel, to be sacrificed?” He chuckled.

            “You idiot!” Roran growled at Hope, shape shifting as his paws trembled against the ground. “I should have saved myself!! You shouldn’t have done that!”

            A weak laugh fell off her lips, “I didn’t see you…even try.” She uttered, as his electric eyes widened. The venom spread through her, as she dropped to her knees, feeling numb as she heard Seto crying her name.

            She closed her eyes, coming to a realization.

They would lose.

They weren’t going to win, not this way.

             “Hope!! No!!!” Seto shouted, wrapping her in his arms, shocked as she opened her eyes and stared at him weakly. Her eyes narrowed, as  a single last thread of faith came through her. She gripped Kaiba by his collar, pulling him close, her fingers numb as the poison spread.

            Her body felt as if it was immersed in snow, the cold sinking in. “There’s only one thing left I can do,” she breathed into his ear, then she pressed her lips against his, shocking him.

She could give him her strength.

            Kaiba felt strength surge into him, he had never felt like this before. How is this possible? Unless…his eyes widened, she was giving him everything, her spirit, her soul, her life.

            He tried to force her away, but her hands clenched his jacket tighter, not budging. “No Seto...this is it, I love you, and this is all I have left to give.”

Maybe then they will win, her thoughts flickered, even if it means I might lose.     She glanced at Yugi, Roran, Breanna, and Sawyer. She removed her lips, closing her eyes.


            Her body slumped, no longer moving as her neck tilted at a defenseless angle in Kaiba’s arms, lifeless.

            His eyes widened in shock, “No…” He uttered, tears filling his eyes, followed by anger as a dark laugh filled his ear drums.

            Bakura chuckled, “The power of blue eyes will be mine!” He laughed, waiting for power, but to no avail.

            Breanna whispered, “Hope…you saved him.” She uttered under her breath, “Why did any of this have to happen…”

            Her eyes widened at seeing Kaiba’s form tremble in rage, a blue aura starting to flicker around him, tracing his skin and his duel disk. He had Blue Eyes power, fused with him.

            “You’ll pay…” He literally growled, his fangs protruding from his mouth, digging into the corners of his lips, “YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT!!” body shaking he stood, the whites of his eyes turning black, resembling a wolf’s.


            The basilisk dove forward, his fang smashing into the concrete where Seto Kaiba had been moments before. He lunged backwards to where the others where, laying Hope onto the ground.

“Draw your strongest cards, now,” he growled, causing Yugi’s eyes to widen in surprise.

            “Don’t make me say it twice,” He snapped, “We’re exterminating this bastard.”

            “Right,” Roran said, standing up uneasily, “You’ve got it,” he pressed his duel disk slashing open, Breanna did the same, along with Yugi.

            Roran drew out his first card, his eyes widening in surprise, I haven’t ever seen this card before, he thought, and realized its because although she had picked out their decks, Hope had personalized them with some cards herself. “I summon out Blackwinged Fox,” The fox appeared, its whole body coated in black with raven wings, and a white tipped tail.

            “I summon Ice Dweller.” The armored bear appeared, its rose colored eyes glancing at the fox next to it.

            Yugi’s violet eyes narrowed, “Come forth Dark Magician!”

            Kaiba’s eyes closed as he drew not one, but five cards. “Come out Blue Eyes!!” The three Dragons roared, their wings extended and fangs bared. “I fuse them together to form, BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!!”

            Sawyers’ eyes widened upon seeing the three headed white dragon appear, picking himself up off the ground, the glass scraping his hands and digging into his knees as he stumbled upright.

            Bakura laughed, “You think that’s going to stop me? It takes more than a few cards.” The great white snakes jaw opened, blood dripping off its fangs as he roared, a black shadowed beam appearing.

            “ATTACK!!!” They all shouted at once. A large beam of light appeared from their combined attacks as it connected with the shadows, blinding the people around them as the two forces connected as the white snake chuckled, certain he had won.

            The lights radiated off the buildings making it difficult to see. Suddenly as if someone pulled the plug the lights quit, revealing the outcome.

            Burned, the snake was on its side, its body shaking. “Ugh, dammit…” Bakura growled, his body beginning to turn black, the black starting to disappear as shadows. The group was silent, watching as the white snake was claimed to the shadows, his body disappearing.

Left behind was the darkened Vicinity Items. Roran stumbled forward, crouching down as he touched the bracelet. It cracked, in the center, soft light beginning to float away from it. A second later, the item burst into light, slowly disappearing into the clouded sky. Roran's eyes widened as his own item did the same thing...vanishing without a trace. Though he still felt his fox spirit within him, the items themselves hadn't been able to handle that much darkness, and had disappeared.

His eyes slowly resumed their normal color as Kaiba dropped to his hands and knees next to her, his body shaking in pain, as the emotion hit him like a tidal wave. Winning and losing, it hadn’t made a bit of a difference. Tears fell to the ground, and he no longer cared about his status, who saw his pain and who didn’t.

            He needed her, the white wolf with the blue eyes. He needed her laughter, her sarcasm, he needed Hope.


            In the barren forest a solitary creature lay, her inner world turned to ice from the venom in her veins. This inner world was no longer filled with warmth, sand, trees or grass, it was a wasteland as it collected around the single being, its blue eyes glazed over as they slowly closed. She was in the area of the cold, however it no longer bothered her.

            Is this my fate? The white wolf wondered, her eyes flickering open briefly, the rest of her unable to move. To be at rest in this frozen world?

            Her sapphire blue eyes closed again, and she heard a smooth voice, calling her name.

            Her eyes slowly drew open, recognition crossing through them as she laid there on her side, aware of the pain in the voice that longed for her return.

            “Seto,” She breathed a soft whine passing through her lips, and the Blue Eyes White Wolf opened her eyes further in her inner world.

            Seto…I’m yours.


            I was on the ground, the upper half of my body wrapped in someone’s arms. I opened my eyes, to see Seto above me, his face laced with pain, tears falling down onto the ground. I heard Breanna give a soft gasp, as I raised my hand, placing it on his jaw. His eyes opened in surprise.  Staring down at me in shock.

            “Hey,” I whispered with a small smile, causing his eyes to widen.

            He stared at me, his blue eyes filled with confusion, shock, and relief. He pulled me tight into a hug, shocking me.

            “Seto…” I breathed, my eyes softening as he leaned against me, I felt his body shake as tears fell down my back. My brow furrowed in concern, what had happened?

            “I’m so glad you’re okay,” He breathed into my ear. “Dammit, Hope, don’t ever do that again,” He said tightly, his breath shaking as he spoke.

I wrapped my arms around him hugging him back tightly, I was unsure of what had went on, but Seto had been worried.

The last thing I remembered was going to protect Roran, but had been cold? I wasn’t sure. How bad had it been, I have never seen Seto like this before. I thought softly.

“Hope!!” My other friends called, as they ran forward. Sawyer was picking himself off the ground as he stumbled towards me.

“Are you alright?” Roran asked, as Seto pulled away, holding my hand as if he was afraid I would leave him.

“I’m fine,” I glanced down at my clothes which were soaked with more blood than I had last thought, I touched where there was a hole in my shirt, but there was clean, fresh skin. “What had happened?”

Yugi’s eyes widened, “You don’t remember?”

“Uh….not exactly. I remember being cold, as if I was laying in snow…” I admitted. “Then…a voice?” I glanced at Seto, “Your voice.” His steel blue eyes softened as I said this.


Hope you liked, please vote or comment and I will get the next issue up as soon as possible.

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