Bad Boys Kidnapped Me

De vintage_for_days

1.8M 51.9K 18K

Bad ass Katrina Moores. Beautiful, stubborn, rule breaker and has a potty mouth. But she has a dark secret... Mai multe

World War III
The Black Dragon
Going out
The Kidnapping
This isnt over
Tame The Beast
Killing Bambi
You so want me
Call me Kat
I fell
Ice Cold
Hes A Gang Leader And He Always Will Be
Can't live without
Time for you to quit
Too Beautiful
Even if it kills him
Over Two Hundred
Burn in fucking hell!
In love
Meet the boys
I'm Hungry
What am i going to do?
You counted!
I Hope So
Bobbie pin
Dante & Benji
The Ball
Love struck teenager
Ted & Joe
I Am Going To Live
The In-Laws
I Want You
Antonio Belucini
I Want This Baby
Im Not Letting You Die
I Cant Do This Anymore
I Can Do It
Its Time


33.6K 935 361
De vintage_for_days

I hit the bag with full force causing my knuckles to bleed some more.

Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit.

"You're going to kill yourself."

I pant heavily and look down at my blistered knuckles.

"They'll heal."

I hit the bag repeatedly and imagine Lucinda's head, causing my nostrils to flare and roundhouse the punching bag, making the chain snap and send it flying across the gym. However, I don't stop there and attack the bag like it was a person.

I straddle it and send my fists it's way, rage and anger ripple throughout my body. I could feel my flesh being torn and my entire hands were starting to coat themselves in my blood.

I feel arms wrap around my torso and yank me away from the now, shredded punching bag.


I snap my head towards Nathan and see him looking at me horrified. My gaze softens as I look into his green eyes. I swallow dryly and take a step back. I look at the mirror in the gym and see how crazy I looked.

My hair had fallen out its ponytail, blood was dripping from my hand but that's not the thing that frightened me. It was the snarl on my face and the crazy look in my eyes. I gasp and look at myself in shock, I look at my hands and see the whole surface had been torn off.

My anger is just getting worse. I need to know what's happening so I can fix this. My hands start to shake and I snap my head to my reflection once more. My violet eye stares back at me and I realise it was brighter than usual.

I sigh deeply and clear my mind, I can't let Nathan worry. I turn towards Nathan and give him a reassuring smile.

"I'm okay Nath, I just needed to get my anger out" I lie.

"Kat! You were literally tearing the poor punching bag apart!" He exclaims.

"I have a lot of anger" I chuckle, hoping it would lighten the mood.

"That's not funny."

Obviously not.

I sigh and roll my eyes, putting my acting skills to work.

"Nathan, they'll heal. These are just minor wounds for someone like me" I say in a soft, gentle voice. "Plus I'm dating Ryder, give me some slack" I joke.

He looks at me suspiciously and I give him a winning smile. He eventually sighs and rubs his hand down his face, groaning loudly.

"I hate you" he mumbles.

I wrap my arms around him, giving him a big bear hug making sure not to get any blood on him.
"Love you too" I sing and skip out of the boy's private gym.

When I was absolutely certain no one was around, I drop my fake smile and the cheerfulness act. Letting the worry and fear envelope me.

I let the pain get to me and I grind my teeth in pain. I could already feel my flesh repair itself causing me to hiss and lean my head against the wall.

The bad thing about quick healing? It hurts like a bitch. I can feel my body start to regenerate and I ignore it as I have always done.

I push myself off the wall and take the elevator to the main level, I was too tired to take the stairs.
I roll my shoulders back and feel the sweat start to dry up.

I need a shower.

I make my way to Ryders room walk into his connecting bathroom. I open the door and nearly have a heart attack.

"Katrina!" Danny screams, quickly grabbing a towel from the cabinet.

I scream, "oh my god! Sorry, sorry!" I shout out, slamming the door.

That did not just happen! Please tell me that did not just happen!

"I'm really sorry Danny, I didn't know you were in there! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't see anything" I shout from the other side of the door.

"I feel so violated" I hear him mutter to himself.

I hold back a loud laugh and bite my lip. I laugh silently and cover my mouth with my palm, muffling my laughter.

That was a total lie. I saw everything, and I mean everything.

But he doesn't need to know that.

"What's happening?!" Daniel storms into my room with wide eyes and two hands on his gun.

I deadpan, "nothing!"

"But I heard you scream," Daniel says confused, scratching the back of his head and tucking the gun away.

"I thought you were in the gym!" Danny yells from the other side of the door.

Daniel looks at the door and back to my amused expression and it was like a lightbulb when off in his head, "oh."

"I was!" I exclaim, ignoring Daniel. "What are you doing in my bathroom anyway?!"

"My handle broke!"

"You could have used the other fifteen bathrooms!" I retort back.

"I was in a hurry!"

I hear him shuffle around and unlock the door.
I don't turn around until he tells me too and when he does I was thankful to see him fully clothed.

Thank god!

Oh man! I can't even look at him the same way anymore! I look to the side and clear my throat awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck and coughs.

"Let's not mention this to Ryder," he says.

"Agreed" I instantly reply back.

We walk around each other stiffly and cautiously, in silence. Danny runs out and Daniel had a giant smirk on his face, "did you see?"

"Every single thing" I smirk, holding my laughter.

He laughs loudly and walks out, letting me enter the bathroom. I quickly close the door and lock it.

When I slam the door shut I go into hysterics. I laugh until my stomach hurts and I feel tears from my eyes.

Oh Danny.

I sigh happily and walk to the sink, I turn it on and start washing the blood. I grimace as it stings but other than that I just wash it carefully.

I turn it off, strip out of my workout clothes, and enter the shower.

I hum in peace as I let the warm water relax my muscles. I make myself squeaky clean and walk out. I make sure to grab a towel and check the bedroom before I walk into the closet.

I put my hair into a messy but cute bun and manage to put some makeup on and pray to god I can manage to sneak out of here for a little while.

I check my watch and see it was already two o'clock. I quickly bandage my hands but make sure it was the thin nude coloured so it wouldn't stand out.

I grab my handbag and walk towards the garage.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I snap my head towards James and curse under my breath.

"James! Buddy! Wassup?"

"Does Ryder know your heading out?" He asks, smirking.

Really god. You give me James?

"He's busy with Daniel figuring out if Lucinda is really alive, so I don't think we should bother him," I say, hoping he would just leave it at that.

"I think we should let him know, you shouldn't even be going out without us. With the risks and all."

Okay my persuasion techniques aren't working.

I drop my act instantly and hit a clean punch to his face, knocking him out cold. I catch him before he drops to the ground and drag him onto some leather couches.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

He'll forgive me. I think.

I quickly run into the garage and snatch the keys off the wall and make my way towards one of Ryder's many cars, and speed off towards the mall.

I look back and scream out in joy when I see no one was following me. I put the radio on and blast it full volume. I roll down the window and let the wind hit my face. I put on my sunnies and sing along to the song.

I'm free! I laugh out loud and push all my thoughts away just for a couple of hours.

Time to go shopping!


I was currently in the mall eating my delicious subway roll.

Fuck yes! These are good!

I moan as I bite into my sandwich, I look at the many bags next to me and grin, retail therapy always worked.

"Did mom say Kat went to Paris?"

I freeze and widen my eyes, oh no!

Oh fuck no!

I slowly turn around and see my two idiotic brothers, standing right behind me looking at the opposite direction.

Luckily they still haven't spotted me, I hastily get my bags and kiss my subway roll goodbye.

I'll be back for you baby.

"Yeah, but she should have been back by now" Drew says.

"Maybe plans got changed when we were at the football convention?" Zach asks confused.

Oh fuck me with my own fist!

How did I manage to forget about my brothers! Obviously it doesn't make sense because I'm not in bloody Paris! What the hell am I going to do?!

"We'll check it out on Monday " Drew reassures.

They sit at the table in front of me with their backs still towards me. I frantically grab my glasses and put them on, take my bags and make a run for it.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This is not good. If they find out the truth I am dead. Dead.

"Shit!" I curse as I collide with a chest and fall to the floor.

"Oh! I am so sorry dear, are you alright?! Here let me help you."

I see perfectly manicured nails grab my arm pulling me up. She frowns at my bandage but let's me go and grabs my bags.

I look up and gape at how beautiful this woman is. She looked like she was in her early thirties and had a slim figure.

She was stunning!

She looks at me concerned and in guilt.

"There you are," she says handing me some
of my bags, smiling warmly at me. Her wavy dark brown hair bouncing healthily as she knelt down to grab the rest.

She really was gorgeous.

"I am so sorry, it's all my fault! I should have paid more attention. Are you alright dear?" She asks, concerned traced in her voice.

I finally snap out of my gaze and reply,

"Oh I'm fine. I should have looked where I was going."

She smiles warmly at me and I see the kindness in her eyes.

"You take care now okay..?"

Now usually I wouldn't tell strangers my name, but there was something about this woman that just sucked you in and made you automatically like her.

"Katrina" I reach out my hand to shake hers.

"I'm Maria."

I pull my hand away from her and give her a gentle smile.

"Thank you for my bags," I say as I turn to walk away.

"Oh your welcome dear! Goodbye," she says smiling.

I watch her walk away before my phone starts to ring and I search for it in my bag.


"Where the fuck are you?!" Ryder asks seething.


Serves me right for not looking at the caller I.D.

"I'm at the mall Ryder, I'm leaving now. I'll see you soon" I sigh.

"Damn right you will. You shouldn't even be out in public by yourself! What if you got hurt? Then what? I can't-"

I hang up on him and stuff my phone in my bag. I'm going to get it for that one, I think while smiling.

Oh well.


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