The Gaurdian Lovers

By JamieDodgerGallagher

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The year is 2013, Vampiers and Werwolfs have made a pact with the Humans to live in a peacful union, but it s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 part 1
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 part 1
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 17

25 3 1
By JamieDodgerGallagher

Chapter 17

Marcus woke up with a banging headache, he looked around to find himself on his bed, he was topless with his trousers still on, he felt uneasy, he put his hand on his head and started to rub his eyes, his vision was still a blur but he could make out a figure standing in the doorway, it was silhouetted, but as the figure stepped closer it was Luna holding a cup of hot drink, it was coffee, black with sugar, Marcus stared at Luna for a bit and said to her “Luna? What are you holding?”

Luna had a straight face and handed Marcus the cup of coffee Marcus said thanks and took a sip of it, Luna sat down on the bed next to Marcus and asked him “So, what happened yesterday?”

Marcus looked at Luna and said bluntly “Took Gwen to a cafe, killed a hunchback and got drunk with Gwen at the Dog and collar”

Luna said “ok and nothing else happened when you got back?”

Marcus gave her a puzzled look and said “What do you mean?”

Luna just said “Well its the fact that you had her in your arms as soon as you walked in, what you going to do next, kiss her, snog her or fuck her!”

Marcus looked surprised at Luna’s statement, he took another sip at his coffee as he looked up at Luna and said “i sense a bit of jealousy here don’t you”

Luna looked round at Marcus, her face said it all, she was not pleased by his comment, she said “Jealous of that? Don’t make me laugh”

Marcus scratched his head with the blood soaked bandage that Gwen had improvised, Luna’s face turned from angry to concerned, she took hold of Marcus’s hand and looked at it back and front and asked him “How did you do this?”

Marcus took another sip of his coffee, after he swallowed he said  “Like i said, i had a fight with a hunchback man, he threw a knife in my hand as i was drawing my revolver, Gwen made a quick bandage, out of her top”

Luna took the bandage off and took a closer look back and front, she looked at Marcus and said “Put down your drink and follow me, ill clean the wound and Ruby can properly bandage it or something”

Marcus put his drink on the bedroom floor, and walked into the bathroom, there he could Luna was wearing another brown fur coat, no shoes, Marcus thought she proberly not wearing anything underneath that, Luna undone the bandage, underneath was dry scabby blood, Luna ran a sink of warm water and put the plug in, she took the flannel started to wash it round the wound, the blood was in the water staining it red, Marcus kept a straight face, Luna was concentrating on the wound, she then put the flannel down and damped it dry, she then turned his hand over and started to lick the wound, Marcus looked in the mirror at himself staring at his scar, he could remember Luna doing that to his wound thoses years ago, werewolfs saliva are good and quick at healing wounds, now a days it is used in most first aid kits.

Ruby walked in, wearing nothing but a one piece bikini swim suit, Marcus looked at her and his mind betrayed him once again Wow she looks sexy, where you off too? Ruby had picked up on his thoughts and said “Thanks and off swimming later, got to keep in shape somehow, i see your hand is wounded, though I’m sorry to say this but, Luna has licked on side but i need this side open so i let some blood out of you ok with that?”

Marcus thought about and said “Ah, ok, then Luna can lick that side and bandage it”

Ruby said “Well, ill bandage it while Luna does the licking”

From behind her back he had a small surgeon’s kit, Marcus held out his arm and hand, Ruby took out a syringe with a small about of green substance Ruby said “Ok, this will make you feel numb for about 15 minutes, although it has a side effect” 

Marcus raised his eyebrow and asked “What is the side effect?”

Ruby took his arm and put the needle in his arm, Luna looked away, she didn’t like the sight of needles in arms, Marcus flinched as the pain nearly hit a nerve, Ruby injected the green substance, it started to work quickly as his whole body went numb for a while, but Marcus looked down and found himself erect and nearly bulging out of his trousers, Luna looked peeking through her fingers but as she looked her eyes were focused in one place as she said “Is it done..... My Marcus are you ok or are you just happy to see us both?”

Marcus was still looking down, then he looked up at Ruby who was putting the away the needle and syringe, Ruby started to rummage in the bag as she did she took out a scalpel and some sterilise gel to clean out the wound, Marcus as said with a calm look “Ah i see what the side effect is”

Luna had a big grin on her face like a giggly school girl, Ruby too had a smile on her face as well but her smile was like a Cheshire Cat from ear to ear, Ruby took Marcus’s hand and made a deeper incision, he couldn’t feel  it but through his mind he was worried, Luna had done this kind of thing before but not with a fresh wound, blood was pouring from his hand as Ruby started to lower his arm and it started to drip into a flask, Ruby looked up and said to Luna “Well give it a while until it stops, then i can clean the wound properly then Luna can lick it up afterwards”

Marcus looked at Luna who kissed him passionately on the lips her eyes was closed and to Marcus it felt like silk, once Luna had stopped  Marcus looked at her and said “I couldn’t feel that you know?”

Luna said “i know but i hope you feel better”

After a period of time Marcus looked down and his blooded hand stopped bleeding and Marcus looked pale all the colour from his skin was gone, Ruby took his hand and used the gel and started to clean the wound with cotton, Ruby could see that it went through the hand, now cam the bit Luna hated,  Ruby started to sow up the wound and once again Luna looked away,  after she finished she started to pack everything away, Luna started to lick the wound in and around the stitches, Luna had a another smile, Marcus could see that Ruby was bent over sorting out her little doctors bag, Luna had noticed and took one finger and moved Marcus’s head slowly towards her, until he was looking directly at her, with a smile and a little giggle she opened her fur coat as it dropped to the floor, Luna still had a smile as she said to Marcus “lets play doctors, i’m the nurse and your the patient”   

Ruby turned round and said “Well if that is the case i play the patents visitor and leave you two alone, oh don’t forget to use the rectal thermometer”

Ruby walked out and shut the door, Luna started to lick Marcus’s hand again, the wound started to heal, Luna’s smile grew as she started to open his belt and his trousers and said “Well considering what has happen i am going to take advantage of this, by the way what did she mean by rectal thermometer? ”

Ruby walked out of the bedroom holding the bag and the vile of Marcus’s blood, she put both on the small table, she could tell and hear Luna going all out in the bathroom, Ruby sighed as was heading to the kitchen but as she walked by Gwen started stirring in her sleep to the point of just waking up, Ruby walked up to Gwen, had her hands behind her back and bent down to ask her “How do you feel?”

Gwen too had a headache and a hangover as her head felt like a constant drum beat, her hair was messy and stringy, and her glasses were on the floor, as were her torn t-shirt, socks, and her jeans, as she stirred her cover laid on her stomach, she was in her bra and knickers, one bra strap was down past her shoulder, she was holding her head and groaning her vision was blurry but she could make out Ruby bending over she could see right down her swim suit as Gwen said to her “Ruby? My head what happened last night and what are you wearing?”

Gwen stared at the ceiling for a bit trying to focus on her vision, Ruby decided to sit on the floor cross legged and said “Well seems you and Marcus were rather plastered last night”

Gwen continued looking at the ceailing and asked “How bad were we?”

Ruby smiled and said “Well you and Luna had a argument and Marcus got slapped by Luna, though Marcus had to Catch you from falling and it would seem that Luna helped Marcus crash out and i helped you into your bed”

Gwen sighed and said “I don’t believe it i am so sorry”

Ruby laid on the floor and started to do some sit ups and said to her “Don’t worry about it, i haven’t seen Marcus that happy in a long time”

Ruby’s face dropped slightly, she had feelings for Marcus but as a vampire she couldn’t show them properly, she also knew that Luna had the same feelings, that’s why they both argued last night when Gwen and Marcus were asleep, Ruby looked over at Gwen, what is it that he saw in her, why does she make him smile, she’s only human after all, Ruby sighed and jumped up doing some stretches, Gwen sat up and looked at Ruby and said to her “Can i ask you somthing?”

Ruby stopped and said “Sure what’s up?”

Gwen bent down and put her glasses on and asked “ you didn’t ask my other question i asked you earlier which was what are you wearing?”

Ruby smiled and said “ it’s a swim suit and Well I’m going swimming later but that is not what you want to ask me was it”

Gwen smiled and said “No it isn’t but if you found out about something would you tell somebody?”

Ruby thought about it and said “Yeah i would”

Gwen smiled and stood up Ruby walked up to her and said “Listen you’re a nice young lady and Marcus has taken a liking to you”

Ruby bent kneeled down and started to sort out Gwen’s hair, she stopped for a bit and said to Gwen “ seems you have knots in places, tell you what ill get a hair brush from the bedroom and its yours to keep”

 Ruby walked into the bedroom and took out a hair brush, she could still here them at it but shrugged, as she walked into the living room she saw Gwen looking at Marcus’s vile of blood, Gwen’s head was still hurting but she tried not hold it so she could fight of the pain Ruby walked up to her and put her hands on Gwen’s shoulders, Gwen stood up straight, Ruby began to brush her hear trying to untangle the knots one by one and as Ruby was brushing her hair Ruby asked “What is your feelings towards Marcus”

Gwen’s eyes slightly widened and her cheeks were red, Ruby giggled slighlty as she waited for a answer, Gwen said “well i like him but er.......”

Ruby had finished and was inspecting Gwens hear, it was straighter now and more smarter Ruby said to Gwen “it’s ok i know how you truly feel about him and how he feels about you, you don’t have to worry about me, it’s just Luna who has a problem but i can sort her out”

Gwen smiled as she turned to face Gwen and said to Ruby with pleading eyes “Don’t tell Marcus about how i feel, i need to tell him in my own time”

As  she said that she heard a noise as Marcus came out of the bathroom, his jeans was done up and his belt buckled up, Marcus saw Gwen and he turned his back as he said out loud “Sorry i didn’t know, umm would you like some cloths or anything?”

Gwen smiled and said “well i think I’ll pick the cloths, thanks for turning around and yes i would like some of your caramel tea please, I’m feeling quite thirsty”

Marcus slowly backed into the room trying not to turn around as he was trying to be polite and not look, Gwen rolled her eyes and sighed as she started to move towards the bedroom, as she looked back at Marcus she could see that he took a sneek peek back at Gwen but as the two clocked eyes they both turnd around quickly and headed in opposite directions, as Gwen was heading off to the bedroom, Marcus watched her, he was admiring her curves and how her skin looked, her hair was long and shiny, but when Gwen looked back at Marcus he had to quickly look forward and headed off to the kitchen.

As he walked into the kitchen he looked around his surroundings, the kitchin hadn’t changed but the thick blinds were down so not light leaked in, Ruby was already boiling a kettle, Marcus walked behind ruby and said “I bet you want to know what happened don’t you?”

Ruby turned round, she was putting some of Marcus’s blood into different hip flasks using a funnel, Ruby then asked “About what?”

All Marcus did was raise his hand and put it back down as Ruby said “Ah, well i am a little bit curious all i heard was a hunchback did it you by throwing knifes at you?”

Marcus nodded, and said “Yeah, me and Gwen went to get a bite to eat, when we was attacked, i killed him and fled the scene”

Ruby raised two questionable eyebrows as she said “oh it’s not like you, normally you would wave your badge around or something”

Marcus replied back by saying “do i taste a bit of sarcasm?”

Ruby shock her shoulders and Marcus continued “Well anyway here is the main thing here, you of all people know about Gwen and on more than one occasion you helped her out right?”

Ruby nodded as Marcus crossed his arms standing firm saying “so who is Gabe and Madalin?”

Ruby looked away and her face looked serious, there was a slight pause as she said to Marcus “Gabe and Madalin was two scientists working on a project, even i wasn’t told the name or the meaning behind it, i was put there as security for a bit, out of hours when i wasn’t looking after your mum and dad, they were both hard workers, never seemed to rest or anything really, Why you ask?”

Marcus took a deep breath and said “I used my power on Gwen, found out about her mother and that it would seem tha Gabe was the one who did those killings by the chicken shop those few days ago”

Ruby looked surprised, but she could tell by Marcus face he wasn’t kidding, then ruby smiled and walked towards Marcus crossing each step in a sexy manner as she held Marcus by the waist and said to him “Dont worry, if it is her we will get to the bottom of it, all three of us”

Marcus held her waist as he said “Don’t you mean the four of us?”

Ruby smiled and said “Of course, the four of use now”

Ruby and Marcus kissed, as the kettle reached boiling point and started to whistle, by this time Gwen had walked in, she was wearing a pear of trainers, black and red, black socks, Navy blue jeans with a belt, a plain white t-shirt with a checker pattern shirt, her hair was in one ponytail with a red hair tie and she had her glasses on, Gwen’s eyes widened as she turned around to clear her throat, Marcus stopped and turned round and said “are you ok?”

Gwen had her back to Marcus as she said “Yeah im fine, just getting used to you know, kettle boiled?”

Ruby let go of Marcus as she carried out her little task, Gwen turned back round and was looking at Marcus, she walked up behind him and was watching what he was doing, first he put some tea leafs into a small strainer and put it in the cup, next he added the boiled water and waited for it to settle and so the flavour would spread out, after a stir he then turned around and gave it to Gwen, Gwen smiled as she took the cup and placed it on the counter behind her as she said “You know i will still have to get used to you three, but the one thing i won’t get used to is the noisy sex”

Marcus said with a slight smile “Noted”

Gwen in a quick leap and a bound hugged Marcus, her arms was around him, Marcus was surprised by her hug, he was bent down slightly with her arms around his neck, her eyes were closed but his was open to the surprise, Gwen was still hugging him as she said into his ear “I should be thanking you, you took me in when proberly nobody else would, you saved me twice now so this is a way to say thank you”

Marcus put his arms around her as the two hugged like a lovers embrace, both were chest to chest, Marcus closed his eyes and was enjoying this moment, Gwen too was enjoying the moment as well, Ruby stood there for a bit before continuing with filling her flasks with his blood, Marcus and Gwen were still hugging as Gwen looked up and said “Well you can let go now if you want?”

Marcus eyes opened up as he said “ill make your tea then”

Gwen let go of Marcus and Marcus let go of Gwen

Gwen’s face looked more concerned as the a question was niggling on her mind, as she said to Marcus “Listen, i was thinking of something while getting dressed, would the blood and bullets be traced back to you”

Marcus thought about, then Ruby said “The bullets won’t be as Marcus’s revolver takes a special kind of .44 round and the blood well, let’s hope they don’t get that far”

As soon a Ruby said that there was a knock on the door, everybody seemed to freeze on the spot as there was another knock followed by impatient door bell ringing Luna cam bounding into the kitchen and said “Its Lucan i can smell him anywhere”

In Luna’s hand was a scrunched up vest which she threw to Marcus, he put on and walked to the Door, as he opened it Lucan was standing there along with his aid Caleb, Caleb was wearing a black suit with a helmet on so he didn’t burn, Marcus looked at them and said “Lucan? What are doing here?”

Lucan was being sarcastic when he said “Well i was just in the neighbourhood, taking in some sights and viewing a crime scene down the road and i thought i should pop round for a visit to discuss it with you”

He stood there for a bout a minite as he had seen Luna standing there he added “And i do not smell i had a shower this morning thank you very much”

Marcus sighed and said “Come in the living room is to your right, Caleb once the door closes its safe to take the suit off”

Caleb nodded as both him and Lucan walked in and sat down on the sofa, Caleb took off his helmet, and both began to look around the room taking note of everything, Caleb took out a pen and notepad, the pen had four different colours on each side, Caleb as a vampire can write fast and uses the different colours for different reasons, Black is speech, Blue is thoughts, Green is gestures and red would be used for items, as  Marcus stood in front of them both he said “Would you like anything to drink”

Lucan clasped his hands together and replied “Coffee black if you would please”

Caleb just said “a sugar free blood coke if it’s not too much trouble?”

Lucan looked at Caleb and said “Sugar free?”

Caleb shrugged as Marcus shouted to ruby in the kitchen, “Black coffee and a sugar free blood coke please Ruby”

Ruby shouted back “Ok I’m guessing it Caleb and Lucan then, ill have Luna bring in the drinks”

Gwen walked in slowly trying not to spill her drink, as she looked up she noticed that Lucan and Caleb was watching her as she said “Hi”

Both responded by saying hay back to her, Gwen put down her tea on the side were the cabinet is sitting down on a foldable chair, Lucan cleared his throat and said “let’s cut to the chase, you killed a hunchback in a cafe down the road, the only thing that puzzles me is why?”

Caleb was making notes as Marcus said “He was after Gwen here for some reason and then he wanted me dead”

Lucan nodded and said “Ok fine do you know who he works for?”

Marcus nodded and said “We might have a lead on it, a woman called Gabe; she is the one who did the shootings down the chicken shop”

Lucan sat back and said “Gabe huh, she disappeared around 10 years ago, never seen her since then and who is this young lady?”

Marcus looked at Lucan and said while gesturing towards Gwen “This is Gwen Duncan, for the record she is a witness under my protection”

Lucan was stareing at her for a while, he tilted he head this way and that, his face looked both confused and puzzled as he stood up walking left and right examining Gwen, Gwen felt vey uncomftable as Gwen looked up and said to Lucan “is there a problem?”

Lucan lean closed to Gwen and said to her “Have we met before?”

Gwen started to lean back as shock her head and said “No this is the first time we have met Lucan”

Lucan seemed satisfied with the answer but at the back of his mind it was niggling at him, even though she had answered his question, there was still something, as he picked up his cup of coffee in one hand, Lucan’s phone rang, as he answered it with the other and said “Yeah.... another murder......same motive.......EVIDENCE!....right ill let Marcus now, ok, see yah, bye, well Marcus seems like your wanted”

Marcus looked at Lucan and said “Ok ill get ready”

Caleb had finished taking down notes, but he had to ask one final question “Gwen is it, is it short name?”

Gwen looked up after finishing her tea and said “Yes its short for Gwenavire”

Lucan nearly dropped his coffee as it spilled, Caleb looked at Lucan and said “Are you all right sir?”

Lucan composed himself and said “Yeah, there is something i need to tell you”

Marcus was chaning his cloths and concentrating on what he was going to wear, he changed his trousers and boxers, his trousers were black, white socks, black shoes, white shirt, black tie and his trench coat, he could hear the conversation as he started to apply his deodorant.

Gwen looked at Lucan closely and said “Oh yeah, sorry Lucan i didn’t recognise you without your hair”

Lucan face turned serious as he said “After you disappeared a long time ago i was thinning by then”

Luna Walked in with Ruby, she had a big smile on her face as Luna said “I don’t believe it, you used to work with Lucan?”

Gwen nodded as she added “Yeah, but by then he had hair”

Lucan was getting furious and what didn’t help was Luna laughing out loud on the floor her hand was banging so hard it echoed, Ruby had a big smile on her face, Marcus walked in and saw Luna on the floor laughing so hard that she was nearly crying, he was wearing his gloves and his trench coat, his hair was combed neatly he looked around and said “What did i miss?”

Luna was trying to say to Marcus “Lucan....Lucan had hair”

As she said that she cracked up laughing again as Marcus turned his head towards Lucan and said “Really?”

Lucan sighed, he put his hand in his pocket and struggled to bring out a wallet, it was made of leather as he showed Marcus a picture of him when he had hair, in his picture he had a large afro which nearly cover most of the wallet sized picture, Marcus snikerd as both Luna and Ruby walked behind Marcus looking at this photo, Luna once again cracked up, she started to laugh so hard that she was holding her sides, Ruby had her hand to her mouth trying to mask her laugh, Lucan in a fit of rage snatched the wallet and looked to his left and noticed that Caleb was still taking notes, he said to Caleb “Don’t write down why they are laughing ok Caleb?”

Caleb stopped as a bit of fear coverd his face, he swallowed hard and said “Ok, sir”

Once everybody had calmed down after a few minutes Marcus said “Ok guys, seems the six of us are needed at a crime scene, Lucan if you would be so kind to lead the way”

Gwen Looked at Marcus and said “did you hear what Lucan said before we talked about his hair loss?”

Luna, Ruby and Gwen snickered a bit as Marcus shook his head, then Lucan said “I used to Work with Gwen 10 odd years ago”

Marcus looked at Lucan with a confused look as Lucan added “It was part of project Pariah”  

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