Separated by a Fence

By peaceanddisaster

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Sam Taylor and Montana Crew have been next-door neighbours since their diaper days. You'd expect them to be s... More

Separated by a Fence (1)
Separated by a Fence (2)
Separated by a Fence (3)
Separated by a Fence (5)
Separated by a Fence (6)
Separated by a Fence (7)
Separated by a Fence (8)
Separated by a Fence (9)
Separated by a Fence (10)
Separated by a Fence (11)
Separated by a Fence (12)
Separated by a Fence (13)
Separated by a Fence (14)
Separated by a Fence (15)
Separated by a Fence (16)
Separated by a Fence (17)
Separated by a Fence (18)
Separated by a Fence (19)
Separated by a Fence (20)
Separated by a Fence (21)
Separated by a Fence (22)
Separated by a Fence (23)
Separated by a Fence (24)
Separated by a Fence (25)
Separated by a Fence (26)

Separated by a Fence (4)

3.4K 80 25
By peaceanddisaster

Chapter Four

I glanced over the giant selection of food. One thing our school is good the food. Our cafeteria is humongous, and they have racks of fruit, salads, subs, sandwiches, and there’s a huge glass counter that is filled with hot food, like hot chips, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti bolognese, creamy pasta, potato cakes, dimsins etc.   Then there was the huge refrigerator filled with every drink you could think of. And all of this came under our school fee.

In the end, I shoved a bowl of grapes, a wrap and a bottle of blue Gatorade onto my tray. Then I sighed, and grudgingly strode over to where Sam was sitting.

I dumped my tray on the table. “These two weeks are going to be freaking hell.”

Sam looked up, and a smirk spread across his face-no surprise there-. “Oh really princess? Nah, I’m thinking these two weeks are going to be a hell lot of fun.”

I rolled my eyes, and plopped down, distancing myself as far away from Sam as I could, so I guess I was EXACTLY opposite him. I studied his tray, and pulled a disgusted face.

He had a gross-looking fatty hamburger with tons of bacon and cheese slopped in between two pieces of stale-looking bread, a packet of greasy fries and a can of Pepsi Max.

“What is wrong with you?” I cried, gesturing towards his tray. ‘Do you not see how fatty and gross that is?”

Sam shrugged, throwing a greasy fry inside his mouth. “Mmph, don’t care, tastes nice, so whatever.”

I wrinkled my nose, and popped a grape in my mouth. ‘You are a revolting pig.”

“Thanks darling,” Sam shrugged.

I gritted my teeth. “NEVER call me darling.”

Sam looked at me innocently. ‘What was that darling?”

“DON’T CALL ME DARLING!” I hissed at him, clenching my fists, anger building up.

Sam chuckled. ‘I can call you whatever I want...darling.”

I growled, and stood up.

Sam smiled sweetly at me. “What leaving so soon? Besides, you can’t leave, teachers are watching us. And it’s compulsory to eat together.”

I groaned, and sat back down. “Can’t they bend back the rules a little? Especially for me? Since I’m stuck with a self-centred, piggy, idiotic, stupid, retarded fat loser?”

Sam raised an eyebrow, and shoved his sleeve up, showing a toned, muscular, built-up tanned arm, that obviously wasn’t fat at all. “You call this fat, princess?’

I glared somewhere else. “Well if you keep eating all that junk food, you WILL end up as a fat and gross couch potato.”
“Geez Walking Encyclopaedia, won’t you shut up for once?” Sam muttered.

I struggled to contain my frustration, and gulped down some Gatorade to hopefully cool me down. This boy could do anything to piss me off. Even just standing up would piss me off. That was how much I hated him. And I’m pretty sure this also applied to me in Sam’s head.

Then Sam chomped on his burger, and took a huge bit out of it. Then, he started chewing loudly and with his mouth open, leaning towards me. I could see all the meat and cheese being tossed and turned in his mouth, and a bad stench was coming from his mouth. His teeth had tomato sauce all over.

How could girls be attracted to some sickening weirdo like him?

I gagged, and stood up. “Okay. I ain’t sitting here anymore.”

Sam laughed. “Hahahahahha!”

“I glared at him, grabbing my tray. ‘You are so immature.”

“Feel special darling, you’re the first one whose said that to me,” Sam chuckled, taking a long (and noisy) swig of his Pepsi Max.

I watched him with an appalled look on my face. “Do you know how much sugar is in Pepsi Max?”

Sam shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care.”

I huffed. “Well, I hope all the fat you’ve been eating builds up, and eventually you explode one day, into pieces of slimy fat, and I don’t have to this stupid project with you anymore!”

And with that, I stormed off.


I yawned, and thundered down the fluffy stairs, and opened the glass door to enter the kitchen.

Mum and Seth were standing in the kitchen, and Mum was arranging his tie. Okay....why were they in such fancy suits? I had to admit, they looked pretty gorgeous. Mum was in a red halter dress that fitted her perfectly, and fitted all her curves, but didn’t make her look too young or old. Seth had a navy blue and white suit on, and his hair looked gelled up and combed neatly.

I raised an eyebrow, running a hand through my messy hair. I’d just been dancing to some pop hits (to get the disgusting picture of Sam’s open hamburger-filled mouth), and was now coming down to get a glass of apple juice.

“Uhhhhh, what’s the big occasion?” I questioned, their heads snapping to meet my gaze.

“Oh, we didn’t tell you?” Mum asked.

I shook my head. “No...’

“We’re going to a fancy dinner party,” Seth informed me. “You know Ms McCullen? Your mother’s old workmate is holding a giant fancy party, and a lot of people are invited.”

I raised an eyebrow, sliding open the fridge. “Hm, sounds luxurious.”
Seth smirked. “Yep. I’ll definitely be taking advantage of the food, and I suppose I’ll be spending my whole night next to the buffet table.”

Mum chuckled. ‘Ah, except I’m not going to let you. I’ll drag you to the dance floor before you stuff yourself full, thank you very much.’

Seth smiled, and they shared a short but loving kiss.

I smiled. I know a lot of teenagers cringe and hate it when they’re parents do a little PDA, but for me, I think it’s cute, and sweet. Mum and Seth are such a cute couple, they laugh at each other’s jokes, listen to each other’s problems, get along so well, and they always throw a little kiss here and there.

“Well, we’d better get going, ciao!” Seth exclaimed.

Skyler slid in. “Hey, you peeps leaving?”

Mum smiled. ‘Yep, bye girls, love you!”

Skyler and I followed them to the front door, and waved them bye.

“Have a good time!” yelled Skyler.

“What she said!” I chimed in.

They got into their car, and zoomed off. I shut the door, and exchanged a cheeky look with Skyler.

“We got the whole house to ourselves!” whooped Skyler.

We did a little happy dance, and then strode into the kitchen, me making a beeline for the fridge, pouring myself a glass of cold apple juice.

“All right, call it,” Skyler slid onto a stool, smirking. “What do you want to do first?”

So we did everything.

Painted each other’s nails (I did Skyler’s a stripy mix of Luscious Lemon and Outrageous Orange, and she did mine a rainbow mix of Radiant Raspberry, Lively Lime and Bizarre Blueberry), danced to random songs (we did a mix of pop, rock, R&B and hip-hop), went on a giant sugar spree and started raiding the cupboards, downing Fanta and Sprite, stuffing our mouths with chocolate of every kind and all different types of candy and watched a full marathon of movies (we watched Geek Charming – argh, Sarah Hyland and Matt Prokop!-, all the High School Musicals –who doesn’t like an old High School Musical movie marathon?-, Mean Girls 1 & 2 and lastly all the Spy Kids movies {1-4}.

We fell asleep shortly after Spy Kids 4’s credits started rolling down.


“Hey, get up.”

I refused to peel open my eyes. “Go away. Come back in 12 months.”

I heard a sigh, and then footsteps stomped away. Good. For once, someone in this household actually listened to me. I snuggled into my blanket, irritated to be interrupted from riding on purple elephants in the sky blue desert.

Suddenly, I felt a whoosh of icy cold water being splashed onto me.

‘AAAAAARGHHHH!” I screamed, leaping up, my eyes flying open.

Oliver was standing in front of me, smirking, waving a bucket in the air. “The consequences you get when you don’t listen to moi.”

“You freaking PIG!” I yelled.

Oliver chuckled. ‘Eh, your awake. Now get ready dofus.”

He strode away, and I glared after him. Jerk. Pig. Idiot. Stupido.

I groaned, and stumbled upstairs. Then I changed into a simple white tank top that said Oh la la with a picture of the Eiffel Tower, a pair of denim short shorts and a black cardigan with three huge buttons.

I wearily applied some foundation, bronzer, lip gloss and eyeliner. Eh, stuff mascara and lip liner, I really could not be bothered.

I loosely plaited my hair into a braid floating down my left side, and stuck on a pair of small silver hoop earrings and a green bangle. Done.

After getting dressed, I stumbled downstairs.

Skyler was downstairs in the kitchen, gulping down a glass of milk. She grinned at me. “Hey, heard that Oliver dumped a bucket of icy cold water on you. True?”

I rolled my eyes. “The boy is pure evil, I swear.”

Skyler chuckled. “We shouldn’t have stayed up so late, and drained all our energy out. On a school night.”

I groaned. “No kidding.”

Oliver bustled in. “Oi freakzoid, we’re heading to school now. Let’s move it.’

My mouth dropped open. “B-B-But...I haven’t even had breakfast yet!”

Oliver rolled his eyes, grabbing a chocolate milkshake Up & Go from the cupboard. “Well that teaches you to get dressed quicker.”

I gritted my teeth. “Hey, I changed REALLY fast today! Normally, I would take a shower, blow-dry my hair, style my hair, add more-

“Yeah, yeah, I do not care,” Oliver interrupted. “Let’s go.’

Oliver drove us to school, and unfortunately, he was pretty popular, and by the time our car pulled into the parking space, it got surrounded by his jock mates and adoring girls.

“Hey Oliver’s little sister!” some weird jock dude yelled.

I glared at him. “I have a name.”

(A/N True fact, my brother had this party, and one of his friends was like that, and I just gave him my best death glare, and I snapped “I have a name”, and he was like ‘Errrrr”)

“” the dude trailed off.

“Babe, it’s Montana,” one of the adoring girls close to him whispered.

“MONTANA, that’s right!” he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, and managed to squeeze my way outside of the crowd. Once I stumbled out of it, I breathed a sigh of relief. And to think I would’ve gotten used to it.

I strode to my office, and opened the door, finding no one inside. Hmmm, that was a change, Miranda was almost always in the office (it was like her butt was permanently stuck to her seat, and her eyes were glued to her screen-I never saw her in the halls or in classes), and Jodie would occasionally be in the office, probably checking her Facebook before class or something like that.

I strode to my desk, and dropped my bag onto the table. I hummed the tune to Pretty Little Liars’ theme song while I grabbed all my books and arranged everything.

“If one, of them is dead,” I sang, shoving a French textbook into my shoulder bag.

Suddenly, Miranda and Jodie burst through, both with stunned expressions. I turned to them, smiling brightly.

“There you guys are!” I exclaimed. “I was wondering why I was the first one here when usually you guys are here before me. Oh, was there a long queue for coffee Jod? I’m not surprised, today’s freezing! I swear, I saw misty fog in the distance when I was walking up.”

Then I realised Jodie wasn’t holding a coffee, and the two had shocked expressions, that were frozen onto their faces.

“Ummmmm, am I missing something here?” I asked, nervously. “Oh crap, do I have something on my face? Argh, I always do! It’s so embarrassing!”

Then I realised they were still staring at me, frozen.

“Geez, what’s up with you two?” I cried. “He-llooooooo?”
Jodie seemed to snap out of her daze. “ didn’t hear?”

I shook my head. “Hear what? I’m sorry I’m late, Sky and I had this total girl’s late night, and we watched movies, and stayed up so late, and then Oliver woke me up with cold water, and then I dressed quickly, but then Oliver dragged me out, and then he took forever to drive to school, don’t ask me why, he just did, and that’s why I’m late.”

I let out a deep breath, feeling a little dizzy from the full rant.

“ wanna explain?” Jodie asked, turning her head to Miranda, who was quietly standing there.

“Montana...a girl in our year got murdered,” Miranda whispered.

“What?” I gasped, shock taking over me.

M-Murdered? As in...dead blood murdered?

“Apparently she got murdered in the school parking lot, yesterday afternoon,” whispered Jodie. “That’s why we were late. Everyone was just in the corridor, and we were all learning about it. Her body was found this morning, and we all saw the ambulances come and take her body away. It was so freaky.”

In OUR school parking lot? I had to sit down. This was becoming scarier and scarier each time.

‘Do you know who she was?” I questioned, hitching my bag onto my right shoulder, feeling frightened.

“It was Tegan McMillen,” Miranda informed me.

Tegan McMillen was our year’s renowned slut. Emphasise on the sl*t. The S-L-U-T. That’s what she was. She slept around, and she was famous for hooking up with 30 guys. I’m actually not surprised she got murdered. Maybe some angry hook-up was chasing after her (not that anyone would want to chase after her), and killed her for breaking his heart. Or maybe she hooked up with some creepy psycho from some club, and he wanted to kill her.

“Well...,” I commented.
“No surprise there?” Jodie piped in.

I nodded. “ think she deserved it?”

“Guys, she may have been the s word, but she was still in our year, and a classmate of ours!” cried Miranda, the compassionate (add in innocent) and kind soul she was.

I sighed. “Whoa...this is...this is just...”

“I bet the whole school is going to be talking about this for a few months minimum,” betted Jodie, smirking.

“Nah, a year,” I said, pursing my lips.

“And now your holding bets on how long the school will be talking about this?” Miranda cried, clearly enraged and speechless. “I thought you guys were better than that!”

“Sorry, sorry Miranda!” I quickly chipped in. “Jodie here is just a freak and likes to talk about this kind of stuff.”

Jodie shot me a deadly look. “Hey!”

I dragged their elbows out. “C’mon guys! Let’s find out some more about this murder case!”


Periods 1 & 2 were cut, and people just were running around, trying to collect as much information as they could. Oh, count me and Jodie as two of those ‘people’.

So, after running around, and giving myself the biggest workout imaginable (hey, at least I burnt off all that fat from the amount of chocolate and chips and candy I’d eaten the previous night), I got this info:

At 4pm, Tegan was murdered in the school parking lot just outside the main school building. So far, no witnesses. The school janitor found Tegan’s body at 6.45am, and immediately phoned the police and principal. Her body is at the hospital, being treated and they are running tests on her body.

She has a (apparent) bruise on her eye, and a cut on her arm.


I know, 5 sentences worth of evidence from 2 periods, suckish I know. But that was all the info I got. Cuz’ no one knew anything else. All the teachers were secretive, murmuring to each other, and refusing to let slip any more information. Apparently the first (and last) info slipped from a teacher (aka Ms Wintish, who is the nicest and most sympathetic school counsellor I know) was the witness one.

So far, no one had stepped out with information. I was hoping someone would. That would add more spice to the mix.

“Hey Monty,” Aaron strode up to Jodie and I, nodding at me, hands in pockets, looking casual.

Jodie stuck out her bottom lip. “Thanks for acknowledging me.”

Aaron raised an eyebrow. ‘Since when did you care about me acknowledging you? The last time I remember that you wanted the opposite.”

Jodie sighed, crossing her arms across her chest. “Screw you.”

“Hey, found any info?’ I asked.

Aaron shook his head. “Nah, teachers are being too secretive. I tried eavesdropping, but they’re too smart.’

I lifted my head up to see Sam speaking to some teachers. They looked grim, and I got really curious.
“Hey, what’s the freak doing with the teachers?” I asked, making Aaron and Jodie follow my gaze to where he and a couple other teachers were murmuring together.

“I don’t know, maybe he’s trying to charm them to pump some information out of them?” guessed Jodie.

Aaron nodded. “Probably. Sorry Monty, but I have to say, the guy’s got charm.”

I thought about yesterday’s episode with his totally ungentleman manners, opening his mouth with a mouth full, and shuddered. “Hardly.”

Then I remembered that I hadn’t asked either of the two about their lunch time together. “Hey, you guys never told me about your romantic lunch date! How’d it go?”

Jodie groaned. “I was hoping you’d forgotten.”

Aaron nodded. “Yeah. And PLEASE do NOT call it a romantic lunch date. Yeargh. Anything related to Jodie cannot be romantic.”

Jodie’s mouth dropped open, and I rolled my eyes. Another fight was going to blow, in 3...2...1...

“Hey, you guys, look!” I managed to interrupt the about-to-happen fight.

Their heads snapped to meet where my eyes were following. Sam was walking to the principal’s office! OMG! I went totally ecstatic.


“Montana!” Aaron grabbed me, dragging me close, and clamping his palm onto my mouth. “Shut up would you? You don’t even know if he’s a murderer! Stop going hyper!”

“Mph!” I struggled against his hand on my mouth.

“Did you feed this child coffee?” Aaron questioned Jodie.

Jodie shook her head, furiously. “No!”

I bit his hand, biting hard.

“Ah, sh*t!” Aaron crowed, leaping back, and clutching his hand.

Mrs Crow (this batty old teacher) happened to be strolling past at that moment, and she glared at him “Aaron Peters, what did you just say?”

“Shizzles...sausages,’ Aaron stuttered.

Mrs Crow shook her head. “Teenagers and bad language these days. Hmph!”

She stalked off, her pointy nose in the air.

I smirked at Aaron, triggering him to glare at me, eyes narrowed. Oh, the feeling of joy you get when you get someone in trouble. Besides yourself of course.

Then I saw one of Sam’s friends passing by. I hated his friends, but I loved the gossip, so I ran up to him.

“Hey, why is Sam heading to the principal’s office?” I questioned, halting the guy to a stop.

“Uh, why are you talking to me?” the guy asked, nervously.


His eyes widened. “Okay, okay!’

I grinned happily. Hmmm, I was REALLY bipolar today!

“Apparently, he saw Tegan before she went out to the car park, okay?” the guy answered. “He was a sort of witness.”

My mouth dropped open. Well, he wasn’t the murderer (damn it), but he WAS sort of involved in this whole murder case!

Hehehehehe, this day was getting better and better! Oh yeah, R.I.P sl*t Tegan.


I updated finally! Joy to the world! Okay, it's holidays, but I'm really lazy with the uploading. Here's the weird thing people, on holidays, I get so lazy and don't upload, but during school days, I'm really busy, but I upload somehow! Where on earth is the logic in that? I don't see you?

To the side, is something that I love. Teens React. Kids React is pretty cute as well. Anyhow, a little vid that I find is funny. TheFineBros, I salute you awesome people.

peaceanddisaster xx

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