The Vampire's Last Omega

By GiveMeThatBread

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Almost two centuries had passed since vampires emerged from the shadows. After declaring themselves as the do... More

A Little Introduction
Out of the Darkness
Bedtime Stories
Claiming Announcement
Silent Treatment
Sneaking Out
Angry Alpha
Dressed and Prepped
Auction: Part 1
Auction: Part 2
Introducing: Pride and Lust
Bath Time
Nesting: Part 1
Nesting: Part 2
Doctor's Advice
Die Hard
Blood Donor
Introducing: Envy
Health Inspection
Heat: Part 1
Heat: Part 2
Heat: Part 3
Heat: Part 4
Black Rose
Open Season
Rut: Part 1
Rut: Part 2
Hibernation: Part 1
Introducing: Wrath
Hibernation: Part 2
How to Challenge an Alpha
Times Square Auction
Shopping: Part 1
Shopping: Part 2
Defense Mechanism
Introducing: Greed and Sloth
Blood: Part 1
Blood: Part 2
Elevator Roulette
Monsters Are Real
Synthetic Love
Early Release
Déjà Vu
Go Away
Omega's Lament
Meeting: Part 1
Meeting: Part 2
Meeting: Part 3
The Third Theory
Marking: Part 1
Marking: Part 2
Marking: Part 3
Marking: Part 4
The Original Scent
[VLO Fan Art!]
An Alpha's Nest
Event: Part 1
Introducing: Gluttony
Event: Part 2
Lust's Alpha
White Collar
Sweet Scent
Mate's Blood
Love Yourself
House of Wolves
Humility: Part 1
Humility: Part 2
A Proper Alpha
Angel of the Abyss
Abaddon's Army: Part 1
Abaddon's Army: Part 2
Lust's Plan
Final Battle: Part 1
Final Battle: Part 2
Omega's Choice: Part 1
Omega's Choice: Part 2
Black Feather
The Original Vampire: Part 1
The Original Vampire: Part 2
Three Heartbeats: Part 1
Three Heartbeats: Part 2
Out of His League
Submissive: Part 1
Submissive: Part 2
Chastity: Part 1
Chastity: Part 2
Chastity: Part 3
Phase One
Phase Two
The Former King
Night Terrors
[AU Episode] - The Red String of Fate
The Pack
Hybrid: Part 1
Hybrid: Part 2
Hybrid: Part 3
Lust's Virtue: Part 1
Lust's Virtue: Part 2
Lust's Virtue: Part 3
Lust's Virtue: Part 4
Stargazing: Part 1
Stargazing: Part 2
Stargazing: Part 3 [Fan Art]
Animal Blood
Future Memories
Lust's Hideout
Phase Three
Limits and Boundaries
A Broken Promise
Fires of Hell
Nesting Transfer
An Alpha Under My Bed
Lies and Truth
A Green Tulip
Into the Darkness: Part 1
Into the Darkness: Part 2
Nesting Hunger
Werewolf Nesting
Familiar Scents
Mark Me
Temptations: Part 1
Temptations: Part 2
Temptations: Part 3
Mysterious Condition
Who is This Alpha?
Fat Man's Misery
Leap of Faith
In a Pickle
Missing Person
Lost Time
[Bonus Chapter] - Conceive: Part 1
[Commissioned Art]
[Bonus Chapter] - Conceive: Part 2
[Bonus Chapter] - Conceive: Part 3
[Bonus Chapter] - Conceive: Part 4
Zombie [Announcement]
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Clingy [Fan Art]
Old Habits
Final Destination: Part 1
Final Destination: Part 2

Final Destination: Part 3

1.4K 80 46
By GiveMeThatBread

It had been nine days. Lilith and her children 'cleansed' several countries in Central America. Next would be South America. Then, Europe. Everywhere would be free of the sins of her childre—

No, Lilith thought, shaking her head as she stood on a beach.

She watched the rivers of blood rush into the ocean beside her feet, turning the salty waters bright red of their kills. Not everywhere would be free. Her oldest and youngest were not with her. The humans who were alive but deserved to have their prideful or lustful souls sent below were still squirming around. 

Lilith heard footsteps approaching behind her and stopped. She stayed silent for a while before asking, "Is Belize completed?"

There was a monstrous gruff. Ah, right. Her children could not speak, for they were in their true forms. The first vampire turned around and made eye contact with Wrath. His glasses were gone. They were buried somewhere not long after leaving New York after causing chaos from the mass killings of vampires and humans alike whose souls smelled disgusting.

When Lilith was not with them, Wrath took on the leadership role. It was Pride's, he was not here. Envy attempted to take it the position, but he was overpowered by Wrath's scent.

Lilith knew Charles's consciousness was teetering. It was constantly wanting to be released from her hold while his sin kept buring him inside. She was always releasing her scent of all scents to keep Wrath awake.

Charles is a strong one, too, just like Kieran. Kieran...

Lilith looked into the sky when she heard a screeching sound. A horde of Abaddon's giant locusts convulsed and evaporated into the air in black smoke, returning to the world they came from in her ex-husband's pit. The fifth trumpet was ending. She had heard through the grapevine that the sixth trumpet had sounded on another continent. Perhaps they did not need to go to Europe if this apocalyptic trumpet's army wiped out everyone.

But, it was a problem. Lilith told Kieran they would return. Teru would be hers. Wiping out his dominant gender once and for all would finally complete her revenge against the heavens. Five months. She had given them five months, yet it had only been nine days? How could she have miscalculated? After stewing for a bit longer and watching the sunset, she cackled like a wild person.

"The heavens are not on my side. They were never on my side. This is their doing." She marched past her children. Her white dress billowed from the ocean wind. They followed her obediently.

Lilith would most likely break her promise. It depended on the damage of the sixth trumpet. Their family reunion might arrive earlier than believed.


The werewolves hadn't seen their newest pack leader in what felt like forever. Yes, it had been less than two weeks, but that was a lifetime for them. Tae-soo, the former alpha of Abaddon's wolves, returned to the role to lead them cross-country to Los Angeles. It was temporary which he did not mind.

And it was exhilarating. They could finally run. They could finally hunt. They could finally be themselves. They could finally be free.

He was also eternally grateful that some part of Ryoma had lived.

Teru was a miracle. That boy was a breathing testament of one of the most heroic omegas to ever exist, who had given up their freedom to protect their people. Tae-soo loved that Teru was a carbon copy of the person he had loved.

Getting to their final destination was difficult. Those locust monsters kept following. It was more annoying than anything because it forced them to keep running...and running...and running. The ugly beasts ate everything behind them. Then, the monstrous bugs disappeared into smoke. It was peculiar.

There was Zander, the newly turned vampire by Prince Blaise. It was challenging to control a hybrid creature not meant to exist as both werewolf and bloodsucker. Zander attempted to drink the blood of every creature within miles. The pack would let him for a bit before corralling him to continue on their journey. It took time to manage his blood thirst, enough that he could think clearly and how to take care of himself from here on out. They kept him in check, especially Tae-soo, who had more overwhelming alpha pheromones to make him kneel. Jacky and Lila could not do it since they were merely betas.

At least Zander would not be alone to deal with his new immortality.

Jacky watched the moon. They rarely shifted into their human forms during the trip, but when they did, Jacky would inform them of which day it was - day one, day five, etc.

It was finally the beginning of day nine, though still dark outside. Their surroundings had changed. The plants and ground shifted to a desert-like climate. It was bloody hot, too, making them all pant. The heat wouldn't kill them, though it was uncomfortable. Each sprinting step they took increased the sense that their leader was not far away.

The wolves stopped and howled for him. Teru did not respond.

Lila nuzzled Jacky and growled, Where is he?

Ahead, Tae-soo responded. Let's sleep for now.

They huddled together for the night. Later, Tae-soo woke up and yawned widely. He had an awful feeling that something was wrong.

We need to go, he barked at the other three.

The others could sense something amiss, too. Each wolf paced and whined nervously. They ran. The scent of blood came first, followed by the sounds of people arguing. When the pack reached the clearing, a bloodsucker hissed loudly. It was a blur for Tae-soo as the other three wolves surrounded that vamp, while he dashed toward the airplane.

There was a vampire with deadly intent against Teru, whose belly had become more swollen with pups.

The smokey grey wolf saw red. His instincts took over. Everyone's identities didn't matter. Tae-soo had to protect their omega. Saliva fell from his mouth. As he pounced, he felt something sharp stabbing his side. It was probably the blonde vampire trying to stop him with the fucked up arm.

His jaw gripped onto the threatening vampire's shoulder. He dragged him to the other side of the plane. The pitiful scream from his prey was satisfying. He bit deeper and was about to rip him entirely into two piec—


The banging was faint, but he heard it. Tae-soo glanced up. The flailing vamp in his grip clawed at his face, but it didn't bother him. It was painless compared to what Abaddon did to him for years. He saw Teru through one of the small plane windows, telling him to—

Something smacked him so hard in the head that Tae-soo got whiplash. He whined loudly and let go of his prey.

Tae-soo was a healthy hybrid. His vampire blood healed the concussion and brain bleed in seconds. He got up. The wolf pack huddled together and snarled. Their murderous stares aimed at the vanilla and lavendar-scented bloodsuckers.

Everyone braced themselves for a fight that would end one of them.

And Tae-soo would not let it be the wolves.


There was a showdown happening. Teru was emitting sour pheromones in distress.

Kieran didn't want him to be scared anymore. He was sick of it. All of it. They were so close to their destination, yet those who were on the same side were fighting!

Kieran grasped Teru's trembling shoulders and said, "I need you to promise me to stay here."

"Where are you going?"


His eyes went wide. Teru bit his lip to hold in what he wanted to say. Kieran assumed it was to demand to go with him, since he had a bad habit of running into danger without considering himself. Teru touched his stomach and nodded.

"I won't leave," the omega said. He had meant it with all his heart.

Kieran quickly kissed his forehead and shot out of the plane. Blaise and the grey wolf roared and ran at each other, claws and fangs out to kill 'the enemy.' Both were too wound up to see they were not foes.

Mustering up his strength, Kieran bared his fangs and went between them before they could land their fatal blows. He grabbed the wolf's scruff with his left hand, and Blaise's throat with his right. He growled so loud when he yanked them apart that the sound was deafening.

Kieran released a heavy amount of his authoritative pheromones. To those directly around him, it would've felt like hundreds of pounds of bricks weighing on them.


Everyone was forced to listen. They froze where they were. Blaise had the ability to avoid the command, but had been too distracted by protecting Lucas. Kieran could understand that protectiveness.

"You," Kieran glared at the wolf. "Sit."

The large beast sat like a good dog.

"Brother," he growled at Blaise and let go of his neck, too. "Sit next to him."

Blaise immediately sat down beside the wolf. It was obvious both despised the order. Their muscles flinched to attack the other. They were only an inch apart. Satisfied they could not break the pheromones, Kieran studied each person—the pack, crimson-eyed Lucas, Emerson far away, and Teru watching from the plane window.

"This bullshit is going to cease. Now. We are all on the same team and experienced fuckery by Abaddon's hands. I have no problems leaving everyone here behind and moving on with my mate. Got it? Blaise, get a grip on your virtue before I do."

Kieran turned off his pheromones. Blaise and the grey wolf immediately distanced themselves. His brother held Lucas by the nape with his good arm. Lucas snarled in protest, demanding to be let go.

"Relax, love," Blaise told him. "You're the one who wanted this today. I wished to wait to make your transition more romantic."

That was another thing Teru did not know yet, and still, since he couldn't hear through the window. Blaise decided he wanted to hold off on turning Lucas. He convinced me he could find the right atmosphere so it would be as peaceful as possible for him.

But, Lucas had other plans. He wanted the pain to end at that second. He became violent when Blaise kept saying no, enough that Lucas threatened to take his own life. In a surprising turn of events, Blaise was not the one who had challenged him. It was Lucas who had called for one. The entire thing was unexpected. Kieran was somewhat interested in knowing why Lucas changed his mind, and how he managed to turn Blaise into a pushover.

Kieran would tell Teru the truth soon when the timing was better.

They heard footsteps. It was far off but headed their way. Those who could hear it paused to listen. The pace was likely human.

Emerson finally joined the group. He stayed wary of the wolves, knowing that their saliva and deadly teeth could easily rip apart a vampire. "This is my cue to leave you, my Prince. I have duties elsewhere and I am running late myself. Just remember my advice and follow their lead, though I know you may find that difficult as Pride."

Kieran couldn't tell if that was an insult, but he let it slide. They shook hands. Emerson bowed to Blaise since he was...preoccupied with a feral baby vampire.

"When you need another reservation, you know how to contact me." At that, he raced away into the trees. The abrupt movement startled the wolves and grew restless.

Kieran looked up at the window and nodded to Teru. His mate disappeared from sight. Kieran went to the stairs to help him down since it was steep. He rubbed his cheek over Teru's head to scent mark him.

"You listened well."

Teru purred at the compliment.

Once Teru was on the ground, the werewolves surrounded them. Their tails wagged like crazy and licked their leader's hands. Teru petted them all, especially Zander. The last time they saw each other was when the rustic colored wolf was feral like Lucas was at the moment. Kieran's heart warmed at seeing him happy to be reunited.

Keiran finally remembered the grey one's name after hearing it. Tae-soo.

Tae-soo hesitantly went to Kieran. His tail did not move, but his general body language wasn't scared. Perhaps he was curious. He took slow steps towards the vampire prince until his nose bumped into Kieran's hand.

"Tae-soo wants to greet you," Teru whispered to him. "They consider you as 'the alpha.'"

"'The alpha'?"

"I'm their pack leader. You're my mate. That makes you above them in the hierarchy. Your species doesn't matter."

"I see." Kieran didn't know what to do with this information. To appease his omega, he'd do his best, but werewolves were not creatures he was well-versed in. Vampires and werewolves naturally did not mix. They went out of their way to stay away from each other.

While the pack reconnected, the siblings kept a close tab on the footsteps coming closer. There were maybe ten in the group. It was likely humans from the rebellion doing a morning watch, but they must have heard the loud howls and growls.

Wait. Some steps were different.

Not human. Vampire.

It was close enough that even the wolves stopped their happy gruffs and zoomies. Their entire demeanor changed to defend Teru. Kieran did the same, stepping in front of his pregnant mate. They had no idea what sort of people they were about to come face to face.

A group emerged from the forest and walked towards them without hesitation. They must have been used to confronting newcomers. Each person held a modern gun not produced by Avania. It came from a different country, meaning their theories were correct about them receiving help from abroad.

"I knew it," Blaise said.

Eight of them were human, ranging in ages but all capable of holding their own based on the scars of prior battles. Two were vampires who must have joined the rebellion. Well, the vampires who were banned from Avania by Abaddon had to go somewhere, right?

The middle-aged human in the center had a strong aura. The way he carried himself was confident and unwavering.

Why does he seem familiar?

White strands peppered his black hair. A scar traveled over his face and under his shirt. His brown eyes were the same color as Teru's.

The man stopped mid-step when he saw Tae-soo's wolf. The group following him stopped also, raising eyebrows about his odd behavior. Tae-soo's ears leaned forward and sniffed the air.

"Tae-soo?" the man questioned in shock. There was an accent that suggested he had a native language that was not English. "You're here? You are alive? And Jacky? Lila?"

He looked at everyone else. Blaise. Lucas. Kieran.

And finally saw Teru hiding behind Kieran.

"R-Ryoma?" he asked. His voice choked up emotionally. Tears welled up in his eyes that had seen so much in his mortal life. "N-no. You're not Ryoma, it be?"

He fell to his knees. He could not stop staring wide-eyed at Teru even though he was blinded with tears. The man reached out to Teru with a trembling hand. The group tried to help him up, but he waved them away. "How? How is this possible? I thought...I thought you had both...after I fell. There was so much blood..."

"Who is he?" Teru whispered.

Kieran couldn't believe it either. How long had it been to see Ryoma's beta guard? The two had disappeared into the night without a trace. It was a legendary tale around the world and Abaddon's biggest blunder. Kieran had to confirm his identity.


[End of Season 3]

Author's note:

Wow...The end of season 3!

Isn't it crazy how things change over 3 years? For one, I did not plan on a 4th season, aka part because I changed it recently to make more sense for new Pussywillows. I literally still remember the moment I uploaded the first 9 chapters. I went to a coffee shop right after and read everyone's comments that followed.

We still have season 4! I don't know how long it'll be because it wasn't anticipated. I already deviated way off the original outline and I'm going along for the ride at this point, but Teru and Kieran's fate is still the same. All I know is that I want peace and quiet for these two...hopefully.

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