I'm Not Who You Think

By b_writing1d

437K 6.9K 1.3K

*THE STORY IS NOT LIKE DARK* Harry Styles. What do you think of when you hear that name? Sweet? Generous? Hot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Over 7 years later...please read!

Chapter 26

6.5K 89 12
By b_writing1d

I grabbed her hand and we stood up together. I turned my body to have it facing hers. We just stared up at eachother, unsure of what was gonna happen.

"Its the police. Open up the door or we'll do it for you!" A man police officer yelled and banged on the door 3 times.

"Come on." I whispered and pulled Kate over to the door with me. We had our fingers entwined together. I unlocked the door slowly, and turned the door knob with my free hand. Kate and I stepped back to reveal two police officers were standing right infront of the door. The looked at me, and then looked at Kate.

"Mr.Styles, do you mind if we come in?" The police officer with black hair asked. I nodded my head and watched as the two male police officers stepped into my flat. 

"First thing that we're here with is the kidnapping." The skinnier police officer said. My heart dropped. Kate let go of my hand and walked into the living room. The two officers followed, and then I was right behind them.

"He didn't kidnap me." Kate spoke softly standing in the middle of the living room. I walked passed the two officers and stood next to Kate. Kate and I faced the officers.

"First off, lets get names down. I'm officer Doug." The one with black hair said.

"And I'm Joe." The skinnier one said.

"I'm Harry, of course." I replied casually.

"And what's your name?" Doug asked looking at Kate.

"Kate.." She said crossing her arms.

"Alright, Harry. Can you please explain to me what happened that night with you and Ms.Kate?" Joe asked looking at me.

"Uhm, babe, can you remember?" I asked looking down at Kate trying to see if she had an idea of what to say.

"Oh yeah. It was something with me not wanting to leave the bar, but I was like half drunk so yeah.. That's all I remember." Kate said. Damn, she was a good liar.

"Now I remember, you were half drunk and it was late and we had to get home and you refused." I said glancing down at Kate and then looked at Doug and Joe.

"How come no one had seen you with Kate before that night?" Joe asked. That was one thing I didn't plan.

"We uhm, kept our relationship private." I tried to say, think with what more I could say. "Would you like to sit?"

"Uhh, yeah. Sure." Doug and Joe walked over to the couch and sat down. Kate and I remained standing, but stood right infront of them.

"How did you keep it private?" Doug asked.

"Erm we would meet up at eachothers homes and yeah, that's it.." I said nervouslly.

"Alright, well I'm not trying to say that Harry didn't kidnap you, Kate.. But you could be lying about this." Doug said looking at her. Her eyes widened.

"Would a liar do this?" She violently grabbed the side of my face in her hand and turned my face to hers. I leaned down lightly and we began to kiss. She then pulled away. "Or this?"

She used her tongue to open my mouth and our tongues wrestled together. 

"O-okay, maybe you're not lying." Doug said quietly, probably feeling awkward. Kate pulled away and looked at them.

"Thank you." She said giving them a sarcastic smile.

"Now what about the beating?" Joe continued on, staring over at me and Kate.

"I-I can explain that.." I said quietly. 

"Please do." Doug added in.

"Well, uhm.. That was Kate's ex-boyfriend.." I said looking at the ground. Kate's hand came and grabbed mine and held it tightly, giving me more support. "And he used to beat on her..."

"So that gives you the right to go and hit him?" Joe asked.

"Officers, are you married or currently dating someone?" I asked looking over at them, I was pissed. But I couldn't let it show.

"Married." They said at the same time.

"Well if your wife used to get beat on by a guy, wouldn't you do almost ANYTHING to give him his payback?" I asked getting more mad. Kate then flinched slightly. I realized I was squeezing her hand to hard considering how these officers were.

"I'm sorry baby." I spoke quietly and brought her hand up to my mouth. I let my grip up slightly and kissed her hand. I then put our hands back to where they were. 

"Sir, but this isnt us." Joe said sitting up.

"But you would, I know you would. You need to understand the rush I felt when I climbed out of my car, and then see him. You would have done the same thing, sirs." I said nodding my head at both of them. They remained silent. "Please don't arrest me or anything. I can't leave her."

Kate's POV:

I never expected Harry to be so nice to officers honestly. Maybe it was more of the fact of him getting put in jail that scared him. I began to think to myself. Maybe their not going to arrest Harry, but it would get a greater chance of him not getting arrested, if I cried. And that's what I did. I brought both of my hands to my eyes, and just let the tears flow.

"Ma'am, is everything okay?" Joe asked standing up. I looked over to at two police officers and they looked like they felt bad.

"N-no. You're gonna take my boyfriend to jail over my stupidity of not being able to stop him before he hit Dan. I-I can't loose him.." I said letting tears flow down my cheeks. Harry wrapped both of his arms around my back and pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my head into his chest, and just cried.

"It'll be okay." Harry whispered and kissed the top of my head. I then began to hear whispering from over at the couch. Doug and Joe were whispering.

"Mr.Styles, considering you have no criminal record, and you did no real damage to Dan, I suppose his name is..." Joe said walking over to us. Harry and I let go from the hug and turned to face them.

"We're gonna let it go." Doug said smiling lightly.

"Thank you so much!" I yelled jumping onto both of the officers. I hugged both of them tightly. I let go of the officers and turned back to Harry to see him smiling.

"Thank you, I mean it. Thank you." Harry said looking at them. Harry and I hugged tightly, just happy nothing was gonna happen.

"There's a few conditions." Doug said. My smile turned to a frown as I turned around to the two officers.

"First off, no more violence or we will arrest you next time." Joe said starting the conditions

"Secondly, we both have daughters and their huge fans." Doug added in smiling. Relief washed over me knowing it was nothing serious that would happen.

"You want me to sign something for them?" Harry asked looking at them. Joe nodded his head and pulled out a small notepad from his pocket, and a pen. Harry smiled at took them. He walked over and sat on the couch.

"What's their names?" He asked peering up at Doug and Joe.

"Well my daughters name is Kat." Joe said and watched Harry as he wrote stuff down on a piece of paper. Harry tore out a piece of paper and handed it to Joe. 

"And yours?" Harry asked looking up at Doug.

"Miranda." Doug replied. Harry once again filled out the piece of paper, and handed it to Doug. He stood up and smiled, and handed the notebook and pen back to Joe.

"Thank you Mr.Styles. Remember what we said though, anymore violence and you will be arrested." Doug said stuffing the piece of paper in his pocket. Harry nodded his head and smiled. He walked over to the door and polietly gestured them out. After they left, Harry locked the door and walked over to me. He put his hands on my waist and brought his face inches from mine.

"You're a good actress." He complimented.

"Thank you." I giggled. It became silent. Nothing was said. The way he lowered his head, it was at eye contact. Our eyes met, those green orbs made me melt. I brushed both of my hands through his slightly nodded curls. I couldn't take it anymore. The staring had gone on for minutes. His lips right infront of mine. I leaned in, and I kissed him. Of course, he kissed back. I had to though, I couldn't take the wait. Both of his hands came to the back of my legs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, while still kissing. His hands held me up by placing them on my bum for support, which I knew he didn't mind. The kissing continued in the same spot in the living room. I placed both of my hands and each side of my face. 

"I never wanna loose you." He said stopping from kissing me, but still had his lips against mine. 

"I can't loose you." I said before quickly kissing him again. I know I'm technically supposed to hate Harry, but how could I when he's constantly there for me and is so sweet? He showed me how my own brother is actually a piece of shit. He's helped me out anytime I need to. I know we've only been dating for maybe a week, but love is love. It can take years to fall in love, or it could take a simple few days. All I know is I found the one, Harry. I don't care if people don't like it. He's mine and I'm his. 

"Lets go out to dinner babe." He said pulling completely away from the kiss.

"I only have that one dress.." I said unhappy. Keep in mind that Harry was still holding me up and I had my legs still wrapped around his waist.

"Then I guess we're going shopping." He said smiling.

"I don't want you buying me stuff." I said playfully poking his nose. He lightly laughed and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Well I'm going to." He said smiling once again.

"No you're not. Ill wear my clothes. Its alright." I said staring into his green eyes again. Why did I always do that? Was it cause they were a different color? Was it cause I know that I'm with normal Harry right now? I don't know, it was kind of a habit.

"I don't want you to just wear jeans tonight love."

"I feel bad if you buy me stuff." I complained.

"Why? I'm rich. I could buy you almost anything you'd like." He said lifting me up a little bit more.

"I don't want it to seem I'm just using you for your fame. Fuck the fame, your Harry Styles. Not HARRY STYLES!" I yelled which made him laugh. He set me to my feet.

"I know, but come on. Just let me take you out so you can get another dress. That's all." He said grabbing my hand. I sighed.

"You'll make me do it anyway won't you?" I said looking up at him.

"Basically." He said smiling big. I lightly giggled. I gasped when I felt Harry pull me without any warning. He walked us back to the bedroom and slammed the door shut. I let go of his hand, but he quickly grabbed it. "Or shall we go to the bar?"

"Bar?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." He said pulling me over to my suitcase which was on the floor. "Dress in jeans for this, I won't let anyone look at you. You're mine." 

He sounded scary in a way. I won't let anyone look at you. You're mine. I won't let anyone look at you. You're mine. It just repeated in my head. I stood there watching Harry as he searched through my suitcase. He pulled out a pair of dark skinny jeans, and a light pink tank top. Of course he chose the tank top that was low cut.

"Can I pick out my outfit?" I asked him, crossing my arms. He turned to me.

"No." Was all he said before going back and searching for what else I had. He tossed the jeans and tank top to the bed, and looked for a bra or something I guess. He pulled out a plain black bra and tossed it over to the bed. Why does he choose my clothes? Last time I checked, I was about to be 19 years old, not 2. He turned around and looked at me. That evil smirk was on his face. How is it that he could go from being sweet and nice from a scarier situation, to this? I recognized that smirk, which ment he was gonna take control and I had no say in it.

"Harry..." I said backing up. With every step I took backwards, he came forward to me. 

"Shit." I said under my breath when I felt my back press into the wall. He came and stood infront of me.

"We'll have fun tonight Kate, just you wait." He said smirking and kissing my cheek. He turned around and picked up the clothes. He tossed them all to me, and I caught them. 

"Go change, the sooner the better." He said searching through his drawers for something for him to wear. I wasn't gonna argue cause I know he'd get mad, or do something innapropriate to me. 

I was about to walk out of the bedroom before I heard  "Ehh hem." come from him. I turned around.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked folding his arms.

"To change?" I said confused.

"Remember, you change in here, with me." He replied.

"I don't have to.." I said annoyed.

"You do it yourself in here, or I'll do it for you." He smirked. I sighed and walked over to the bed. I set the clothes down and slipped my crop top off that I had on. He stared at me as I did so.

"Harry.." I said frozen.

"Yes?" He asked having his eyes scan my body.

"How do you change your attitude like that?" I asked still standing there in my bra and jeans.

"Like what?" He asked confused.

"You can go from sweet, to romantic, to wanting sex, to angry and then right back to sweet.." I said looking down at the ground. I peered up at him to see he was unhappy. Not mad, but more like upset. "What's wrong?"

"I guess my personalities get the best of me..." He said staring at the ground.

"But how do they change so quickly? You just went from being sweet to being in charge or being a turn on.." I said and smacked my hands to my mouth. Did I just call Harry a turn on? I watched him as he look up at me, smirking evilly once again.

"A turn on eyy?" He said walking towards me.

"I-I didn't mean to say that, I jus--" I tried to say, but his lips crashed into mine.

"Trust me babe ," He said pressing his lips into mine. "I can do a lot to turn you on."

Butterflies came into my stomach, I shook, I froze, I didn't know what to do. I can do a lot to turn you on. Those words spooked me. He then hugged me. I thought it was gonna be a real hug, so I hugged back. I was proven wrong when I felt his warm hands come to the back of my bra and unhook it. I stepped back and held the bra up so it could cover my breasts.

"Now now, Kate. Cooperate with me." He said stepping right infront of me again. I didn't listen. His hands violently pulled my hands away from holding the bra up, letting the straps rolls down my shoulder, and fall to the floor. His eyes stared making my cheeks turn hot. It was embarrassing to me. I grabbed my breasts in both of my hands but he pulled them away. Instead, he took charge with it and grabbed them giving each a light squeeze. He then wrapped both of his arms around my lower back, lifting me off the ground. He tossed me onto the bed to have my back laying flat. I tried to sit up, but Harry already climbed on top of me. My feet were still resting flat on the floor, but my back was flat on the bed. He began kissing my stomach. He made his way up to my breasts and kissed both of my nipples. He began to kiss at my neck. He sucked once he found my weak spot. He laid flat on top of me, just sucking at the spot I loved the most on my neck. He wrapped both of his arms around my back and held me tightly. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. I moaned a lot considering this actually felt nice. I squealed when I felt something hard press into my thigh. It couldn't have been his hands cause I was basically laying on them, nor could it have been his arms. 

"Am I doing something wrong?" He mumbled against my skin.

"I-I can feel..." I couldn't continue. How was I suppose to tell him I felt his length on me?

"You feel me, I know.." He said leaning up. "That's what you do to me."

How could I of all people do that to him? 

"How much longer are you gonna have me wait?" He mimbled against my lips and started kissing me.

"I don't know.. It would be to soon Harry.." I said nudging him off of me. And he did roll off of me.

"It'll be soon enough, right?" He asked. I gulped. Was I ready for sex? Harry and I haven't been dating long enough for sex. We've already moved to fast.

"I.. Uhh.. Erm.." I didn't know what to say.

"You don't trust me." He said standing up. I leaned up and watched him as he walked over to his dresser drawer and pulled out a white button up shirt.

"Harry, I do trust you. Its just sex is a big step.." I said standing up and grabbed the black bra he's making me wear. 

"You've never.. Have you?" He asked softly, and putting on his shirt. I slipped my bra on and hooked it. I didn't say anything once I felt my cheeks heat. "Kate, answer me."

"No..." I said almost with a whisper and trying to avoid this kind of conversation. 

"Its alright." He spoke softly. I ignored him and continued to change. For once, he didn't watch me. I slipped on the tight skinny jeans and the low cut tank top revealing my clevidge. God I hated dressing like that. The only reason I even had slutty clothes was cause Dan would force me to wear them.

"Love, its okay." I heard him say as he changed. I still said nothing. I was embarrassed. At my age, it should be gone, but its not. I sat down on the edge of the bed to have my back face him. I put my elbows on my thighs and supported my head up with my hands. I then felt and indent in the bed. Harry was sitting next to me. I still just stared forward at the blank wall. His finger came to the side of my cheek causing me to look at him. He smiled lightly and applied his lips to mine gently. Why wasn't he mad or dissapointed?

"Even better, I want to be the one and only who's done it to you." He smirked. Well, my question was answered. "Lets go now. I'm taking you to a close bar." He said standing up. I sighed and slipped on my pink Vans. I felt two larger hands come to my waist. Harry pressed his stomach into my back and rested his chin on my shoulder. A few of his sweet kisses applied to my neck.

"I guess we'll find out what you're like in a bar." He smiled and grabbed my hand. I had nothing to say, still embarrassed about everything. We quickly walked out to his car, speed walking to avoid paprazzi or fans. It was dark out though, I didn't know what time. We climbed in the car and he began to drive. 

"I still love you. You being a virgin won't change that, but ill change that for you." He smirked while driving.

"Harry.." I whispered under my breath and lightly smiled. He was always so innapropriate.

"Trust me Kate.." He said focussing on the road. "Trust me."

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