Hiding the Emperor's Child

By ladyliyaaah

56.1K 1.6K 88


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 76

430 23 1
By ladyliyaaah

Lyndon was escorted by the butler to the Duke's drawing room, where his subordinates stood ready for his commands. They had formed a perimeter around the Duke's mansion, their mission is clear and that is to locate Theor, who had gone missing.

Lyndon's heart ached for Astelle, knowing it was his responsibility to find Theor and return him to her side. Astelle's grace and intelligence had left a lasting impression on Lyndon during their encounters, and he couldn't help but admire her dignified demeanor.

As he surveyed the scene before him, Lyndon couldn't shake the feeling of admiration for Astelle, whose elegance and wisdom shone brightly even in the midst of turmoil.

Even Emperor Kaizen appeared to be regaining his interest in her.

Lyndon was equally taken aback by the revelation that Young Master Theor was Princess Astelle's son. Initially, it was an idea he couldn't fathom.

However, his feelings swiftly evolved into sympathy for Astelle. The princess had faced immense loss and now found herself navigating the challenges of single motherhood.

Instead of contempt, Lyndon's heart overflowed with pity for Astelle. The cruel mockery directed at Theor only served to magnify Astelle's plight in his eyes.

He wanted to promptly locate Theor and reunite him with Astelle.

Lyndon acknowledged Astelle's father, the Duke of Reston, with a sense of disdain in the drawing-room. Lyndon harbored a strong dislike for this middle-aged aristocrat.

The Duke greeted Lyndon with a cheerful smile upon seeing him.

"What is the purpose of your visit to my mansion?"

"I have come to retrieve Young Master Theor," Lyndon responded promptly.

"Who?" the Duke questioned.

The Duke wore a perplexed expression, as though hearing the name for the first time. But Lyndon remained unconvinced by his facade.

"I'm aware of your involvement, Duke. There's evidence to support it," Lyndon asserted firmly.

"I wasn't aware there were so many people interested in me," the Duke replied casually.

Stepping closer to him, Lyndon fixed the Duke with a menacing glare. "Kidnapping is a serious offense," he warned.

The Duke's response was slow as he carefully chose his words. "Are you suggesting it was wrong for a grandfather to bring his only grandson?" he asked, his tone calculated.

"Even if you're his grandfather, attacking his guardian and taking him away constitutes kidnapping," Lyndon countered sharply. "His Majesty the Emperor has ordered you to return Young Master Theor. Where is he now?"

It was considered highly impolite for a knight to speak so boldly to the Duke, yet the Duke responded with a nod and a smile.

"Very well, if His Majesty wishes to see my grandson, I shall personally accompany the child to the Imperial Palace. Would that suffice?" the Duke proposed amicably.

"That's not possible. I must take the Young Master with me immediately," Lyndon insisted.

Lyndon anticipated the Duke's refusal, but to his surprise, the Duke agreed without hesitation. "Then let us go together," he suggested.

Summoning the butler, the Duke issued a command.

"Wait a moment," the Duke called out.

After a brief pause, a man entered the drawing-room and approached the Duke.

The Duke instructed him, "Bring the child here."

Casting a glance at Lyndon, the man left the drawing-room.

Observing Lyndon's stoic demeanor, the Duke struggled to suppress his amusement, finding the situation somewhat amusing.

"My apologies for the delay," the Duke remarked casually, though there was a hint of mockery in his tone.

Despite feeling as though the Duke was mocking him by not immediately bringing Theor, Lyndon maintained his composure and continued to wait patiently.

Knowing that Theor was within the mansion, Lyndon remained vigilant, prepared to take action if necessary to ensure the boy's safety.

"Duke, the Young Master has arrived," a voice announced after a brief interval.

Shortly afterward, the door swung open.

The man who had departed on the Duke's orders returned, accompanied by Theor.

"Oh, my grandson has arrived," the Duke exclaimed, rising from his seat.

As Theor entered, the Duke glanced at Lyndon expectantly. "Sir Lyndon, aren't you going to greet him?" he prompted.

Initially puzzled by the Duke's words.

"Mr. Lyndon!" Theor greeted him.

Theor recognized Lyndon and rushed towards him. "Young Master..." Lyndon began, intending to ask about Theor's well-being.

However, upon meeting Theor's gaze, Lyndon was rendered speechless. Theor's eyes, which had previously been blue, were now a striking shade of red.

• 🍁 •

The capital city was bathed in a crimson hue as the sun dipped below the horizon.

Astelle sat by the window in the study, her gaze fixed on the garden outside.

Trapped within the confines of the mansion, there was little for her to occupy herself with but to anxiously await any news regarding Theor.

A gentle knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Lady Astelle," called Hannah from outside.

Astelle turned towards the door, "Hannah? What's the matter?"

Astelle stepped closer to Hannah, her heart pounding with anticipation, hoping for news of Theor.

Hannah's expression grew somber, and Astelle could sense the gravity of the situation without a word being spoken. With a heavy sigh, Hannah passed a small, folded paper to Astelle.

"Master Fritz has sent a letter," she informed her, her voice tinged with concern.

Astelle's hands trembled as she accepted the envelope, her fingers fumbling to tear it open.

Inside, unmistakably in Fritz's handwriting, was a message detailing the distressing news. The Duke had taken Theor captive because the people Fritz sent were late. As a result, Theor had yet to arrive safely in the capital.

Astelle's eyes widened in shock before she could even finish reading the letter.

"Lady Astelle!" Hannah exclaimed, moving quickly to support Astelle, who appeared on the verge of collapse.

"It's okay," Hannah reassured her, guiding Astelle to sit down in a nearby chair.

Astelle sank into the seat, her mind swirling with a tumult of emotions. "Is it over?" she wondered despairingly.

As she gradually composed herself, Astelle picked up the letter once more, determined to read it through to the end.

Fritz's words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. He promised to spare no effort in finding Theor and urged Astelle not to worry excessively.

Even if Fritz's rescue mission fell short, Astelle found solace in the knowledge that Emperor Kaizen had dispatched knights to the Duke's mansion. With their assistance, she remained confident in Theor's safety.

Astelle's mind raced with concern as she considered the implications of her father's potential discovery of Theor's true identity. If he were to see Theor's eyes, he would undoubtedly recognize the resemblance to Emperor Kaizen, putting Theor in grave danger.

The thought of her father exploiting Theor for his own gain weighed heavily on Astelle. Theor was not just her son but also the sole heir to the empire, a fact that her father would undoubtedly exploit if he knew.

Turning to Hannah, Astelle voiced her fears. "My father will learn of Theor's birth. He may already be aware," she admitted, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Hannah's face drained of color, mirroring Astelle's growing apprehension. "Lady Astelle, what should I do?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Astelle remained silent, grappling with the magnitude of the situation. How could she protect Theor from her father's machinations when she herself was imprisoned within the mansion's walls?

The weight of her helplessness bore down on Astelle as she searched desperately for a solution, but in her current predicament, finding a way seemed impossible.

With a heavy heart and a sense of urgency, Astelle realized that she needed to take action to protect Theor from the impending danger. Despite feeling trapped within the confines of the mansion, she knew that she couldn't afford to wait any longer.

Opening her eyes with determination, Astelle resolved to seek help from Emperor Kaizen himself. He was Theor's father and held the power to ensure his safety.

"Hannah," Astelle called, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Tell the knight that I need to see His Majesty immediately."

With a sense of purpose driving her forward, Astelle hoped that Emperor Kaizen would hear her plea and intervene before her father could enact any sinister plans involving Theor. It was the only chance she had to safeguard her son's future.

• 🍁 •

Kaizen pushed open the door to the conference room himself, a rare gesture that spoke of his urgency. Stepping inside, he was greeted by the hurried announcement of his arrival from the guard.

"Your Majesty the Emperor has arrived," the guard announced, his voice carrying a note of deference.

Taking his seat at the head of the table, Kaizen was joined by his officials, each settling into their respective chairs. The reddened sky outside the window served as a reminder of the passing day, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the city.

The meeting, originally scheduled for the morning, had been postponed due to the demands of Kaizen's busy schedule. The recent tour had caused a backlog of tasks, leaving a daunting pile of new work to tackle.

Despite his weariness from the endless responsibilities of ruling the empire, Kaizen found himself most drained by the ongoing challenge of convincing Astelle to accept his proposal. Her steadfast refusal continued to weigh heavily on him, adding to his burdens.

Kaizen's desire for Astelle to reclaim her position as Empress and raise Theor in the comfort of the Imperial Palace was driven by a sincere belief that it was the best way to care for her and their son. Yet, Astelle's continued refusal to accept his help left Kaizen feeling bewildered and frustrated. He couldn't comprehend her reasoning and doubted whether she would ever accept him again.

Despite his own longing for Astelle's companionship and happiness, Kaizen harbored a deep fear that she would be unfairly blamed for his past mistakes. He wanted nothing more than for Astelle to live comfortably and free from the burdens of their tumultuous past, even if it meant rejecting the title of Empress.

However, Astelle's aversion to being tied to him, even to the extent of rejecting the prestigious position of Empress, perplexed Kaizen. He struggled to understand her perspective and feared that their rift would only widen further.

In an attempt to break the heavy silence weighing upon the conference room, Kaizen redirected the conversation with a sudden inquiry.

"How are the preparations for the national wedding proceeding?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of tension.

The officials exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the underlying tension in Kaizen's question.

As Kaizen scanned the document before him, his gaze shifted to the senior officials seated around the table. Their expressions betrayed a mixture of apprehension and discomfort, reflecting the tense atmosphere that permeated the room.

During a recent meeting, Kaizen had boldly declared his intention to reinstate Astelle as Empress—a decision that had been met with widespread disapproval from the nobility. Though he was well aware of their opposition, Kaizen also knew that the recent downfall of the powerful nobles had left them hesitant to openly challenge his authority.

Instead, their dissent manifested in subtle ways, such as the delays and obstacles encountered in the execution of his orders. Kaizen sensed the underlying frustration and resentment simmering beneath the surface, a sentiment that had undoubtedly spilled over during his absence in Vellian.

"I've instructed for the construction of a new palace for the Empress. How is the progress?" Kaizen asked, his tone betraying a hint of impatience.

The Minister of Home Affairs hesitated to respond, clearly torn between delivering unwelcome news and appeasing the Emperor.

Kaizen's piercing gaze swept over the officials gathered around the table, silently demanding a satisfactory answer.

As Kaizen's probing gaze swept over the assembled officials, they instinctively averted their eyes, unwilling to meet his scrutiny. His question hung heavily in the air, challenging them to voice any objections to his decision to remarry Astelle.

A palpable silence enveloped the conference room, punctuated only by the faint rustling of papers and the shuffling of uneasy feet. Despite the unspoken invitation to voice their grievances, none of the officials dared to speak out against the Emperor's intentions.

Just as the tension reached its peak, an urgent knock shattered the oppressive stillness, causing everyone to startle.

"Your Majesty," came the voice of the knight assigned to protect Astelle, as he entered the room.

Kaizen's heart sank at the unexpected interruption, his mind immediately flooded with concern. "What's the matter?" he demanded, his voice laced with worry. The presence of Astelle's guard in the conference room filled him with a sense of foreboding.

"Did something happen to her?" he asked.

The sudden intrusion during the meeting signaled that something out of the ordinary was unfolding. As the young knight addressed the gathered officials with an air of urgency, Kaizen could sense the tension thickening in the room.

"I have something to report to you, Your Majesty," the knight began, his voice tinged with unease.

Kaizen's resolve hardened as he made a swift decision. "Let's conclude this meeting today," he declared, rising from his seat with determination.

Without hesitation, Kaizen followed the knight out of the conference room, his mind racing with concern for Astelle.

"What is it?" he asked, his tone urgent as they stepped into the corridor.

The knight's response only heightened Kaizen's apprehension. "The Princess has requested an audience with Your Majesty," he explained. "She mentioned something urgent that she needs to discuss with you."

Kaizen wasted no time in issuing instructions to his attendants. "Prepare for immediate departure," he commanded, his voice brooking no argument.

With a sense of urgency propelling him forward, Kaizen made his way to Astelle's mansion without delay. As he crossed the threshold into her home, the last rays of the setting sun bathed the surroundings in a warm, golden glow, casting a sense of solemnity over the moment.

As Kaizen entered the drawing-room, his eyes immediately fell upon Astelle's figure silhouetted against the night sky, her back turned to him as she gazed out over the garden. The sight of her stirred something deep within him, a poignant ache that he couldn't quite explain.

With a sense of urgency gripping his heart, Kaizen approached her, his voice tinged with concern.

"Astelle, what's happening?" he asked, the words tumbling out in a rush.

Slowly, Astelle turned to face him, her movements deliberate and composed. In a gesture of respect, she gracefully bent her knees in a polite bow before lifting her head to meet his gaze.

"I will accept Your Majesty's proposal," she declared, her voice steady and unwavering.

Kaizen's surprise was palpable, his eyes widening in astonishment at her unexpected response. He searched her gaze for any hint of hesitation or doubt, but found none.

"However," Astelle continued, her tone measured, "there is a condition."

"A condition?" Kaizen blinked several times, finding it hard to believe what he had just heard.

"I can grant you any request you have. You don't need to impose any conditions."

He pondered silently, questioning whether Astelle truly had the ability to fulfill his deepest desires.

However, Astelle's heart yearned for only one thing: to leave the capital and return to the East with Theor.

Yet, Kaizen had failed to fulfill this longing, leaving her with a deep sense of disappointment.

"Let's consider a contract marriage. If you're open to it, I'll outline the terms and conditions clearly in the contract."

Astelle spoke calmly yet resolutely.

Kaizen's fist tightened at Astelle's words, his gaze piercing as he observed her cold demeanor.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Very well. What is the condition?"

Astelle drew a deep breath, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination as she prepared to reveal her revelation. "But before that, there's something I must tell you. It concerns Theor."

"I will ensure Theor's safety, so please don't worry too much," Kaizen interjected before Astelle could continue, already anticipating her concern for her son.

Aware of Astelle's deep affection for Theor, Kaizen was committed to raising him as his own, despite the absence of biological ties.

However, what Astelle intended to convey was not what Kaizen had anticipated.

"Theor is Your Majesty's son," she disclosed, her voice steady as she delivered the startling revelation.

Kaizen's eyes widened in shock at she had said.

"What?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

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