The Fallen Queen

By Lover23145

886 34 2

This will have smut strong Language and other things No daenerys targaryen in this story sorry yall In the r... More

intro 1
Intro 2/backstory Remi Baratheon
Where it all began
The runaway Queen of the north
The Unknown King
Consequences of ones actions
The guilt of Robb & Stannis finding out the truth
The meeting
Ours is the Fury
the aftermath
bloody hell
The Dagger
the fall
maybe it could work?
Leave You..
back from the dead..?
Still love you
its always been you
can we speak..
bring him to me
together again?

over the wall

16 1 0
By Lover23145

She couldn't believe him and his works she knew her words hurt him more though and what she's about to say will probably hurt him more "I want a annulment on our marriage Robb"

He shook his head "I won't.." he said as he looked at her not wanting it to end like this. She looked down shaking her head " why? Why must you keep me trapped? Our marriage is ruined with no more real and pure love "

"Jon isn't coming for you Remi...when will you see that.." he looked at her. She turned her back towards him more tears were streaming down her face she didn't want to admit it but he was right Jon wasn't coming was he ." It doesn't matter I want a annulment on our marriage "

"Remi..let me show you I won't leave you like hes doing right now.."

"You already did once what makes you so sure you won't do it again?! You have caused me so much pain already you will probably do it again "

"Why would I do it again?! I don't want to lose you! Why do you think I'm doing this in the first place!?"

"Because that's in your nature you will never be satisfied or happy Just with me you weren't the first time so what makes this time any different you say you don't want to lose me but too late you already have lost me"

"All I want is you remi! I almost watched you die! At that would have been my fault! I couldn't live with myself with what I did to you!"

"But you were just fine when you were having your affair did you ever stop to think how it made me feel how useless and not good enough I felt "

He looked down "I didn't wasn't even supposed to happen..I wish I could go back and take back everything I did.."

She turned around facing him her face with stained with tears and there was still a lot more coming down " but you can't I felt useless and unwanted and not good enough for you for months I needed you and you betrayed me. You deliberately went behind my back and did the imaginable. And now all of a sudden since she left you, you want me back? Why is it because she doesn't want you anymore so you came back thinking that I still want to do after everything you did to me because you knew I would always come running back to you. Not anymore I'm not a naïve girl anymore I'm not a stark I'm a Baratheon and Baratheon's don't show there enemy's that they are naïve. That was my first mistake with you never again I will never allow myself to be in that situation again with you."

He balled his fist up, angry at himself "everyday I think of what I did..I know what I ruined...I had the perfect marriage..I had the perfect wife...I ruined for some whore who betrayed me in the end...I ruined it all..I did this.." he was about to do something he'd regret and that would probably get him punched by her. He turned his body around to face her "you aren't the same Remi before this've grown..youre just a beautiful as before tho.." and here it was, he leaned in quickly and kissed her

She was shocked at first not knowing what to do his lips had felt so right it had been forever since the last time she felt him she hesitantly wrapped her arms around his shoulders pulling him deeper into the kiss

Robb put his hands on her lower back as he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss even more. "Let go back to my tent..." he said through the kisses.

She slowly nodded her head "a..alright " she was scared scared to get hurt again but she had missed him

Robb walked back to his tent with her, it was nice and warm inside his tent. He had missed these moments between them, he vowed to himself he wouldn't hurt her again.

She was nervous she hadn't been like this with Robb in quite some time and if she was being honest with herself she missed it

Robb could tell she was nervous "hey..what's wrong?" He asked while he poured a glass of water for her

"I am really what you want are you sure" she looked up at him

He extends the cup of water to her and nodded "you're exactly what I want, Remi." He said with a smile as he sat on his bed inside the tent

"Then prove it Robb prove that you actually Want me " she took the cup and drink a bit of it

"How exactly do you wish for me to prove that I want you? You said it yourself, I can't give you what Jon can... That is..unless you were lying about him being the best you've ever had."

"I haven't.. I haven't been with you in a long time Robb prove it too me.. prove that you want me "

After the night of multiple hours of fun, Robb laid next to remi satisfied with the outcome of the last few hours. "You still awake over there?" He smiled and joked. She turned her head over to him and nodded "I am are you" she turned her whole body over keeping the blanket over her

"Did I prove to you that I want you..?" His hand moved over to her face and brushed a piece of hair out of her face, a soft smile adorning his face. "I suppose you did" she put her hand ontop of his holding onto it giving him a soft smile back

"There's just one more thing I must know, and I won't be angry with your answer." His eyes looking into hers "better than him?"

She wasn't sure she didn't want to betray Jon or Robb she loved them both and they both could make her feel extremely amazing "there shouldn't a competition between you two"

He sighed softly and nodded a bit "I you remember when I said I wanted to send a raven to castle black to see if Jon was there...I want to..I need to know if he's alive or not..I can't live knowing that I killed my brother.."

"You should do whatever you feel is right I'm not stopping you if your truly worry send a raven"

"You don't sound to worried that he may not have made it.." he said looking at her as his hand gently stroked her hair

"I know Jon well.. he's alive. And obviously has not come for me if he's not worried about me then why should I ."

Robb didn't like that Jon would try and steal her back if he had the chance but he was still his brother at the end of the day "remi..Jon wouldn't just leave you behind, I know him better than've known him forever..Jon isn't someone who gives up easily..sure...I hate the fact he wants to be with you and could take you from me..I know him..he wouldn't leave you behind without proper reasoning..he did leave the wall...they kill anyone who leaves the wall."

She shook his head "he has friends to bring him back to the wall he's at the wall forgetting me.." she Turned herself around not facing him she was worried yes but she couldn't be

"He's not forgetting you Remi, they probably have him under lock and key so he doesn't leave again. If they kept him alive the first time, they won't be so lenient the second time, he leaves again..he's basically asking them to kill him.." he put his arms around her as he laid down

"First you didn't want me now it's his turned.. I knew this would happen but yet again I was to stupid to not to realize the truth"

"Stop thinking that way...I hate to admit it..but I know he would have already been here by now and kicked my ass to get you back...stop saying he doesn't care.." he spoke softly

"I can't stop it has happened to many times to not think like this Robb.. it's engraved in my head I can't stop every night I lay awake none stop thinking I'm unwanted and unloveable "

"You aren't unwanted and you aren't unloveable..." he pulled her close. "You know as much as I do that's just not true."

"Do you remember how you looked at talisa when I caught you to.. you looked at her the way I've always wanted you to look at me.. I would have done anything for you to look at me with the same love in your eyes for her.. and Jon.. well Jon is forgetting about me so yes it's true "

"Did Jon look at you the same way you say I looked at her?" He said quietly as he wanted to know

She wanted to lie and say he did she knew Jon tired to but couldn't she knew that look like the back of her hand she shook her head tears was coming into her eyes

"Remi..." he turned her over so she was facing him as he wiped her tears from her eyes "I'm sure he still loved you..."

"But do you" she held his hand she was so scared of getting hurt once again

"I do..I love you remi.." he said softly as he kissed her forehead gently

She nodded pulling herself closer to him and laying her head on his chest she wanted to believe him but she couldn't

He held her close as his eyes slowly went closed. He finally had her back, even if it wasn't permanent. He had her in his arms even if not forever, it was all he could ask for in that moment.

Meanwhile north of the wall, Jon was sitting with Ygritte showing and teaching her some of the language from south of the wall.

She was the first to pass out she was extremely exhausted after everything being in his arms once again brought back happy memories to her

She was confused on some of the things he was teaching her they had so many proper words that the free folk didn't use

Jon looked at Ygritte " you still believe I'm not one of you anymore?"

She looked up at him "I'm not sure what to believe it's hard trusting your kind of people"

He shrugged "how would I betray you? I don't have a raven to send, I'm miles away from the wall, if I tried to leave you yourself would hunt me down." He lightly laughed

"Your right if you ever did betray us I would hunt you down maybe I'll start off with your pretty hair"

"You think my hairs pretty now? I don't think they'd like you complimenting a crow." He smiled

"I don't care what they do and don't like. " she looked back down towards the snow

"Is that so? Because it happens that's my way of thinking as well." He put his finger on her chin, making her look back up at him

"Your a strange one Jon snows are all the others like you " she didn't dare to move her head

He shook his head "there's only one, Jon snow." He smiled as he looked into her eyes, a sly smirk appearing on his face

"There may be one of you but do the rest act like the way you do act as strange as you"

He nodded, "yes, you don't make me nervous at all. It doesn't matter if you try and kill me. I know you won't do it."

"And what makes you so sure of that crow I could kill you anytime I wanted"

"I'd like to see you try." He smirked as he leaned a bit closer to her. "Oh, so you think I'm strange now." He softly laughed "well, I suppose they do. Honestly I'm more laid back than most of the people beyond the wall."

"I find that hard to believe your always looking so serious and angry "

"Well, that is until I'm around someone I feel like letting that go. Like right now, I don't really have to be angry or serious when I'm around you

"Oh really now.. how do you feel when your around me crow? Do I make you nervous "

He shook his head "quite the opposite actually, I feel like I can be myself."

She smirked at him "so your telling me that I don't make you nervous even if I could kill you at any moment "

"Care for what you wish for crow It'll come and bite you where it hurts to much "

He tilted his head "I don't think you'll do anything." His smirk not leaving his face "And what makes you think that snow" she moved her face closer to his "Because if you wanted to, you would've done it." Their faces very close now as their lips almost brush against one another "Maybe I'm just waiting for the right moment to strike you down and end you " "I think right now is the perfect moment." He said with a soft smile as he leaned his head ever so slightly forward as he connected their lips into a kiss.

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