Just a Nobody (Dally x Reader)

By BookNerdsAndDancers

113K 2.2K 951

This is an Outsiders fan fiction about you, the reader, who is a girl without family and love. Until you meet... More

Waking Up on the Wrong Side of Town
The Pain of Loss is Real
Getting New Cloths
Just a Nobody
A Difficult Choice
Drop Dead
The Question
Trouble With Tim
The After Math
And Then There's Silvia...
A Game of Life or Death
Ending One
Ending Two
Help! (A/n)
OMG (not update sorry)

Loving Her

6K 134 36
By BookNerdsAndDancers

Warning, swears ahead!

Dally's POV
So. Here we are. In this hospital again. I shiver. This place brings back bad memories. When Johnny almost died, and when I had the badly burned arm AND when Ponyboy got real sick. But this time, it was (Y/N) laying in the bed. But it wasn't from trying to save children from a burning church, or shock and concussion, it was suicide. Caused by me. I influenced this. She tried to kill herself because of me. I would never admit this, but I loved (Y/N). Damn it I loved her. With all my fucking heart. She may not know it, but that's why I tease her, and why I don't want her to steal. Looking around the room, I see Darry pacing, Soda an' Pony asleep on each other, Johnny in a ball in the corner, most likely sleeping, Two-Bit staring of into space, and Steve playing with a new hubcap. Me? I'm looking at the floor with my arms folded, thin kin' 'bout all the bad things that could happen. (Y/N) could hate me. Or she could try to die again. Or she could die. Oh my god she can't die. Damn it, she just can't. I feel hot tears streaming down my face as I think of that. If she dies it's all my fault. A sob escapes my mouth, and I quickly cover it. But the tears keep coming. "You just can't die, (Y/N)!" The gang members who were awake all looked at me. I realized I said that out loud. And I was still crying.
"Dallas..." Darry said softly and slowly. He walked over and put his hand on my shoulder.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yelled and jerked away. Darry looked startled.
"Dallas what is with you??" He half shouted. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Isaidsomereallybadthingsto(Y/N)andthat'swhyshetriedtokillherselfandifshedies,Icouldntlivewithmyself.Iloveher." I said really fast.
"Say it again, slower." Darry said in a soothing voice.
Taking a deep breath, I whispered "I said some really bad things to (Y/N) and that's why she tried to kill herself and if she dies, I couldn't live with my myself. I- I-" I couldn't finish the sentence.
"You what, Dally." Darry said as tried to calm me down.
"I love her." I breathed in a barely audible voice.

(Y/N)'s POV
"I love her." I heard Dally say. Then the last few events hit me. Aren't I supposed to be dead? Where am I? Who was Dallas talking to? And about who? Ok, (Y/N), time for the five Ws. Who? I looked around. Just the gang, staring at Dally in shock. Oooookay... What? I don't know. I'm laying in a bed with an oxygen mask on my face and bandages around my wrists. When? Judging by the dim lights being the only lights, around night time or early morning. Where? Well, none of my friends are doctors, so presumably a hospital. Why? I don't feel the need to answer that question. Now, should I pretend to be unconscious and listen in on the now-silent convo going on, or let the gang know I'm fine.
Before I even could decide, my left leg spasmed. Shit.
All of the gang, except those who were sleeping, looked at me.
"(Y-Y/N)?" Dally asked. He moved towards me. As a reflex, my body shrank back. No. Bad (Y/N). You like Dally. Even after all those things. All those things he said. All those mean, painful, terrible... ok fine you win. I hate Dally. Hate hate hate him.
Slowly I took of the oxygen mask. Dally took a step closer, a frightened look on his face, and my I did the first thing that came to mind. I spit on him. He just sorta shrank back and hid in the shadows.
Two-Bit stayed put, but asked/screamed "(Y/N), WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??"
"I was thinking," I said coolly, "that y'all should get out so I can get changed." They all nodded and left, except for Darry, who woke up Johnny, Pony, and Soda and dragged them out behind him. As soon as the door closed, I changed into the jacket, white top, and jeans that had apparently been washed. And as quick as the flash (if not, quicker!) I yanked the window open, and hopped out. I saw what I was expecting: a few street lamps, a crescent moon, and a bunch of cars in a parking lot. What I didn't expect to see was Dally, leaning on the post of a street lamp, tossing a rock up in the air and catching it.
The next time he caught the rock, he chucked it across the lot and looked at me threw his lashes saying "Fancy meeting you here."

A/n Heyo! So sorry about the swears, they just seemed to fit. Hey, I warned you! Also sorry about not updating recently, but I told you: I wasn't updating till I got a comment. Next, this chapter is dedicated to emmapepper cause she is bæ. You should read her Dally x Reader cause it's amazeballs. She's one kewl sqwid. Wove you Sara Sqwid! Any who, the more encouragement the quicker the updates! Also, I'm running out of chapter names as you can probably tell. Yes I know it's only chapter eight! And thumbs up or my longest chapter so far! Eh? No? Nothing? Party poopers. Well, see y'all soon! Byez!
~ #GoToMcKennas (I don't think it's spelled right...) Just cause, don't judge! @BookNerdsAndDancers out, PEACE!

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