Bad Girl VS The Alpha

By CourtneysWorld

112K 3.4K 216

It's the same old stereotypically high school story. A new girl enters town and causes chaos, the only differ... More

Bad Girl VS The Alpha
Chaos in class
Want a part in the story
The P.E plan
My first shift
Explaining IM WHAT !
The pack house
I'm back
Not an update sorry
WHY ???
Football captain
Perfect day
Stressful thinking


5.8K 203 3
By CourtneysWorld


I started walking towards the practice room looking bored but internally freaking out. I didn't want to kiss this boy. I've known him for literally a day and I already know that he is the player of the school. He is attractive but I don't want to be hurt again and I believe that he will hurt me, they all do.

I jumped out of my daydream when Adam decided to try and put his arm round my waist. I shrugged him off and continued to walk with a glare on my face. I decided right now that I will not let this boy get to me. We are only acting in a scene together and it's for the greater good, I need to get this main part.

To get rid of the awkward tension in the air I tried to make conversation, "So who normally gets the lead girl role?" I asked him,facing away from him he answered hesitantly whilst looking shocked that I was giving him attention and trying to make an easier with him.

"Urm, as long as I've been here, Lexi has always managed to get the main part, no matter what". I smirked and looked towards him as I began to walk closer whilst asking who normally will get the lead male part. Adam replies saying that it is always Brody. Brody, the boy he hates but has no reason to. The same boy who I found keeps looking at me curiously. 

I smirk and say "I personally think that we are auditioning for the lead roles. Do you agree?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me like his eyes were gonna pop out any second whilst slightly laughing as he tells me that nobody has ever gone against Lexi.

What Adam doesn't know is that I get very competitive and need to step up in this school to show the teachers that I am worth it and that I can act. "I think that I'm going to change that" I said proudly, not looking back at Adam as I walk into the practice room and sit on one of the hard plastic chairs.

"Let's start from Line 13? I suggest whilst looking at the script and putting my feet up on another chair.

"Sure" Adam replied quickly but with a lack of interest or belief in us actually being good.

"Brock, I'm sorry but I can't be with you, my family thinks that I deserve better but how can I believe that when all I want is you. They tell me that you aren't good, that you are a liar, a manipulator and that you are using me. Please tell me that isn't true?" I delivered whilst looking deeply into Adams eyes as I act passionately.

"Arabella, my princess, I wish I could tell you what you want to hear but I can't. They are right, you deserve better. You don't deserve a monster like me. Please just leave before I hit you anymore" He said whilst looking straight at me moving closely to me and wiping a tear from my face.

I start to become more panicked and put my hands over his as I say "I don't care what you are, you are perfect to me and nothing could change that. I love you for you no matter what you are, if anything, I love you more because of your passion and drive and constant love for me. Was that all fake? Lies?" I say as he goes to walk away.

"If I said I was a werewolf, would you still love me? Would you still cry because you want me or would you leave" he whispers whilst shaking his head and moving further away from me.

"Yes, I would stay with you, I would join you and live happily because that is all I want. Is to be happy in your arms" I say pulling myself closer to him wrapping my hands round his neck. I then lean towards him and hesitate as our noses nearly touch. I start to try and move further away from him but can't as he quickly moves closer to me and holds my face between his hands as he kisses me with such passion that it lights a fire within me that I didn't know existed. That I never wanted to feel, that I know could end horribly and tragically if I put down my barriers. I forget about all my concerns as I feel Adam smile in the kiss and realise that this isn't him acting, this is real. It couldn't be faked.

As Adam begins to move away from me, his hand stays on my cheek and I can feel him studying my face. He kisses my cheek and I look up at him and see a hint of darkness in his eyes, shocking me, as he looks at me with an unreadable but intense emotion, quickly bringing me out of the haze I was in and try to jump away from him as I realise I am sitting on an old school table with his arms around me.

I turn around and think about what has actually happened and I can't believe I let my guard down so much with a guy I've just met. A player at that. Oh god, a player with a girlfriend. I don't really know what I'm suppose to do now. I felt something crazy with Adam, like sparks were flying everywhere and I would drown if I wasn't in his arms. I'm just so confused. I can't let myself fall for someone like him but I don't think I can stay away from him either. What is this mess that I've got myself into? And how do I get out of it?

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