The Boy Who Saved Me From Me

By Jestrrr

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A 17 year old girl named Elizabeth has been battling type one diabetes for 15 years. After years of doing her... More

The Boy Who Saved Me From Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

179 6 0
By Jestrrr

Elizabeth's POV

We drove around for a while, not knowing what to do. I suddenly got an idea as we drove past a sign for Lake Peachy. (A/N I may or may not have been drinking peach tea when I wrote this) "Let's go to Lake Peachy."


I wasn't letting him in on my idea because I know he wouldn't let me go through with it. After driving a little bit longer we pulled into the sandy parking lot. I love this place. My parents used to bring me and Chris here all the time before they starting traveling. There's a nice little beach area on one side and a giant rock cliff on the other. The lake itself was always a pretty blue color, and some days it's so clear it looks like glass. We walked to the shore and stood there for a minute.

"I'm going to go put my shoes in the car so they don't get ruined. I'll be right back."

Jackson nodded in response. Little does he know that I could care less about my shoes. I did make sure to put my insulin pump in the car so it wouldn't get destroyed. I quickly make my way along the path that leads to the top of the cliff. No one has been up here in years. This used to be the party spot on Friday nights, but one night the star football player of the high school got so drunk that when he went to jump off the cliff, he stumbled and ended up bouncing off the rocks all the way down. His death caused the entire town to never come up to the cliff again. Now this would normally scare the crap out of me, but I don't care anymore. I'm already dying so why not live a little.

I finally reach the edge. I take in the view for a minute. It's so beautiful up here. My thoughts were interrupted by yelling.




Before he finished his sentence I jumped. I have never felt so free and terrified at the same time. It was like I was flying. AS I reached the water I made sure to straighten myself so I wouldn't belly flop. I didn't realize how hard I would hit the water, but OOOWW! I felt the air leave my lungs. I wasn't unconscious, but I couldn't see straight. I started to swim what I hoped was up. A few seconds later I felt something pull me. Once my head was back above the water I was gasping for air.


Jackson had his arms around my waist holding me up. I ignored what he said and cupped his face. I leaned in and kissed him. For a split second he froze before kissing me back. His arms tightened around my waist as he pulled me closer. I slowly pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine. Neither one of us spoke. We both just stared into each other's eyes, trying to figure out what just happened. He softly kissed me again. We floated there for what felt like hours.

At some point I started shivering. I guess the water was colder than what I thought it would be.

"Come on, let's go get you some dry clothes."

He guided me out of the lake and back to the car.

"Jackson I-" He leaned over and kissed me again. "Don't say anything right now, okay? "

I simple nodded.

Jackson's POV

Holy. Shit. I can't even think straight right now. She kissed me. SHE kissed ME. I may sound like a teenager girl right now, but I can't believe that happened! I've had feelings for Lizzie for a few years now, but she's always been off limits because of Chris. Crap. Chris CANNOT find out about this. He'll kill me! I peek over at her. She's looking out the window, lost in thought. I really didn't want to take her home. It seemed like that was the last place she wanted to be.

So I did something really stupid; I took her to my house.

"Uhm Jackson, what're we doing here?" She looked like a lost puppy; sad and confused.

"We won't stay long. I just need to shower and grab some dry clothes."

"Oh, okay." She slowly got out of the car, but she froze once we reached the front door. "I'll just wait out in the car, I don't mind."

"No you're not. Come on, it won't take long." I put my hand on the small of her back and guided her inside. We walked up to my room. I grabbed her a towel, a sweatshirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. "Here, they're not going to fit, but it's better than wet clothes. You can take a shower too if you'd like. The bathroom is across the hall."

She took the clothes and towel and walked into the bathroom. I gathered some dry clothes for myself. She emerged a few minutes later. "The sweatshirt is long enough, I don't need the shorts." She held out her hand for me to take the shorts back.

I willed myself to not check her out, but damn she looks good in my clothes. Well, in my sweatshirt. I excused myself to the bathroom to change. I decided to take a quick shower to warm up. I wonder what's going to happen now. I she going to leave and act like this never happened? Are we going to become more than friends? If so, how are we going to tell Chris? All those thoughts disappeared when I saw her laying in my bed. She looked like she was asleep, but there were tears running down her face.

"Hey Lizzy, what's wrong?"

She didn't say anything, but rolled over and patted the empty space next to her.

I slowly lay down next to her, careful not to touch her. Apparently she had a different idea because she scooted over to right next to me and snuggle into my side. I put an arm around her, not sure what she would be okay with me doing. I really don't need her freaking out and pushing me away. Eventually I started playing with her hair. At some point, we both fell asleep.


Okay so it's kinda short, but I found a good stopping place. Soooooooooo whatcha think?!

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