The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Watt...

By gioviandrea

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"Why won't you just accept me!" His voice boomed as his back was turned to me. "Because I hardly know you! B... More

The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Chapter One : South Carolina
Chapter Two : No Way
Chapter Three : Alpha Jett Black
Chapter Four : Sexy Ass Angels Everywhere
Chapter Five : Helping A Fairy God Mother
Chapter Six : Accidents Happen
Chapter Seven : Fat Chicks
Chapter Eight : Fights
Chapter Nine : A Chance
Chapter Ten : You suck
Chapter Eleven : Ugh
Chapter Twelve : Parties
Chapter Thirteen : Revenge is a fun game
Chapter Fifteen : A Different Side
Chapter Sixteen : Alpha Teach Us About Love
Chapter Seventeen : A Beautiful Death
Chapter Eighteen : Another Challenge
Chapter Nineteen - Is There Any Hope Left
Chapter Twenty - Finish Him
Chapter Twenty-One : Daddy Doesn't Matter
Chapter Twenty-Two : A Little Romantic

Chapter Fourteen : Surprise

62 4 1
By gioviandrea


How does Jett know that my fake name I gave to Jackson was Jessica?

"How do you know that!" I asked Jett in a whisper.

"Because you weren't the only one at that club last night." Jett casually stated. "Nice punch by the way."

"Thanks. But did you follow me?" I questioned his intentions.

"Nope. One of my pack members, Landon, was there last night and told me he saw you. But he asked Jackson for your name and he said Jessica and a few nasty things." Jett's eyes grew darker.

Pikachu was there last night? And I didn't even notice. How awful.

"Great." I sarcastically spoke while walking away from Jett.

"Where are you going?" Jett asked.

"I don't know. Anywhere but here." I spat out.

As soon I did I was stopped by being pulled towards his chest. I sighed when he wrapped his arms around my body.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go." Jett stated as he firmly held his position.

"Why is that?" I questioned.

"Because I'll be loosing something that most never get. My other half." Jett plainly stated as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Can't you let me just this one time? I'll leave and go inside the cafe." I said hoping for him to say yes.

Instead what I received was Jett's hand grabbing gone of mine. And he began dragging me inside the cafe.

"I'm leaving. And I'm taking her with me." Jett boomed. And no one interfered, they just smiled since they were all amused.

"But what about my clothes." I said to Jett as he hopped on the motorcycle I had road with Trevor.

"What about them." He shrugged not caring.

"They're at her apartment, Bliss that is." I stated with my hands on my hips.

"I'll just ask Trevor to get them." I sighed knowing that I had been beaten and buried against Jett.

"Fine." I mumbled as I secured my hands around him.

Gripping tightly is what I was doing since Jett has a need for speed.

As I had predicted Jett took off faster than the speed of light. Maybe and probably faster than that.

I tighten my death grip around his body which didn't seem to affect him. Butt face.

Rather than taking twenty minutes to reach the place he was staying at, we took about seven.

Someone really flew past the speed limit. Thank the lord for helmets.

Jett hopped off the bike and turned it off, leaving the kickstand on. He did this before I realized that we had arrived.

"Come on." He said as he pulled me off he bike.

Psh. What am I? A kid. Yeah right.

"Stop treating me like a five year old. But they even get more freedom than I do." I whined as he continued to drag me inside a building.

"I'd give you as much freedom as you want tomorrow because tonight I'm kidnapping you to my room." Jett smirked as he spoke in a husky tone that made shivers run down my back.

"Great. So I'm your hostage now?" I sighed as he nodded his head. "Might as well just call me your wife then."

Jett narrowed his eyes at me when I said that. Of course I was teasing but he didn't like it.

"When I make you my wife, you'll enjoy it. And beg me to kiss you." Jett pinned my hands to my side as he stroked my cheek with his other. "You'll love every moment you spend with me."

I bit my lip as he brushed his fingers across my cheek. Slowly making their way to my lips.

"Why do you affect me so much?" I asked him. Staring him boldly in his eyes.

It's true. His touch was like a drug that I was addicted to. I don't admit it cause I'm very stubborn.

He chuckled.

Making me melt a bit inside. I was putty in his hands. I have no idea what's happening to me, but whatever it is, I like it.

"Your adorable right now McKenna." He kissed my lips. "It's almost a turn on."

The elevator doors then opened and he walked out. Forcing me to follow him after since I didn't know where his room was at.

Why do I like his touch? Why do I crave it? Shouldn't it be the same as any other guy?

Only it's not.

It's different.

It has what others lack, a spark. Something that can start a fire and make it last for all eternity.

And that's why I'm scared, curious and excited to see how this goes. To see how long we'll be together and if it actually lasts, which I hope it does.

"What are you thinking about McKenna?" The way Jett said my name made me snap out of a my trance and smile.

"Wanna guess? It should be easy since its in this room." I smiled flirtatiously.

"Hmmm." Jett crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a nice view of his toned arms. "Is it the food over on the counter?"

Jett pointed behind him to a box of cookies that I hadn't seen. Good thing I didn't see them or else I would've gained a few extra pounds I don't need.

I lightly shook my head and went closer to him.

I placed my hands around his neck and stood on my tippy toes as I was going to whisper the answer he was wanting to hear.

"It's you." I said. "Its always been you."

He turned his head at me as soon as I said those words.

"Are you sure?" Jett question for assurance.

"Defiantly." I smiled as I kissed him. "What do I have to loose?"

He placed his hands on my hips, bringing me closer towards him. I wasn't complaining about the small space between us, because lets face it. I was loving every minute of this.

Our kisses soon became heated and we craved more. Jett's tongue fought mine for dominance and won.

I continued to pull him closer to me so he could have easier access. Jett then grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his torso.

As we kissed, Jett took us towards the bed in the hotels comfy bedroom.

Was I ready?


Not one bit.

"Jett." I said in a breathless tone. "I'm not ready for that."

Jett pulled away and looked at me while stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"I know." He smiled and I did too.

I'm glad that he was able to understand my feelings.

"Thank you for understanding." I told Jett while placing my head on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't make you do anything that your not comfortable doing."

I don't know why, but when Jett said that I felt that he was lying. That he'd soon eat those words he just said to me.

"Promise?" I asked holding out my pinky.

"I pinky promise." Jett stated with a smile. "Now go change so we can go to sleep."

Jett reminded me that I was still in my dress from the club and I frowned.

"I left my pajamas again." I sighed and felt something hit me in response.

"You should wear that." He told me as I picked up the shirt which fell to the ground.

"Thanks Alpha." I smirked as I made my way to the bathroom to change.

My fingers latched onto the hem of my tight black dress and slowly bought it up, and off my body. Freeing me from its hold.

I placed it on the counter after I took off my bra and then I slipped on Jett's shirt.

"Done yet?" Jett asked as he was already on the bed.

"Yup." I said while turning off the light. I hopped onto the bed and crawled over to the left side.

"I swear you kill me sometimes." Jett chuckled nervously. I tilted my head to the side.

"In which way?"

"The good kind, of course." He paused and sat up, causing us to look straight into each other's eyes.

I placed my hand on his chest and lightly pushed him back down. His head rested on the pillow and I soon joined by laying down as well.

"Goodnight." I said as I got comfortable under the sheets.

I heard Jett grunt.

"You're so far away from me."

I ignored him because I was tired and needed my sleep. Or else I'd wake up with bags under my eyes and a shitty attitude.

Jett stretched his arms out towards me as he then wrapped them around my body. Pulling them towards himself, I also was dragged along until I was in his embrace.

"That's better." Jett spoke as he got comfortable wrapping one arm around me and he placed his head in the crook of my neck.

I grunted.

"You're such a big baby." I mumbled trying to ignore my feelings of how much I actually loved this.

"But I'm your big baby."

I could practically feel Jett's smirk when he said such. But when he planted a kiss on my cheek, I was certain.

My brain thought it's last thought as I fell asleep in probably the most secure place I've experienced in my life; Jett's embrace.

That next morning I woke up to feel Jett right next to me. I smiled as I slowly turned to face him.

When I was sure that I didn't wake him, I used one of my hands to trail across his jaw line.

It was just too chiseled, and that gave him an immediate aura of authority. A good thing in the wolf world I assumed.

My finger accidentally slipped and poked him.

I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep because what other option did I have at this moment?

Be awake so I could get yelled at?

No thank you.

I felt Jett stir awake and I was sure to relax as if I was still sleeping.

"Good morning McKenna." Jett spoke in a sleepy voice that'd make any girl weak in the knees.

I huffed out.

"How'd you know?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

I soon found Jett with a smile as he laid on his side with his right hand supporting his head.

"It's not hard to sense you awake. Plus your heartbeat was going pretty fast." He chuckled and I flipped upwards so that I was staring at the ceiling.

"Stupid wolves." I mumbled.

"Excuse me. What?" Jett asked and I ignored him.

"With their stupid heightened senses that humans can't have." I added.

Jett laughed at me and I frowned.

"Your absolutely right McKenna." Jett said with a smile. "If only wolves could do something useful."

"My point exactly!" I accidentally spoke louder than needed.

"But that's when you realize that humans won't ever get to feel the same love we do." Jett placed his hand in my skin, making tingles happen. "They'll never get this effect when they find their soul mate."

I hated when he was right. But rather than being a sourpuss about it, I smiled and turned towards him.

"And you are one hundred percent correct my friend." I told him before I planted a kiss on his lips.

"Glad to hear it princess." Jett replied as he brought me towards his body. "Now tell me honestly. Are you sure you want to stay with me?"

I stared at Jett's blue eyes.

Was he being serious?

"What makes you think I wouldn't?" I asked him. What was making him doubt me?

"I don't know. I just don't want you to feel forced." He sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Well I want to go back with you. Back home." I said referring to his home, not mine. Because I didn't have a home, not until I met Jett.

His arms are my home.

"Are you being serious right now?" Jett asked me as he sat up. I joined him.

"I think the question is if I need to slap you with a stick." I said while pointing my finger at him.

He laughed and looked around before smiling at me.

"Let's go home, since that's what we both want." Jett opened his arms and I threw myself into his chest.

"I'm already home." I whispered.


"Are you sure this is okay?" I asked Jett who brought us to a bar to eat.

"Why wouldn't it be." He spoke while looking down at the menu.

"I don't know. I thought you said you had to get back because of pack matters." I mumbled. "Yet here we are at a chicken wing restaurant and bar."

Jett placed his arm around me for reassurance, but it didn't work to much.

"I understand your worried, but I think I can trust Jacob looking after the pack for a few hours." Jett looked back at me. "He is a beta for a reason."

"I know. I just feel like something is going to happen." I sighed while trying to ignore the bad feeling I got in the pit of my stomach.

"If anything happens I'll protect you." Jett smiled as he placed one of his big hands on my thigh.

"Promise?" I asked.

"I swear on my life." Jett chuckled and I smiled.

The waitress soon came by and asked what we'd like to order.

"I'll take a burger, fries, some chicken wings and a fresh lemonade." I told the young girl with a smile and she looked over at Jett.

It was cute because she had a light cost of blush on her cheeks.

"Handsome, isn't he?" I asked her and her eyes widen. She looked down at the notepad before giving a slight nod.

"Thank you. You're quite beautiful Ava." Jett said. "Be careful around boys. Anyways I'll take the same as McKenna but instead of a lemonade I'll take a beer."

Ewwww. Beer.

"Your order will be ready with ten minutes. I'll be back for your drinks, please let me know if you need anything extra." Ava smiled and soon left.

"She's so cute." I said while looking around the somewhat crowded place.

"She's okay." Jett said. "I'd take you any day."

When Jett slightly squeezed my thigh my eyes widen.

Did he just?

"Jett." I whispered.

"What." He smiled innocently which caused me to advert my eyes away from him.

"You're crazy." I said.

Jett leaned in really close before whispering.

"But you love it."

He's so cocky sometimes. I swear one day I'm going to punch him when he's like this.

"Like hell I do." I whisper shouted, if that's even a thing I did that to him.

Jett rolled his eyes.

"That's what you say now McKenna. But you'll learn to love every part of me." He spoke in my ear. "Both the good and the bad side of me."

I almost gave out a shudder movement, but I didn't since I knew he was telling the truth.

"We'll see about that Alpha." I retorted as Ava came by with our drinks.

"Your food is ready, I just have to bring it to you." She smile and I did the same as a thank you.

I opened the straw by slightly banning the bottom of it on the table. Once I saw the red straw pop out of the white paper, I grabbed it and placed it into the fresh lemonade.

"This is really good." I said looking at Jett.

"I bet." He chuckled with a smile.

"You should try it." I said sliding the drink towards him.

When his eyes met mine I motioned for him to go ahead, and to try it without being embarrassed.

And so he did.

Jett took a long slip of my large lemonade since the glass was pretty big.

"It's good." He said as he passed me the glass. "But I'm gonna stick with beer tonight."

I laughed.

Of course he was gonna go with beer, I'm not gonna let him take my lemonade away from me.

Hell to the no.

Ava soon came by holding a big circular tray that had our food on it.

"It looks amazing." I told her as I practically gawked at the juicy hamburger.

"Wait until you taste it. Brandon, the chef cooks really well." She smiled as she talked about Brandon.

I feel that familiar, you like him don't you, feeling right now.

"Thanks you so much Ava!" I happily said as I grabbed a chicken wing.

She then left is alone as she went to attend another table.

"These little suckers are so good!" I moaned while eating the chicken wing, besides the bone that is.

Jett chuckled.

"They are pretty tasty." Jett admitted and I agreed.

I finished the six chicken wings and moved onto my hamburger. It's so good!

I took a bite and instantly fell in love.

"I think I'm in love Jett." I said after I swallowed my food. "And it's not with you, its with Brandon."

I said the chefs name since it was hard to forget how Ava said it.

Jett gave me a slight glare but I ignored it and paid attention to my burger.

Within five minutes most of it was already in my belly being digested. I was finished with my meal and my life that had been completed as soon as I ate everything.

"Ready to go home princess?" Jett asked and I slightly nodded as I was slowly getting lazier.

"Yes please." I said in a sleepy voice.

Jett grabbed my hand and lead us out since he had already paid, probably when I was dazing off.

Once we were in the car I turned my head to the right so it was leaning against the window. I was about to close my eyes but Jett interrupted.

"You wanna take a nap cause the ride might be long." I looked at Jett.

Did he just read my mind or something? Cause that's what it felt

"Here." Jett pulled out a small jacket and placed it over the gap between our seats. "Lay your head on my knees if you want or you can move your chair backwards."

He's so cute. Trying to help me get comfy so I can nap.


I decided to go with the first option and lay my head on his knees that were currently acting as my pillow.

They were surprisingly acting well as a pillow.

With one hand Jett drove and the other he stroked my hair in a comforting motion.

Doing so, it was easier for me to fall asleep. But before I passed out I needed to tell him something.

"I need to stop by a pharmacy." I mumbled as my body and mind gave out.

I believe a half an hour passed or more that I had slept because when I woke up, I found Jett looking down at me.

I smiled up at him and he did the same.

"I was just about to wake you up McKenna." He said softly as he continued to looked down at me.

"Are we at the pharmacy?" I asked and he nodded.

I immediately say up and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Take this." Jett handed me his credit card and I tilted my head. "I'll pay for anything you want at anytime."

I leaned in and kissed his lips before opening the door.

"I'll be back soon." I yelled as I shut the door and jogged inside.

My stomach was getting those familiar cramps if you know what I mean.

And well, I needed to buy the typical stuff to stop the bleeding. Pads and tampons was the way to go.

I walked over to the aisle and grabbed two boxes of pads and a box of super plus tampons.

When my period comes, it's like Niagara falls between my legs. No joke.

I paid for them, walked back over to the car and hopped in.

"What did you get?" Jett asked as I handed him his card.

"Pads and a box of tampons." I laughed and he pulled out of the parking space.

Jett didn't say anything about the topic after since it was kind awkward for him.

When we pulled into the garage I saw that Jett did indeed make Jacob trade with him and take the motorcycle back as we took back Jett's car.

Getting out of the car holding the white pharmacy bag that had girl stuff in it, I went to open the door that lead inside the house but was stopped.

"If you want to go inside you'll have to wear this." Jett said as he showed me a eye mask and I sighed.

He gently placed it on me and lead me inside. Jett grabbed the bag and placed it on the counter it seemed like.

"I know this is weird but trust me, it'll be worth the surprise." Jett said in a loving tone.

"I hope so. Cause if this is some weird fetish of yours, be prepare to get a beating afterwards." I teased and Jett chuckled.

I was being lead up the stairs and down the hall way to a room? Of that's what it sounded like when we walked into.

"Ready?" I nodded and Jett stood behind me slowly taking off the mask.

When my eyes got a hold of the sight in front of me, I was blown away.

"You did this?" I asked Jett.

The room was beautiful. It had a wall paper of a city all around the room, but the cool thing was half way on one side it held the city during the sun rising and the other wall had when the city was lilt up at night with its lights.

And in the walls between it had the light slowly fading to dusk. The room was beautiful as it had a futon and a small glass desk.

Not to mention the sky light and the big open window that allowed me to get a nice view of nature.

"All for you." He replied as he took me in his arms from behind me. I leaned my head against his as I still gazed over the beauty of the room.

I didn't know he would do something like this for me. Especially when I never mentioned the homesickness I felt of the city lights.

  Which only leads me to believe one thing.

That this man truly cares about me.


Soooooo what do you think?

To be honestly speaking I've had this idea since FOREVER, but I was waiting to find the right time to include into the story ;)

I hope you've enjoy this chapter and the previous ones. And I hope you'll continue the ones that have yet to come.

Until next time my beautiful stars,


-Gigi :)

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