From one night to life

By Andyerobertbr

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What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 92

162 10 2
By Andyerobertbr

While Robert was in the office with Andy, Vic was outside, preventing anyone from entering the room and interrupting the couple's conversation. Maya and Travis wanted to go into the room to see Jade, and Jack, who worked as acting captain, needed to go into the room, but Vic convinced them to wait.

When Robert left the room crying, Jack looked at Vic questioningly because he was sure she knew what had happened in that room, or she wouldn't be so committed to preventing him from entering there.

Jack: So Vic? What does Andy do here at the station while he is on maternity leave? And Sullivan left crying. What is happening?

Vic: I can't say anything.

Travis: So you know what's going on?

Vic picked up her cup of coffee and started drinking, trying to keep her mouth busy so as not to say anything.

Maya: Speak soon Vic. We're Andy's friends and we need to know what's going on.

Vic: I can't talk. I promised Sullivan that I wouldn't say anything.

Jack: Do you know what's going on because Sullivan told you? Just tell me why he left crying.

Vic: They had a fight last night. Andy wanted to leave the house and go to her parents' house, but as it was too late, Robert left and went to sleep at my house.

Jack: For Andy to have made such a radical decision, he must have done something very serious. I always said this man would still hurt Andy. You never saw the seriousness of this relationship, but I always did.

Travis: I can't imagine the chief doing anything that would hurt Andy.

Vic again went back to drinking her coffee because she didn't want to share the rest of the gossip, but it was difficult for her to hold back the information she knew while her friends made their own judgments.

Being the most observant of the 3, Maya knew that Vic was keeping information and insisted on knowing details.

Maya: Vic, you know the reason for the fight. If Robert hurt Andy, we need to help our friend.

Vic: He didn't hurt Andy. Not in the way you are thinking.

Jack: But did he hurt her in any way?

Travis: Did he cheat on Andy? Did he commit a crime? He did something to Jade that Andy didn't agree with.

Vic was tired of holding back the information and ended up revealing the secret.

Vic: Okay. Okay.... Robert didn't do any of that. He is an excellent husband and an even better father. But he has a son out of wedlock and Andy found out last night.

Jack: A child out of wedlock. Betrayal. I knew. My nose doesn't fail.

Vic: No... he didn't cheat her. He discovered this child while Jade was in the hospital, but it is a child who was born before Robert met Andy and only now has he learned of this child's existence.

Maya: Wow. Now that's good gossip. I'm going in to talk to Andy.

Vic: No. You're not going to say anything to her. You shouldn't even know about this. I'll go in to talk to her.

Vic left the conversation with her friends and entered Andy's office. She saw her friend with her head down, crying, while Jade was quiet, in her baby carriage looking at her mother. Vic took the baby out of the stroller and picked her up. She sat across from Andy and tried to give her friend some support.

Vic: Andy, Robert told me last night what happened.

Andy: I don't want to talk about it.

Vic: I know you don't want to, but try to understand his side. Give him a chance to explain himself.

Andy: You're my only friend that I've confessed my fear of Robert cheating on me. You are the only person who knows how distressed I was about this and you assured me he wouldn't do it.

Vic: I remain with my opinion. He's not cheating on you. He was wrong to lie, but this son is part of his past.

Andy: A child will never be passed on. A son will always be present in his life. And not only will a son be present, but this other woman as well. And after he lied to me, I completely lost trust in his words. I don't want to talk to him while my mind just tells me that I shouldn't believe another word he says. Because while I'm thinking these things, the only decision I can make is to file for divorce, but at the same time, I don't know how I'm going to bear the pain this will cause me and my daughter. I need time to not make any decisions that I might regret.

Vic: I know you're hurting and I don't argue with you, but I saw the pain in Robert's eyes too and I still think he deserves the chance to explain himself.

Andy: He'll get his chance, but not now. Not when I'm suffering and won't be able to make any decision rationally.

Vic remained silent as she understood her friend's arguments and saw no other way to try to help the couple at that moment.

Andy: Vic, can you hang out with Jade outside for a bit? I need to finish sorting some materials to take to my parents' house. I want to have something to occupy my mind before I freak out about all this.

Vic: Of course.

Vic put the baby back in her stroller and went to reception, where she played with the baby while waiting for Andy to finish her demands.

Andy didn't stay long at the station. She just set aside some materials so she could have something to occupy her mind while she was at her parents' house. So, once she got everything she wanted, she put the baby in the car, where there was already a suitcase with some clothes for her and her daughter.

As soon as they saw their daughter arrive, Pruit and Elena were scared.

Pruit: Andrea, what's going on? Robert came looking for you and now you arrive home with a suitcase and this amount of papers.

Andy: I can't talk right now, but I need to know if I can stay here with my daughter for a few days?

Elena picked Jade up and said:

Elena: Of course you can stay here as long as you need. But we're worried about you and Robert.

Andy: I really don't want to talk about it right now. I need some time. I go to my old room.

Elena: Okay. We will respect you. You can go and rest and we will take care of Jade for you.

Andy: Thank you.

Throughout the day, Andy remained quiet in her room, avoiding talking to her parents. She tried to work on some of the documents she had brought, but even then she couldn't forget what she was facing.

It was late afternoon when she saw a message arrive on her cell phone.


"Andy, I'm leaving the Department now. I would like to see you. I would like to see Jade. Can I go to your parents' house?"


"As I told you earlier, you can see your daughter whenever you want."

Upon replying to the message, Andy decided that she didn't want to be home when Robert arrived. She then looked out the window and noticed that there was light in Ryan's room. She thought it would be better for her to go to her friend's house while Robert was with Jade.

Jade was asleep and it hadn't even been 20 minutes since she had breastfed, so she could go some time without Andy being around. So, Andy changed her clothes and asked her parents to stay with her daughter while she went out. Elena and Pruit thought their daughter's request was strange, but as she had been strange all day, they preferred not to ask where she was going.

Andy crossed the street and rang her neighbor's doorbell. Ryan was scared to see his friend at his door.

Ryan: Andy? Everything is fine?

Andy: Can I stay here for a while?

Ryan: Yes. You can stay as long as necessary, but for you to come and ask me for this is because there is something serious going on, mainly because you wouldn't leave Jade behind without a good reason.

Andy: Jade is with my parents and soon with her father. She is safe. I just needed to get out for a bit.

Ryan: I know you very well and there's no point in pretending everything is fine when your face says exactly the opposite.

Andy: Okay. There's no point in me hiding anything from you, because you know me very well.

Ryan: Exactly. So tell me what's going on. It's about Robert, isn't it?

Andy: How do you know?

Ryan: From the way you referred to it, saying that Jade will be with her father.

Andy: Okay. I found out that Robert has a son and he was hiding it from me.

Ryan: Did he cheat on you?

Andy: Yeah... I mean... I don't know. He has a son who is older than the time we met.

Ryan: Well, then this son is not the result of betrayal.

Andy: But he lied to me and he would have continued lying if I hadn't found out. Lying is a betrayal.

Ryan: Okay. You're totally right to be mad, but do you need to hide from him like that?

Andy: I don't want to meet Robert. I don't want to talk to him. He's trying to get me to forgive him, but I can't.

Ryan: But you guys are going to need to talk at some point. You have a life together, a daughter together. You can't hide from him forever.

Andy: I know that. But I can't talk to him when I'm as angry as I am. Because right now, the only thing I'm thinking about is asking for a divorce. I can't sleep next to someone I don't trust anymore.

She stopped to think a little about her feelings and added:

Andy: But at the same time, I don't know how to live a life without him anymore, because I love him so much. And then there's Jade... he's been an amazing father to her. Their connection is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I love the family we've built. I can't make any decisions with my head as it is.

Ryan continued to insist that Andy face reality and talk to her husband, but she remained adamant.

Meanwhile, at Pruit's house, Robert had arrived to visit his daughter and soon Andy's parents understood the reason why their daughter had left.

Elena: Come in, Robert. Jade is sleeping, but as soon as she wakes up, I'll get her for you.

Robert: Thank you Elena. And Andy, where is she?

Pruit: Andy left and left no word on when he'll be back.

Pruit was very uncomfortable with what was happening and felt the need to know what Robert had done to make his daughter look so different. He trusted Robert, but he wouldn't allow him to hurt his daughter.

Pruit: Robert, I accepted you into my home and family from the first moment I found out about your relationship. Or rather, even when you hid the truth from me, I still supported this relationship because I knew you were a man of integrity and honesty and I had never seen my daughter as happy as she is since she met you. But there's something going on between you and my daughter and I want to know if I should continue to admire your character or if I should ask you to leave my house.

Robert: Pruit, I appreciate your trust and I give you my word that I never did anything to hurt Andy. I love your daughter and I will always do everything I can to make her happy. And, it is exactly because you have always welcomed me into your family, that I will tell you everything that is happening.

Robert told Pruit and Elena what had happened and also that he felt bad about Andy not letting him explain himself. Andy's parents understood what was happening and felt that Robert was being sincere in his words. They promised that they would try to talk to their daughter and that they would help him in some way.

While they were talking, Jade woke up and Robert was able to have some time to play with his daughter. Pruit and Elena observed the way Robert treated Jade and once again they felt that it was necessary to help bring this family together again.

After some time with his daughter, Robert left, but he didn't want to go to the couple's house. He decided to sleep in a hotel, hoping that it would be his last night without his wife by his side.

When Andy saw through Ryan's window that Robert's car was no longer in front of her parents' house, she returned. Pruit and Elena tried to convince her to talk to Robert, but she remained adamant. So, she decided to go to her room using the argument that she would take care of her daughter, as she wanted to isolate herself from any conversation about the current situation between Robert and her.

The next day, when Andy woke up, she noticed that Jade was a little warm. She took her temperature and found that her daughter had a fever. Andy contacted the baby's pediatrician who suggested some resources to lower the temperature and see if any other symptoms would appear that could signal an infection.

Throughout the day, Andy did as instructed and the fever dropped a little, but did not reach normal values. Elena and Pruit were the whole time helping their daughter take care of the baby and, seeing her on such a stressful day, they couldn't find a way to talk to Andy so she could give Robert a chance to explain himself. They preferred to postpone the conversation and focus on their granddaughter's fever that was worrying everyone.

When it got dark, Andy decided that she couldn't keep such important information about Jade and that she should tell Robert what was going on. She then called him.

Robert, in his office at the department, saw the cell phone calling Andy's name and his heart filled with joy, hoping that she would finally agree to talk to him.

Robert: Hello! Andy... are you okay?

Andy: Robert, I'm fine, but... Jade has a fever.

Robert immediately worried about the news he was receiving.

Andy: I've already talked to her pediatrician, but everything he advised me to do isn't enough for the fever to subside. I didn't want to take her to the hospital, but I don't see any other solution. She needs to be examined.

Robert: I'm going to your parents' house right now. I'll arrive in a few minutes and we'll take her to the hospital.

Andy: Okay.

While Robert was on his way, Andy quickly got ready and Elena packed a bag with the baby's necessities. Within minutes, Robert arrived at his in-laws' house and was sad to see his daughter sick. He picked her up and said:

Robert: Hey little princess, we're going to the hospital and soon you'll be well again.

He and Andy went to the car. They placed Jade in her car seat and headed to Grey Sloan. There was no delay for them to receive the first medical evaluation, but the pediatrician informed that he had not found any clinical signs that could justify the fever and that therefore, he would need to carry out more detailed tests, which would take some time, as the hospital was full. and the laboratory was in high demand to deliver test results. They were taken to the pediatrics ward, where there was a chair for each one next to the crib where Jade was placed.

Andy: Robert, thanks for coming with me, but you don't have to wait for the test results. You were working. You can go back to the department. I'll stay here with Jade and, when we're free, I'll ask my dad to pick us up.

Robert: Andy, I know you don't want me around, but I'd like to stay. I'm worried about Jade as much as you are.

And looking into her eyes, he caressed her face and concluded:

Robert: And besides, I will never leave you alone at a time like this. I respect that you're hurt by me and I can still explain everything to you, but for today, let's just forget what's going on between us. Let me take care of you and Jade.

Andy consented to a hug that, despite all the hurt she had, she needed this hug to have some strength.

They sat on the chairs next to the crib and watched their daughter who was sleeping at that moment, after receiving medication to stop her fever. Andy was so exhausted that she didn't notice when she started to doze off while she was sitting in the chair. Robert then wrapped his arm around her so she could rest her head on his shoulder and get a little more comfortable. Andy sleepily accepted what Robert did. She was managing to get some rest while she awaited more news from the doctor.

Robert however, remained alert the entire time. He wanted to be attentive to any needs that either Jade or Andy might have.

About 3 hours later, the pediatrician came to the couple and talked about Jade's health.

Pediatrician: All of Jade's exams are normal. There is no reason for her to be this feverish. I will give her an antipyretic medication and we will see if she recovers. If, within a maximum of 3 days, she has not fully recovered, you need to return with her to repeat the exams.

Andy: Okay. We'll do it.

The pediatrician then added one of his suspicions.

Pediatrician: The exams show the baby's physical condition, but do not show her emotional condition. Jade's health is great, which makes me suspect an emotional fever. Often, when there is some stress around the child, they can develop emotional fever. Try to see if everything is ok in your routine.

Andy and Robert didn't say anything to the pediatrician, but they soon felt very guilty about the possibility that Jade was sick because of their arguments.

They were released to return home. They were both silent as they walked to the hospital parking lot. When they got close to the car, Robert placed Jade in her seat and then he opened the passenger door for Andy. However, before Andy got in, he took advantage of the fact that they were both outside the car to say something without Jade being able to hear.

Robert: Andy, let's go to our house. Let's talk. We are all suffering from this situation. Come home, please.

For a moment, Andy thought about going home with him. But it was already too late and she was unable to make any decision rationally at that moment.

Andy: Robert, I'm really tired. I can't talk to you like I am now. I need to rest and I won't be able to do that at our house, while everything there reminds me of that day, that email and those photos I saw.

Robert: I know it's not going to be an easy conversation and that you're scared of getting hurt even more, but I also know that you love me and that you miss me, just as much as I love and miss you. I'm not going to let our marriage end with so much love between us without us having a conversation.

Andy: I love you Robert and I believe you truly love me. I love you very much and it is exactly because I love you very much that I am also very angry with you. Because it hurts so much to know that the person I love so much broke the total trust I had. Love alone is not enough to maintain a marriage. I can't make any decisions with the anger and distrust so strong inside me. I can't share my life with someone who I don't know is being honest with me.

Robert was saddened by Andy's words. Not only because of the weight of the words, but mainly because Andy was being as sincere as he couldn't be. He needed to keep her secret to protect her and that was the only reason he broke Andy's trust in him.

At the same time that Andy was very hurt, she knew that all of this was hurting them both a lot, but now she was also afraid for Jade's feelings. It was cruel to know that her daughter was in an emotional fever and that she was taking actions thinking only about her own feelings, while Jade, being still a baby, was not able to express what she was feeling in the face of her parents' problems.

Andy: Look, I don't want to make the situation we're in worse. We need to think about Jade's health now too. It won't be good for her to be around when we talk. We need to spare her any trauma related to our problems as a couple.

Trying to alleviate the sad atmosphere that was between them, Andy took Robert's hand and concluded:

Andy: I want to go to my parents' house. I need to rest. You also need to rest. Let's talk tomorrow. I'll leave Jade with my parents and meet you at our house in the morning.

Robert felt a certain relief in his heart when he realized that he would have the chance to finally explain himself. He couldn't have predicted Andy's reaction upon learning the whole truth. He had no guarantee that she would stay in the marriage with Anthony in their life. But he would fight for his great love and for that, he needed to put an end to any secrets and mistrust between them.

So, as soon as he left Andy and Jade at the Herrera family's house, he returned to the hotel where he was staying and where he would have his night of anticipation for the conversation he so wanted to have.

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