Be mine?

By SMChick

23.9K 2.1K 584

It's Sangs first Valentine's Day. Which of the guys will be her first valentine? Will she be able to choose... More

Family Meeting?
The Start
Chocolates Chocolates Every where
The Briefing
Mr. Griffin
It's morning!
Sugar For My Sugar
Tough love
The Walk
Mr. Hendricks
The Scene
Accidental Love
The set up
Thank You Princess
Falling for You
Upside Down
And So It Begins
Girls Night In
THE Talk
The Appointment
Happy Fun Time
A Good Night
Awkward Morning
Way Too Happy Shower Fun Time
Awkward Moments and Whispered Truths

Breaking Barriers

818 79 18
By SMChick

A/n: the picture above is where I got the idea for this lol. I'm sooooooo excited to write this chapter. He's one of my favorites x3 enjoy!

~~~~~~Mr. Blackbourne's POV:~~~~~~

Making my way to the nurses office to discuss further Miss Sorenson's plan I feel a slight shock from my front right pocket. It's a red line from North. Waiting no time and knowing that he is currently in class with Nathan I text him.

Me: Report.

Nathan: Hendricks called her in. North a walking her.

Me: Affirmative. I'll be watching.

I immediately about face and head to the office that Dr. Green and I share. Once there, I shut and lock the door behind me and head to my desk. It seems that she is just arriving in the office when the feed powers on. Her class isn't far from the office what could have taken so long? Filing that question away for later, I watch as Miss Sorenson freezes in place, not immediately taking her usual seat.
I lean closer to the screen so I can be sure to see and hear every tiny detail. When he leans close to her face I am outraged! I open and close my hands in fists on the desk in an attempt to control myself. Just when I believe we will catch him highly inappropriate (making himself a dead man in the process) he backs away. He turns and hands her a red box.
A pang of jealousy rips through me momentarily until I hear of his plan. It would have been quite troublesome had their meeting not been monitored. As it stands I am confident that this is a situation that can be handled easily.
The bell rings to signal that it is time for my meeting with Miss Sorenson. Yet I don't move, watching as she leaves the office to be sure that she is safe. Turning my attention back to Mr. Hendricks I watch as he picks up the desk phone. He begins his conversation and I press the necessary controls to record it all when I hear the late bell chime. Shit!
No doubt by now Miss Sorenson has arrived at the room. For the first time in years I am late. This time I can't even blame it on Dr. Green and his antics.

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

Once I deem myself to be presentable I look up to greet Mr. Blackbourne. Except...he's not there. Growing nervous I quickly scan the entire room for him. For auburn I consider calling him. That idea is quickly shot down. What if he's talking to another teacher?
Perhaps he is stuck doing something academy related or in a meeting? There must be a reason,y ever responsible Mr. Owen Blackbourne is never just...late. Deciding that I should just wait patiently I stroll over to the piano where he always greets me.
A smile breaks on my face and I know exactly how I'm going to do this.

~~~~~~Mr. Blackbourne's POV:~~~~~~

Honestly I can't wait until we leave these heathens in this school behind. It's about 5 minutes after the late bell when I finally arrive at the classroom. Imag not have run but I'll admit, I hastened my way to her. Using one hand to open the door, I use the other to take the opportunity to straighten myself. My tie has come slightly loose, my glass a bit off center as well.
It is when the door is closed behind me and I am straightening my hair when I hear her sweet voice.

"Mr. Blackbourne, you're late."
"My apologies Miss Sorenson i..." I stop mid sentence at the sight before me.
She is standing by the one thing I tolerate at this school, it's piano. Perfectly mimicking the stance I have for our daily greetings. I take the moment to take in her appearance. Mr. Coleman was correct in informing me of the need for a cold shower, I may need another. She looks classy and elegant as per usual, with her own soft feminine flair.
I am well aware that others call me names due to the tight reign of control I hold on myself. But I will say that she was certainly enough to very nearly disintegrate all oft control. It has been a struggle to maintain barriers with her when I want nothing more then to court her just as my younger brothers have the opportunity to.

"Do you remember the request I made of you yesterday?" She mumbles slightly.
"Yes Miss Sorenson. The floor is yours." I reply bowing my head slightly.
Well if you would please have a seat here on this bench I have much to tell you."

I do as she asks promptly. Typically I am not the one to take orders I give them. So why am I obeying now? Because I am excited and also nervous about what she has to say. as I am about to sit I notice something on the bench. It is a small parcel that is addressed to me.
Grabbing it I turn and sit. Just when I am going to begin opening it she stops me.

"Wait please, let me speak first. we don't have much time." she says bouncing her weight from foot to foot nervously.
"As you wish."
"Well.. just going to blurt it out.
Mr. Blackbourne I am well aware that you are my teacher. You chose to teach me and as much as I appreciate that, that is not why I requested this moment with you.
The truth of the matter is that in the few months that I have known you and the others I have been the happiest I have ever been. I've learned alot from each of you. But you specifically has shown me how to stand tall despite my past. It's because of your strength and caring that I have learned that I'd rather stand tall then Live on my knees." she pauses and I notice a tear slip down her cheek.
I can't help myself, I reach out and wipe the tear away with my thumb gently. all the while wishing that I could wipe her horrible memories away. I feel elated and proud at her words. So much so that I am fighting the urge to kiss her despite our location.

"That's not all. I've noticed that I'm quite observant. So I've watched you, looking into your eyes to gauge your emotions. You not as stoic as you lead people to believe are you? I see the love and pride you have when you watch the others. To me your eyes say it all.
I can see that I'm not the only one from a broken past am I? That's why you let the others call you emotionless.
What I'm trying to say is that I haven't known you long but I know enough to know that I love you ... Owen Blackbourne, I have fallen in love with you. It is for this reason that I hope you will accept this gift from me." She finishes releasing a big breath.

As soon as I am sure she is finished I pull her into my arms. Part off mind yells at me informing me that my actions are Highly inappropriate. yet I can't seem to care. Barriers? Distance? What does that mean when it comes to the gorgeous girl who has managed to see me for the real me in such a short time. She accepts me as I am. For her and her alone I will work on letting down my defenses.
We stand there for several minutes before she begins to wiggle in my arms. Releasing her I look into her eyes puzzled. She must have noticed my confusion because she giggles oh what a sweet, precious, sound.

"Aren't you going to open it?" She asks.
"Certainly...Sang." there I said her first name. Who is this new man?

The look of shock and sheer bliss on her face is priceless. her emerald eyes nearly twice their normal size. Chuckling under my breath I carefully unwrap the parcel. When I see its contents I pause, Sean's prediction was correct. she has made custom chocolates for me.
The chocolate clearly was white chocolate that she somehow dyed the perfect shade of grey. She somehow managed to mold it into the shape of a violin. On the chin rest she has artfully carved my initials. Once more I am pulling her into my arms. Resting my head on her shoulder I whisper my thanks when the bell rings.

"Never enough time!" I exclaim exasperated.
"Well we always have tomorrow." she giggles giving me one last squeeze before I release her.

Victor peeks his head inside so I am aware he has arrived to escort her to World History with Mr. Morris. Nodding my acknowledgement towards him I watch as Sang retrieves her things. She turns to walk to the door and I catch my eyes watching her shapely bottom. I shake my head to regain control.
Talk about breaking my barriers!

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