Mezameru: Demons Arise

By DatCringeWritah

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A boy born "unlucky" in a japanese clan How will he survive and reach his destiny To save the world from its... More

Chapter 1: The Birth of the Savior
Chapter 2 : First Encounter
Chapter 3 : Exploration Of The Unknown
Chapter 4 : Training For Destiny
Chapter 5 : Bounds of Heaven
Chapter 6 : Dont Trust Everyone
Chapter 7 : Captured And Rescued
Chapter 8 : Loss of Light
Chapter 9 : Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 10 : E.C.A.E Foundation
Chapter 11 : Oceanic Exploration
Chapter 12 : Rising Water
Chapter 13 : Past of an Angel
Chapter 14 : Mermaid Invasion
Chapter 15 : Showdown
Chapter 16 : Fallen
Chapter 17 : Confrontation Pt1
Chapter 18 : Confrontation Pt2
Chapter 19 : Preparation
Chapter 20 : Last stand
Chapter 21 : Aftermath
Chapter 22 : A Breather
Chapter 24 : Malfunction & Misinformation
Chapter 25 : Nightmares
Chapter 26 : Affection
Chapter 27 : New faces
Chapter 28 : Planning Revenge
Chapter 29 : Horror
Chapter 30 : Gargoyle Bloodshed
Chapter 31 : Meeting
Chapter 32 : Operation Alice
Chapter 33 : Godly Will
Chapter 34 : Warfare Pt1
Chapter 35 : Warfare Pt2
Chapter 36 : Warfare Pt3
Chapter 37 : Hellscape
Chapter 38 : Clash Pt1
Chapter 39 : Clash Pt2
Chapter 39.5 : Reveal

Chapter 23 : Tranquility

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By DatCringeWritah

After the wrestling match with Frost, Alexander decided to try to better control his frustration and emotions. He began meditating and remained still the entire next day.

Captain Marsala: "What is he even doing out there? It's gonna rain."
Frost: "Well, I ain't risking my machinery getting rusty for him."
They closed the window as it began to pour. The soft sprinkle of rain turned into a ravaging thunderstorm, yet Alexander didn't budge. He felt the cold and harsh raindrops getting colder and colder until they were as cold as ice, but he remained patient.

It started hailing rapidly the chunks of hail getting as big as rocks, crashing down on Alexander yet he had no reaction at all

After Hours of standing in the hail His skin was full of ice shards,battered and bruised yet his emotions didn't get a hold of him, then the Hailstorm settles and the sunny skies come after the clouds

Alexander:"I guess I should go inside"
Alexander went down to see where everyone was, these were still making the new base
Hunter:"Yeah Alexander this was a great idea but it's gonna take a while'
Captain Saboru:"Yeah at least 10 years to build this"

Alexander:"Damn. That's crazy"
Eleanor: "Yeah the blueprints I came up with are so advanced-"
Frost: "Eleanor you didn't draw any blueprints those are from the fucking canceled projects folder"
Eleanor: "Shut up"
Eleanor teleported Frost to his workstation in one of The E.C.A.E buildings.

Hunter"I think Frost is gonna be mad at you"
Eleanor:Yeah but what is he gonna do?
Hunter:"Yeah you're right, and-
Alexander why do you have like ice shards in you're skin? "
Alexander:"Oh yeah I can't regenerate since they are deep in my flesh"
Eleanor:"You want me to pull them out?
I can do it quickly"
Alexander:"Okay just do what you Gotta do-" Alexander yelps in pain
When Eleanor uses her telekinesis to pull out the ice shards
Eleanor had a blush on her face because she thought that the noise Alexander made was cute
Alexander's flesh quickly regenerates
Alexander:"Thanks but give me a warning next time You pull something out of me, okay?"

As Alexander's flesh quickly regenerated, he couldn't help but notice Eleanor's blush, which made him feel a bit flustered himself. Despite the pain, there was something oddly comforting about her presence. once the awkwardness subsided. With a nod of gratitude, he turned to Hunter and the others, ready to continue working on their project, grateful for the support of his team.

Hunter,Captain marsalu and Alexander worked on evening every nook and cranny while Eleanor and captain saboru were setting the foundation
Everything was going fine until the containment vessel which the amulet was in fell out of Eleanors pocket but she didn't notice then it was covered in the foundation

After a day of working they set the foundation of the base but it will need at least a year to fully stabilize so they decided to lock everything up

Captain marsalu:"Finally were done with that,"
Captain Saboru:"Tell me about it"
Eleanor:"Year I'm so glad were done It was a So hot in there"
Hunter:"You get used To it"
Hunter:"Well that wasn't a question though"

Alexander:"Anyways I'm gonna go now"
Eleanor:"But can we talk later?"
Alexander:"Sure, But in a couple of hours"

Alexander Then leaves the house and goes into the forest, He decided he should Try to master patience beside nature, He sits down beside a river with a gentle stream and begins to question
'Why was I allowed this power'
He breathes In and out to stay calm and become one with nature

Hours of sitting beside the river until
He spots a Fox on the other side of the river drowning, Alexander immediately saves it and uses his jacket to dry it and set it free back into the forest but the fox doesn't leave, it stays by alexanders side The entirety of the day

As the day passed, Alexander found himself sharing a silent companionship with the fox. They watched the sunset together, the colors of the sky reflecting in the river, creating a serene atmosphere. In that moment, Alexander felt a sense of peace and connection with nature that he hadn't experienced before. As the stars began to appear in the night sky, he realized that perhaps his power wasn't just for fighting battles, but also for protecting and nurturing life. With a newfound understanding, he made a silent promise to use his abilities for the greater good. With the fox by his side, he made his way back to the base, feeling more centered and resolved than ever before.

As they walked to the base the fox climbed into Alexander's backpack, and decided to take a nap there
After they got back to the base
Hunter:"Hey Alexander where have you been?"
Hunter says as he's dangling off a tree branch
Alexander:"In the forest... But how did this happen?"
Hunter:"I really don't know"
Alexander Cuts down the Tree and Hunter falls off the branch but the tree ends up crushing him
Hunter:"OW you really couldn't have given me a heads up? "
Alexander:Your the dumb one for forgetting you have wings"
Hunter:"I don't have wings"
Hunter turns around Sees his wings and then turns back to Alexander
Hunter:"Nice try Alexander, by these fake wings won't fool anyone"
Alexander:"Whatever floats your boat"
Hunter sniffs the air
Hunter:"I smell fur.. Did you by chance find an animal in the forest?"
Alexander opens his backpack and reveals he has a fox with him
Hunter immedietly growls and tries leaping on the fox but Alexander kicks Hunter to the side
Alexander:"Hunter... WHY THE FUK DID YOU TRY THAT"
Hunter:"There's a fox in your backpack"
Alexander:"No shit"
Hunter:"Well fuck you and your knockoff wolf"

Alexander then decides it might be a better idea to find a different home for the fox

considering that Hunter was not a fan of his new furry friend. He knew that the fox deserved a safe and welcoming environment, so he set out to find a suitable place in the forest where it could thrive.

Eleanor noticed Alexander's absence and went looking for him. She found him deep in the forest, sitting by a campfire with the fox curled up next to him. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the unlikely duo.

Eleanor: "Hey, what are you doing out here?"
Alexander: "Just taking a break and enjoying the peace of nature. And I found a little friend along the way."
Eleanor: "Aww, the fox is adorable. Are you planning on keeping it?"
Alexander: "I think it's best if we find a better place for it to live. It deserves to be in the wild, not cooped up in a base."

They spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing by the campfire, enjoying each other's company and the tranquility of the forest. As the night grew darker, they eventually made their way back to the base, with the fox following close behind.

The next day, Alexander and Eleanor set out to find a suitable home for the fox. They searched for hours, exploring different parts of the forest until they stumbled upon a peaceful meadow with lush green grass and plenty of food for the fox to thrive on.

Eleanor: "I think this is the perfect spot for our little friend. What do you think, Alexander?" Alexander: "I agree. It's beautiful here, and I'm sure the fox will be happy in this environment."

They released the fox into the meadow, watching as it scampered off, disappearing into the trees. Alexander couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at saying goodbye to his new companion, but he knew it was for the best.

As they walked back to the base, Eleanor turned to Alexander with a smile.

Eleanor: "That was really kind of you to take care of that fox, Alexander. It shows a lot about the kind of person you are." Alexander blushed at her compliment, feeling grateful for her understanding and support.

Alexander: "Thanks, Eleanor. I've been trying to work on controlling my emotions"

Eleanor nodded in agreement, impressed by Alexander's growth and self-awareness.

Eleanor: "Well, it seems like you're making progress. I'm here to support you along the way, if you ever need it."

Alexander smiled, grateful for Eleanor's friendship and encouragement.

Alexander: "I appreciate that, Eleanor. It means a lot to me."

As they returned to the base, the rest of the team greeted them warmly, glad to see them back safe and sound. The day continued on, with everyone working together to further their project and build a better future.

Alexander felt a newfound sense of clarity and purpose, realizing that his abilities were not just for fighting battles, but for bringing peace and harmony to the world around him.

Alexander was sitting ontop of the roof apf Eleanor's House, He was looking at the stars.

Captain Saboru:"Alexander are you up there?"
Alexander:"Yeah I am"
Captain Saboru:"Can you give me your weapons I'll give them back tomorrow"
Alexander:"Why should I"
Captain Saboru:"You think I'm dumb enough to scam you?"
Alexander:"I mean that's True, Here"
Alexander throws down the Blade of Agony And the scythe of Despair"
Alexander then continued to watch the stars knowing that he will one day Defeat June and Avenge Yael and Kotaro

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