Repainting A Blank Canvas - [...

By MixRou

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Sequel of Colorful World, Prince AU Summary: The reign of peace never lasted, Shiganshina has fallen in the h... More

Grey Skies
Interlude: Empty White Dreams
Deadly Black
I Can't
A Million Yellow Stars
Carmine Clash
The Page
Azure Sunshine
Lavender Twilight

Prologue: Bleached Canvas

4.8K 140 306
By MixRou

My prince AU truly starts!

Sequel of "Colorful World"


The sun peeked through the pale green fabric of expensive silk curtains as a new dawn shone over the kingdom of Shiganshina. Faintly through closed glass doors the chirping of the birds that were perched atop the apple tree by the window, were getting louder as they stretched their wings for their morning flight. The room slowly lit up as the sun rose further up in the sky.

No other sound was heard in the room, none but the quaint approaching sound of footsteps from the hallway.

It wasn't long until two firm knocks assaulted the door and followed by a morning call, "Its time to wake up, my prince." A deep voice from the other side of the door called out before the door creaked open. "Its your big day." Then in came a pale raven-haired adolescent.

He gently closed the door with a sigh when the prince failed to respond. Like always.

"Eren," The raven called again to the prince, Eren, and made quick strides towards the queen-sized round bed that sat in the middle of the room, pillows everywhere, scattered about and blankets tangled around a little lump in the middle. "Get up."

Growing slowly annoyed with the lack of response with the lump of blankets on the bed he let out an irritated sigh through his nostril. Every fucking morning.

He gripped onto the cloth that blocked the little form's true embodiment and yanked it off. "Eren get up-" The sentence was cut short as he saw that the lump only hid more pillows. Peeved with the sight, the young man huffed and let his eyes dart around the room searching for his accursed little charge. "Dammit, Eren! Not again!" He hissed. "Whatever stunt you're about to pull, I suggest you stop it before you hurt yourself or I hurt you myself!" The raven was growing more vexed by the minute.

The young man tried to rely on his senses to pinpoint the exact location of the boy that he was solely devoted to; he didn't like this one bit. For his daily routine with the prince's unwavering streak of ticks and pranks and having to deal with every day of his stay in the palace, the male already knew to expect the worst to come next. Eren's previous little pranks started off cute and harmless, an example to that was that he once left a little mouse in one of the kitchen pots, in which did not end very well for the maids. But as Eren time passed along and as the boy grew older his little pranks started to get clever, and as to why that became so?

It's no mystery, really.

Eren loved the challenge to improve himself daily, being a young prince he's obliged to study the rules of warfare if in any case in the future he'd face such things in his reign. And so he improved and enriched himself but another reason as to why his little plotting growth propagated tenfold was not because of duty, but because of challenge. And that said challenge was none other than his bodyguard.

Because his bodyguard is one of the most capable people around the kingdom, the one who always sees through his pranks just as he was about to commit it, one who predicts the outcomes when he did manage to already commit it, and one who keeps him at bay.

Levi Ackerman, was the name of this young man. He is the top of his graduating batch of the Training Corps. He's always done his job if not flawlessly, then impeccably. The young soldier had made a name for himself, even without the help of his distinguished family name. Already, the name 'Levi' already gave opposing characters shivers; everyone knew fear when they clash blades with him. He's one of the reasons as to why nobody had even dared to lay their fingers on his charge, whom is the prince.

All but one feared his skills, if not fearing him the populace are wary of the things he could be capable of doing. Only fools knew to underestimate him, only idiots, morons, and nitwits.

And as for that one person who did not fear him,

Was the prince himself, and the said prince was already a little idiot by default.

"Eren, I'm counting to three." Levi said sounding very incensed. "One.."

Levi loudly and impatiently tapped his foot on the carpet guarded floors, soft padding sounds echoed in the otherwise silent room and then followed by his deepening voice, "Two.." He glared at the wall, the unfortunate wall that simply stood and had done nothing. "Don't make me say three, Eren..!"

Soft giggles resounded in the room,

Silver eyes widened at the direction of where it came from, he cursed inwardly. His head snapping up and in his otherwise stone complexion, a hint of worry and apprehension lacing behind his irises as he found his charge.

Hanging atop a chandelier.

Well shit.

"You found me!" The boy giggled he was already dressed and his hair appeared to still be slightly damp from his bath. "As always!" Levi grew very frigid seeing the prince hanging up upside down--how the fuck could he have gotten there!?

There was a rope that tightly knotted around the boy's waist, and it looped on one metal arm of the elegantly curved flower chandelier. Levi made a mental note never to let the boy have access to ropes ever again. The young man's pulse skyrocketed when the boy's eyes shone that very familiar glint again. It was mischief.

Another thing Levi dreaded most because it usually doesn't end very well, for him at least. "Eren, no." He glared at the jovial youngster who's simply giving him a heart attack. At this rate Levi is pretty much sure he'll die young of a heart attack one day.

"Eren, yes!" Eren chimed, untying himself of his safety rope.

"Eren, dammit! Listen to me for once--You little-" If Eren lives through this, he'll kill him. "--Eren, fuck no!"

"Eren, hell yes!" The boy giggled and launched himself at the man fearlessly.


A loud thud echoed in the quiet hallways of the palace interrupting the work of two maids, in charge with polishing the floor, they both paused and stared at the empty halls ahead.

"What was that Nina?" The blonde maid mumbled warily, eyes darting around.

"I dunno, think the rumors were true about the halls being haunted?" The other maid who had black hair grinned, her statement successfully shaking up her companion.

"Stop saying that! It's not funny!" The other huffed and turned away. "Just keep working darn it!" The raven haired girl just giggled and nodded.

The two simply continued their work, abandoning the subject. Today was a big day and guests would be wandering about the castle several hours from then on.


Grunting, Levi pushed himself up halfway resting his upper body's weight on his elbows. He narrowed his eyes at the grinning boy resting on top of him, the little bastard. Eren rested his chin over his folded arms as he rested on Levi's abdomen, his eyes were shining brightly with unspoken glee. "You caught me again.." He mumbled his grin softening up to a sincere gentle smile.

"Indeed I did.." Levi growled out, his back slightly stinging from his backward fall. "I might let you fall next time though, you little fucker."

Eren laughed and hooked his arms around Levi's strong neck, snuggling on the adolescent's chest. "You always say that, silly! But you never do it!" His little heart thumped happily being so close to his guardian; he liked this position the most really especially after pulling a stunt. He would listen to Levi's quickened heartbeats that would begin to calm a minute later.

"You never know.. I might." Levi halfheartedly insisted back, his words contradicting his actions. His hands were threaded into the boy's chocolate locks, gently petting the boy. "You are quite the pain in the ass." That earned him another fitful of giggling from the boy. They both stayed like that for some time until Levi spoke again. "Happy birthday, brat.."

The boy made a soft affirming sound at the back of his throat.

"Tch, how old are you today? Twenty?" Eren laughed and hit him on the chest weakly.

"You dummy! I'm ten!" That's right; he's served Eren for three years already. Three blissful years since that night of their first meeting, it only seemed like it was a while ago. Levi could still remember the music, the clattering of people's shoes that was rivaled by their vocal conversations. He could still remember the first time he's laid his eyes on the boy. Eren was nothing special to him at that time.

Now Eren was his everything.

The young prince himself was the color palette of his life, the one who gave him something more than duty to live for.

"Right, right.. Ten years old now eh?" Levi let out a soft chuckle. "I guess I should personally tell the king to cancel the dancing girls, no booze, definitely no to the--Oohf!" Eren hit his chest again only a bit harder than before.

"Stoooop!" Eren tried to act serious about this but the smile on his face said otherwise. The man below him just gave him a crooked grin in return.

"Yes, yes." Levi finally sat up bringing Eren up with him; he stood up with ease even with the boy clinging onto him. "Let's go then? Breakfast should already be ready. God, why do I still suffer all this babysitting..?" He knew why.

"Because I'm your brat?" Eren said hopefully, batting his long eyelashes at the man trying to look innocent. Levi snorted at that, though that was partially true.

His true job was being Eren's survey scout but only Levi could handle Eren's extremities without having a heart attack on the spot, although he was pretty sure he'll die young because of the mischievous prince. And so because Levi was the only man in the castle who could actually keep Eren at bay and prevent him from hurting himself, all the extra responsibilities of babysitting the prince fell on his hands. Not that he had any deep grudging complaints about it anymore, he grew used to it and it became a proper routine. He always watched Eren through all the blood, sweat and tears.

"Tch, you're everyone's brat.. Henceforth the nickname "Little Lord Brat"." Levi replied sounding indifferent as usual but he was content inside just being able to spend every day like this with Eren, but he wouldn't dare say that outloud. Nope. That would only make the prince twice as smug than he usually is already.

Eren huffed. "You started that nickname you know!"

Levi's lips twitched upwards slightly. "Hm. So I did."


Levi had always been able to read Eren well, for three years he's known the boy it was never hard to tell what Eren felt. The boy was an open book, he wore his emotions openly, his heart was literally just up his sleeves and lastly his eyes were an open window.

Eren sat in the middle of a large dining table that could fit a whole village occupying it's seats, alone. His eyes downcast at his food while he poked at his cheese filled omelet with a fork, he barely took a bite out of it just yet. The child tried his best to keep his mouth into a straight line.

It was a great switching contrast to how happy the prince looked just earlier. "Mom and dad are..?" Eren didn't even need to finish that sentence to Levi anymore, for the numerous of times he's already uttered the same question to the young man already.

Levi stood just by Eren's side, his formal position as he went on his guard mode. "They're currently having a meeting with the grand duke.." Eren went silent, his poking ceased and his frown wasn't concealed anymore.

"Levi?" Bright eyes turned to look at his silent companion, "Won't you eat with me today?" Hopefulness lacing his voice and sounding meek about it all the same time.

"I'm sorry, Eren." Levi paused, trying to put it lightly. "I already ate before I woke you up.."

Eren sighed and returned to poking his meal and rested his chin on a folded elbow. "But you'd never say no if my mom and dad asked you, with or without eating beforehand.." He said dejectedly. God, why was it so hard to say no to him? This was the answer; Eren looked like a wounded angel when he was dejected or disappointed at something.

And that never failed to tug at Levi's heart for some reason.

"Fine.." Levi snapped a finger at a bystanding maid. "You, get me tea. Earl Grey." He said with authority as the maid nodded quickly before scrambling away.

That was enough to make Eren light up like a lamplight in a dark cave. Levi inwardly sighed in relief mentally.

No one wanted a sad prince on their birthday and no matter how much of an ass Levi might actually be in reality, even he wasn't that much of a prick. Besides he was just that attached to the boy, he wasn't kidding himself though.

He's absolutely smitten for Eren.

Without wasting too much time thinking and cursing about Eren's strong hold on him, Levi took a seat on Eren's left. The prince was delighted but it wasn't enough to bask Eren's distress for his always missing parents. It wasn't like Eren didn't understand it, he did he truly did but he just wanted time with his loving parents like all kids wanted. It was a natural reaction.

Levi wished he could do something about that, but he knew that no matter what he'd do, no one else but the king and queen could fill that gap in Eren's heart.

The maid returned with Levi's tea, delicately placing it in front of the mature adolescent. He nodded in approval in the pristinely cleaned teacups, the last time a maid got him a cup with watermarks he had to use his thuglike vocabulary to educate her. It didn't end well. The maid was traumatized and had to be relocated to another mansion.

That day maids were given a grim reminder.

In midsip of his tea, from the corner of his eyes he saw Eren take a small bite from his toast and milk. At last he was eating. That was a good thing, it meant that he was cheering up and he was cheered up enough to actually eat.

"Why do you like tea?" Levi paused to look at Eren.

"Because it cleanses the body of filth.. It's healthy."

"Oh." Eren stared at the cup he was holding. "Why don't you put milk in it or even sugar?"

Levi smiled mentally, now Eren's switched to his inquisitive mode. He would usually ask adorably senseless and thoughtless questions. It was cute but Levi knew it'll start to get repetitive and annoying pretty soon. But since it was Eren's birthday, he'll indulge the boy.

"I like things plain." Levi answered, picking his words wisely for the boy. "It tastes fine as it is."

The boy blinked and tried to imitate Levi's scowl, but turned out into a little pout instead. "That's pretty boring.. Why not put in a lump or two?" He asked pointing at the sugar container. "You know, for a change? Or milk?" Eren didn't seem to budge with Levi's resting bitch-face look. "I mean what's the point of the maid putting that stuff there if you're not gonna use it?"

Levi made no move; he gave Eren a good long reprimanding look.

"I like it this way Eren, they put the tea condiments there for etiquette.. and if I have company I'd let them use it." He said lifting his cup for a sip. "Do you want to try it?" Bright-eyes perked, "With sugar and milk?"

Eren quickly nodded his head and smiled as he watched the older boy pour him tea in an empty cup and saucer.

Levi handed it over to Eren gently. "Hold it with both hands-Yes, that's right. Very good, Eren." Nodding at the boy as he observed him further, watching Eren's small hands put milk and sugar in his own tea.

"I still don't understand why you hold your teacup like that.." Eren said pointing out the obvious while he stared at Levi's right hand that held up the cup firmly. It almost surprised Levi that Eren didn't question him that until now. This wasn't the first time they drank tea together, and the fact that they during dinner Levi still held his cup or goblet the same way.

"I can't really remember why, but-" Now that he thought about it he really can't recall why. "I guess I was never comfortable with holding it normally." He left it with that but amusement flashed in his eyes when he saw Eren try and do it too. "Eren, no. You'll drop it; your hands are too small."

Eren being stubborn as usual he ignored that. "I can-"



Not resisting rolling his eyes, Levi chuckled. He couldn't bring himself to scold Eren right now because for one thing, that was absolutely adorable. He won't lie about it. Already deciding against scolding, he went for the second alternative, tease Eren. "I told you so."

Eren immaturely puffed out his cheeks and glared at Levi as venomously as he could, which wasn't scary as much to begin with. "Shut up."

"No way, I'll never let you live this one down." Levi took another sip as he said so then he continued, "Along with the bathroom incident number two, the mud pit incident, the horse incident, the-"

Eren groaned in despair, Levi had piled up too much of his mess-ups. Now he can't live anything down.

"I hate you sometimes."

"I know, my prince. Now eat your breakfast."


Levi followed Eren dutifully as they greeted the guests that had come earlier, specifically the children. He already wore his uniform by that time, his rapier strapped onto his side half of the glimmering silver metal was lidded by his long tailcoat. It was passed three in the afternoon and Eren was already bored despite having fun just a while ago when they had permission to play with the animals in the stables. You'd think that parents wouldn't allow that, especially the nobles and yes by the kind of expressions they had on their faces, they were slightly appalled by Eren asking their kids to come over to the stables and play but of course they put on their kind façade in front of the prince. And Eren, though he was smart in more ways than Levi could count, was still much too pure to see through that kind of act. Too innocent.

And Levi would like to keep it that way.

"Leviiii.." Eren whined tugging on his sleeve. "I wanna ditch them now." He uttered the last part, hoping only Levi heard that.

Raising an eyebrow Levi knelt in front of Eren, so they could communicate better at a low volume. Levi looked around and made sure no one was paying any attention to them. "Eren," He said seriously. "You know you can't just ditch them. You'll get into trouble. I'll get into trouble. Your mother and father won't be happy." He tried to reason with the boy, so he won't get any ideas.

Eren fidgeted with his cuffs and sighed. "Okay," He sent Levi a half smile. "But only because you said so."

Those words made something in Levi flip but he ignored it. He was happy Eren was listening to him right now.

"Good." Levi rose and watched Eren walk very slowly back to the crowd of kids that chattered, it was as if he was stalling the process of returning to them. The boy hid his slight dejection but his body language couldn't lie. Levi almost felt bad for not trying to help Eren with a solution to get away, it was his birthday after all, and he should be able to decide what he wanted to do next. Still Levi decided against that because despite of how he wished to, he couldn't just break the rules. Not even for Eren.

Keeping his stance straight, Levi kept his eyes trained on his young charge. His devotion to his job was unrelenting that one would think he could stand under the heat of the sun for days or even weeks if it meant watching over Eren, on Levi's case however, it would've been impossible for him to even stay in one spot too long since Eren is just the type who cannot sit in one place for too long but that's unless there was an event, such as the one that's going on right this minute. Levi could almost feel Eren's displeasure and agony over it, he knew the boy wanted to do other stuff.

Steel grey eyes softened in the smallest bit, someone had seemed to have told Eren something funny. The boy laughed and that was enough to ease Levi a little. He knew that if Eren's boredom level hit its lowest point, in spite of his promise earlier, he will find his way out of it. Levi wanted nothing of that and most certainly have none of that, especially today. Important guests were coming tonight and the prince needed to be there and Levi had to make sure he stays there. Levi tried to think positive outcomes,(Hanji would probably laugh at that statement.) and not the impending doom he would have to face and mischievous schemes of his young prince. The hardest part of this job was predicting what Eren's got in store for him.

Predicting the unpredictable, it's like asking for a penguin to fly when it comes to predicting Eren.


"No waaay, I have to pick someone to dance with..?" Eren whined, he did not want to do that. They had retreated to his bedroom to change into his formal wear, to which the maids presented onto his bed neatly. An emerald suit with a tailcoat, perfect. Just what Eren needed. The boy stared at his monkey suit like he was given rags to wear, and in this case he'd prefer rags too.

Levi shooed away the maids so he could dress Eren himself, the boy insisted that it was too embarrassing for him to be assisted by girls. He said he'd very much prefer Levi since they were both men. "Yes, Eren. You have to," He said with a firm yet gentle tone, he didn't want to push the boy into it but social dancing should already be in Eren's to-do list by today. "Your parents will be there." Levi added, with hopes that it would spark that fire of determination in Eren's eyes, a light that brightens up his beautiful turquoise orbs that made Levi feel like his chest soars, welling up with so much pride knowing this young prince was his serve and protect.

There it was, pretty eyes brightening.

"Okay." He said with little enthusiasm but the look in his eyes proved enough for Levi that he would do it. The small hands gripped onto his dress shirt, gingerly putting them on.

Levi nodded. "Good boy, now sit down so I can help you with your suit.." The teen knelt in front of the little prince who obeyed and sat onto the bed. He buttoned the silken white cream dress shirt for Eren before slipping in the teal inner vest, buttoning it up as well. He picked up Eren's blazer and helped him slip into it. "Looks good. You look like--"

"A jester." Eren cut in.

"--Like a prince." Eren rolled his eyes at the word and crossed his arms. Levi chuckled, tapping Eren on the chin. "Wipe that frown off your face, my little lord. It's a disservice to your people and onto me that such an expression rests on your face.."

With a reddened face Eren gently bit that finger Levi had on his chin. His little heart raced, but to why it was beating so wildly in his chest he really had no idea.

Levi frowned and swiped his fingers on the sheets of Eren's bed. "Gross. So unsanitary."

"Your fault.." Eren stuck his tongue out.

"Tch, now I'm having second thoughts about giving you your present or not--"

"Present?" Eren almost squealed out, he barely contained his tone in asking. "I have a present from you?"

Levi gave him a lazy smirk and nodded. "Yes, like every other year.." He absolutely loved it when he could pull that expression on the boy, watching his bright irises shine with absolute excitement and that beautiful smile to top it all.

"Can I have it now?" He grabbed onto Levi's sleeves. Eyes wide and begging.

"I could give it but I'm still thinking about it.."

A weight was suddenly resting upon the man as the spoilt prince wrapped his arms over Levi's neck and his face pressed on the man's chest, the cravat that Levi always wore tickled his nose. "Pleeeeease?" He dragged it out, he looked up trying to get Levi to give in.

Their faces were dangerously close.

Levi gulped quietly and pushed Eren off him ever so gently. He masked his reaction well. "Alright, alright.. Enough with the puppy look, you already know I'll give it to you anyway." He reached into his pocket. "Close your eyes."

The boy did as he was told and shut his eyes quite tightly.

With expertise, Levi dragged a soft cottony material around Eren's neck, tying the fabric loosely yet securely.

"Okay, you can open them."

Eren opened his eyes and looked down at his present. "Its like yours!" He grinned. "Hanky thinggie!" He laughed pointing at Levi's own.

"Not a 'hanky thinggie'." He gently ruffled the boy's soft brown locks. "It's called a cravat. And this one has your name on it." Levi said, dragging his thumb on the tip where Eren's name was embroidered neatly in red cursive writing. "Do you like it?"

Hugging the man as he asked the question, "I love it!" He said sweetly onto Levi's chest.

Levi stiffened but related quickly, resting his chin on the boy's head. "Good, I'll give you the rest of your present later."

"There's more?" Eren asked incredulously, looking up at the man who held him close.

"You'll see later.." Levi replied dismissively.

"Leeeviiiiiii.. You can't just tell me that and then not give it to me!" He huffed.

"Later, we'll be late." He said that but didn't make any move to release the boy, not that Eren wanted to leave his comforting hold.

"Please?" Eren persisted.


"Who's birthday is it?"


"Ugh, yours." Levi sighed, Eren's getting smarter. He wasn't sure if he liked that. "Fine, I'll give you a piece of your main present."

Eren looked very pleased with himself.

"Open your palms."

He opened up his small hands, excited with what he'll be getting next.

A cool touch made his fingers twitch. He stared in bewilderment when his eyes took in an elegantly shaped key with a leather string resting through it's hoop. "A.. Key?" He blinked at it owlishly and looked up his pale guardian. "What is it for?"

"That's a surprise for later, come on. We're late." Levi, patted his hair and left it at that.

Eren wasn't happy with that but he let it be since his birthday ball was starting very soon. "Okay.. Can you put it on me?" He wanted to wear it too, not just the cravat Levi gave him.

Levi nodded, lifting the key up as Eren turned from him. He undid the knot of the sturdy leather string and re-did it around Eren's neck.

"Thanks Levi..!" Eren chimed, hiding the key in his dress shirt so it wouldn't catch onto the lace dresses he knew the ladies would wear. They usually gave the young prince their hugs and greeted him with familiarity. "I can't wait for later.." He told the man. Levi always gave him meaningful presents. Unlike the gifts he'd receive from his father's subjects. Books, dictionaries, Aids to Warfare and all other books he shouldn't even be touching yet. It wasn't for him, it was for the benefit of the kingdom.

The gifts Levi bestowed him with were things he always kept close to his heart, because of the meaning in them. The first year they'd been together as lord and servant, Levi gave him a blank book.

"For your drawings.."

Those words, his seven year old self couldn't really understand at first but then he realized he liked creating pictures but he wasn't able to pursue drawing, his tutors always had the doddled pages he created thrown away. Now he could hide his doodles safely along with his very many collections of books. It was amazing how Levi could see through something he didn't even realize yet himself. Now he stopped doodling but it didn't stop him from keeping the wonderful book, now his little journal, where he wrote his most happiest moments.

The following year in his birthday, he received a jar of star shaped candies.

He remembered why,

"I want a star for my birthday!"

The young prince excitedly told everyone in the dining table, his parents laughed at his impossible request. They told him the stars cannot be reached nor taken from the sky. Levi heard that, and watched as his little prince's smile melted away to a dejected frown. That night he requested to leave the castle to have his sword repaired, the king and queen let him. And also that very night he returned and went straight to the sleeping prince's room.

A jar of stars at hand, he woke Eren up. That evening they stayed up looking out the balcony, observing the stars while nibbling on their own little stars.

That jar was long empty. Eren never did ask for Levi to have it filled with stars again, he knew those stars they had the first time wouldn't taste the same the second time. He kept the jar and made sure Levi saw it everyday, for it sat on his desk, it was empty physically but it held so much meaning to both.

Levi's gifts were not expensive, they were simple, small and made him so happy to receive them. They weren't for the benefit of the kingdom or anyone else's. Those gifts were for him, for his happiness. Everything Levi did wasn't just for his duty for the kingdom but for Eren, just simple Eren. Not the prince.

And so this year he was curious about Levi's next gift.

Though knowing Levi's gifts, he wouldn't be disappointed and it would be worth the wait.

"Let's go, my prince." Levi reached a hand towards him.

Eren gladly took it and giggled.

Levi raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"You," Eren plainly said, a joyous smile playing on his lips. "It's funny, Levi. You're actually more of a prince than I am."

With pursed lips Levi analyzed the accusation carefully. "Eren, at this year and age, everyone's more princely than you are."

"Hey! I was giving you a compliment!"


He watched the little boy mingle with his guests. Levi knew Eren was struggling to keep his polite face on, he didn't want to embarrass his parents if he got bratty. But that task is easier said than done, especially since the king wasn't here to keep the nosy and the pompous ones at bay.

"My, look at you! You're growing quite fast aren't you your highness?" Ah, he thought he smelt a rat. Levi resisted the urge to cut through the crowd and make a barrier between Eren and the stench of corruption.

"Hello, commander Dok.." Eren replied with a strained smile, he was smart enough to realize the man had been drinking, judging from his smell.

"Ah good, good. You remember your ol' father's friend." He patted on Eren's left shoulder. This made it hard for Eren to come up with an excuse to leave. "Say, have you picked your first dance yet? I hope not, my daughter Birgitta is dying to dance with you.." The man laughed loudly and boisterously, Eren failed to see what was so funny. His daughter was three years older than Eren, and she had a horrible attitude, Eren had to fight off flinching at the idea of dancing with her. "You know it really pains a father to say no to his daughter, so, I've come to ask you if you'd allow this request of mine to dance with her?"

Struggling to keep a straight face, "I'm sorry, sir. I already promised someone else my first dance.." Eren managed to answer.

"Ah shame, she would've loved to dance with you.." The tipsy man let go of Eren's shoulder and the boy took it as his chance to worm himself away from the crowd. His escape was cut short when the heavy double doors creaked open loudly.

"Presenting, his royal highness King Grisha and her majesty, Queen Carla."

Eren grinned, finally his parents. How he missed them. It felt like a year to him since they last strayed in the same room with him. They were always so busy, his father handling the land expansions while his mother managed to convince his father to help with the foreign trades.

The King Grisha assisted his Queen with her long dress when she was to sit on her throne beside the gallant plush velvety throne by the King.

It would've been improper for him to just run towards them and launch himself at them. But no one can tell him no, it's his birthday after all.

"Mother, father!" He squealed, his little feet working his way quick to where his parents were. Eren allowed himself to be a child in front of the people at last, unable to stop himself at all.

Grisha and Carla accepted his crushing hug and both smiled down on their adorable son.

"Sweetheart, calm yourself.." Carla mused, gently running her gloved fingers on Eren's cheek. "We missed you too."

"Well, I missed you more!" He argued playfully, laughing as his father ruffled his hair.

"I hope you've been behaving yourself for Levi." Grisha grinned, if not for the crows feet beneath his eyes, he still would've made the ladies swoon and not that he didn't already have enough ladies swooning his way, they were just simply subtle about it. But Grisha didn't care for that, he had his beautiful wife, his Queen, by his side already.

"Of course not." Eren answered plainly with a coy smile.

Carla shook her head at her son.

"That's my boy!"

"Grisha, stop encouraging him." Carla sent her husband a glare, reprimanding both with her firm tone.

"Yes, my Queen." Grisha chuckled weakly at her intense gaze. "Though you gotta admit, he's almost as troublesome as I was back in our day.." He wagged his eyebrows suggestively at his wife.

Carla blinked, it was all coming back to her and she sighed dreamily at the memory. "Ah yes.. You used to be so handsome."

"Used to? What are you talking about?"

Eren cringed. "Agh no, gross.. Don't kiss in front of me!" He pouted at his parents. "Geez, if you wanted alone time just say so.." He caught on already, it was probably just his parent's way to shoo him off.

Carla giggled.

Grisha spoke first. "Is it working?" His hand managed to cage in Carla's own.

"Yes, I'm going to Levi." Eren laughed. With that he received kisses from both his loving parents. He scampered off afterwards, as noblemen and politicians flooded after he left his parents.

Now that the annoying old people were distracted by his parents, he was free. Briefly he saw Levi's father, he waved shyly at the older generation, smiling wide when the old Ackerman nodded his way.

Finding Levi was quite easy, he knew that undercut anywhere. However he didn't expect to find Levi surrounded by people, ladies in fact. The man looked very annoyed as they invaded his space.

Eren couldn't understand why his chest prickled with a dull sting. One particular lady was being too overly familiar with his guard, he didn't like the way she put her arms around Levi's strong biceps, he listened to her mouth run about how hard they felt and later on carelessly just simply pressing herself onto the man.

"Levi," He called out. "I'm hungry, could you help me get food off the banquet tables?" Eren said with a sweet smile, it was fake but Levi didn't seen to notice.

Relieved, Levi broke away from the girls. Walking over to his rescuer, taking his hand and led him through the heavy crowd.

Eren immediately grasped Levi's hand and pulled him away from them, now pouting.

A single dark eyebrow raised on Levi's forehead at Eren's pace, the boy could hardly keep up with himself and his little legs. "Are you really that hungry?"

When Eren didn't answer Levi knew that something was bothering him, and as he let Eren lead him he was safe to assume Eren wasn't really hungry and instead of going to the banquets, Eren led him out to the open doors that led to the palace yards. If Levi wasn't too preoccupied with his charge, then he would've been concerned by the lack of palace guards posted on the doorways.

"Eren," Levi called out when the bright eyed boy didn't stop walking, they were now quite far from the event and inching closer to the garden. "Eren, stop." The taller teen pulled his wrist lightly, it was enough to tug Eren backwards to him and make the boy's back touch Levi's thighs yet their hands didn't separate. "You'll get into trouble. We'll get into trouble." Levi scolded.

"Who cares.." Eren mumbled. "I was bored anyway, can't we just go?" Sparkling green orbs met Levi's gunmetal ones as Eren tilted his head back to see Levi's face. The faint light of the stars and the moon reflecting within emerald eyes. "I hate these things. My parents are there but they still don't have time for me." Eren broke their eye contact. "Pretty soon you'll have no time for me too." It didn't take long for Levi to guess what was wrong.

Eren was lonely.

Taking a deep intake of oxygen through his nose, Levi bent down and lifted a surprised prince off the ground. He was gonna get a lot of scoldings from the king and queen later but fuck it. Levi pushed his duties aside temporarily solely for Eren's sake.

"L-Levi?" Confusion plagued Eren's face, his arms immediately wrapping themselves around the latter's neck as he walked. "Wh-where are we going?"

Levi didn't spare him a glance, "To my room." was his curt reply to the confused child.

Three words, those very three words was enough for Eren's face to light up and the sparkle of his eyes grew brighter.


Eren thew off his little blazer, shoes and socks as her ran into the immaculately clean room, gracelessly launching himself onto the soft mattress of Levi's bed, it was nowhere near as soft as his own but it had the young man's scent onto it, despite the overpowering scent of soap and freshly washed fabric. The room itself wasn't as large as Eren's but Eren adored the room nevertheless. No excessive nor massive unused space. He loved the idea of being able to visit and visited as much as he could and as much as he was allowed to visit. Eren didn't want Levi to get into trouble or for Levi to get mad if he overstayed his welcome.

Levi chuckled at Eren, he picked up the disposed clothing that Eren molted off his skin. "Like a pupa to a butterfly.. You can't sit still eh?" He didn't mind the mess Eren was making onto his bed, if it were any other brat he would've kicked them out already or scarred them for life.

"Mmmhm! Nope!" The brunette laughed as he grabbed a pillow and held it close to his chest while he sat there on the bed with crossed legs. His emerald eyes glued on Levi, observing as he folded his blazer and socks.

The shoes were put away and as Levi finished his folding, he too stripped off his uniform jacket, folding it as well placing it over a chair by his desk. Levi left on his dress shirt and white pants, his cravat was loosened and left hanging on his neck and shoulders and had two buttons undone on his dress shirt, exposing the pale skin beneath. The leather belt that held his deadly rapier was placed beside the bed.

"I told the guards that you felt tired, that way your parents won't worry much.. We just need to make sure we're back in time for the first dance." Levi said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Eren?" He eyed at the quiet kid, whose face was halfway buried onto a pillow.

"But I'm fine.." Eren weakly supplied, his face was hidden well halfway, it was enough to block off the strange heat onto his cheeks.

Lifting a hand, Levi gently ruffled the boy's hair. His usual stone cold stare was softened considerably. "I know.. But how else was I supposed to get you out there?"

"Oh. Thanks Levi." Removing his face off the pillow, he canted towards the soft touch the stoic raven offered. His heart felt warm.

"Besides," A small smirk spread on the older male's lips. "I still have a present to give you.."

Eren blinked, a huge grin splitting onto his face. "Really!?" He was bounced excitedly on his place.

"Yes, before a tidal wave of presents arrive. I saw nobles pile up their gifts towards the servants and had them delivered in your sleeping quarters.." Levi welcomed the child that crept onto his lap, wrapping two arms around the little prince.

"I'll like yours better anyway!" Eren buzzed with life and excitement, "You give me the best gifts.." He mumbled while pressed onto the man.

Levi slightly quirked his lip upwards, his hands went for loosening the cravat he gave Eren a little. "Take that key out first, kid." Eren nodded at him, grabbing the key and eased it out of his shirt. He removed it from his neck and gave it to Levi. His eyes were bright with wonder, Levi almost thought that Eren was living up to his nickname. Bright eyes.

Eren moved when he felt Levi shift, the young man stood up and walked towards his closet, key at hand. Levi opened the doors and pulled something out at the very corner of the closed, a royal blue trunk with beautiful rose metal guards in each corner.

The medium sized box was placed onto Eren's lap, Levi lifted the key.

"I'll show you how to open it." Levi slipped the key in. "Turn the key clockwise all the way," Demonstrated it. "Until you hear a soft click." A click echoed in the room. "Then counter clockwise until you hear the second click." The secondary click, then followed by the box's lid opening.

"Wow.." Eren leaned closer, prying it open. His eyes widened in surprise with it's contents, the book Levi gave him on his first birthday with the man by his side and next to it the empty jar that once held precious stars. Levi must have snuck into his room and took them without him noticing. His heart melted at the realization. Levi got him a treasure box. Now he had a safe place to keep his little treasures.

Another thing caught his attention..

Seeing smaller box inside, it looked like a little jewelry box, not as extravagant as his mother's jewelry box but it was tiny, it was beautiful however, it didn't have jewels protruding it's sides nor any bedazzlement. Eren picked up the box with a delicate hold in his hands, eyes moving to meet Levi's. The scout nodded and that was his cue, opening the box.

A soft melody filled the quiet room.

"This was my mother's," Levi said, Eren snapped his gaze back up at the man. Why would Levi give away something so precious? "It plays her lullaby, I've never met her but my aunt knew the song well. She sung to me as a child every night.. Somehow even without meeting my mother, as long as I listened to this little box, it always felt like I knew her."

Eren held the box dearly as the spring stopped rotating, the music halting too.

"Teach me the words..?"

Levi stared down at the boy with a straight lipped look. Eren felt nervous, thinking he had pushed too far and made Levi upset.

"Alright, listen close.."


Levi grunted, opening his eyes with a challenge. Fuck, he had fallen asleep. He stared at the sleeping boy in his arms, trying to get past the grogginess he felt. Sighing, he cursed his carelessness but as he glanced at the grandfather clock his room had, he was relieved to see that his sleep was only fifteen minutes short, but an entire hour since they left the ball. Levi felt a small burst of panic rise within him. Shit, they were in trouble. They strayed away from the ball too long.

Surveying the bed, Levi put away the music box and sealed it in the blue trunk, the key at hand.

Glancing down at Eren's curled form, his panic and slight guilt went away. Even in sleep the boy had an amazing calming effect on him. Levi bent down and gently pecked the boy's forehead. His little ritual, he does it whenever no one was looking, especially Eren.

"Mhm.. More." Eren mumbled softly, eyes peaking open.

Levi moved back as if scalded with boiling water. "You're awake." He stated surprised. "Forgive me, my prince."

A flash of hurt reflected within Eren's eyes. "..Then.." He murmured, his hands gripped onto Levi's creased sleeves. "Kiss Eren. Not the prince," From the corners of his eyes there were some tears forming but didn't fall. "You do it every night, right?"

Levi was beyond the level of surprise, he was taken aback, he was shocked. Eren was awake those many times he's lovingly planted kisses on his face?

"If your duty is to the prince.. Then what's left for Eren." The brunette said with a small dejected voice. "If you care about the prince, then why is Eren any different?"

This wasn't fair, this was wrong in so many levels. How can Levi do this?

Eren should not be spewing suck adult like things, a child shouldn't be saying these things!

Levi opened his mouth to reply.

But whatever sound Levi tried to make was shadowed by a loud explosion. Screaming and loud thuds of running echoed from the halls.

"Levi--" Eren yelped when Levi stood and grabbed his small body. "What was that?" He asked in panic but Levi didn't respond.

With his reflexes, Levi quickly grabbed his idle weapon. Mind focusing on keeping Eren safe. Everything else forgotten.

"No, aaahh!" Eren strongly objected on it, he was hauled like a sack of potatoes, Levi grabbed a cloak from his desk quickly and ran out the room. "No! Answer me, Levi!" He hit the man's back with balled fists.

The hallway was in chaos, the guests ran, the maids as well. The soldiers were on evacuation, leading the people out the best they could. The air was humid, the scent of burning wood fillled Levi's nose and above him dark smoke flew on the ceiling.

Eren stiffened and gripped tight onto Levi.

"My lord!" A guard rushed to Levi. "My lord!!" He frantically called after Levi as he pushed past the moving bodies. "Final orders from the king and queen.." The soldier didn't hold back his tears. The beloved king and queen. "Escape with the prince!! Trust no one!! The traitors wear the crest of the kingdom! RUN!"

The king and queen has fallen.

Levi didn't wait, he didn't even give Eren time to mourn.

"Mother..! Father!!" The boy cried out, trying to escape Levi's hold. "No! Let me go!! Levi!! Take me back!!" Loud sobs racked from him, he hit Levi's back furiously.

The steel eyed scout ignored his cries.

"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!"

'I'm sorry, Eren.'


Eren's sobs didn't die down, he clung onto Levi as they raced into the stables. Levi didn't pause, he only grabbed what they needed. A small emergency bag was stored in the cabinets behind the the hay blocks. Contained medical supplies and dried food rations. Levi put a black cloak over himself and secured the bag on the horse.

The only thing left was..

"Mommy.. Daddy..." Eren softly whimpered, fat tears rolling down his cheeks, his little palms couldn't even begin to wipe them all.

This burned Levi. He knelt down and cupped the boy's cheek, only to have his hand slapped away.

"No! Don't touch me!" Eren screamed at him, eyes dull and held grief. "I hate you!! This is all your fault!" It was unreasonable childish accusations yet that didn't make it hurt any less.

Wordlessly, Levi wrapped Eren with a cloak. He watched the young prince cry his heart out.

A minute later, Eren looked up through tearful eyes. "L-levi..." He wheezed, throwing his arms around the silent man.

No more words needed. Levi merely embraced him in return. "I'm sorry too." He nuzzled onto Eren's hair. "We have to leave Eren.." They had to escape somehow. It appears that the fire had spread in the castle already.

"Don't leave me...I'm sorry.." Eren brokenly whimpered onto his chest. Levi gently pulled the cravat Eren wore on his neck and used it to wipe away the tears.

Not holding back, Levi pressed his lips onto the boy's sweaty forehead. Levi squeezed him close, in his pocket he dug out the key, returning it to it's rightful place. Around Eren's neck where it rightfully belonged. A cool hand caressing the rounded, flush cheeks that were still damp from the tears.


He lifted Eren and mounted the horse, the boy pressed up against his chest more than ever. Time was running out.

They fled.


It was worse than he thought, Levi was frozen as they rode past the village. The houses were in flames, there was crying everywhere, so much despair. Levi gritted his teeth as he saw a woman crying for her bleeding child, around her soldiers fought, soldiers against soldiers. It was hard to tell apart the enemies. Trust no one.

"Levi.." Eren cried, his eyes widened in horror.

Levi blocked Eren's eyes, pushing the boy into his chest once more. He didn't need to see this. "Don't look."

Shiganshina was falling.

Somewhere in there, Levi knew. His friends were fighting too, his family. He cursed silently, he can't join them and he had no way possible to even find out if they were alright. If they were still alive.

'Father.. Mikasa, please. Fuck.. Live.'

A small hand gripped onto his knuckles, he held on the horse's reins tightly that his hand turned white. Levi looked down to meet terrified emerald eyes. There was grief, fear, and hopelessness in them. Oh the poor young prince.

"I'm scared..."

That's right, there was no time to hesitate, he can't look back. Levi needed to get Eren to safety. In the forests where the old abandoned training facility owned by the scouts. He needed to get there until things died down. It was irritatingly far away but if his memory served him right during lectures it was the safest place away from the kingdom, there should also be small remote villages that they could pass by.

And if all else fails, in which Levi hopes he'd never have to do, there was his last option.

Take Eren to the Underground slums beneath Shiganshina.

There were many tunnels leading towards the underground city. Too many to even count outside the walls of the palace. If the odds were against them Levi might need to do just that, he'd have to put his distaste for the place aside if it meant it would protect Eren just long enough for this chaos to die down. Levi knew nothing of this, politicians, the rules of monarchy, he only had the weigh of the idea swimming in his head that all that would befall on Eren's shoulders. That made Levi angry. He was powerless over that fate and for Eren to have to step up someday to his father's throne, it just made his heart ache. Grisha made it look so easy. He was a great king.

But all great things fall hard, the best example, no matter how dark an example it may be, was the burning city of Shiganshina.

Eren's cries were muffled by the cloth of Levi's cloak, he had his face pressed against it. They didn't want to look back and they couldn't.

In the midst of their escape, Levi's ears picked up faint yelling behind them, followed by clacking of horses' hooves. This was bad, it appears that they were noticed.

"Fuck.. I hesitated too long." Levi hissed and his arm that held Eren in place pulled the boy in closer as they went. "Eren, I know you're scared!" He didn't want to have to do this, exposing the boy to fear but it was necessary for their survival. "I need you to look behind me! Count how many they are!"

To say he was scared was underestimating it, now, Eren was just terrified. For Levi's sake he bravely moved his head to peek over the man's shoulder. Their hope to escape was draining away gradually.

Three.. Four..

Five riders in full armors, dressed as soldiers. The very act tarnished the name and crest of Shiganshina.

"F-five!" Eren whimpered. His eyes brimming with tears once more. Dread blooming in his chest when one rider lifted up a bow and arrow. "Levi!! They're firing!!"

Levi cursed and pushed Eren's head back into his chest, swerving the horse in a hasty turn, leading to the forests. He needed to lose them.

A faint whistling of an arrow whizzing past Levi's arm, nipping on his clothes, it signified it wouldn't be an easy task. More arrows were fired, it was already difficult enough to avoid the deadly fires, now the trees that protruded from the soils of the forest were also beginning to become another set of obstacles, the moonlight was his only source of light.

And finally when Levi thought there was hope as he saw the end of the tree maze, three of the worst possible scenarios happened simultaneously.

They didn't head for a clearing, they directly ran into a roaring river gap and the sharp pain of an arrow plunging into his back made him lose his grip on the reins of their stallion.


"Levi!!" Was Eren's mortified cry as they both barreled off the horse. Little fingers slipped off from their hold on Levi's shirt, the wind cutting through their linked bodies, severing th connection.

He failed to catch Eren.

The impact of their bodies into the cold unforgiving torrents of the river ripped them apart further.

Darkness coated his world.




The stars twinkled as they lit the sky on a moonless night, enticing the eyes of a hooded rider. A cold unforgiving nip of the wind made the dark animal he mounted on neigh and stomp a hoove. A pale calloused hand moved to stroke the horse's cheek. Eyes stared up again at the sky, the scent of pine trees filling his senses. The black horse didn't cease her stomping.

"Hush, Jade.. You're making too much noise." He said in nothing but a mere whisper, meant for his mare.

"Big bro!!" A girl called from behind, he turned to see a pigtailed girl jogging towards him. "We finished up setting the camp! Ya done surveying the place?"

"Yes," The man answered, removing himself off the horse. "No wolves in sight. No signs of bear tracks either. I've already set traps in case." He met her eyes briefly then ripping himself away from the gaze. Bright eyes just like his yet not as bright as his. The eyes that haunts him in his deams until now.

"Big bro?"

"It's nothing Isabel.. You go first, I want to look at the stars longer." He handed the reins of his mare to Isabel's palm. "Take Jade too, she's probably tired from riding all day. The little shit wont stop neighing."

"Kay!" She didn't leave just yet. "I hope you tell us one day too," Isabel mumbled looking down on her feet. "Me and Farlan, we're your friends you know." Whatever haunted this man. "Tell us about them, who you're thinking of whenever you look at my eyes and the stars.."

Without turning to face her, he kept his gaze locked up with the stars. "If it were that simple. I believe things will be different if I did." Oh the things he would willingly give to turn back time, just to hold the boy that he held dear in his heart. The boy that was his whole world.

"We'd still be your friends either way.." She smiled but didn't fight it through. "We'll still care, Rivaille. Just trust us."

If only she knew.



Later on, Tall!Levi X Short!Eren. Just give Levi time for his late and miraculous growth spurt XD.... Actually and technically since Eren is still a child in this chapter Levi's kinda tall already.

Oh cliche I know. Hope you guys enjoyed xD

The prologue is hella long because I didn't want to half ass the story and character development and the budding romance between Levi and Eren.

Don't expect a super long chapter next time though.. Because my fingers just fell off.

And once again to the beloved readers of The Bitter and The Sweet. Thank you for seeing through the end of it.

Now begins a new journey!

And I cannot wait to write it!


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