Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

19.3K 694 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 48

189 6 3
By NamNamm03

"Their names are... 해 별 (Hae Byeol) and 달 별 (Dal Byeol)." I tell everyone and the room goes silent. I start thinking the names are horrible until I hear Soo-min break out into sobs.

"What's wrong?" Bass asks very concerned and she sits closer to Soo-min.

"Their horrible names. I'm so sorry," I apologize to them but she frantically shakes her head no.

"Those names are perfect," Soo-min says wiping her tears away. I breathe out a breath of relief knowing she likes the names.

"Me and Bada spent some time thinking about names and it was so hard until she told me about the night you two got engaged. She told me you two pulled an all nighter one night and Dae Hyundai proposed when the sun finally came up. I thought it would be cute to name the kids after that night. Sun, moon and stars," I tell them and her sobs grow even louder. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dae hyun wipe his eyes.

"Aww Dae Hyun's crying," I say teasing him but also touched by this beautiful.

Seeing Soo-min and Dae Hyun cry after hearing the baby names makes me so emotional. Next thing we know everyone in the room has shed a tear or two. It wasn't until Soo-min crouches over in pain from contractions. Dae Hyun hurries and call in some nurses while me and Bada watch over her. Bada's parents are still here and very excited.

"I know that look. That's the 'I'm ready to pop' look" Bada's mom says making us all laugh but Soo-min.

"I take it back. Have the baby for me Bada, hmm? One for old times sake," Soo-min asks Bada while in pain.

"Sorry Minmin, you gotta do this," Bada says.

"But I forgot how much pain it is to push. And I have to push TWICE. Oh no, I think I'm going to faint," Soo-min says dramatically. I go over to her to give her some words of encouragement.

"So-min, you're going to do great okay. These babies can't wait to see their beautiful mother and father and of course their cool aunties. I know it's scary but your gonna be just fine. Once those babies are layer on your chest, you're gonna be like 'what pain'. Nothing will matter after those precious babies are here. And hey, you've had two so it couldn't have been too bad that you decided to get down and dirty and make two more," I say trying to lighten the mood and she laughs through her pain.

"I told your brother to wrap it Bada," she yells through another contraction.

"Noooo, I do not wanna hear about my brothers sex life. Absolutely not," Bada says covering her ears and I'm over here just laughing it up. She looks like a traumatized child 😂.

"It's all your fault!" So-min screams as Dae Hyun walks in with some other doctors. He looks shocked not knowing what's going on which makes this so much more funny. The doctors check Soo-min and tell us she's 10 cm already and need to start pushing soon. Me and Bada get ready to walk out into the hall to give them some privacy but Soo-min wasn't having it.

"You guys can't leave" she says through ragged breaths. And Bada looks like her eyes might shoot out of her body.

"Soo-min, you know I love you right. And I love life and all of that cute jazz. But I cannot watch you push my niece and nephew out," Bada says but Soo-min starts crying again.

"Come on Bada, let's stay" I whisper to her and she gives in when her sons get louder.

"Okay okay, stop crying. We'll stay. But let me make myself clear, I will not be recording anything that isn't tv-pg. if you don't want the kids to see this in the future, I'm not recording it. Waist up only," Bada says making me laugh. Yup she'll def be traumatized by the end of the night. Plus I'm sure Soo-Min will somehow make Bada get a close up on her goods when their heads start popping out.

Bada and I stand on her left with Dae Hyun on her right side. Bada's already got her camera out filming just in case the time comes. And just like that it was time.

"Okay baby. I need you to start pushing," Dae Hyun says taking her hand in his.


Our baby girl is finally born in a bit under 15 minutes. She takes a few breaths while in extreme tears as they lay baby girl on her chest. Just when she was about to get comfortable the doctor tells her to get ready to push again. They go and put baby number one in an incubator behind the doctors and work on getting baby number two out. She about loses it when they tell her to push again.

"I can't," Soo-min cries out and I can't help but start sobbing. She looks so tired. I couldn't imagine being her right now and I'd do anything to take her pain away.

"You can my love. Just a few more pushes and our boy will be here," Dae Hyun encourages her and she nods her head. I wipe the sweat off of her forehead and she grips all of our hands ready to push again.

And just like that, our baby boy is born. At this point we're all crying and hugging each other.

"You did so amazing Soo-min. So amazing." I say to her as I give her a big hug while they clean up the babies.

Bada is over where the doctors are with her camera.

"They're so beautiful Minmin," Bada says through tears.


The babies are so freaking cute. Soo-min's been sleep for a while and everyone else has went home to give them some time with each other. Bada and I stayed in case they needed anything plus we have to take the kids to our place later on. The kids got to meet their new siblings and it was the cutest interaction ever.

Bada's dozed off and Dae Hyun left to go check on another patient. He's off the clock but the man is too diligent for his own good. So it was just me and the twins. Their baskets are in front of me and I just stare and their adorable faces. It's so crazy a woman can make little humans, let alone multiple at once.

They decided to name the girl Hae Byeol and the boy Dal Byeol. Hae Byeol starts stirring around so I gently pick her up hoping Soo-Min doesn't wake up. She needs all the sleep she can get after how amazing she was today.

I pick her up and gently bounce her in my arms while rubbing her tiny hand. As I look at her, I can't help but get teary eyed about my past. I know I keep bringing it up today but I can't help but get reminded of it in times like this. Hae Byeol slowly opens her eyes and stares at me with the most precious smile. I can't help but wonder what my own child would've looked like had I gone to full term and gave birth.

I've always wondered that and it's always bothered me. Back the. I was so young and as I grew older I felt like a part of me had been ripped away. Losing that baby changed my entire life for the worse and I've tried my absolute hardest to not let what happened back then affect my life and present day but some days are harder than others. Everything could've been different if I gave birth to a healthy baby you know. I could've been a mother or at least given them up for adoption to a nice couple. Just looking at Hae Byeol has me fighting back tears and I just break. I quietly sob into my chest feeling a sense of pain.

"Baby?" Bada says quietly but with concern. I quickly try to shake that painful feeling away and get myself together as she comes over to me.

"Why are you crying my love?" Bada asks looking into my eyes.

"I'm just really happy the babies are here," I lie to her. She comes over and wraps me in her arms after I put the baby back in her basket.

"Talk to me love" Bada says gently rubbing my shoulders.

"I've just got some stuff on my mind. Ugh, I can't believe I started crying," I tell her through a fake laugh to try and lighten the mood but Bada's too smart and caring to move past this.

"I know this can't be easy for you my love. You don't have to hide that you're sad," she tells me.

"I'm not sad about this, I swear. I can't be more happy and proud of Soo-Min for pushing these two babies out. I have nothing but live for them. It just got me thinking about what my life would've been like if I had that baby back then. I was thinking what they would've looked like or what I would've done. I could've been a mother Bada. It's so sickening to think about but I wonder if the baby would've made me happy. I didn't have anyone who loved me back then and I just wonder if it would have loved me. Heck it probably wouldn't have," I say with a weak laugh.

"Hey don't you ever say that about yourself. I know for a fact you would've been a great mother Luna. You would've done all you could've to make sure they grew up loved and happy. That would've been the luckiest child to have you as a mother. It's horrible what happened to you and I know I can't take any of your pain away, but I want you to know how amazing you are and one day you'll make an even more amazing mother. These babies and the kids are lucky to have you in their lives Luna. I'm lucky to have you in my life and I can't wait for us to start our family one day," Bada says to me which makes me tear up again.

We stay in each others embrace for a while admiring the twins as they sleep and stir around in their bassinets.

"Bada, you think we'd still find each other one day if I had the baby back then?" I ask her.

"I definitely think we would've met somehow. Probably not the same way we did but I would've met you somewhere," she says.

"You think we would've gotten together even if I had a kid. They would've been in their double digits by then," I say.

"Yup. We would've still gotten together. I'd win over your kid and show you how amazing wifey material I am and we'd get married. Oh and I'd be the cool parent of course," she says making me smile.

"They would've definitely loved you. Especially with how caring and loving you are. I feel like you'd let them get away with anything though. I let the two of you go out one day and next thing I know you guys are being back home three dogs and a cat," I say laughing.

"That is something I'd do. If they want a puppy I gotta let them have it. Oohhh I hope they ask for a pony. I've always wanted one of those," Bada says making me smile and laugh. I've truly found my other half in Bada and I wouldn't trade her for a thing.

"Bada, I love you so much," I tell her and she sits up to look at me. She stares at me with nothing but passion and love making me melt inside.

"I love you so much Luna. So so much my love," she says and kisses me with so much love.

"Not in front of the newborns," we hear Soo-min say from across the room. We quickly pull back from each other with me feeling embarrassed.

"Damn Soo-min, you just had to ruin a cute moment," Bada says playfully annoyed making me laugh. She tries to get out of bed but I quickly stop her.

"Uh uh, no ma'am. Back in bed. I'll bring the babies over," I tell her. We hear her utter a 'yes ma'am' under her breath which makes me smile. I love taking care of others when I get the chance and I'll help her and Dae Hyun as much as I can.

I bring over the bundle of joys and she coos at them lovingly.

"Wow they look so much like you," I say amazed.

"Right. The kids are spitting images of Dae Hyun so this shocked me. I was so pissed when the kids came out looking like him both times. Like how dare I carry them for nine months just to not look like me at all," she says laughing.

"How you feeling Soo-min?" Bada asks.

"Alright I guess. Definitely a lot worse have two than it is having just one. Everything hurts but it's manageable," she tells us.

"If you need anything let me and Bada know. We are at your service for the the next month. No request is too much," I tell her. I want her to know she can rely on us.

"False statement. I will not be washing your ass Soo-min. You have a loving and excited husband to do that for you," Bada says and I gently hit her on the arm.

"If she needs washing you're gonna wash her," I tell Bada.

"Why me?" She whines.

"I'd do it but I don't think she wants to get that personal with me just yet," I say laughing.

"And you think I wanna get that personal with her. Heck no,"

"You say all of this now Bada but you're gonna be begging one of us to wash your ass when you get old in those nursing homes. You don't wash me, I won't wash you," Soo-min says seriously.

"You guys are acting like I'm gonna be so old," Bada says folding her arms.

"You gotta remember, you are always going to be older than us. And while you're eighty something in a retirement home, us seventy year olds will be kicking it at the club," Soo-min says.

"Baby she just called me old," Bada says to me and I keep quiet. She audibly gasps with her hands over her mouth.

"What, you are old. Soo-min told no lies. Plus I'm sure our kids will volunteer to feed and bath you when you teeth fall out and you can't stand up on your own," I say casually while playing with the babies.

"What if I put you in a home first," she says thinking she has a one up on me. Oh poor Bada has no idea.

"Then, my sweet old Bada, I will drain all your bank accounts and live it up with my kids and grandkids in a nice retirement home. I'll leave you a few hundreds though so you don't have to worry too much," I tell her as I get up and peck her on the lips.

"You two are just wicked and evil. Turning my non existent kids against me all ready. No one loves me," Bada says wiping her fake tears away.

"I just said I'd leave you a few hundred dollars. That's like infinite love right there," I say filling up a cup of water for Soo-min. Me and her giggle together as Bada sulks by herself.

"Hey, by the way, have you two gone home yet?" So-min asks and we tell her no.

"You guys should go home. It's getting late and you need your sleep. We'll be fine here alright,"

"You sure. I don't mind staying longer," I tell her

"I'm sure hun. You two go get some sleep okay," she says.

"Alright. I'll go get the kids and we'll head out," Bada says going to get the sleepy kids from the sofa.

We head home and put the kids down to sleep while I get started on some food.

"Baby, you get some sleep too. You barely gotten any sleep these past few days. I'll wake you up when dinners ready," she says. Usually I would find some way to go against her but honestly I'm super tired right now. So I give in and head up to bed. I make sure to shower before getting comfy in bed hoping the warm water will put me to sleep quicker.

I check the time and it's well after 9 pm. I shut off all the lights and crawl into bed and fall asleep quickly.


(What's going on? Where am I? Why am I in a white room. Nothings even in here.)


(Who is that across the room? Haneul? No it can't be him. He's dead. Why's there a crib in the middle of the room. W-why is Haneul running towards it. No! I can't let him get to it. He'll hurt them. I'm running with all my might but it's like I'm not moving. Like I keep running in place. What the fuck is going on?)


(Is it the twins crying? It can't be them. They're with Soo-min at the hospital. I've gotta get to this crib now! Run Luna. RUN DAMMIT!)

(I made it. Whose baby is this? The blankets covering their face up to much so I move it. N-no! It can't be. This isn't real. Why does the baby look like me?)

(I hold the baby and protect them as best as I can. He can't get to them. I run with everything I have to get out of this room. I'm running and running and running but it's like I'm not moving. And he's getting closer! Nooo)


(No give her back. She's my baby)


(I can't understand what he's saying. JUST GIVE ME MY BABY! I scream out. But he doesn't give her back. He disappears. No! No no no no no. This can't be happening. There have to be a way out. I need to find her. Please let me find her)


("Give her back" I say through sobs. PLEASE GIVE HER BACK. He reappears out of nowhere and grabs me by my throat and lifts me off the ground)

("you thought you killed me? Guess again" he says before stabbing me in the neck.

"Baby, baby. LUNA WAKE UP!" Bada says to me panicked and I wake up in cold sweats. I'm grabbing onto my neck hoping the stab wound wouldn't kill me.

"Luna, look at me baby. It's just me," she says to me snapping me out of whatever trance I was in. I stop panicking and sit there still. I look at my hand to see there's no blood. No stab wound. It was all a nightmare. A sick and twisted nightmare at that. I blow out a breath of air to try and catch my breath.

"Baby are you okay?" She asks me concerned. I look at her because honestly I'm so confused right now. That nightmare has me all types of discombobulated. I can't really talk so I just nod silently that I'm fine. I try to get up from the bed but instantly regret it when I start seeing stars.

"Sit down Luna. Don't get up too fast" she says concerned.

"It was just another nightmare my love. You're okay," she tells me and I nod silently still not sure what to say.

"Where are the kids?" I ask hoping they didn't hear me or anything.

"I fed and bathed them and now they're sleeping. It's okay now," she says rubbing my back. I hunch over and try to calm my dizziness and then get up again. I can tell Bada's worried but I just head downstairs with her following behind. I grab a water out of the refrigerator and sit at the counter and she takes a seat next to me.

"Baby talk to me," she says worried.

"My heads fucked up," was all I could tell her as a tear slides down my cheek. She wraps me up in her arms and holds me tightly as we quietly sit in the dimly lit kitchen. Nothing but the sounds of outside and the light snores of the kids fill the apartment. So much silence yet so much loudness. When will it ever stop?

Hi everyone ☺️. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Kind of bitter sweet but there will be better days ahead so don't worry. The semester is coming to an end so hopefully I have more time to update the story. Sorry I keep going MIA but I really want to complete this story soon and work on a new one. See you all in the next chapter 💙💋

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