Shattered • Stiles Stilinski...

By ArgentWarrior

808K 19K 12.7K

❝I feel like I'm going to break into a million pieces.❞ They went a whole summer without any kind of supernat... More

Poor Betsy
Blanket of Darkness
Code Blue
Welcome Home Autumn
Risk and Reward
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Sassy hour with Peter Hale
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Scream, Autumn.
Authors note :)
The Bus Ride of Doom
Glen Capri Motel? No thanks.
There's Always Hope
Weight Lifted
Telluric Currents
Surprise visit
Mission Separate Voltron Wolf
The Wailing Woman
Hospital Chaos
A Moment of Normality
Three More Sacrifices
Saving the day
Figuring things out
Let go, give in
Finding Malia
Scott's the hot girl
K i Ra
Lurking in the Shadows
Masked's me (i had to)
Surrounded by the Oni
Breaking Point
Gut Feeling
Never Trust a Fox
Oh look...I've been tagged
this is awkward
i made a snapchat?
Echo House
Echo House pt. 2
Echo House pt. 3
Youtube Channel
Unbelievable Loss
Divine Move
[Important] Authors Note

Bites, Birds, and Blow Torches

24K 450 398
By ArgentWarrior

Chapter Two 


My boyfriend unwillingly dropped me off at my house after an entire car ride of trying to convince me that the first day of school wasn't important, and that finishing what we started was on the top of his list. So, as you can guess he was not very happy at all when I got out of his jeep to get ready for school. Did I want to continue what we had going on just a little bit ago? DUH. But we just couldn't, at least not today. And yes, I know I'm going to regret it...cause I already do. 

I trudged my way up the stairs towards my room, "Lyds, I'm home." 

And nothing back. 

"Lydia?" I asked, now going towards her room instead of mine. "Are you– OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY." I should know better than to open my sisters door without knocking these days. Recently Lydia's been playing the boy game, I'm assuming trying to get her mind off of Jackson. I've tried to talk her out of it  telling her that it wasn't a good idea to go through boys like this, but does she listen? Nope. I just get the lecture about how it's her life, she's doing what she wants to do, there's no harm in having a little fun, and that she needs a distraction. So, here I am...awkwardly standing in the doorway of her room while she prances around in a leather jacket, which I'm assuming belongs to the random guy making himself at home in her bed. 

"Oh, hey Auttie." She said, walking towards the door. "Time for school already? Man, I guess time sure does fly when you're having fun.." She smirked. 

I faked a gag, "Okay, please spare me. But yeah, it's time to get ready for school...So if you could say goodbye to your friend here, and help me pick out an outfit that'd be great." 

"Hey, I'm Brad." The guy said, peeking from behind Lydia.

He sent me a small wave, so I forced one back. "Hello, Brad. I'm Autumn..." I said awkwardly. You know, I love having a conversation with my sisters one night stand while she prances in his leather jacket, and he stands here covering up his junk with her bed sheets. Highlight of my day. Really. 

"Oh I know who you are, you and your sister tend to come up a lot at my school. Only in good ways of course, I go to–" 

"You're talking too much," My sister said, turning towards him. "I'm sure she doesn't care." 

I nodded slightly, shrugging my shoulders, "I mean...this is a tad bit awkward not gonna lie. So, I'm gonna head to my room now, and pretend this didn't happen. Adios Brad, I'm sure it will be a while before I see you again." .... And that's my cue to leave. 

I briskly walked to my bedroom hoping to walk off the memory of the situation that just went down, but nope....that didn't work. I opened up my door only to be greeted with a spazzing Prada on my bed. "Woah, there Prada...Calm down..." I chuckled. "Did Lydia lock you up in here? You poor thing." I began walking towards my bed when Prada flung herself off of my bed, and basically attacked my ankle. "Ow! Prada! What are doing!?!" I yelled, shoving her away with my hand. Blood began to trickle down to my foot, and she darted out of my room. "What the heck did Lydia do to her?" I mumbled to myself. Prada has never done anything like that before...

"Auttie I– Why are you bleeding?" Lydia questioned as she walked into my bedroom. 

"Prada bit me," I replied as I walked towards my bathroom to get a towel. "What the heck did you do to her?" 

Lydia followed behind me, "She was acting all weird last night and Brad was coming over, so I locked her in your bedroom." She said, shrugging. 

"Oh, cool. So you basically set up a trap for me when I got home? Thanks Lyds, congratulations it worked." I rolled my eyes, and began holding the towel firmly to my ankle in attempt to slow down the bleeding. "If anybody should have been setting up a trap, it should have been me. Did you see my car last night?" 

Lydia let out a sigh, "Look, I didn't have gas in mine and I had to pick up Allison. I didn't really think it would be a big deal..." 

"Lydia, you know I don't mind you borrowing my things as long as you ask. That's why I'm a little upset. The whole deer thing wasn't your fault, it was a freak accident–"

"Okay, but the same thing would have happened if you would have given me permission." She deadpanned. 

I turned my attention to her, "Still would have probably made the situation better." I let out a heavy sigh, "but the important thing is that nobody was hurt...Subject change, is your friend gone?" I asked, going back to nursing my ankle. Where's Mama McCall when you need her?

"I sent him on his way." 

"Lydia, we've had this talk before...I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep doing this. You aren't going to forget about Ja–" 

"Don't say it!" She yelled. 

I began cleaning up the mess I had made, avoiding the daggers I was receiving. "Okay...but you know it's true." 

"Subject change, show me outfits." 


"There's my two favorite boys!" I said, walking in the middle of Scott and Stiles, wrapping my arms around both of their shoulders. This whole thing probably looks extremely awkward since i'm so short, but eh..oh well. "What's going on?" 

I had just gotten inside the school, ditching my sister and Allison for a moment so I could find the boys. Which wasn't hard considering Stiles was once again blabbering loudly about something to Scott, just like he was last year. 

Stiles removed my arm from his shoulder, intertwining our fingers. "Scott wants to ask Derek for help." 

I slid my arm off of Scott's shoulder, using my hand to whack him on the back of the head. "Why, Scott? Why?" 

"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back. So there has to be a way to do it without healing, right?" 

My boyfriends attention was drawn to a board that held missing people flyers on it, and the missing people just so happened to be Erica and Boyd. "Yeah, but still, doesn't he have his hands a little full?" He asked, throwing his hand towards the pictures. 

"Look, these are the applications for the career advisor. I need them sorted." A voice echoed out into the hallway. Stiles began walking towards the voice dragging me along with him, and Scott followed behind. We peeked into the principals office, finding our original principal and thankfully not Gerard. "And whatever happened to the library when I was gone, I want it cleared up. And what is this?" He asked, pulling out Gerard's giant werewolf slashing sword. 

"Uh oh..." I whispered, "I'm out of here. Gotta go meet Allison and Lydia...bye!" I said, speed walking off into the direction of Allison's locker. 


"Freshman. Tons and tons of fresh men." My sister said, gawking at all of the newbies walking around the hallway. 

"You mean fresh boys. Lydia, they're fourteen." Allison said, chuckling as she put the last folder into her locker. 

She shrugged, "Eh, some are more mature than others."

I patted my sister on the shoulder lightly, "Stick with Brad, Lyds." 

"Brad?" Allison asked. 

"You probably don't wanna know..." I whispered to her. 

She nodded lightly, "Ahhh, okay...You know, it's okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person." 

My sister scoffed, "Allison, I love you. So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine. But I don't want a boyfriend–" She said, throwing her hand up on the lockers, looking around the hall as if she was on the hunt for her next prey, "I want a distraction."

All three of us turned towards the other end of the hallway, our eyes meeting two identical twins strutting their way through the crowd, with motorcycle helmets in hand. 

"Brothers?" Allison asked. 

My sister shook her head, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Twins." 

"We better get to class before she has time to pounce," I said, latching onto my sisters arm. "Come on Lydia, time for English." 


I was the first one to walk into our first period English class out of the three of us, immediately sitting next to my boyfriend who had actually beaten me to class for once. Lydia grabbed the seat next to me, which left Allison to sit in the only seat that was available. The seat directly in front of none other than, Mr. Scott McCall. She glanced at me with a sort of panic in her eyes, and all I could do was shrug and send her a telepathic apology. 

"Is someone..?" 

Scott quickly shook his head, "No, no, no...No it's all you, all yours. Uh, it's totally vacant." 

I swear I saw Allison smirk to herself as she took her seat. Scott turned his attention towards Scott and I, and I couldn't help but chuckle as my boyfriend shot a thumbs up that spewed sarcasm. Then at the same time, every single cellphone in the room began going off. I opened up my messages to find a paragraph from some random number. 

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." A woman read, as she walked into the classroom. This was the exact text that was sent to my phone. "This is the last line to the first book book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in my class. Phones off, everyone." Did we all just seriously get a text from our english teacher? And how the heck did she get all of our numbers? 

Ms. Blake ended up assigning us a reading assignment along with questions, which was just busy work to attempt to keep us quiet. We never really did much work on the first day of class, unless it was Mr. Harris who jumped right into the hardest thing he could find just to make us all miserable. "Mr. McCall?" She called out from the front of the room. This grabbed both mine and Stiles' attention real fast. What could have Scott possibly done already to get himself called to the front of the room?

He obviously did something because after she took him out to the hallway, she came back and he didn't. 

"What do you think he did? She's back and he's nowhere to be seen..." I whispered to Stiles. 

My boyfriend shrugged his shoulders, "No idea..." I watched as his gaze moved from my eyes down to my ankle. "Hey, what's that?" He asked, pointing a finger down at the bandage. "That wasn't there when I took you home this morning, at least I didn't think it was. Oh my–Did I do that to you when things got a little–" 

"No..." I said with a chuckle, cutting him off. "Prada went all psycho when I opened up my bedroom door and bit me." I could feel the warmth cover my cheeks as I remembered how my morning started. Definitely should have just stayed home with Stiles...

"Prada? Your dog?" 

I let out a small sigh, dropping my pen on the desk. "No, designer handbag bit me. Yes, of course my dog." I said with a small roll of my eyes. 

"She's never bitten you before, right?" He asked.

I shook my head lightly, "No, she's never done anything like this before." 

Stiles moved his body a little closer to mine, "Okay, what if it's the same thing as the deer? You know, like how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?" 

"An earthquake?" 

"Or something, I just...maybe it means something's coming. Something bad..." 

"Something supernatural..." I mumbled under my breath. 

Stiles nodded quickly, "I have a hunch that's what it probably is..." 

"I mean, but really think about it...its probably just been a freak accident with a deer and my dog. What's the thing you and your dad say about threes? Once, twice–" Before I could get the rest of my statement out, a loud bang sounded against the window causing me to jerk my head around. There was a nice big splatter of blood just chillin there. Lovely. "Um, what just happened?" I asked, turning back towards Stiles. 

Instead of answering my question, his eyes just continued to stare at the blood splatter. Omg, this was number three...definitely something supernatural going on here. Seriously, we are on such a roll with no supernatural crap! I glanced back at the window, as Ms. Blake walked over to try to figure out what exactly happened. 

Then it's almost like the sky was suddenly covered in crows, turning what was once blue, black. They were flying directly towards our classroom, not slowing down one bit. Crows started splatting onto the windows left and right, one finally shattering a window into pieces. They began entering the classroom, going completely ballistic. The class went into full on panic mode, bodies began dropping to the floor and desks were flying everywhere. 

"Get down! Everyone, get down! Get down!" Ms. Blake screamed. 

Stiles quickly grabbed ahold of my hand, dragging me down to the floor and into his chest. Lydia was tucked under her desk attempting to shield herself, so I reached out and pulled her into me, holding her as tight as I could as Stiles kept me close. Since I was basically eating Lydia's hair, I couldn't really see anything but Strawberry blonde locks, but the noises were enough. Screams from both the students and the birds were filling my eardrums. 

Then everything was silent, as if nothing had just happened. Lydia slowly pulled herself away from me, and Stiles pulled myself and him up making sure everything was calmed down for sure before fulling letting me out of his grasp. Black feathers and dead birds covered the desks and floor. "Yup, this was number three...What the heck are we about to deal with?" 


"Is it just me or is Beacon Hills turning into more like beacon for the totally bizarre and supernatural?" My sister asked as she checked her makeup in her locker mirror. 

Allison nodded slightly, letting out a small sigh at the same time as myself. "I just have a really bad feeling about this. I mean, what can be worse than crazy Alphas, and giant paralyzing murderous Lizards?" I asked, leaning my body on the locker beside Lydia's. 

"Who knows...but I least there's only one Alpha we need to worry about. And we have some experience with werewolves." Allison said with a shrug. 

I nodded in agreement, "We obviously know a lot more than we did at the beginning of sophomore year. I–"

"Where's Scott McCall?" A random girl asked, rudely interrupting our conversation. I've never seen this girl before in my life, and Lydia and I pretty much know everybody and anybody. "You're Allison, right?" 

"Yeah, how do you–" "

"Where's Scott?" She asked once again, a sense of urgency in her voice. 

Allison narrowed her eyes, "He had to leave. He was supposed to be back in class." 

"Is he coming back?" She frantically asked, gripping onto Allison's wrist. 

"Hey, easy with the physicality, sweetheart–" Lydia said, before the girl gripped onto her wrist also. 

"Who are you? Let go of them!" She didn't even give me any attention, just stared down the hallway before turning and briskly walking in the direction where I'm assuming she came from. 

I grabbed Lydia's arm as a shade of purple began to appear,  "Well, she bruised me!" My sister complained. 

Allison took a look at her wrist, "Huh, me too." 

I could feel my nostrils flaring, "Where'd that freak go? I'll go give her a nice bruise and see how she likes it! I'll personally knock the living–" I would have gladly continued my rant, but Allison's hand decided to make itself at home on my mouth. 

"Hello, girls." Mr. Argent said, walking up to the three of us. 

"Hey, Mr. Argent." I said with a small wave. 

"Autumn, we gotta go." My boyfriend said, running up to our small group. 

Mr. Argent turned towards my boyfriend, "Hello, Stiles." he just waved back quickly before grabbing ahold of my hand. 

I nodded lightly, "I'll see you girls later?" They both nodded, "Cool. Um, well. It was nice to see you Mr. Argent." 

"Always a pleasure to see you Autumn." 

I smiled lightly getting a small wave out before I was being dragged down the hallway. "Where are we going?" 

"Derek's house." 


"Are you sure you can get this tattoo back on Scotts arm without it healing?" I asked, as my best friend sat in front of the Alpha. It was weird being around Derek again after going four months without seeing him. Four months without being dragged into his werewolf drama at the worst possible times. It's especially weird that we're actually seeing him without having to deal with supernatural stuff, this was semi normal. Okay, not really regular people normal, our kind of normal...I guess... you know what I mean. 

Derek nodded, "Yeah, I see it. Two bands right? What does it mean?" He asked, returning his eyes back to their normal state, replacing the bright red.

Scott let out a heavy sigh, followed by a shrug. "I don't know. It's just something I trace with my fingers." He replied, while tracing the two bands in the dust on the wall. 

"Why is this so important to you?"

"Do you know what the word tattoo means?" My best friend asked. 

"To mark something," Stiles spoke up, sending Derek a small smirk along with a wink. I couldn't help but chuckle at how proud my boyfriend looked for answering the question. He makes an adorable nerd. 

"Well, that's it in Tahitian. In Samoan , it means "Open Wound". I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when i turned eighteen. I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now to make it kind of an award." 

Derek cocked his head to the side, "For what?" 

"For not calling or texting Allison all summer," Scott began, receiving a nod from Derek's end. "Even when I really wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes. I was trying to give her the space she wants. Going four months later, it still hurts. It still feels like a, um uh–" 

"Like an open wound..." Stiles spoke up once again, helping Scott out. 

"Yeah," Scott muttered, shifting his gaze towards the floor. 

I walked closer to my best friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Now the whole tattoo thing makes a lot more should have explained it a little more at the tattoo shop. Maybe Stiles would have gone a little easier on you." I said with a chuckle. "I'm so proud of you, Scott. Really...If I were in your shoes, and Stiles was all the way in Paris for the whole summer...there would be no way I could do what you did...that shows strength. It may feel like an open wound now, but wounds heal. Some take longer, but they do eventually. I think the pain you feel now,'s worth it. You experienced true love, something that not every person out there gets the chance to experience. And you know...wounds a lot of the time end up in scars, but those scars have killer stories behind them. You and Allison have one of the best." 

Scott pulled himself off of the chair, and grasped me into a tight hug. "Thanks for being an amazing best friend, and sticking with me through everything, Otto." 

"I always will, Scotto. I promise...Forever in your pack. You're stuck with me." 

"Derek, do you have any tissues? I think I may cry.." My boyfriend said, pretending to get all worked up. 

"Oh put a cork in it, Stilinski." I said as I pulled out of the hug. "Alright, let's do this thing!" 

Scott chuckled, and returned to his seat in front of Derek. "Alright, I'm ready." 

"The pain's going to be worse than anything you've ever felt..." Derek admitted. 

"Ummm...worse than a gun shot?" I asked, "Cause I mean, I didn't get shot or anything but I've heard ya know from different people, Scott himself, that getting shot isn't pleasant..." 

"Way worse than a gun shot." Derek deadpanned. 

Stiles nodded his head quickly, folding his arms across his chest, "Ah, that's great." 

"Do it." 

Oh, wow. Yup...that's a blow torch. Totally normal...totally safe...yup. 

lol, is it bad I kinda think this may be a little awesome? I mean, people get tattoos everyday by a needle and ink. My best friend tho? Blow torch. 


"Oh, wow." Stiles began, taking the words from my inner thoughts. "That's a lot for me. So, I'm gonna take that as my cue. I'm just gonna wait outside." He began started his way towards the door, before Derek put him to a halt by whipping his hand out colliding it with Stiles' chest. 

"Nope, you can help hold him down." Derek said, as he shoved my boyfriend back. 

"I can help too," I said, placing my hand on Scotts shoulder once again. 

Derek nodded, "Good, Stiles will need all the help he can get." 


Derek ignored my boyfriends comment, and pulled Scotts arm closer. "Oh. My. God." Stiles mumbled. 

I watched as the flames connected with Scotts arm, I've never heard him scream so loud. "Hold him!" Derek yelled. 

"Trying!" I yelled back, as Scott thrashed around under mine and Stiles' grip. "Stiles, do a better job!" 

"I'll get right on that, when I get super strength! Hello, let me remind you I'm only one hundred and forty seven pounds of fragile bone here, babe!" 

Scotts eyes began shifting to there werewolf state, then came the fangs. His screaming was almost unbearable to hear, it sounded like we were literally torturing him to death. His body started breaking out in a cold sweat, and then before I knew it he was out cold. 

"Um, Derek?" 

"He's fine..." 


"Awhhhh, look at my little werewolf's first tattoo! You little Jacob Black wannabe!" I said with a chuckle.

Scott looked at me as his face contorted to confusion, "Who?" 

"Never mind." I said with a shake of my head, " Anyways, this tattoo is definitely permanent. Derek did a lovely job." 

"Yeah, I kind of needed something permanent. Everything that's happened to us, everything just changes so fast. Everything is so, ephemeral."

My eyes widened at what just came out of my best friends mouth, "Did Scott just use the term ephemeral? Oh my gosh, I don't even know what to say. Have you been studying for the PSAT's?" I asked, as we walked to the front door of the Hale house. 

"Yep!" He answered proudly, puffing out his chest. 

He opened up the front door, and I gave it a nice long look. It had definitely been repainted recently, I've never seen this door look so nice. "New paint job Derek? Doing some redecorating?" I asked, still staring at the door. 

"You painted the door. Why'd you paint the door?" Thank you Captain obvious, I didn't just mention that or anything. 

"Go home, Scott." Derek ordered, still somewhere inside the house. 

"Why only one side?" Scott asked, running his hand up and down the fresh coat of paint. 

I folded my arms over my chest, "I mean maybe it's some new werewolf trend or something," I shrugged, "I'm diggin it." 

"Yeah, I don't think that's it..." Stiles whispered from beside me. 

A familiar flicking sound filled my ears, "Hey Scott...Why did you just whip the claws out?" 

I didn't receive an answer, instead Scott just began sliding one of his claws down the door removing the new fresh coat of paint. One claw quickly turned into all ten, and Scott went at that door like there was no tomorrow. Pretty sure I inhaled an unhealthy amount of paint shavings. 

Derek quickly ran over, "Scott!" 

There was some sort of symbol on the door, obviously what Derek was trying to hide. And if Derek is trying to hide this, it can't be good. 

"The birds at school and the deer last night." Scott said, turning his body in the direction of Sour Wolf.  "Just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. How many are there?" 

Huh? How many of what? Deer in Beacon Hills? Well, I would personally say there's a decent amount...

"A pack of them. An Alpha pack." 

My eyes widened, definitely not talking about deer here. "Um, wait hold on...what? An entire pack of Alpha's? Like werewolves? Alpha werewolves? A whole pack?!" I frantically asked. "I mean, how does that even work?" When Allison said there was only one Alpha to worry about, boy was she wrong. So, so, very, extremely wrong...

"I hear there's some kind of leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the past four months." 

Scott walked from out of the doorway back into the house, "Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack?" 

"With all the help I can get." He replied. 

I knew it, here it comes. Scott has to be a hero and help, and if Scott's involved then Stiles and I are involved. I don't wanna be involved, all I freaking want is some Mac and cheese, Netlifx, and Stiles cuddles right now. Can we rewind back to summer for just a little bit please?

"Where is she?" Isaac spoke up. Well look who is awake. "Where's the girl?" 

Well, that's random. Good morning to you too sunshine. Welcome to our latest conversation on how all of our lives are in danger. This time it's not a big giant Lizard, but a pack of Alpha's! YAY.

"What girl?" Derek asked.

Can I go home now and forget I heard any of this? Sounds like a great plan to me. 


I have literally had no time to write anything the past few days, so I am super pumped that this chapter is finally finished! Hope you all enjoyed! You know the drill...Comment, favorite, and all that fun stuff. Getting feedback from you all is seriously my favorite! I love reading comments, and talking to you all! 

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