The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

76K 1.7K 102

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave

New territory

880 31 3
By Mzzjem


The feeling of someone touching me awakens my mind again, I can feel human hands on my body in different places.

I hear a beeping sound with some muffled talking in the back, my neck and stomach sting with pain while my whole body aches in agony. I still can't open my eyes.

Eventualy everything goes quiet again. My head feels light but my body feels heavy, I mannage to open my eyes to be blinded by the light.

Looking around I see I'm inside some room, thankfully I'm still in wolf form. I get up looking around, I can't believe I'm on a bed.

Back home they would never let me on the bed in wolf form. Home. I guess the Alpha's house is my home, fuck I've really fucked up this time.

I have to get back to them, and those rouges they were really out numbered. What if Enzo and Hank are seriously hurt? I leap of the bed feeling pain strikes through my whole body.

My neck still hurts from where that asshole bit me, it's a good thing his claws didn't get to deep inot my stomach.

I walk towards the door trying to figure out a way to open it. I can't open it myself, I suddenly get an idea. I take a couple steps away from the dark and take in a deep breathe before letting out a howl.

Its a far fetched idea but maybe my Alphas might even hear it. I let out another howl, before I see the door handle move.

I instantly prepare myself to run out, a figure opens the door taking 2 steps in before I running towards them, pushing past there legs I quickly run down the hall seeing some stairs.

Trying my best not to fall down the stairs, "hey!" I hear a voice yell. I run gambling on where to go, I take my first right before the front door comes into veiw.

Fuck it's closed!

What do I do now?!

I can hear the the man yelling after me as he follows nor far behind.

I'm praying someone will open the door but I can't see anyone heading in. I quickly run a different way, maybe there's a back door that's open or a open window.

Just as I run round another corner I almost run into a guy and women standing in what looks like the kitchen area, "woah" they say shocked looking at me.

I quickly look around, panic sets it. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't know where to go.

The man that had opened the door for me appears behind me holding his arms out "Hey, it's okay. No one's going to hurt you" he says taking a step closer to me, I bare my teeth at him hoping he'll back of but clearly a pup baring his teeth isn't as scary as I'd hoped.

A few more people enter the room to see what's going on, I look past everyone to see a window behind the sofa in the living room.

I quickly run towards everyone baring my teeth so they get out the way "look out" the man yells, I jump onto the sofa and with one hard push from my back legs I power through the closed window, smashing into the glass, feeling small peices fall onto my back.

I land on my feet instantly taking of again. I'm not sure which way is home but along as I get far away from here I can then see where I am.

I continue running and running till a sudden heat wave comes over me and I can't run anymore, I pant  feeling slightly dizzy.

I try to take a minute to adjust my eyes but its not working. I continue walking pushing myself as much as I can hoping eventualy I'll get to the Alphas territory, I just hope Hank and Enzo are okay.

I could howl to maybe get there attention but I'm not sure how far I am and it'll only get the attention of unwanted wolves.

I continue going beginning to get wobbly on my legs, my mouths so dry. The heat is starting to burn my skin, it's the same feeling I got when Hank said I had a fever.

I take a rest break needing to lay down for a sec, suddenly the sound of twigs snapping catches my attention. I quickly get up only to see the same guys from behind standing a couple meters from me.

"Calm down, im just here to help" he says slowly walking towards me. Fuck it, they already know where I am I might aswell try to call out to the Alphas now. I let out the loudest howl I could muster, the sound showed my distress.

It was a call out for help. "It's okay. It's safer with us instead of out here " he says getting closer to me.

I instantly take of running  again, I can hear him behind me but since I'm in wolf form I am more quicker than him.

Soon I can't even hear him behind me but I know they won't stop following me till they catch me, I need to get to the Alphas territory. Everyone fears them, they wouldn't dare step foot on it.

I run as much as I can even though air is struggling to reach my lungs. Finally coming to a road my heart leaps with joy, but I come to realise this isn't the same road as before.

On the other side isn't my Alphas territory it's just some unknown woods and hills behind it. Fuck! I've gone the wrong way.

I look back to hear footsteps getting closer. Looking at the road it's alot busier than the other one, a few cars rush past blowing wind through my fur.

I impatiently wait for a small gap not having much time to lose, I see my chance and leap into the road managing to avoid one car yet just as im a couple steps from the edge a loud engine honks in my direction, I turn for a split second to see a large truck coming towards me with the screeching sound of the breaks.

Everything's getting too much for me,I feel so hot and the sounds are torturing my ears. Everything's moving in slow motion.

I know I don't have time to move so I close my eyes and brace myself for the hard hit that will finally take my life. Suddenly I feel something push me to the ground, a strong hold on the scruff of my neck. My body's trembling from fear and pain.

I open my eyes to see something furry covering my veiw, the scent was strong and unfamiliar.

It was the scent of an Alpha. I look over to see all the commotion of the car and truck stopping, the sound of screeching as ppl slam on the breaks, makes my ears hurt.

I feel myself being lifted of the ground and hovering above the road, I look down to see I'm moving yet my paws aren't on the ground.

The wolf must be carrying me by the scruff of my neck, it was kinda embarrassing that I was so easy to carry.

I eventualy see the road turns into dirt, I look up to see we are serounded by woods again. Looking back at the scene I see the man from before explaining to the people about something "it was a dog, but I saw him run of into the woods  the other side" I hear him say.

I sigh knowing I haven't succeeded my escape. I begin trying to wriggle free,I know moving my whole body would make it difficult for the Alpha to keep me in his mouth.

Eventualy he let's go and I fall to the ground, I instantly try to run again but he stops me by standing infront of me.

Looking at him, he's a strong honey comb colord wolf. Usualy this color would look pretty and cute but his demeanor made it look scary and dominating.

I slowly back away from him before going to run the other way but he quickly pounces on me holding me down underneath his body and inbetween his paws, I try to push him of or wriggle out but I cant.

Another heat wave hits me and I have no choice but to pant for air, I lay on my side as he moves his paw to give me more space to breathe. I'm startled as I feel a lick behind my ears, no one's ever done that but the guys.

It actualy helps with the heat, its so calming to feel that feeling again.

My panting slows down as he continues to lick behind my ears, once the sound of footsteps appear from ahead he stops. I go back to panting heavily again, "that was a close one" the guy from before says as he walks towards us.

I quickly try to get up to run of again but I cant my body's given up on me, I barely stand before I fall to the ground with a hard thud.

"Woah, easy there. Just let yourself catch your breathe before you try running again" he says, he's being so nice yet they are about to kidnap me again.

The man looks at the wolf before he nods his head "I got it" he says. He sifts his hand through his pocket before pulling something out, I keep my eyes trained on him as he walks towards me.

I'm suddenly distracted by the wolf who's now infront of me. He leans his head down licking up the side of my neck, I snap my teeth at him as I feel the bite marks sting.

I try to get up but he puts a paw on my shoulder with no effort. I suddenly feel a sharpness in the back of my neck, ow! What was that?! I suddenly feel myself drifting of, no I can't give up now i need to get back home.

My eyes are already closed as my mind shuts down on itself. I try to let out a howl to my Alphas but it barely echoud in my own ears.

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