After All This Time

By sonch03

21.4K 1K 92

Easton James has it all NBA career, perfect wife, Margot Robbie, and beautiful daughter. What happens when he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 31

384 23 8
By sonch03


‼️⚠️Trigger ⚠️ ‼️


I've been having so much fun with Scarlett, after that first drunken night we've been meeting up in secret for the past month. She's coming over now for and I've felt myself getting feelings for her but it's only been a month so I've been playing it cool.

I hear a tentative knock on the door I head straight for it and open it.

"Hi beautiful." I say pulling her inside bending down to kiss her. But she seems off, so I don't deepen it.

"Hi, we need to talk." Oh great none of my conversations have ended good with that beginning statement.

"Okay? Come on in we can sit down."

She walks past me to my couch sitting down. I got and grab my beer and her glass of wine. I offer it and she shakes her head. Yeah she's not staying, what did I do this time.

"What's up, Scar?"

"I'm pregnant, Easton." I freeze at her words. My silence last longer than I mean.

"And you're the father, but you got that." She says waiting for me to process.

"H-how did this happen. We always are careful."

"You still don't remember anything from our first night?" I shake my head and she sighs.

"Well it came back to me in flashes but Easton we didn't use protection that night and I've been single for almost two years now after my divorce from Ryan."

After she says we didn't use protection I think back to the morning after and I don't remember seeing a used condom anywhere.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Scar. This is all my fault. I'm usually so good about that." I put my face in my hands.

"Hey, hey, it's not all your fault this is a two way street. We were very drunk and I was rushing you. You don't have to do anything. I'm not expecting anything from you."

I lift my face up and give her a confused look. "What? No I'm not going anywhere I am going to be as involved as you want me to be. This is our baby.

*Time skip*
2 months
Scar is 3 months pregnant

I'm pacing the hospital waiting room, we woke up to Scarlett in horrible pain and blood coming from her.

"Mr. James, I'm Dr. Montgomery. Miss. Johansson tells me you're the father. She would like me to inform you that she had a miscarriage."

My heart instantly sank and breaks for not only me but for her. I feel the tears falling down my cheeks. "Can I see her?" Dr. Montgomery nods and indicates for me to follow. We get to the room and Scarlett is curled up. I can hear her small sobs. The doctor leaves us and I crawl behind Scar she turns around grabbing my shirt sobbing into my chest.

*End of Flashback*


I snap my head back to Lizzie, she has a concern look on her face. "Sorry, I spaced out there."

"Yeah, what were you thinking about? You look like you did when.."

She cuts herself off and I know where she was going. My face looked like I was felt that day I lost my first child. After that day Scarlett told me that she didn't want to see me anymore. Probably didn't want a reminder of the son she lost.

"Um...that woman I slept with she got pregnant and she lost the baby." I tell her without hesitation. I always thought if I was going to tell anyone about that it would be Lizzie. In fact I almost did I flew to LA only to find out she Boyd were together. So after that this painful secret has been buried deep down.

"Oh E..." she trails off and rubs her thumb under my eyes telling me I started crying. I haven't cried about that since I held Scarlett while she broke down.

"It was a long time ago. Just haven't thought about it in a while. When it comes to the day it happens I take a couple days to myself no matter what I'm doing. Luckily it happened during the off season so I can do that."

I am rubbing my hand on her belly subconsciously. "Is that why you wanted me to be resting a lot during the first trimester and why we went to the doctors more than necessary?"

"Yes, I made Margot do it too but she doesn't know about this. You are the first person I've told."  I look back into her green irises they always seem to calm me. She leans in and places the softest kiss on my lips.

"Is everything set for the gender reveal party tomorrow?" I ask wanting to change the subject. She nods noticing my need for the change.

"Yes, MK has it all set up at the downstairs since you somehow found a place with an indoor basketball court. You will be dunking the ball with the powder in it."

I smile and roll us over so I'm on top of her. I move down so my face is lined up with her bump and I kiss it. "I hope you're a little girl so I have little Lizzie." I hear her giggle but she brushes my hair off my face.

"I hope we have a little boy so I can have my little Easton." I smile and crawl back up her body and we go for round two.

Next day...

Lizzie and I picked up Spencer before heading to the basketball court. She is so excited to know if she is having a little brother or sister.

"I wish my mom was here." I hear Lizzie say and I have to put on my best acting because I flew Jarnie out last night to surprise Lizzie. We get inside and Spencer runs in to find her Auntie MK. Then Lizzie gasps seeing her mom standing by the snack table.

"Mom! You came??" She asks looking at her in confusion.

"Easton flew me out to surprise you." She smiles over at me and pulls me in for a hug. We barely separate when Lizzie pulls me in for a hug and a big kiss. I have to pull away from her and I know my cheeks are red.

I let Lizzie and her mom catch up while I help with the rest of the set up. Finally guests start showing up and I noticed some of my friends from the team and their girlfriends and wives show up.

Then I notice some of the marvel actors showing up. I start to worry that she will show up but once it gets closer to eating she hasn't shown I calm down.

I finish eating and Spencer runs over to me and I pick her up. "Daddy! Black Widow is here!" My heart drops I look around then I see her talking to Lizzie.

"Fuck..." I whisper but my daughter hears. "Daddy! That's a bad word!"

"Sorry Sweetheart."

"Can we go meet her!?" She asks excitedly.

I'm still staring at Lizzie and Scarlett talking. She wouldn't have come if she knew I was the father. Lizzie must not have told her. Then I see them both look at me as Lizzie points smiling. I see Scarlett's smile fall immediately. But she hides it quickly when Lizzie calls me over.

Still with Spencer in my arms I walk over to them. When we get closer Spencer tries to wriggle free, "Daddy! I want down." I let her down as she runs the rest of the way.

Spencer reaches Lizzie and I finally do as well. She wraps her arm around my waist and sets her hand on my stomach.

"Easton, this is Scarlett Johansson. Scarlett this is my boyfriend and the father, Easton James." I love that Lizzie still introduces me to her famous friends like I don't know who they are.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Easton." She sticks her hand out and I take it. It's been almost 12 years since I've seen her.

"Scar, this is Easton's daughter, Spencer." Lizzie introduces and Scarlett pulls her hand away and focuses on my daughter.

"You're very pretty, Miss Black Widow."  My daughter says and I'm pulled out of my trance when Lizzie squeezes my side.

"Why thank you. That is very kind. You can call me Scarlett though." She kindly responds to my daughter.

"Okay we are finding out if I'm having a brother or sister today!" She excitedly says and I swear I see Scarlett flinch but it's so tiny Lizzie doesn't notice. Spencer hears one of the kids yell for her and says, "Bye!" 

She technically already had a brother a big brother. I feel my side being squeezed again and I shake my head looking down at a concerned Lizzie. I shake my head at her saying letting go her know I'm find.

I look at Scarlett she seems to be thinking the same thing I am. "Well, there's plenty of food and Chris is here somewhere he was hoping you'd be here with Rose and Cosmo."

"Oh yeah she was pretty bummed she had to go to her dad's and Cosmo is with Collin he's got a little runny nose." Scarlett only is talking to Lizzie.

"I think we will be doing the reveal soon so I'm gonna go to the restroom before then, it was nice meeting you Scarlett." I say to the two women and kiss the top of Lizzie's head. I turn and head to the bathroom to gather myself.

Lizzie's POV

"You didn't tell me Easton James is the father and the high school sweetheart you let go." Scarlett says and I feel my cheek heating up and shrug.

"Yeah, I went to his the championship game like I always do and he actually saw me this time because I went with MK. Who he also slept with by the way. Did I tell you that?" I tell her and her eyes widen.

"Wow...that couldn't have been easy to hear." She responds but she seems a little off since meeting Easton. Just as much as Easton was. Do they know each other? I know that Scarlett is a Knicks fan but she hasn't said anything about meeting any of the players before and we are pretty good friends.

I think about asking her but then I hear my sister yelling for me and she has Easton and Spencer already by her side. "Well looks like you made it just in time." I smile giving her a hug and she lets me know she's going to find Chris and watch with him.

I make it to Easton and my sister. Easton opens his arms to me his weird mood seems to be gone. MK gathers up everyone and hands Easton the basketball. He smiles when he holds it and it makes me smile he is always happiest when playing.

There's a little bag in taped in the net of the hoop. Once we get to the three point line I let got of his hand and she starts dribbling. The crowd starts cheering pumping him up.

He kisses my lips but it's not quick is a lingering kiss and I pat his chest to remind him where we are. He pulls away and everyone has gathered around and his mom, my mom and MK have their phone out recording.

I hold Spencer's hand she's jumping up and down in excitement. Everyone starts counting down and once they hit once. Easton dribbles the ball and jumps up slamming the ball into the net as he dunks it then there's blue dust and smoke everywhere.

(Pretend it's inside)

Everyone is cheering and I'm a little nervous because I know he really wanted a girl but when he turns to me he has this huge smile on his face and runs to me and Spencer. Picking her up and pulling me into a hug with her.

Spencer is yelling "Brother!" I can feel the tears falling down my face as I look up as him he is smiling that beautiful smile I love! He leans down and kisses me.

AN: Had to have a little twist in there plus love me some secret Scarlett affair.

Surprise having a boy!

Two chapters in one day!
Will it come out that Scarlett is the mystery woman that had Easton's first child? What do you guys think?

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