Hiding the Emperor's Child

By ladyliyaaah

56.1K 1.6K 88


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 78

736 24 0
By ladyliyaaah

The Duke chuckled, seemingly amused by his son's perplexed expression.

"You used to be the emperor's childhood companion, yet you can't recognize your own nephew? It's evident from his appearance alone that he's Kaizen's son," the Duke remarked casually.

Fritz gazed at Theor with quivering eyes, his heart heavy with realization. Even through his tears, Theor's eyes remained a vivid ruby red.

At the sight of Theor, Fritz knew instantly that he was Astelle's child. Theor bore no resemblance to Sigmund whatsoever.

Instead, his slender frame, the contour of his ears, lips, and hands, all bore a striking resemblance to Astelle.

And Fritz, who had been close to Sigmund like a brother, knew for certain that Sigmund had never had a lover.

He found it difficult to believe when he learned of the birth of a child from Sigmund, prompting him to send numerous letters to his maternal grandfather. As he pieced together the information from these letters, only one conclusion became clear...

Theor was Astelle's child.

However, the identity of the father remained unknown to him.

At one point, he had considered that Theor bore a resemblance to the emperor, but he never entertained the idea that Theor could be the emperor's son.

Above all, Theor's eye color served as the most compelling evidence, leaving him with no room for doubt.

"Duke," Lyndon's voice interrupted his thoughts, drawing his attention to the doorway.

Moments ago, Lyndon had dispatched a knight to the Imperial Palace to inform the Emperor about Theor. However, before any response could arrive, a messenger from the Emperor had already reached them.

"His Majesty has requested your presence, Prince... Young Master Theor, at Lady Astelle's residence immediately," Lyndon relayed.

"It appears that my daughter has acquiesced to His Majesty's proposition, doesn't it?" the Duke remarked.

Lyndon remained silent in response to the Duke's question, instead embracing Theor tightly.

"Young Master Theor, I will accompany you."

• 🍁 •

Astelle anxiously awaited Theor's arrival. Kaizen exited the drawing-room after agreeing to fulfill Astelle's conditions. It seemed he hadn't left the mansion but needed some time alone to process the shocking news he had just received.

The decision for marriage to Kaizen had been made, albeit as a mere formality.

While Astelle would continue to fulfill her role as empress, their marriage would lack genuine connection.

'There's no other option for now,' she reasoned with herself.

Escaping from the imperial palace would only be feasible if Theor's true father remained undisclosed. However, with Theor's identity now exposed, there seemed to be no escape from their current circumstances.

Despite her aversion to returning to the imperial palace, Astelle resolved to endure it if it meant protecting Theor.

Securing the position of Empress and ensuring Theor's safety outweighed engaging in any external power struggle beyond the palace walls.

"I will do whatever it takes," Astelle affirmed to herself, her determination unwavering.

Above all else, her priority was protecting Theor.

As Hannah entered the room, Astelle rose from her seat, anticipation coursing through her veins.

Before Hannah could utter a word, the sound of footsteps echoed from the stairs.

Without hesitation, Astelle rushed downstairs to meet them.

Descending the stairs were Sir Lyndon and Theor.

Upon spotting her, Theor's face lit up with joy as he exclaimed, "Aunt Astelle!"

Astelle rushed forward and enveloped Theor in a tight embrace, overcome with emotion at the familiar warmth of his body.

"Theor..." she murmured, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks as she held the child close.

Feeling his presence in her arms brought her an overwhelming sense of happiness.

"Theor, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Astelle asked with concern, her voice trembling slightly.

Theor nodded in response, his hand moving to his neck.

"It hurts here," he replied softly.

"Are you experiencing a sore throat?" Astelle inquired, her surprise evident as she began to unbutton his shirt.

To her shock, she discovered red marks on his slender neck, evidence of bruising.

"You have a bruise. Where did you get hurt?" Astelle questioned urgently, her heart pounding with worry.

"The bad guy grabbed me like this!" Theor explained, demonstrating with his hands clasped around his neck.

"What does that mean?" Astelle started to ask further, but her inquiry was interrupted by a cough from Lyndon, who had been observing the scene.

"Ah, Lady Astelle," he interjected.

"Oh, Sir Lyndon, thank you for bringing Theor back," Astelle responded gratefully, turning her attention to him.

Lyndon regarded Astelle with a complex expression, his thoughts clearly weighing heavily on him.

Lyndon's serious expression bore a hint of anger, noticeable on his usually composed face.

"Are you angry?" Astelle inquired softly, understanding the reason behind his emotions.

"That's understandable," she added, acknowledging the validity of his feelings.

Meanwhile, Theor's eyes had turned red like blood, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

Astelle couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for hiding the truth about Theor's identity and raising him as an illegitimate child after being expelled from her position as Empress.

As a servant of the emperor, Lyndon had every right to feel aggrieved by her actions.

"Whatever you think, Sir, I have no reason to deny it," Astelle stated calmly, accepting the consequences of her choices.

"Lady Astelle, I am not blaming you," Lyndon responded, denying her assumption.

Just then, a familiar voice interrupted their conversation.


Kaizen stood atop the railing on the second floor, his presence commanding attention as he surveyed the scene below with a penetrating gaze.

Upon hearing that Theor had arrived, Kaizen emerged from the break room, drawn by the commotion below. A crowd had gathered under the stairs, their attention focused on Astelle cradling Theor in her arms.

As Kaizen made his way towards them, the knights and Lyndon hastened to bow in deference to the Emperor. Astelle, too, inclined her head respectfully.

Finally, Theor turned to face Kaizen, addressing him with the proper title, "Your Majesty?"

In that moment, Kaizen met Theor's gaze, his heart catching at the sight of his son's crimson eyes. Though Astelle had already informed him of the truth, seeing Theor's eyes confirmed it unequivocally.

'Theor is my son.'

In that moment, Kaizen was overcome with an indescribable surge of emotion.

"Theor," he called out, closing the distance between them with measured steps. Kaizen's gentle touch caressed Theor's face, his fingers brushing against the soft, milky cheeks.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Theor asked, puzzled by Kaizen's sudden change in demeanor.

"Not Your Majesty," Kaizen corrected gently, lowering himself to Theor's eye level.

He looked into Theor's eyes, seeing his own reflection mirrored in the crimson hue.

"Call me Father," Kaizen requested softly, his voice filled with emotion.

The knights and servants who witnessed the exchange were stunned into silence by the revelation. When Lyndon had entered the mansion with Theor in his arms, none of them could have anticipated the shock of seeing the child's eyes.

But Theor blinked in confusion, not comprehending Kaizen's words.

"My father is in heaven," Theor stated matter-of-factly, his words piercing through Kaizen's heart like a dagger.

Kaizen's hand fell helplessly to his side, his heart heavy with the weight of his son's innocence and the painful truth of their reality. Theor looked at Astelle with confusion evident in his expression.

"Aunt? His Majesty is talking about Dad," he stated, his words causing Kaizen to clench his teeth in frustration.

"You don't have to lie anymore. Just call her mother," Kaizen insisted through gritted teeth, his tone low and strained.

Startled by the intensity of Kaizen's voice, Theor sought refuge by grabbing the hem of Astelle's skirt and turning his head away.

"It's okay, Theor. His Majesty was very worried about you," Astelle reassured him, enveloping Theor in a comforting embrace.

"Your Majesty, it seems Theor is quite surprised and tired today. Perhaps it would be best to return tomorrow," Astelle suggested gently.

Kaizen remained silent, his heart heavy with sadness and misery. Meeting his son after six years only to have him turn away in fear was a painful reminder to Kaizen that he couldn't expect immediate recognition as a father from Theor.

With a heavy heart, Kaizen accepted the reality of their relationship and stifled his sorrow.

"I will return to the Imperial Palace," he declared, his voice tinged with resignation.

Kaizen departed the mansion in silence, his departure leaving behind a sense of loneliness, though he outwardly maintained composure, inwardly he bore the weight of Theor's rejection of him as his father, the pain evident in his demeanor.

Meanwhile, Astelle continued to hold Theor close, her heart heavy with understanding and acceptance of the situation.

"Until next time, Lady Astelle," Lyndon bid farewell before following Kaizen out of the mansion.

"Mom? Why did His Majesty the Emperor mention father?" Theor questioned, his confusion evident as he looked up at Astelle from her embrace.

"Isn't my father in heaven?" Theor continued, his words reflecting his uncertainty about Kaizen's unexpected request.

"Theor," Astelle began softly, pulling him closer in a reassuring embrace.

Astelle pressed her lips gently to Theor's forehead, a tender gesture of relief mingled with apprehension for the future that lay ahead.

Quietly, she spoke as she held the child close, "I had intended to tell you when you were older."

Astelle had planned to explain the situation to Theor at least five or six years later when he would be mature enough to comprehend it fully, but circumstances had changed, and now she felt compelled to reveal the truth to Theor sooner than anticipated.

As Astelle prepared to assume her role as Empress, Theor would ascend to the position of Crown Prince. It was crucial that he knew the identity of his father.

With a heavy sigh, Astelle hugged Theor tightly before making her way upstairs, her mind filled with the weight of the decisions she would soon have to make.

"Let's go upstairs to the room first. Hannah, please prepare Theor's clothes," Astelle instructed.

"Yes, Lady Astelle," Hannah responded, her voice filled with warmth as she approached Theor.

Theor greeted her with a wave of his hand. "Hello, Hannah."

"I'm relieved you've returned safely, Young Master Theor," Hannah replied, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. Surprised by her emotional reaction, Theor reached out to comfort her.

"Don't cry, Hannah," he said softly.

"It's because I'm so happy," Hannah explained with a smile, gently holding Theor's hand in hers.

"Aren't you hungry? I'll prepare meals while you take a bath."

"Yes, I'm hungry," Theor replied eagerly.

Hannah chuckled with amusement at Theor's response, her laughter filling the room. Astelle smiled warmly before guiding Theor upstairs to the second floor.

Meanwhile, Hannah swiftly set about preparing bathwater and gathering fresh clothes for Theor.

Once upstairs, Astelle seated Theor on the bed and knelt down to meet his eye level.

"Theor, you've been through a lot, haven't you? But everything is okay now. You're safe here," she reassured him gently.

"What about Grandpa? Grandpa put me in the closet, then he disappeared," Theor asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Theor's expression softened as Astelle reassured him, patting him gently on the shoulder. "Grandpa is fine now. He'll be here soon," Astelle assured him with a comforting smile.


"Of course," Astelle replied confidently, hoping to ease Theor's worries.

She imagined her grandfather confronting the kidnappers while Theor was hidden in the closet, potentially getting wounded in the process. The thought of her maternal grandfather being injured only fueled Astelle's anger towards her father.

Suddenly, a bark broke the tension in the room, and Blynn, who had been in the bedroom, came running towards Theor with a joyful bark.

"Blynn!" Theor exclaimed happily, reaching out to hug the loyal dog and burying his face in its soft golden fur. Perhaps sensing Theor's joy, Blynn's fluffy tail wagged gently as it approached him.

Theor embraced Blynn tightly, his voice filled with desperation as if he had been reunited with a long-lost family member after years apart.

"Blynn, I missed you," Theor whispered earnestly.

In response, Blynn affectionately licked Theor's cheek. Theor laughed in delight at Blynn's playful response.

"Blynn missed you a lot while you were away," Astelle added with a smile, observing the bond between Theor and Blynn.

Ever since Theor's departure, Blynn had been noticeably subdued, spending each day lying in Theor's room with a lack of energy, longing for his return. As Astelle and Hannah attempted to take Blynn for a walk, the loyal dog showed signs of distress, lowering its tail and walking helplessly before eventually retreating back to Theor's room.

With Blynn settled, Astelle turned her attention back to Theor, retrieving the ointment she kept in the drawer to examine his bruised neck once more. Upon closer inspection, the bruise appeared even worse than before, with burst veins visible beneath the skin.

Concern etched across her features, Astelle asked gently, "How did your neck become like this?"

Theor's response was immediate and unwavering. "A man named Duker grabbed my neck."

The mention of the Duke's name left Astelle momentarily speechless, her mind racing with implications.

'I can piece together what happened just from that one word.'

The thought of what might have befallen Theor had he not been recognized as Kaizen's son weighed heavily on Astelle's mind. If Theor had truly been her illegitimate child, her father's cold and heartless nature would likely have led him to neglect and mistreat the child, possibly even confining him to the attic without care or attention.

Astelle carefully applied the herbal ointment to Theor's bruised neck, her touch gentle and soothing as she tended to his injury.

"I'll apply this medicine first. We'll apply it again after you've taken a bath," Astelle reassured Theor, determined to care for him as best she could.

Theor waited patiently as Astelle began applying the grass-scented medicine to his soft skin. His neck, delicate and slender, could easily be cradled in one hand.

Astelle's anger flared once more as she considered how someone could treat such a young child so callously, resulting in bruises. Despite everything, Theor was still her only grandson.

For the past six years, despite her strained relationship with her father after her divorce and expulsion from the house, Astelle had wished for his safety. She knew that if her father faced trouble, it would also jeopardize her own safety. But now, her father's actions had crossed a line—he had kidnapped and harmed Theor.

Astelle found herself unable to forgive him for his actions.

With determination in her heart, Astelle resolved to take matters into her own hands. She knew that in order for herself and Theor to live comfortably, her father's influence had to be eliminated. She intended to seize his title and power, ensuring their safety and security.

As Astelle closed the lid of the ointment and rose from her seat, she was stopped by an innocent voice.


"Theor," Astelle began gently, meeting his wide-eyed gaze as she knelt down beside him.

She took his hand in hers, feeling the weight of her words as she prepared to reveal the truth to him.

"I haven't been able to tell you until now because I was afraid it might become dangerous if this fact became known."

Astelle paused, her heart heavy with the weight of the secret she had carried for so long.

"Actually, His Majesty is your father. You are the son of His Majesty the Emperor."

Theor's eyes widened in astonishment, his young mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of Astelle's revelation. Despite his intelligence, he was still at an age where he couldn't fully grasp the complexities of imperial politics and bloodlines.

Processing her words, Theor pondered for a moment before voicing his question, his innocence shining through his inquiry.

"Is that why His Majesty also has red eyes?"

"Yes," Astelle affirmed softly, her arms wrapped protectively around Theor.

"But why didn't he live with us?" Theor pressed further, his confusion evident as he tilted his head in search of understanding.

"Does His Majesty not like living with us?"

Astelle paused, her heart heavy with the weight of her son's innocence and the burden of her own secrets. She had no idea where Theor had picked up such notions, but she knew she couldn't divulge the full truth to him, not yet.

Gently, Astelle smoothed Theor's dark hair, her touch tender and reassuring.

"It's not like that, sweetheart," she explained gently. "His Majesty couldn't live with us because he was too busy."

"Is that so?" Theor's voice held a hint of acceptance, though his curiosity lingered.

Astelle held him close, wishing she could shield him from the complexities of their world for just a little while longer.

"Yes..." Astelle agreed softly, her heart heavy with the weight of their impending departure for the Imperial Palace.

"But now everything's okay. We will now go to the Imperial Palace and live with His Majesty."

Though she harbored reservations about returning to the Imperial Palace, Astelle knew it was the safest option for them now.

The safety and security it offered outweighed any discomfort she might feel about leaving their peaceful life behind.

'I didn't want to go to the Imperial Palace, but it'd be better to move quickly.'

Astelle couldn't shake the sense of loss that accompanied their departure from the countryside.

For six years, she had found solace and contentment in the simplicity of their life, watching Theor grow and flourish in the idyllic surroundings.

But now, that chapter of their lives was coming to an end, replaced by the uncertainty and complexity of palace life.

Astelle's heart ached at the realization that the peaceful happiness they had known was slipping away, replaced by the daunting prospect of life within the palace walls.

"Then are we not going home?"

She looked at Theor, her expression filled with sadness, "Yes, we are not going home."

• 🍁 •

The next day, Astelle extended an invitation to Fritz to visit the mansion, though in truth, he hardly needed an invitation at all. Without delay, Fritz arrived promptly upon receiving the invitation.

"You're here early," Astelle greeted him as he stood by the doorway, his expression weighed down by concern.

Fritz's eyes bore the weight of his worry, unable to fully comprehend how his own sister could have kept such a significant secret from him.

"How is Theor?" he asked, his voice heavy with concern.

"He slept soundly through the night and is feeling much better now," Astelle reassured him.

Despite Theor appearing weary, he had recovered well. Following his bath and dinner, he drifted into a deep slumber almost immediately. Thankfully, upon waking in the morning, he seemed to have regained his energy, engaging in playful activities with Blynn in the room.

"I blame myself for not being able to protect Theor sooner. If only I had acted preemptively," Fritz lamented, his tone heavy with regret.

Astelle placed a comforting hand on Fritz's shoulder, her expression gentle yet firm. "There's no point in dwelling on what could have been. What's important now is that Theor is safe."

As Astelle prepared to resume her role as empress and return to the Imperial Palace, she saw no value in harboring regrets over past events. The focus now lay on ensuring Theor's safety and their future well-being within the palace walls.

Fritz regarded Astelle with a pained expression, his words heavy with significance. "I heard about your acceptance of the proposal."

Astelle met his gaze evenly, sensing the weight of his words. "I wanted to speak with you about that as well. There's something I need to tell you."

Astelle's voice remained calm as she made her proposal. "I want Father to step down from his position. Will you take on the role of Duke of Reston, Brother?"

Fritz's reaction was one of surprise, his mouth falling open in disbelief at the unexpected offer.

"Is that even feasible? Father would sooner cling to his title than relinquish it willingly," Fritz responded, his tone tinged with skepticism.

"We have to find a way to make it happen," Astelle insisted, her determination unwavering.

Astelle was well aware of her father's character. The Duke of Reston was not one to easily relinquish power or authority. However, she also knew that when his life was truly at stake, he was capable of making concessions, even offering titles or other forms of compensation to ensure his own survival.

"I need your assistance, Brother. I'll provide you with the details once I've settled into the Imperial Palace," Astelle explained.

Fritz appeared torn, his inner conflict evident as he weighed the implications of Astelle's request. However, time for contemplation was limited.

Since Astelle's departure six years ago, Fritz had carried a heavy burden of guilt. Now, faced with the opportunity to make amends, he made a solemn vow to Astelle.

"Very well, I'll support you," Fritz declared, his voice resolute as he made his promise to his sister.

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