You're a Wizard, Justin: Roun...

By MoonofNeptune

36K 612 248

Justin Bieber goes to Hogwarts. More

You're a Wizard, Justin: Round Two
Part 3
Part 4
Part either 4 or 5 I'm too blonde to remember
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
-Note to Readers-
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19

Part 2

2.1K 29 11
By MoonofNeptune

Special thanks to: LoveLikeWoe4


I quickly scurried inside before anyone else saw my duck tail. I practically shoved my trunk and owl into some random compartment before sitting down and covering it up with a pillow. I looked up to see where I had sat down. Across from me sat a girl with brown, shoulder-length hair, middle bangs, bright pink braces, and brown eyes peered out through a huge pair of glasses. In her hand was the latest addition of Pop Star! Magazine, with my face plastered on the front.

"Oh. My. God. You're-You're-You're," she stammered.

I covered her mouth with my hand. "Don't scream, or else I will never speak to you again."

"Justin Bieber's hand is covering my mouth. This could not be more awesome!" she gave a muffled squeal.

I took my hand away and sat back down in my seat. "Don't tell anyone I'm here," I warned her.

"I won't," she said in her nasally voice "I'm Gretchen Marvin Norvicrinkle. You can just call me Gretchen," she said, snorting and pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Um, okay." I looked down the aisle, hoping to see Beth. But she was nowhere to be seen.

"I know all about you," she said, her eyes wide as she clutched the magazine closer to her.

"Who doesn't?" I continued to peer down the aisle.

"You're from Stratford, Ontario, you were born at 12:51am on March 1st, 1994. You love hockey, the color purple, The Notebook, sour patch kids, grapes, and bananas. You like girls who are down-to-earth. You had to leave the My World Tour because you were terminally ill," she rambled.

"Terminally ill? That's what they told you?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Yeah. With AIDS," Gretchen said.

I snorted, knowing how much of a lie that was. Gretchen made a dash from her seat to mine, inching so close to me she was practically on my lap. She smelled like baby powder and moth balls. I inched away from her. She inched closer. I inched further away. She inched even closer. It got to the point where I fell off the chair.

That was when I tried to make a run for it. I scrambled up, grabbing the doorhandle for support. As soon as I opened the door and stuck my torso out, she grabbed my pants and yanked me back. I flew back into the compartment. "You. Are. All. Mine." Gretchen emphasized. 

I crawled swiftly between her legs, making a second escape attempt. This time, she grabbed my pants, but I was prepared. My hands caught the door, keeping me from flying back into the lair of evil. I began to scream. A passerby looked at me strangely. I could picture how wierd this must look, Me suspended in mid-air, screaming like a girl while a nerdy, obsessive fan yanks on my pants.

A group of people began staring. Luckily, I pulled through and managed to yank free from Gretchen. However, as I started bolting down the train, I felt an odd sense of airiness around my crotch. I looked down and realized that I was stark naked from the hips down. Gretched had yanked off my pants. Despite my nakedness, I continued to run down the train. To add effect, I screamed, "SCREW HOGWARTS I DO WHAT I WAAAAAAAAAANT!"

Luckily, I managed to find Beth's compartment and scrambled in there. She was in there by herself, just staring at me.

I'm going to have trouble getting out of this one.

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