The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

57.3K 1.2K 87

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave

The end?

803 26 5
By Mzzjem


After Enzo gave me a bath he let me watch TV downstairs, Hank and him had some work to do so they went to there office.

I watched a film before getting bored and started to flick through the TV channels.

One channel came on where most of the people had no clothes on and were touching each other, "what are you watching?" A voice startles me.

Colt walks in looking at the TV in shock, I still with fear. I don't know why I feel like this towards Colt, I usualy really like him but lately when he's been close to me or touched me I've felt an excruciating pain that makes my skin feel like it's on fire.

Colt walks towards me and I quickly move to the back of the sofa, he stops dead in his tracks. "Seb, can you give me the remote please" he asks resting his palm out, his expressions look defeated.

I slowly give him the remote afraid of touching him, he gently takes the remote and switches channels to a film I like.

"You dont change the channels by yourself, ok?" I nod my head unsure of what to say or do. He sighs before going into the kitchen.

I look around the living room trying to find something to do, I notice the lamp by the corner of the room. I decide to play with it turning it on and off, the light bulb looks so pretty.

I lean my hand towards it, the warmth feels so nice on my hand. Placing my palm on the bulb, it takes a couple seconds before I feel a harsh burning sensation bubbling through my skin.

I instantly pull away while letting out a loud yelp, whines ehcou through the room as my eyes fill up with tears.

Colt rushes in "what happened?" He says looking st me on the floor by the lamp, I look at the palm of my hand and see my skin bubbling with redness.

The sight scares me enough to make me yelp again, tears fill my eyes. "Baby, what did you do?" He says walking closer to me, the pain of the burning stops me from caring heo close he is to me.

He kneels down infront of me keeping his distance, he leans over slightly to see my hand. "How did you burn it?" He looks at the light bulb "Honey, you know not to touch light bulbs" he scolds me before turning the light off.

Usualy when I'm hurt he picks me up or helps the pain go away but he's not, does he not love me anymore.

"Walk to the kitchen and put it understand the sink" he says surprising me, wow he really doesn't care about me anymore.

I reach my arms out to him making grabby hands with tears in my eyes, he shakes his head before backing away "I can't baby, you have to do it yourself" this only makes me cry more.

"Seb, baby don't cry. I really want to pick u up and hold you but I can't, I'll hurt you" he says, what does he mean.

He won't hurt me if he likes me, right? Why would he hurt me? "Whats going on?" Hank says coming down the stairs "Seb burnt his hand on the lamp, I can't pick him up" I could see the pity in hanks eyes before he leans down to me "let me see" he says taking my palm, the skin was starting to blister.

"Okay, let's run it under some cold water" Hank picks me up and holds him against his chest carrying me to the kitchen, he rinses my hand under the water making me cry out in pain "its okay, this is going to help " he says.

Thankfully the cold water did help, the blistering went down during the day. It wasn't long before the guys put me down to bed each one saying good night except for Colt, Colt stood by the door the entire time not even walking towards me.

I guess he doesn't love me anymore.

When morning came my body felt pretty rested, I weirdly always feel good after having some time in my younger headspace.

Colt avoiding me has been on my mind all day, ugh why do I even let it get to me.

After having a shower and getting dressed I head downstairs and make myself some cereal, "Hey, how are you feeling?" Enzo asks as he walks into the kitchen "good" I say, he places a palm to my forehead "your feevers gone" he says proudly.

Hank not long walks in grabbing himself a cup of coffee "what you fancy doing today?" Hank asks, "I was going to go for a ride" I say looking at my bowl.

Once I notice it's weirdly quiet I look up to see Hank and Enzo exchanging a look, why are they acting so weird around me. "Do you wanna go for a run instead? Let some energy out" he suggests, "um ok" I say still not sure what there hiding.

I haven't seen Colt all morning, me, Hank and Enzo shift and go for a run in the words.

The whole time they were exchanging looks and whispers, we got to a clearing In the forest to rest for a bit.

I lick the dirt of my fur as I hear the two whispering about something, the noise is agitating my ears.

"What?!" I snap, the both look at me in shock. "Whats wrong seb?" Enzo asks obliviously. "Why do you guys keep acting weird, if you have something to say then just say it" I growl out.

it goes silent before they exchange another look, I get up ready to walk off but Enzo stops me standing infront of me while Hank stands beside me "remember the deal we made with you a month ago?" He asks, it only now just registers in my head.

I completely forgot about that, I nod my head. "The month is over in 2 days" I mean I have enjoyed being with them but recently things seem to be falling apart.

"So I can go home if I want to?" I could see my question strikes something inside them. "Yes but I would like to think that our house is your home" he says, "we know you feel the bond seb, we don't want to lose you now and why would you want to leave.

I know you enjoy our attention, love and care" Hank says. I think for a second, but Colt doesn't love me anymore.

Its all too much, I need to clear my head. "I don't know" I say pushing past them and walking away needing some air, "Seb stop pushing us away, you've had alot of fun staying with us" Hank says.

"I know we made a deal but I don't think I can just let you leave, we've got a bond" Enzo says, there making me feel claustrophobic.

Looking around the woods my heads becoming dizzy, "leave me alone!" I snap at them, my teeth baring inches away from there flesh.

Everything's too much, I feel like I can't breathe, the memory of seeing Colt she male standing there saying she's pregnant haunts me.

There's no point in me staying. I need to clear my head, I take of running in a direction I'm unsure of, I hear the yells and padded paw prints behind me.

The faster I run the further they feel away, I judt need to get away.

I need to feel free again, I swerve between trees taking sharp turns making it harder for them to find me. Eventualy when I can't hear them I look around me, I haven't seen this area before.

My whole body suddenly stops as I come to a rode, on the other side there's some words but I'm pretty  sure this is where the Alphas territory ends.

Looking bhiend me I can't see them, taking a deep breathe I venturesome onto the other side running through the trees enjoying the mud between my paws and the cool breeze through my fur, this feels amazing.

I can't remember the last time I felt like this, nothing holding me down.

The further I get from them the more my heart feels heavy and dull but I can't stop running, I never want this feeling to end.

The small aching pain I've had since I found out Colt got someone pregnant is now gone completely, I feel like I can breathe again.

I slow down a bit seeing a cliff up ahead, looking over it leads down to a deep lake. I turn around looking at all my ways to go, suddenly something emerges through the bushes.

Another wolf? Except there eyes were glowing red,I've never seen that before. There teeth snarled producing some sort of foam, they look rabbid.

Suddenly 4 more show up, there all adults. There the size of the Alphas, I wish they were hear right now.

They walk towards me circling me and snarling with foam drooling onto the ground "look a sweet lil pup" one says in a domestic tone, "its been a while since I've heard a pups bones crunch between my teeth" there words made me feel sick, was I about to be eaten by my own kind.

"Must be our lucky day, pups have the best flavour" one crooks it's neck at me like it's some unormal creature, these wolves are definitly not like my Alphas or me.

I see in the corner of my eye one goes for my back leg but I manage to avoid its teeth and claw its face, the others hype up and start barking and growling. "I'm going to enjoy eating this brat!" One growls out readying itself to pounce on me.

Just before it could a large, deep growl shakes the ground.

The sound of paw prints against the ground gets closer, 2 large wolves leap over the wolves and into the circle serounding me.

There scents hit my nose and I suddenly relax. "Alphas on our territory, brave" one spits out, Enzo steps infront of me as one of them gives me a look licking it's lips.

"I suggest you rouges fuck off before each one of you dies" Hank growls out snapping his teeth to make them back up making the circle bigger, they were clearly scared of Enzo and Hank yet didn't back down.

There crazy.

"Seb stay between us" Enzo says. They started to get closer until one of them pounce towards me only to be taken down by Hank ripping into his throat but now there was a clear view of me, Enzo did his best to keep them away from me till 2 pounce and take him down.

He manages to handle them but there's just too many.

I watch in fear as Enzo and Hank rip and squirt the rouges blood all over the floor, it was clear that these wolves weren't going to stop unless you killed them.

They all look feral in the way they move. One suddenly pounces on me, his teeth puncture my skin as his large jaw wraps around my throat.

I manage to claw him in the eye only givign myself a couple seconds to get up, he lunges again but I quickly dodge it and go for the back of his neck.

This worked successfully until he spun over and managed to reposition himself ontop of me, I look past him to see we are kind of far away from my Alphas and the other wolves.

The sound of water thrashing somewhere bellow echous in my ears, "if I wasn't so hungry I'd throw you of this cliff, little wolf" he growls lowly, I look to the side of me to see I'm laying at the edge of the cliff.

He goes to take a bite out of me but I manage to claw his face again, this time getting his eye.

It drips with blood but he only focuses on me again, these are definitely not normal wolves. "I'm done playing with my food" he says as I feel his paw land on my stomach allowing his claws to puncture the skin as he puts for preasure on it, I let out  a yelp as he's just about to take a bite into my stomach.

Suddenly the ground moves stopping us both, I look at the ground to see it cracking.

I only now realise we are on a ledge and not a sturdy one, the wolf looks at me before smirking. "Seb!" I hear Hanks voice,the wolf puts more preasure on the ledge hearing it crack more before walking back a bit.

I get up about to try and get of the ledge when something hard hits me back to the ground making the ledge crack a few last times before it disconnects with the ground.

The last thing I see is Enzo, Hank and the wolves fighting while my Alphas watch me drop to my death unable to get to me.

The wolf looks down at me over the cliff as I fall to my doom, drops of foam falling from his teeth as he smirks. I close my eyes waiting for the hard hit of the water. Once it hits me, everything goes dark.

I slowly slowly come to as my body aches with so much pain, I can't open my eyes but my other senses are alive.

Something feels bumpy beneath me like stones, the sound of someone walking on pebbles panics me but I can't physically move.

"Oh my god its a pup, poor thing" I hear a female voice say, I feel a muzzle nudge me in different areas on my body "he looks seriously hurt, we'll take him back" I hear a male voice say, I try to make a sound, I need to get back to my Alphas.

A small whine is all I can muster "Shhhhhh it's okay" the male voice says before I feel the scruff of my neck being gently pulled taking my body into the air.

My body feels lifeless as I just swing in the air. Suddenly everything goes quiet again as I feel my self slowly slipping away into nothing.

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