The kings and queen(Yandere W...

By CherryEclipse2648

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yandere wakfu x reader. Images do not belong to me unless stated. Wakfu does not belong to me, it belongs to... More

The Children from the Mist
Yugo and Y/N the eliatropes
The Black Crow
A Bandit Dog
The Ugly Pageant
The Magnificent Six
Yandere List
A Nightmare
A story of the beginning
Poisonous Beauty
A half moon
A full moon
A blood moon
Xav the Baker
Ruel's Bag
The Gobbowl Inferno: Part 1
The Gobbowl Inferno Part 2
The Gobbowl Inferno Part 3
Calm Blue Sea
Moon Island
The Eliacube
Grougaloragran the Eternal
The Brotherhood of the Bow Tofu
Memes part 1
Stories and fun
Yandere Status
The Quest for the Dofus
Memes part 2
I am a legend
Mount Zinit
The eliacube and the dofus
The council of eliatropes and dragons
The Surprise Guests
The Date
Monsters and Chimeras
Remington Smisse
The Return of Percedal
Talk with Eliatrope Elders
Yandere Status Update
The Dragon Pig
The People of the Cania Plains
Part 2 of Prev chapter
Justice Knight
Art-TTOJM pt1
Art-TTOJM pt.3
The World of Rushu
Relaxing, but not really
The Mind
Star Training
Seperate Ways
A Nightmare or a Memory?
The Confrontation
First Days of Travel
State of Mind
Kriss Krass
The Masked Gobbowler
The Emporg
The beginnings of a true queen
❄︎☟︎☜︎ 🏱︎✌︎💧︎❄︎ 📂︎
A talk of Their Future
Talks with Qilby and Nora
Family Trees pt.1
Family Trees pt.2
Family Tree pt.3
Family Tree pt.4
Family Tree pt.5
Family Tree pt.6
A Starry Dream
Ideas and Visions
The Night of the Thirsters
The Voice Thief
Cave of Truths and Lies
The Loyal Hydra
Traveling and Catching Up
The Council of Twelve


210 9 28
By CherryEclipse2648

A/N: month four

A/N2: Alternative title: The trio goes to school and fucking hates it(not really)


The first week of the fourth month was chaotic for the trio as they learned just how truly chaotic babies can be, especially baby dragons. Luckily for Yugo and Adamai, Y/N has experience with this because they helped raise their younger siblings into pranking machines....but that might not be a good thing now, but the trio still has the four adults to help them, thank god for that. At the current moment, Yugo and Adamai are chasing the three dragons around the house while Y/N watches the three eliatropes. Y/N sighs, laying down, as a baby crawls on her face and just lays there with the other two crawling over and laying on their arms.

Y/n: Guess I'm stuck here.....this is fine.

Yugo: wha-

Adamai: Do we want to know?

Y/'ll see once you come back to the baby's room...anyways, where do you think Nora, Efrim, Rubilan, and Qilby are? They've been gone all week!

Adamai: I don't know. Where do you think they are?

Yugo: I dunno...maybe we should ask when they get back?

Adamai: maybe.

Y/N: That sounds like a good idea.

Y/N sighs and keeps laying on the floor, accepting their fate at being killed by cuteness as Yugo and Adamai finally enter the room, now holding the three active dragons. The group looks down, seeing the babies on Y/N, and bursts out laughing. Y/n holds back a smile, trying to seem annoyed.

Y/N, muffled: This isn't funny.

Yugo and Adamai keep laughing, doubling over in laughter as the drags hop down and join their siblings on Y/N. Yugo and Adamai wish they had something to remember this moment and show it to the adult four when they get back. Y/N rolls her eyes and the boys crawl over, still laughing as they lay next to you. You try to act annoyed, but a smile is sneaking it's way onto your face. Yugo and Adamai see this and grin, poking your cheeks, causing you to blush and pout.

Yugo: You're smiling~

Y/N: I am not!

Adamai, giggling: Yes you are!

Y/N: Nuh uh!

Brothers: Yuh huh!

Nora: what-

The trio pauses and looks over, well the boys do. Y/N can't because they are stuck underneath a pile of babies.

Yugo: Hi Nora!

Adamai: When did you get back?

Nora: Just now-....why does Y/N have a pile of babies on them?!

The trio shrugs and Y/N just accepts their fate, quickly catching Sia, the baby on their face, as they roll off of their face. Sapphire snickers, bapping Sia's head. Nora sighs and walks over.

Nora: Well, me, Qilby, Rubilan, and Efrim were talking, and we agreed that it would be beneficial for all of if you went to school...the only catch is, me, Rubilan, Efrim, and Qilby will be the ones teaching you, and this will be the curriculum from our culture so nothing catches you by surprise. The babies will also be going to school, but it'll just be pre-school for them.

The trio nods, now in shock as they stare at Nora with wide eyes. The three of them hadn't really been to school, only knowing the things their parents and their friends had taught them while on an adventure. Nora notices their hesitation, confusion, and slight awe and excitement, smiling and patting their heads, ruffling their hair abit.

Nora: Don't worry, it'll be fun. Eliatrope and Dragon school normally is anyway because most of us happen to learn better on our feet instead of sitting down and just writing things done, talk about boring.

The trio nods again, this time, the babies are also looking at Nora in curiosity.

Adamai:...why do we need school?

Nora: It would be beneficial for all of you....and we know you have only been learning from the things around you, quickly adapting...and while that is good, you need to know more information. Don't worry, it won't be 7 hours long, that'd be torture. It'll be four hours of one subject, a two hour break, then another two hours for the second subject. The way we have it planned is-

Adamai, cutting in: Isn't that 8 hours in total?

Nora: It's 6 hours because you get 6 hours of learning, and you won't feel the time passing...and no, you won't be getting homework because it's boring and all of us agreed that it didn't really serve any purpose.

The trio nods and looks at Nora, with the babies staring directly into Nora's soul, which makes her slightly uncomfortable.

Nora, sighing: the way we have it set up is this, the four hour subject will be History with Qilby, and then the two hour subject will rotate between me, Rubilan, and Efrim. I have science, Rubilan will be teaching you how to write and read dragonish, and Efrim has math....yes I know math is boring, don't give me those looks, but he knows how to make it fun. We did all agree to start the classes in the afternoon so all of us are properly awake by then, they start tomorrow.

The group pouts and nods, not really wanting to go to school.

(multiple timeskip warning)

Week 1:

The trio+the babies were outside, waiting for Qilby.Yugo is holding Chibi and Grougal, Adamai is holding Cream and Lily, and Y.N is holding Sia and Sapphire. Y/N has their haven bag on their shoulders, with Midnight staying behind with Az because this was just a trip for eliatropes and dragons. Finally Qilby stepped out of the house with Nora, Efrim, and Rubilan with the eliacube floating behind him. Once infront of the group, he looks at them.

Qilby: Everyone ready?

Yugo: Where are we going Qilby?

Qilby, chuckling: You will see Yugo, now let us go...

Qilby, with the help of the eliacube, makes a bigger portal and goes through it, with the others following. They reappear on a ship that seemed a bit broken down, but is still in working order. The kids+Rubilan look around in awe. Qilby smiles.

Qilby: Welcome to the Zinith, the ship that brought us to this world. Me, Nora, and Efrim have scouted out the area and made sure everything was safe, so no worried here.

The group nods in awe and follows Qilby as he walks.

Qilby: Your lessons on math, science, dragonish, and history will be in here since a change of scenery is good for all of you. We did set up a little area in all of our 'classrooms' for the babies to go in so we can keep an eye on them.

(did i put a multiple timeskip warning? I think so, but just in case, I'll do it again with very brief summaries of what happened in science, math, and dragonish but fully write out history at the first of every week bc plot is important y'all)

They got to the room that will be the history classroom and saw a comfortable looking mat on the floor with a fence around it in the corner. Qilby gestures for them to put the babies in it, so they did, carefully because the babies seemed to want to cling to them today for some reason. Once the babies were in the make-shift play-pen, the trio walked over and sat at their designated spots as Qilby stretched and got ready to teach to kids for the first time in over a millenia. In the background, Nora, Efrim,and Rubilan were giving him thumbs up and mouthing 'good job' to him. Qilby clears his throat and uses the eliacube to help him show images.

Qilby: alright, today's first lesson will be the first mechasm war. We will be covering this subject for the next two weeks, and then I will give a test. The test will not be on paper, but I will ask questions and I expect you all to answer me, alright?

The trio nods, Y/N in curiosity and always eager to learn more, Adamai in reluctance and thinking he knows everything, and Yugo somewhere in the middle between Y/n and Adamai. Qilby notices this and chuckles softly to himself, shaking his head.

Qilby: Just like old times....they always are they same, aren't they? But, I suppose they will learn quicker this time since there isn't any world ending threats imminent this time.

Qilby, clearing his throat: I am aware that I talked to you all about the first mechasm war, but I do want you all to know that, that was a very brief summary and somewhat sugarcoated. Now, the real lesson begins.

Subconsciously, the three of you tense. Behind you, Nora and Efrim have given the babies crayons and paper while Rubilan watches them, making sure they don't eat the crayons.

Qilby: Let us start with the mechasms first. The mechasms on the outside appear to be robots, but that is not the case. The robotic outside of the mechasms only serve to act as a protective cover for the inside. The inside of a mechasm is unknown, but our current theory is that they are beings made of wakfu and are extremely hard to kill, but it can be killed. The mechasms did have a planet, but due to a war on their planet, they were forced to leave it and live amongst the stars. The mechasms were actually peaceful with us in the beginning and we had no reason to fear them, and them us. We did trade a few times as they were our neighbors and we wanted to have good relations with our neighbors....but alas, all good things have to come to an end.

When the eliacube was thrown to our world, the mechasms immediately assumed that we had stolen the heart of Orgonax, but that was not true. None of us had even ever been to the plane the mechasms lived on, nor did we know how to get there. They simply assumed that because we had the eliacube and were working on how to use it to help our people. The first battle wasn't really a battle. It was just a squabble between a farmer and a mechasm that went out of hand and ended up in the farmer dying. That was the first straw for us, but the last straw for us as tensions between us and the mechasms grew.

Our dear kings and queen did not want anyone else to die, so they tried to reason with the leader of the mechasms, but the leader would not budge because he wanted his little brothers heart back. Of course, the kings and queen had no idea what they were talking about, and the leader accused them of lying, so they went home and informed the rest of the council of what they had found out in the meeting. It took months for us to figure out the eliacube was the heart of Orgonax, but by that time, the war had just begun and people were begin killed left and right.

The trio nods slowly, absorbing the information as Qilby dismissed them...and that caused the trio to jump in shock because they hadn't realized it had been four hours already. The trio then explored the Zinith with the babies on their break.

Science-Day1: Nora had gotten permission from Qilby to use his old lab for the science lessons. Nora was actually a very good teacher, teaching them how to recognize dangerous plants in the wild because she knows she can;t stop them from going on a different adventure.

History-Day2: Qilby taught them more about the mechams and the first battles they fought, how they were won and what tactics were used for them to learn. Qilby used the eliacube to show some safe images from the war to them so they could have a better time picturing it.

Dragonish-Day2: Rubilan was a good teacher as well. And while Adamai did know how to do the basics, as well as spells, he still did learn. They first learned the alphabet because that was easier for the two eliatropes to learn, and then they started off with basic words.

History-Day3: Qilby brought out the eliacube for this lesson and shows the group how to turn the eliacube into it's owl form and how they used this form to carry messages to the others during the war.

Math-Day 3: Efrim knew the trio wouldn't like math, and neither did he when he was a child, so he made it fun. He did it in terms of portals, so they would understand. The trio actually picked it up easier this way, and Efrim threw in some fireballs for fun, literally.

History-Day4: Qilby showed the group how the eliatropes first used to live during the war and what customs they had, and how it slowly shifted during the war.

Science-Day4: Nora showed them how to check some foods and drinks for poisons. Once they got the hang of that, she showed them the water cycle while chuckling internally to herself how the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

History-Day5: Qilby gave them a mini test to see if they retained any of the information he was teaching them. Luckily for him, they are wet sponges, so they did pass with a B. They got some answers wrong, but hey, who hasn't gotten a answer wrong on a mini quiz on history?

Dragonish-Day5: Rubilan also started to teach the babies dragonish and then taught the group how to string sentences together. Rubilan whacked Adamai on the head because he was being abit too smug and kept trying to correct Rubilan on some things.

History-Day6: Qilby taught them how the eliatropes fought during the war and showed them some images from the war that were relatively safe for viewing and then demonstrated them outside of the ship. The trio was in awe.

Math-Day6: Efrim taught them basic addition and has to resist ramming his head into a wall because Adamai kept being smug. Efrim knew Adamai was smart and he knew he sometimes thought he was better than everyone else, but he is thankful Yugo and Y/N are helping him through it.

History-Day7: Qilby showed them some images from the war after the babies were taken out of the room and told them how the mechasms fought dirty, so the dragons and eliatropes had to learn how to fight dirty as well.

Science-Day7: Nora showed the trio how to recognize weather patterns and what they mean while teaching them about the weather cycle, Luckily for her, they did seem to know about this thanks to Eva.

Week two:

The group was back in the history classroom, chatting with each other about what Qilby would show them this time. Qilby walked into the room and the trio stopped talking. Qilby raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

Qilby: For this lesson, we will be going over what each member of the council did to try and help us win the first mechasm war. Who do you all wish to start with?

The trio looked at each other, having a quiet discussion, before deciding on Mina and Pharis.

Y/N: How about Mina and Pharis? You don't seem to talk about them that much.

Qilby sighs and nods, getting the eliacube ready.

Qilby: Very well. Mina, as you should probably know, did rituals and that was how Goddess Eliatrope and Great Dragon were able to talk to us. In the first mechasm war, Mina started to have nightmares, like Chibi, of our world ending, so she went to Goddess Eliatrope and Great Dragon for answers, but only got vague answers from mother, and full answers form father. Mina used this information to help people survive the war, giving them a safe home in the Goddess' temple.

Pharis, while not doing the rituals with his sister Mina, did go out to fight in the war, keeping the mechasms away from the temple as much as he could. He was always on patrol and he was the wisest out of all the dragons, even Grougaloragran. Pharis used his smarts and cunning to fool the mechams that came to close to the temple, destroying them in well set traps to catch them, sending them far away.

Together, the two of them created safe havens for those who did not wish to fight in the war, just wanting to go back to their peaceful lives. Some mechasms did join in on those safe havens, helping us fend off other mechasms....unfortunately, those mechasms were killed by the other mechasms once we left the planet. They gave us enough time to build the zenith and leave. Their sacrifice will not be in vain...who next?

Adamai: What about Chibi and Grougal?

Qilby, chuckling: Our dear Chibi was a prophet, meaning he got glimpses of the future and he could not control when they happened. They happened while he was asleep and while he was awake. Chibi used these visions to help predict when a next attack was coming with Mina's help. Chibi also did use his inventions to create some better defenses for us, as well as some weapons so we could stand a better chance against the mechasm's since it seemed like they were absorbing our wakfu somehow.

Grougaloragran helped his brother with his inventions, but when he was not doing that, he was helping Pharis with the safe havens, putting up Chibi's inventions so the safe havens would remain safe. Grougal changed the tide in the war with his elemental war, helping us build more defenses by creating mountains or simply using mist as a diversion to take down the mechasms that came to close to the lab or the safe havens.

Grougal was naturally cautious when a mechasm approached him, but did bring it to Chibi. Together, the three of them created a weapon that would destroy all of the mechasms on the planet, but the mechasm made them promise that they would be off planet by the time the mechasm used it. Chibi, trusting his visions, nodded in agreement and together with his dragon brother, fled to the Zinith after helping our people onto the Zinith as we fled to space....and for the record, you three are the last ones I will be talking about, so who next?

The trio blinks and looked at each other again, going into a hushed discussion, before deciding on Glip and Baltazar.

Yugo: What about Glip and Baltazar?

Qilby nods, chuckling sadly.

Qilby: The shortest out of all of us, but arguably one of the bravest. Glip used his school as a training ground and housing area for those who did not want to participate in the war, but made sure they knew how to defend themselves. He taught them how to protect themselves while not getting hit. Glip had experience with people losing patience, so he dealt with them in a very smart move. He used their little patience and used it into a fight, using their patience against them and once they saw the error of their ways, they became determined to fight, so they went to the training area of the school.

Baltazar was just like Glip, but with dragons instead of eliatropes. Baltazar had a chameleon-like ability, meaning he was able to change his colors to blend in. Baltazar taught at the same school Glip did, teaching young dragons how to defend themselves and how to evade capture and defeat your opponents without laying a claw on them.

It is true that both Glip and Baltazar hated violence, and this is true for all of their lives, but they knew they had to fight in the war to keep everyone safe. Some mechasms did give the two hints on how to defeat a mechasm, and they used those techniques to take down the robot shells as the actual body fled somewhere, me or nora next?

Trio: Nora and Efrim.

Qilby nods, stretching as the eliacube keeps showing the group images from the war to help them understand better. Qilby finished stretching and looks at the group in somewhat calmness.

Qilby: Nora and Efrim were teachers during the war, teaching the younglings wakfu as a martial art. Nora used her small size to her advantage and took down beings bigger than her, by using their own weight against them while using her wakfu abilities to trip them up and take them down.

Efrim was the same way, but more mischevious, relying on his traps to take down enemies. No one often knew where Efrim's traps where, only he and Nora knew...unless they were having a prank war. Efrim often could take down enemies bigger than him with his traps and smarts. I do belive the term is street-smart, whereas me and Shinonome were book-smart.

The two of them were nearly unstoppable, having their base in the same one as Glip and Baltazar, both of them being active teachers. Efrim did set up traps around the school, and when the time came to leave the planet, the two covered Glip and Baltazar's backs as they helped the younglings to the Zinith....I do believe it is my turn now?

The trio nods, eyes wide as Efrim and Nora look sad. Qilby also looks sad as he clears his throat, taking a very quick sip of water.

Qilby: During the war, I was a scientist, and I still am. I occasionally helped Chibi and Grougal with their inventions, but whereas they focused on making defenses and weapons, I focused on the body of a mechasm, looking for any weakness...and eventually I did find it, sharing this information with the others. The others, while wary of this new information, did spread it and it helped us fend off the mechasms for a bit longer.

Shinonome helped me with my studies, but she was distracted for the whole war, and I knew why. Grenamaged was off fighting in the war while she was stuck with me, doing inventions...and she was pregnant with her first set of kids. Shinonome approached me with the idea of building the Zinith, and I agreed because I knew we had to leave this planet before anything terrible happened.

So with Shinonome's help, we built the Zinith and told the others, which was a good thing because that was around the time that Yugo and Adamai started their war path. It took awhile, but our supplies in the ship was stocked and we had started to get people into the ship. The remaining dragons helped us fly the Zinith through space as our kings finally joined us....nwo it is Yugo and Adamai's turn.

The duo nods, looking eager as Y/n plays close attention. Qilby sighs, looking tired and done with life. Rubilan looks shocked.

Rubilan: I had older siblings?!

Qilby, nodding sadly: you did....they perished in the second war.

Rubilan nods, looking down in sadness as Nora pats her back in comfort.

Qilby: Yugo and Adamai were our kings, meaning they had the responsibility of keeping our people safe, and they did just that, being on the front lines while they forbade a pregnant Y/N from fighting in fear of losing them and the children. Yugo fought off the mechasms with the fury of a thousand men, keeping everyone he could safe, making sure no one would die under his watch, even if it meant he got injured in the process. This landed him in the hospital multiple times unfortunately, but he would always get up and keep fighting...I never understood how he did it. If it were me, I would have given up a long time ago...

Adamai was the same way, always fighting and ending up in the hospital...but he still kept fighting with the same fury of a thousand men as Yugo. He always attacked from the air, being smug about not getting hit, until someone did get hit. A child no older than four, and that was when Adamai stopped being smug and started to take things more seriously, now attacking the mechasms with dangerous precision...

Both of them were valiant warriors, fighting until the bloody end to keep their people, brethren, wife, and unborn children safe....that was until they heard that Y/n had given birth to twins and was forced to flee into a jungle to hide since the castle had been comprised. The two had tried to find Y/N and their kids for a few months, but no luck...until they felt the bond break from Y/N dying, giving them their exact location. When the two got there, they found a mechasm standing over Y/N and the heirs dead bodies. I am unsure of what had happened, but the next thing any of us had known, the two were on a war path and we knew what had happened since they looked so furious. None of us could stop them from destroying everything in their path until they stumbled upon Y/N's dofus and then joined us in the Zinith.....and now it's y/n's turn.

Y/N nods, looking abit miserable now as her boyfriends hug her. Qilby chuckles softly.

Qilby: Y/n was always a stubborn one. Even though Yugo and Adamai had told her not to fight, they didn't say anything about getting survivors and turning the castle into a hospital, so that is what they did. They turned the castle into a hospital and was one of the main healers in it, always healing anyone that came their way...Y/N did lecture Yugo and Adamai everytime they ended up in the hospital, but it always ended up with them getting off the hook because they flustered Y/N a bit too much...

When the time came for Y/N to give birth, the leader of the mechasms had figured out the castle was the hospital where the queen and her heirs were being kept, so they sent a spy and assassin to kidnap Y/N and the heirs. Y/N had found out about this when a mechasm they had repaired warned them of this. Thanking them, Y/n guided everyone to the safe havens while she took her children and ran into the forest, not wanting her babies to be killed.

Now this part I do not know, because I was not there for it, but Y/N had apparently begged the mechasm that found them to kill them and leave their kids alone...and the mechasm killed Y/N, but also the heirs as a lesson to Yugo and Adamai. You take our heart, and we will take yours...the only thing they did not expect was for Yugo and Adamai to appear and destroy the mechasm into tiny little shreds and then go on a war path...

The trio nods, sulking as Chibi and Grougal are now staring at Qilby for some reason.

Dragonish-Day8: Rubilan cheered the trio up by showing them how to make funny sentences and images in dragonish.

History-Day9: Qilby went in depth about the importance of not letting your identity be known if you are trying to hide and how to hide your identity with a simple spell.

Math-Day9: Efrim taught them how to multiply by using portal blasters and fire as an example. Nora had to put the fire out, but Efrim just looked smug about doing it.

History-Day10: Qilby taught them the history of first aid during the war and how ti had slowly changed as the war went on.

Science-Day10: Nora taught them how to use certain plants and materials as first aid...and then went into a tangent about what Qilby had told her. Apparently you can use wakfu to heal wounds...who knew.

History-Day11: Qilby didn't teach today, instead letting them review for the test in the next three days.

Dragonish-Day12: Rubilan taught them how to make notes with magic written in dragonish. The trio was practicing making notes, and while they were bored, they did it. Rubilan then slowly taught the babies the's a slow progress.

History-Day13: Just more review, with them occasionally asking Wilby random questions because they get bored easily.

Math-Day13: Efrim kept teaching them multiplication, but then remembered he was supposed to do subtraction before multiplication, and then switched to that. The trio was confused, but did it anyways.

History-Day14: The trio took the test and got an A. Who knew studying could actually help you...especially when you had magic to help you!

Science-Day14: Nora let the trio have a break from science and let them ask as many questions as they wanted to relax.

Week Three:

The trio was in the room again, waiting for Qilby to come through, but to everyone's surprise, even Nora, Efrim's, and Rubilan's, Qilby came through...with Eva! The trio looked shocked to see Eva, but Eva just ran up and hugged them.

Eva: Thank Cra you three are safe!

Yugo, hugging back: yeah, why wouldn't we be?

Y/N, also hugging back: Yeah. We've been safe this entire time!

Adamai, nodding and also hugging back: Yeah! We've been learning about our people Eva! It's been really cool so far!

Eva, pulling back from the hugs: Really?

Trio, nodding: Yeah!

Yugo, Y/N, tilting their heads: Why did you think we weren't safe Eva?

Eva: W-well, you haven't visited in a while, so I got worried and came over to check...and then I ran into Qilby who told me where you I came with him.

The trio nods and Qilby chuckles, a twinkle in his eyes that was warmer than the twinkle Dumbledore's eyes have.

Qilby: Why don't you three tell Eva what you have learned.

The three nod, now looking excited as Y/N is visibly vibrating in her seat from excitement. Eva looks surprised.

Eva: Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother-

Qilby, waving her off: Nonsense. You can catch up with them, I don't mind. Besides, me and the others have been teaching them about their culture, so it would be beneficial if they had a break, or tell someone they trust about what they have learned.

Eva's eyes widen ad the trio nods. Eva sighs and looks back at the trio.

Eva: Alright, guess I'm here for the day. Tell me what you've learned.

The trio nods and tells Eva everything they learned in history class.

Dragonish-Day15: Rubilan did decide to give the trio the day off so they could tell Eva everything they learned in Dragonish, just like how they did in History with Qilby...and while Eva is overwhelmed with information, she is happy that the trio is safe and learning about their culture.

History-Day16: Eva came back the next day with a note from the king that explained how he thought it would be beneficial for the eliatrope and dragon culture to be taught to the sadida kingdom if they were to be allies.

Math-Day16: Efrim gave them some things to review while he, Rubilan, Nora, Qilby, and Eva talked about what to do. The trio didn't do the review, opting to play with the babies instead because that was funner and they all had a lot of energy built up from last month's training.

History-Day17: The sadida royals did join the history class with the trio, and this time, Nora and Efrim helped Qilby teach while Rubilan was watching the babies. Eva was also there, taking notes and drawing Dally on her book pages. The royals were intrigued and Amalia did apologize to Yugo and Y/n about kissing them on the cheeks, and how she had realized that she was actually confusing attraction for admiration. The two forgave her.

Science-Day17: Nora, Efrim, and Qilby taught them about the weather cycles from the old world, and the royals were more intrigued

History-Day18: Classes resumed as normal, but with Amalia joining in. Qilby seemed somewhat annoyed by this, but did review the previous material with the trio's help.

Dragonish-Day18: Rubilan did teach Amalia the alphabet of dragonish, but it is taking awhile.

History-Day19: The trio and Qilby has caught up Amalia up to speed on the previous material, and now they are learning about the second mechasm war.

Math-Day19: Efrim taught all of them multiplication after noticing Amalia struggled with some things.

History-Day20: Qilby taught them about the voyage through space and how they landed on planets to refuel. Amalia finds this interesting, occasionally doodling on her note paper that she has so her father and brother can see what she is learning.

Science-Day20: Nora, after noticing Amalia struggle with certain things, helped her understand by putting it in simple terms. (She just put it in this format: if you are watering a desert cactus, how much water will it need on a sunny day).

History-Day21: Qilby told them all about the planets they visted and described them all in vivid detail.

Dragonish-Day21: Amalia is still struggling with the language, but Rubilan told her not to worry about it as it is a difficult langue to understand. Rubilan switches from teaching Amalia the alphabet, to teaching the trio how to write paragraphs with the correct words.

Week four)last week):

The trio is in the room, with Amali having gone back to her kingdom for her royal duties. Qilby seems almost relieved when he sees Amalia is gone when he enters the classroom with the eliacube. Qilby does notice that the trio wants to goof off, but he doesn't really care because he did find that he did like teaching while inventing...who knew.

Qilby: Today, we will be learning about how we first landed on the World of Twelve. Is there any questions before we start?

The trio looks at each other before Yugo raises his hand. Qilby sighs and calls on him.

Qilby: Yes, Yugo?

Yugo: Do you think there are any more eliatropes in the world besides us and Emrub?

Qilby, nodding: It is entirely possible because it is a very low chance that everyone got wiped out in the second mechasm war, that isn't how probablity works.....there might be, just in hiding.

Adamai: You think you could use the eliacube to find them?

Qilby:...possibly...where is this going?

Y/N: well...we were thinking.

Qilby: as one does.

Y/N, sighing: Well, what if we brought those eliatropes here? It doesn't seem fair that we get to roam free while they are still hiding somewhere.

Qilby sighs and nods, now knowing that this is what they will be talking about today. Nora clears her throat, causing all of them to look at her.

Nora: Me and Qilby did think of an old friend of ours will be coming here with something important to Qilby. Once he is here, you can ask him as many questions as you wish.

Yugo: Who is it?

Nora: That would ruin the surprise, brother.

You wonder why Nora put emphasis on brother. You do also wonder what Nora, Efrim, Rubilan, and Qilby are talking about because they seem to be planning something. Qilby sighs. all want to search for any possible eliatropes and dragons, don't you?

The three of you nod, looking at Qilby with expectant looks.

Qilby: Well, i can't promise any results because eliatropes and their dragon siblings know how to hide very well...

Nora, sighing: just check Qilby.

Qilby, rolling his eyes: fine.

Qilby holds the eliacube and concentrates, the cube opening up into wings once more. Qilby closes his eyes and searches the map mentally, searching if there are any eliatropes or eliatrope dragons somehow roaming around even though Qilby is sure that they were all wiped out in the second war, and knowing that Nora and Efrim agree with him because they didn't see any when they were forced off planet to look for mother....Qilby then senses something that makes his eyes widen and open in shock.


Nora sits up straighter as the trio gets excited.

Nora, in a serious voice: What did you find?

Qilby, shooketh: T-there are other eliatropes out there! Even their dragon siblings! T-they're just hidden!

Everyone's eyes widen in shock, and the trio cheers, knowing their theory was right.

Efrim, clearing his throat: Alright, no more classes for this week until we figure out what's going on, so go and have fun...and make sure to watch the babies!

The trio nods, and grab a pari of babies. Yugo grabs Sia and Sapphire, Y/N grabs Cream and Lily, and Adamai grabs Chibi and Grougal as they race off into the other parts of the ship...I wonder what will come out of this....

Word Count: 6153

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This is Rouga x Reader story, enjoy! PS: Buddyfight doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Bushiroad.