'Dragon's Grudge'

Autorstwa LeoKenEvil

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It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no... Więcej

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 3. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 4. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 6. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 7. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 8. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 9. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 10. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 11. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 12. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 13. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 14. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 15. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 18. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 21. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 22. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 23. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 27. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 30.

289 8 6
Autorstwa LeoKenEvil

A few games have passed "And there it is ladies and gents, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu have ended their round in a draw!" Midnight called through her megaphone as she and Ryukyu go onto the field to help the two boys, both the red and silver-haired teens having collapsed and breathing heavily.

"They're both completely exhausted, as you can see. They've just fallen to the ground and both are struggling to get back up, they're breathing very hard and frequently, and they look like they're just about ready to pass out!" Ryukyu added as she came over and help Kirishima up to his feet, tossing one arm over her shoulder as she helped him out of the ring, with Midnight who did the same for Tetsutetsu.

"Alrighty ladies and gentlemen, we're now moving on to the finale of the first round! With nothing left to hold me back, LET US GET THIS BALL ROLLING!" Present Mic yelled into the microphone, speaking as though all restraints had been lifted. Which they were. "WILL OCHAKO URARAKA AND KATSUKI BAKUGOU PLEASE GO TO THEIR RESPECTED WAITING ROOMS!?" He continued yelling when suddenly, there was an audible slam that could be heard from the microphone.

"I told you to wait for when I got back from the bloody restroom." Aizawa's voice could be heard, though from some distance away. There was a sense of dread that mostly everyone felt as he said this, his voice laced with malice. They all knew from that moment on that he wanted no solutions. Only problems.

"But the match literally just ende-Aaaghk! HELP, ABUSE!" Present Mic exclaimed as the sounds of a struggle could be heard, only to be cut off forcefully by the higher-ups. Likely, it was Principle Nezu who was responsible for the disconnection.

"Thank goodness that was disconnected. I wouldn't want to hear the screaming." Stated Denki.

"Aww, is it cause you're scared that your widdle ears are gonna start bweeding?" Jirou teased as she leaned into him closely, obviously trying to get a wry out of him."

"What? No! I mean yeah, there's that, but also because the guy is extremelyfuckingcoolandhisquirkremindsmeofyoursandhe'sjustsounbelievablyfuntobearoundthatIcan'thellpbutfeelsorryfortheguyANDYOUJUSTKNOWTHATTHATSHITWOULDHURT." At the end of that sentence, he had to take in quick gasps of air after speaking so quickly, with no pauses, without taking a single breath.

Almost everyone in class 1-A looked at him with surprised expressions, with no one having expected him to speak this quickly without a break. Few however weren't paying attention. Ochako's face went quite pale. She could feel his piercing eyes in her direction, but she refused to look at Katsuki for a second. She knew on all accounts that he was grinning like a madman. She couldn't help but grip the cloth of her gym pants tightly, and sweat began to form on her forehead and glisten in the sun.

However, the sense of dread she felt slowly but surely dissipated when her beloved placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and his tail wrapping over her waist before slowly pulling her closer to him. He then used his free arm to pull her into a hug, facing away from the rabid dog of the class. The embrace from her boyfriend helped to settle her nerves, if only a little, as she silently sighed in relief.

"Do I even need to ask?" Said Izuku.

"If I'm anxious for the fight ahead of me, no, no you don't." She replied back in a sort of comically dead tone.

"Good." The black dragon said. "Then you wouldn't mind if I do this?" Without warning, Izuku unfurled his large wings and concealed both of them inside.

"Huh? What are you-Hmph!? Mmh." She was surprised at first, but she immediately began to melt into Izuku's embrace more as the two kissed one another. And they kissed hard. She knew he was doing this to try and soothe her anxiety even more, and boy was it working like a charm.

His rough scaly hand, as coarse as sandpaper, cupped her cheek gently while the other held her by her waist, keeping her close to him as they passionately kissed inside their little cocoon of privacy. She raised her scarred hand and cupped his dry and freckled face, reaching an arm over his head and hanging it over his neck.

They sucked each other's faces loudly and damn near sloppily as well, to the point a little saliva dripped from the chins of both lovers as they kissed.

No one could see it, but the sounds they were making were more than enough to inform everyone what was going on behind closed...Skin? Sounds about right.

"Oooh, Ochako's getting manhandled in there is she~?" Mina asked in an obviously teasing tone, trying to elicit a reaction from the two lovers inside.

"Literally." Camie interjected. "Those two better start looking for baby prams soon enough." She teased as she smiled in their direction, but you could also get the sense that she was also being rather literal with what she was saying.

"Ayeo, look at that there!" Kaminari called out. "Izuku's finally getting some practice into making out!"

"Pretty soon, he and Ochako will do more than just that, am I right?" His perverted partner interjected into the conversation. "Though I wouldn't mind being in Izuku's place right now either, and get a hold of those fun bags if she's all-" His sentence was cut short and his thoughts of Ochako's wrack were executed when Izuku immediately unfurled his wings and held Ochako close to him, glared at Mineta, and let out a low pitched growl as his tail lifted into the air before slamming back down on the concrete. "O-or I could just pay attention to the round coming up, that would be better!" He stated immediately as he sat up straight, wiping the drool from his mouth in terror.

"You're own fault there bud." Kirishima stated as he returned to the stands.

"Kirishima, how're you feeling?" Izuku asked. "Weren't you provided a bottle of water after your fight like the rest of the class?"

"I was. Finished the whole thing in just a few seconds." He said nonchalantly as he flashed his iconic toothy smile and gave his best friend a wink. "Tossed it into the bin on my way up here."

"You mean this bottle?" Sero asked from Ejiro's left with the redhead turning his head in response to meet him. Only to be met with a splash of water to the face.

"Gaagh! What the he-"

There was a sudden impact to his left cheek, and Ejiro was sent barreling to the floor. The blow itself was hard, yet strangely soft at the same time, kind of like being battered in the face with a pillow. It was here, at that moment, that all things fell to the curse of slow motion, and within three seconds of tumbling down, Kirishima heard the deep laughter coming from Sero above him, his face slowly contorting into that of brutal laughter.

From the depths of this realm that is now afflicted with the slow-motion curse, he could now hear the sounds of many others laughing, his best friend's among them. He could hear the iconic cackling of Denki and Mineta from behind the living duck tape dispenser, the mad and ill-intended laughter of Bakugou from the back, and the silent giggling of his girlfriend Mina sitting in her chair.

Then, the curse was lifted, and he went tumbling down the stone steps at their stands, his arms and legs battering against the concrete before he impacted the stone wall behind him back first, his head bouncing off it from the impact. "Gaagh! Hehe, dude, what the fuck!?" He yelled out in a mix of hysterical laughter and rightful anger, not exactly appreciating being tossed down a set of stairs like a rag doll, yet appreciating that Hanta pulled off a Rocky.

Both the living tape dispenser and the black dragon quickly came over to help their friend up to his feet, with Hanta tending to Ejiro's left arm while Izuku got hold of the right. Together, they lifted the redhead back up to his feet by grabbing him under the arms and pulling him back up. "Sorry man, I saw an opportunity. Had to take it." Said Sero as he helped brush off the dust from his friend, and Izuku held him by the face and checked him for any damage at all, even if it was a tiny scratch or bruise.

"You gotta admit, the timing was great man." The green-haired cataclysm of the class proclaimed as he wiped the dust from Kirishima's hair. And it was only then that he registered the sounds of Bakugou's malicious, hysterical laughter aimed at Kirishima.

Looking at him, the three, and indeed all of the class, all glared at the dog with annoyed looks, Kirishima giving the most resentful look of the bunch. Then Kirishima spoke up. "Oh it's funny, is it?" He asked the ash-blonde in a deadly serious tone as he glared at him.

"DUH, OF FUCKING COURSE IT WAS FUNNY!" Katsuki screamed at the top of his lungs, frothing at the mouth like the rabies-riddled creature that he is as he continued bellowing his laughter.

"So you find my suffering just now to be funny, is that it?" He asked with a little venom dripping from his growling tone.

"YEAH, THAT'S EXACTLY WHY I'M LAUGHING, IT WOULDN'T BE FUCKING FUNNY OTHERWISE!" He shouted back, this time dropping his laughter and looking at the redhead with hostility rather than amusement.

"What!? You didn't find Sero's prank to be funny at all!?" Kirishima screamed with a taunting attitude, looking at Bakugou with faux anger as his utter glee ran rampant inside him, knowing his sheer, big-brain genius is to be realized at this moment with two gods as his witness. One being God himself, the other being the dragon currently helping him up.

A dragon who has just gotten the gist of what's happening. A dragon who was not only glad to let this interaction play out a little longer. A dragon was far too willing to participate in said joke. "You don't appreciate a good fucking prank when you see one!? And a Rocky nonetheless!" He exclaimed, casting a similar look of fake fury, yet inside he was giddy to the core.

"You're starting to torture him now." Iida at last chimed into the madness and stupidity playing out before him, madness and stupidity that his class representative was all too pleased with. "Here Bakugou, you head on out and get yourself ready for your match." The blue-haired teen said as he beckoned Bakugou out from his chair and motioned him towards the stand exit, the ash-blonde following suit with silent grumbles in his voice, apparently just realizing he doesn't appreciate the creative integrity of the sacred man pranks. "I strongly suggest you do the same Uraraka. Being prepared for your match is essential to victory." He said as he gave her a reassuring thumbs up.

"Thanks Iida, will do." Said the gravity girl as she stood from her seat and began walking to the prep room, but not before giving her boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek before leaving. "You behave up here!"

"I'll see you in a minute!" Said Izuku as he helped Kirishima over to his chair and sat him next to Mina. The brunette blew him one last kiss before departing and leaving Izuku with his class. "Thanks for the quick call there Iida. I honestly don't think I could've stopped, not when Bakugou was under fire."

"I can hardly blame you, given your history." Said the only glasses wearer in the class with a tone of understanding, giving Izuku a soft expression. "Still, I would suggest you practice reigning yourself in. I find it best to always retain control of your impulses."

His words immediately struck something in Izuku as he lost himself in thought. "Impulsive. There's no way I'm impulsive...Am I?" The dragon thought to himself, thinking back long and hard over his and Bakugou's history, especially within the last year. "I-I mean yeah, I'm a bit impulsive when it comes to putting pressure on Bakugou, but I don't think I'm all that impulsive."

"Fair enough," Iida responded. "Though that's not to say you may struggle with others. And it's not to say that you're a bad leader either. You've proven today that you are a team player, you've shown you will stop at nothing to get the job done, and on top of all that, you have the character and the means to back it."

"Don't worry Yagi, no one's going to take your place unless you let them," Sero added, having not left his or Kirisima's side. "We're not so stupid to think we can go into a dual with you and win."

"Not to the death anyways." Todoroki coldly remarked from his seat, not once casting his eyes towards Izuku's way as he cast his glare to the side, away from his classmates.

His tone conveyed clear hostility at the black dragon, and it was met with Izuku's eyes flaring orange as he too glared back, the spike scratching the concrete below as his tail swayed from one side to another. "And there's another thing. You can on very rare occasions be quite insensitive." Iida spoke up to the class rep as he got up from his seat and walked towards the black dragon. "He informed me of the most recent conversation between you two. Care to talk?" He asked with a genuine smile on his face, showing no signs of hostility.

"What's there to talk about? We had a fight, and we loath each other. End of story." Izuku responded, feeling a bit exasperated at the implicit direction this conversation is going.

"Well, yes, what happened in the race is something that shouldn't be condoned by any means." Iida added. "But don't you think it would be worth understanding something about him? After all, you two do come from a somewhat similar background, wouldn't you be a bit more sensitive towards a topic like that?"

Izuku turned his eyes from Iida and pondered on his words for a full minute, leaving Iida in silence for the full duration. Although he was calm and confident on the outside, Iida was ever so slightly worried about how Izuku would react. Somehow, the silence was infinitely worse. The blue-haired student awkwardly fidgeted his fingers, waiting for some kind of response. Izuku caused a nation-wide panic, who knows how he'd interpret this and react to it.

If anything however, it seemed as though Izuku was giving careful consideration of his words until finally, the black dragon spoke. "I see...I'll think it over." It was all the black dragon said as he turned to the door and walked away, most likely to meet up with Ochako and talk to her. About what, he couldn't tell. Relief swept over Iida, for as good as they are on current terms, he knows what his green-haired friend to be a ticking time-bomb who can and will explode when pushed.

Meanwhile, walking down the hallway to see Ochako, Izuku was stuck in his own head and mumbling to himself. "Should I give a shit after what Shoto did? Was there a reason for why he just allowed Ochako to plummet the way he did? Did I not think things over and just assumed that he was just like almost everyone was for years?" He asked himself so many questions, over and over and over again, none of them coming to a solid conclusion.

He was only pulled out from his mumbling mess when he walked, head first, straight into a closed door. "Gagh!" he yelped as he landed onto his tail, having been caught underneath as he tripped and fell. "Owowowowowow!" He yelled out, the pressure from the fall having caused serious discomfort and pain at the base of the tail with a spine jabbing into his back.

As he lunged forward to immediately relieve the pressure, the door to the room in front of him opened up, and Izuku charged horns first into someone's pelvis, knocking the individual down to the floor. "Gaaagh!"

"Aaagh! WHAT THE FUCK SHIT-NERD!?" The all too familiar growly and screaming tone of Katsuki yelled out, but before Izuku could even process what was happening, a boot was kicked right into his face with an audible crunch being heard.

"OOW!!!" Izuku screamed as he clenched onto busted nose, his scorching blood immediately trickling from his nostrils like a bubbling font from a volcano. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR ASS-HAIR!!?"



They continued yelling back and forth as Katsuki held onto his giblets, the horns of his victim having caused unfathomable agony in his love spuds while Izuku was still clutching his busted nose.

This massive commotion is what eventually led to one of the more unsuspected people to come bursting into the room to see what the commotion was about. "What the hell is going on here?" Todoroki asked with a mild hint of surprise in his tone.

"GET OUTTA HERE YOU ASS!" Bakugou yelled, though neither Izuku or Shoto could tell who it was that he was shouting at. Nevertheless, the red and white-haired boy helped the black dragon onto his feet and brought him out of the room to recover from the multiple concussions he has sustained.

Shoto helped Izuku sit down on a chair to let him and let him recuperate, wincing at the sight of Izuku's clearly busted nose. "Goodness. Your nose is bent in a way like a failing stop sign." Shoto jokes.

"What? Pointing in a direction it shouldn't be. Right to your left rather than straight ahead." Asked the black dragon, watching Shoto give a very small, yet wry smile at his own humor. But it was quickly replaced with surprise when he heard Izuku silently chuckling. "Heheheh, yeah, that was a good one."

Shoto, surprised at this remark, bashfully rubbed the back of his head and and just mumbled out a silent thanks. From then on, after Izuku had settled down from his giggling fit, they remained in the hallway in sheer, awkward silence for a good five seconds before Izuku motions to his nose. "I'm just gonna fix this up a moment."

"Don't let me stop you." Shoto said as Izuku began the process of relocating his fuckered nose, only for Shoto to realize something as Izuku was about to do that. "Wait, you can just heal it back into place, can't you?"

With an audible snap, the nose is relocated with liquid fire for blood trickling down from the nostrils as Izuku hissed in pain. "It's simple, if I can manage to fix something even partially, I use up less energy to heal it back up. Sometimes my body just doesn't do it with certain parts though." Izuku said as his nose began to glow orange, and in mere moments, it was as good as new, going from disjointed nub to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure levels of impeccable.

"Is that why you have the giant hole in your chest when you transform?" Shoto asked, curious if that was genuinely why Izuku's chest looked like it was carved open with dual-wield shotgun laser beam earrings.

"I guess so." Said the black dragon as he interlocked his fingers and stretched out his arms, the joints in his fingers cracking pretty loudly with such crunch that it made the polychromatic-eyed teen wince and shiver. "Not a big fan when someone does that?" Izuku asked before proceeding to do the same with his neck.

"No, no I'm really not." Replied Shoto with clear discomfort.

Izuku apologized, and after a brief moment of silence, the black dragon remembered who it was he was talking to. Looking up to the red and white-haired student, he could feel his anger subtly bubble up in his chest. He remembered what Iida had said to him earlier, but he remembered Shoto's expression from the race. He remembered the cold, callous, uncaring expression that plastered his face, and the cold shoulder he gave to his pleas.

With the thoughts fresh in his head, Izuku immediately stood from where he sat and started walking off. "Yagi, hold on." Shoto suddenly said, and Izuku stopped in his tracks. "Can we talk for a moment? About this rift between us I mean?" He really didn't want to talk to him anymore, not after quickly remembering what he did earlier in the day.

Still though, his curiosity has been piqued. Iida's words also rang out from Izuku's head, about how it might be worth giving it another shot, and so with great begrudge, he turned to look at his classmate. "Alright." He said with a slight hint of venom sneaking through and dripping from his tongue.

Shoto picked up on the hint. His cataclysmic classmate is still seething from what had happened during the race, and so Shoto quickly got to what he wants to say. "I'm sorry." He said, not with contempt or dismissively. But with utter sincerity. "I'm sorry for what I did back at the end of the race. I'm sorry I didn't help you and your girlfriend when I could have." With that, he then bowed over in front of Izuku. "I know it's not enough to make up for what I did, but I do want things to improve between us going forward."

He didn't need to turn his head up to know that the black dragon was looking right down at him, the sensation of his piercing gaze was already something he had become well acquainted with earlier. However, unlike earlier where there was contempt, hatred and malice, there was surprise and genuine curiosity.

"Did Iida have a talk with you?" Asked Izuku with none of the prior hostility.

Shoto, albeit hesitantly, looked up and was met with the emerald eyes of his classmate. Calm green pools, pools that deep, deep below the surface of tranquility at present held within them also a decade's worth repressed anger, anger that could burn down the world.

"Yeah, he did. It wasn't too long after you left."

"So fairly recent." Said the black dragon, taking a deep breath before turning his head over to the hallway and thinking for a moment, taking the words Shoto has said into consideration.

He knows however that words do not mean a whole lot, if anything at all, it is a lesson he has learned over and over and over again. "You're right about one thing. I will not forgive you for what you did today. I could never forgive you." Said Izuku with brutal honesty. "But I will present you with an olive branch." At this, Shoto looked at Izuku with confusion.

"An olive branch?" Responded the white and red-haired teen, not knowing what his class rep.

"An opening for reconciliation, that's what it means. It's a metaphor." The green-haired teen explained to his classmate as he brought Shoto back up straight. "I cannot forgive you for your lack of action an open antagonization earlier. That said, I do believe you're good, but are dealing with a lot of baggage. And that's where I want to apologize." Just as his classmate had done before, Izuku lowered his head and bowed before the fire and ice user. "I am so sorry for the words I used at you earlier. I showed a callous disregard for your situation, and acted not with empathy, but anger and contempt. And I offer no excuses."

Shoto was genuinely stunned at what he was hearing right now, and what little of the cold and uncaring facade was still present has now gone poof into a puff of a smoke. "W-why? Why are you apologizing to me, after all the antagonizing I threw at you, and especially showing the willingness to let your girlfriend die to win the race."

"That's exactly it." Izuku spoke with confidence. "That was the worst I've seen you do. From what I see, there's nowhere else to go but up. It's up to each of us to prove that we can be better than what we first believed. That we must be better than the person we were yesterday." Izuku says this as he walks a bit down the hall, stopping at a picture of a past student winning first place in their semester. A picture of his father All Might winning first place. "I mean, just look at me. I caused one of the biggest incidents in the world, literally splitting the country in two. All from trauma that roots all the way back to my dad, bottled up and repressed rage and loathing that only recently I started letting loose in bursts. At least, that's what my therapist tells me anyways."

"Well, it's good to hear you're doing well in your sessions. And thanks for the second chance. I will do better."

"That's all I wanted to hear." With that, Izuku offers a hand out to his classmate, and Shoto, seeing the gesture of goodwill, immediately takes it without hesitation. The two shook their hands, and went their separate ways, but not before the black dragon promised that they'll talk about their baggage some other time, to which Shoto agrees to do eventually. While Izuku went to see his missus, Shoto didn't make it five minutes before bumping into the last person he EVER wanted to see. Endeavor.

"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." He said with a deep, yet similarly uncaring tone as Shot had used with Izuku throughout the day, his eyes reflecting nothing but ambition.

"What do you want?" Shoto responded with the same tone of voice, but with a hint of agitation mixed in with the rest. The very presence of this man was always enough to put him into high alert.

"That's no way to speak to your father." The large burly man retorted, showing his son a look of disapproval. "You have the power to beat All Might, and I know it's strong enough to beat whatever that thing is."

"That THING is my class representative."

"Your point?" Said Endeavor, the fire of his beard licking the air with seething impatience. "Do not forget what it is you're here to do. You are going to show everyone here what you can do, and you WILL use my fire to do it."

"I'd rather pluck out my eyelashes than use that wretched power of yours." Shoto spat venom into the face of his father, casting a glance of anger directly at the number two hero. Endeavour remained as passive and uncaring as he was.

"You're well into your teenage years. I understand, puberty is hitting you hard, and you're coming into your rebellious years."

"For someone as powerful and as famous as you are, why do you like telling such obvious lies like that!?" Shoto exclaimed, raising his voice and becoming visibly agitated. This time however, he was met with a visceral reaction from Endeavour.

"WATCH YOUR TONE WITH ME BOY!!!" Within the blink of an eye, Endeavour had gone from calm and relatively soft-spoken, to absolutely seething, his fiery beard roaring in fury as he bellowed into his son's face, his forehead and neck veins literally popping into visibility. Shoto did not flinch. Remembering where he was, Endeavour settled down, and so did his roaring fire. "You are to surpass All Might and his misbegotten spawn, to achieve my dream of our family holding the mantle of Number One! It's a simple fucking concept!"

"Your dream this, your goal that, it's all you EVER TALK ABOUT!" Shoto yelled back at his father, not wavering in the face of the beast before him. Instead, he further challenged him. "That is all I was good for, it's all I am to you! Just a means for self-validation, nothing more!" Shoto spun around on the spot and marched off, still yelling at his father. "It's no wonder you see Fuyumi and Natsuo as nothing other than failures. And is it any wonder why you drove Toya away?"

Endeavor's hands balled up into a fist as he clenched his jaw, threatening to grind his teeth down to the gums. It was clearly a sore spot for him. And yet, he said nothing to this remark from his son. He simply watched as his boy walked off back to the stands to watch the next round.

Meanwhile, Izuku had already reached the prep room Ochako was in, and the two basically just sat there as they discussed what happened, and what is soon to happen. "How're you feeling?" Asked the greenette as he held his beloved as she sat on his lap.

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Ochako said, looking a little pale in the face.

"You not feeling well?"

"Yeah. Not because I'm sick, I'm just...I'm so anxious." She said as she hugs her boyfriend, her arms placed firmly on his back as she sort of gazes off absent-mindedly. "Katsuki-fucking-Bakugou. Of all the people I could go up against, why did it have to be him?" She knew she could take him. She had the power to back it up. But that doesn't make her any less anxious.

"This IS the guy who practically tortured us for over a decade. I get it, it's not everyday you get to go all out on him like this."

"It's not that. It's the fact we get to go all out on each other, in front of the whole world, WHILST fighting for the best spot possible." She says on the verge of panic. "I mean, I just learned that my dad has terminal cancer. If I lose this, I'm gonna be set back on the best possible training for a year, and I won't be able to live with myself if he beats me here an-"

"Okay, that's enough." Izuku interjects with an immediate hard kiss being pressed into his girlfriend's lips to silence her. It was very effective in helping her settle her nerves, to which he follows it up with a lighter peck on her rosy cheek. "In a few minutes, it's going to be you and him on that field, and no one else. He's got years worth of a reputation that is about to chew his ass like a dog toy, and I know you have the strength, the smarts, the power and the wits to give him the beating he so rightfully deserves." Izuku swiftly but gently took her hand into his and gripped it tightly. She then returned each act of affection with her own acts of love as she peppered him with kisses.

"Would both Ochako Uraraka and Katsuki Bakugou come to the field?" Shouted Ryukou through her megaphone, and suddenly the crowd began to chatter loudly.

With that, Ochako gets up from her living chair and begins to make her way over to the door of the waiting room, Izuku following right behind her and grabbing her hand suddenly. "Wait." He says. Ochako turns to face her boyfriend, who looked at her with genuine concern. "If you want any piece of advice on Bakugou, ask, and you'll have it. Right here, right now."

The brunette power house merely giggled at this gesture as she briefly turned back to her boyfriend, went right into him and put her lips to his, giving him a brief yet deep kiss before she readjusted herself. "I appreciate it Izuku. But no thanks." At this, Izuku was genuinely dumbfounded. "It's like you said, it'll be just me and him down there. If I'm not doing it with my own plan, then what's the point?" She said as she walked out the room backwards, her arms behind her back as she cast that famous bright smile to her. "Oh, and thanks for being here with me, despite the detour. It really helped." She finally turned away and ran down the hallway to the field, where she would face off against her and Izuku's childhood bully and most loathed human being on the planet.

"Oh yeah!" Izuku calls out from the door, Ochako looking back at her lover with curiosity. "Something I wanted to talk to you about later, I'll talk to you after the fight!" Izuku calls out from the other end of the corridor, and Ochako gives a wave of acknowledgement to his words. The next time the two would see each other face to face, well. Izuku had quite a bit to talk to Ochako about Todoroki.

Christ, this was a longer then usual one. Or at least any chapter I've uploaded in the past...Year.

Yeah, I don't have an excuse this time around, it really was just like that. Especially considering my love for MHA waning into nothingness ever since, that and the general direction the story was going really stuck out to me as 'Oh fuck, this is going to be Harry Potter all over again, isn't it?'. But then again, the signs were there, always have been when Stain was introduced to the story, I just didn't notice them at the time.

So tell me. Do I still got it?

Also, and once again, I am so sorry for the long hiatus with no explanation guys, I've had quite the year in 2023. I've had to re-examine how I looked at the world, and became aware of many of my own bad habits, not just as a writer, but also just as a person, and I realized that I've been putting off on many of my works simply BECAUSE of my own misgivings as a content creator, and that's on top of the constant high ambitions I'm setting myself for these stories, when I really setting those expectations on myself at all.

It's important to set standards for yourself, but do not push them to a degree you are not ready for.

So from here on out, with my final year of college wrapping up, university just around the corner, and my interest in gaming FINALLY settling down at long last, I will make a legitimate effort to come back to writing and uploading with a regular weekly schedule. So far, the idea I have is that I will upload only for Dragon's Grudge until it's completion. After that, I will move on to finishing The Killing Blow, move on to other projects.

All I will say, when those two stories are finished, expect less grim dark stuff, cause that's what edgy and insecure man-children do. I mean, this is a story about teenagers literally going to hero school, does it really need to go into the gritty and dark stuff?

Let me answer that for you, no it doesn't.

But yeah, that's all from me. I'm gonna head on off to bed, because I deserve it.

Have a good day and or night ladies and gentlemen, lord knows we all need it.

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