And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley...

By HJaneRipley

92.6K 4.3K 8.5K

THIS IS SEASON 2, if you have not read season 1, i extremely recommend you do, as things will not make sense... More

1 | Egomaniacs & Pinky Promises
2 | Choking & Churros
3 | Bad Dates & DM's
4 | Flochet & Fucking Around
5 | Disconnected & Stubborn
6 | Preciosa & Stupidity
7 | Jade & Ruin
8 | Deja Vu & Hurt
9 | X's & Psychos
10 | Privileges & Funerals
11 | Great Sex & Steel Chairs
12 | Concussions & Group Chats
13 | Sexting & Flo Is Always On Top
14 | Self-Care & Compliments
15 | Want & Care
16 | Love & Stories
17 | Past Lovers & Brats
18 | Rage Incarnate & Manhandle Slams
19 | Corruption & Built For Missionary
20 | Blondes & Latina Heats
21 | Mami Time & Ex's
23 | Disgust & Dedications
24 | Snitches & 7 out of 28
25 | Unsatisfied & 12 out of 28
26 | Too Spicy & 17 out of 28
27 | Trust & 28 out of 28
28 | Drugs & Nothing
29 | Vacate & Suffocate
30 | Accomplishments & Her
31 | FOMO & Foursomes
32 | Love & Good Mornings
33 | Scraps & Inexperience
34 | Threats & Boyfriends
35 | Slaps & Heart Attacks
36 | Stubborn & Louder
37 | Apologies & Piercings
38 | Revenge Tour & Secrets
39 | Neglect & Bandanas
40 | Rallies & Break(er)
41| Band-Aids & Vanilla
42 | PT's & Dying
43 | Kings & Bitches
44 | Girls & Fetishes
45 | Drunk & Even
46 | Amor & Crazy
47 | Cute & Compensating
48 | Demons & Hard-Ons
49 | Daddy's & Lilacs
50 | Regret & Counting
51 | Blessing & Familiar
52 | Polaroids & Vulnerabilities
53 | Mistakes & Us
54 | Sanity & Safety
55 | Revenge & Overbearing
56 | Victim & Anxiety
57 | Pointless & Worthy
58 | Love & Blood
59 | Silk & Leather
60 | Heal & Grow
61 | Lesbian & Badass
62 | Face & Checks
63 | Scary & Nasty
64 | Birthday & Desperate

22 | Bite, Chew, Spit & Mine

1.6K 62 196
By HJaneRipley


TJD Lovers & Haters ⚖️

Flo: Rhea lasted like 15 seconds yesterday x

Ellie: Pardon?! Like... that's so quick, but surely it doesn't matter so much? It's a woman, you know.

Rosa: It's a compliment, right?

Flo: A big compliment. I've ran out of ways to tease her though 🤣

Ellie: Stawpppp. She needs to get prepared for her match! Where are you btw?

Flo: We are here! Running late sorry x

I tucked my phone into my back and walked beside Rhea inside the arena. She held my hand like she wasn't gonna let me go. But she needed to.

Especially when she started getting really busy. Prepping for the match, getting ready, talking to people. She had just come from a meeting with Triple H, and she quickly stopped by me. "Hey, you ok? I've just gotta go find Becky and-"

"Rhea." I looked at her. "Stop coming back to check on me. I'm fine, and you are busy."

She just looked at me. "Flo... Liv will be here somewhere and-"

"And I'll stay where heaps of people are." I assured her. "Im gonna go get ready, anyway, I'll be in makeup if you need me." I stood up. "But don't come when you're busy."

Rhea didn't seem to really like that, but she hesitantly went on her way.

So did I, finding makeup and getting some help as I got all done up.

It wasn't long at all, before my phone buzzed.

15 Second Wonder 💗: You ok? x

I stilled grinned when she sent me x's first.

Flo: Perfect! You ok? x

15 Second Wonder 💗: Great. Can you come to my dressing room? x

15 Second Wonder 💗: When you can. MIW are here x

Oh! She said her favourite band were playing her entrance, and I she'd want me to meet them. I know they meant a lot to her, and of course I needed to meet them!

I didn't know much about them, just heard them a lot with her theme song and what she listens to. I don't even know what they look like.

Flo: Yes! Give me like 5 x

I quickly finished up my makeup and headed towards her dressing room. The door was open, so I slowly went in and knocked on the door.

Rhea looked at me and smiled over someone's shoulder. He turned around and I seriously didn't mean to... Buf I flinched because he scared me.

He had dark and light makeup on... Sharp features. It was just scary...

"Sorry." I covered my face. "I just wasn't expecting that." I admit.

Rhea found it very amusing and introduced me to Chris, the lead singer of the band. He was actually lovely, but he still gave me this jittery feeling.

When he left, Rhea shut the door to the dressing room. "He's not that scary, baby. You know, there was a time I looked very similar to that."

"I know." I smiled, and shook my shoulders out. "I don't know, he just gave me the creepies."

"The creepies?" Rhea smirked and grabbed my hands.

"That's a word." I smiled.

"Like cuterer." She replied.

"Exactly." I kissed her cheek. Once. Which was a mistake.

Rhea wanted more and she come in closer, softly going to grab my throat. I held her wrist. "I have to go finish getting ready, and you definitely do too."

Rheas jaw tensed. "Do you know how many people would kill to have my hand around their necks, Flo? They'd call you extremely ungrateful."

I smiled softly. "It's not my first choking, not gonna be my last."

Rhea came in closer. "You're getting dangerously close of me committing."

"Committing to what?"

Rhea licked her teeth. "Giving you 28 orgasms."

I tilted my head. "That's impossible."

"Now you're challenging me?" Rhea questioned.

"No..." I whispered. "I just don't know if that's physically possible."

Rhea raised her eyebrows. "I think you'd tap out by orgasm 6."

I couldn't even imagine more than 6... "Now you're challenging me?" I asked anyway, cheekily.

Rhea smirked. "Well now I wanna see you succeed, Angel. Maybe, I need to commit."

I melted into her and accepted a kiss from her. She tasted so good. I didn't care about my lipstick. "Chris is really nice."

"He is." She answered, and that was all she wanted to say about that, she just wanted to kiss and hold me some more before I got out of her arms. I looked back at her and she rubbed over her straight face, turning to lean on the counter a little. Slowly grabbing her things, to I assume go practice with the band. She looked a little stressed, and that really upset me.

When she saw me still there she gave me a smile and walked me back to makeup, seemingly in a good mood again.

The next hour or so I didn't see her again. The show was many two or three hours away, and I had just gotten dressed. I was out by the ring in the crowd, talking to some workers and I couldn't find her. I texted her but she didn't reply, which was really strange for her.


Damien just told me that he's winning the championship tomorrow night, and I couldn't be more excited for him. Rosa beside me was extremely excited, and Ellie couldn't stop buzzing too. "Have you told Rhea and Flo?"

Damien shook his head. "Haven't seen them tonight."

"Oh, I saw Flo out by the ring." Ellie said. "Rhea Is probably there." Everyone agreed and we turned around, going to head and find them, but every single one of us stopped short when we saw Rhea across the room.

She was pacing back and forth in a line, breathing heavy and looking at the ground with her eyes closing and opening. She was trying to catch her breaths, but she couldn't.

I looked to Damien, who looked worriedly back at me.

Ellie and Rosa immediately went to go over, but Damien stopped them. "You'll get your head bitten off, guys." Damien said. "Dom, go." He looked at me.


Does he know she'd bite my head off and then chew it, spit it out?

Of course I was worried, and with Flo nowhere around, it was very weird. "Should I?" I checked.

"Dominik, go." Rosa softly pushed on my arm and I slowly went over. Taking slow steps so I didn't scare her.

She looked wicked. She was in her gear, makeup and hair done. She was a badass.

I got in her line of vision. "Rhea." I whispered.

She looked at me and then back down. "Piss off, Dom." She replied and turned around to pace the other way. She was struggling to get a smooth breathe in and out. She looked more paler than usual. She looked stressed. Like some sort of panic or anxiety attack. Which was new for me to see.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, unsure of what to say to her. I don't know how to help.

She didn't reply, just stopped pacing and licked her lips, turning to the wall to lean on. Closing her eyes and taking deep and shaky breaths.

Okay, I realised that I wasn't the one for this situation. I wasn't the person. I turned to Damien and he slowly came over to replace me.

He softly touched Rheas shoulder. "Hey, Rhea. What's going on?" He whispered with care all in his tone.

"Damien. Don't." She got out and didn't move.

Damien looked at me. "Where's Flo?" He mouthed at me. 

I don't have a clue.

I looked at Ellie and Rosa and mouthed "Flo."

They understood and Ellie lead the way out to go where she said she saw Flo.

Damien and I stayed near Rhea, just watching to make sure she was still damn breathing as we waited for Flo.


I was deep into a conversation with Sami about his title match tonight when I noticed Ellie and Rosa pacing this way, they looked really concerned and that worried me a lot. "Sorry, Sami." I excused myself and met the girls across the way. "Everything alright?"

"The guys need some help. Rhea is having a panic attack of sorts." Ellie grabbed my arm and guided me towards the backstage area.

"A panic attack?" I asked. A panic attack? Rhea?

I'd never seen her have a panic attack before a match. It was Wrestlemania, for sure, but she's always so calm and collected. Did something happen?

Heading backside, Rosa gave me her input on how to help someone with a panic attack. I was hardly taking in her advice, because I wasn't gonna believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.

When I saw Rhea, my heart splintered. She was pacing shortly in a line, eyes closed and head down. She could hardly get her breaths.

Oh my god.

Damien and Dom didn't know what to do nearby, as they stuck by her.

I touched Dom gently on the arm as I went past and carefully stopped in her line of paces "Rhea?" I whispered.

I watched her eyes open and face turn up. Eyes glossy, her face just softened and melted. So did her body as she collapsed into me in a massive bear hug that I couldn't get out of even if I tried. She was breathing heavy in my ear. Shakily and shallowly.

"Hey..." I whispered and hugged her back. She desperately needed it. "What's going on?"

She didn't say anything, I don't think she could. She choked something out, and hid her face more in my neck.

"Come on." I softly pulled out of her chest and grabbed her hand and lead her away. I know she wouldn't like people seeing this. I found the nearest dressing room.

Thanks, Roman Reigns.

I shut the door and watched her lean against the vanity, breathing deeply. Eyes closed.

"Rhea? Talk to me, what's going on?" I asked gently and went to turn her to face me. She did and looked at the wall. "Look at me, Rhea. I don't care if you're upset. You're not weak at all to me, you know that."

She huffed and blinked deeply and cleared her throat. "I don't know, baby." She grabbed my arm like she needed some support. "I just- I've never felt so shaky and nervous in my life."

"Why are you nervous? For your match?" I ask.

"Yeah." She got out weakly and shakily. "This is ridiculous, Flo-" she turned away, shaking her head. I could see she hated feeling like this.

"It's not ridiculous." I replied quickly, and held her hands? Making her look at me again. "You're incredible, Rhea. What you're feeling is so normal. It's the biggest event of the year, maybe your life and it's so normal you're feeling like this." I said gently. "You have the band too. I could never do what you do. Not many people could. You're one in a million, Rhea. You're so strong. You're so talented and so beautiful." I complimented her, trying to get her confidence up as much as I could. "You've rehearsed and practiced for this match all weekend, Rhea. You're going to absolutely kill it." I squeezed her hands and had to hold my own tears back as I watched her come back to me. I only just noticed her gear too, and wow. Just wow. "You're so sexy." I whispered it.

That made her smile weakly. "Flo..."

"I mean it." I kept going. "My wife is so hot, and I'm so lucky to have someone so pretty. So talented. So incredibly creative and charming. Caring and strong." I kept complimenting her. "Not just out here." I touched her very muscular arms and shoulders. "But in here." I softly touched the sides of her head. "You're so smart and -"

Rhea pulled me in and kissed me. Holding onto my face for dear life as she kissed me so deeply and so long. She pulled back to rest her forehead on mine.

"You're ok." I whispered and smiled. "I'm right here for you."

She nodded gently. "I know. I know." She took a deep breath. "Thank you."

"Of course."

She let out another breath and slowly pulled apart. "Can you stay with me a little?"

"Yes." And I did.


Dom had just left to apparently go find his mother and sister. He said he was going to talk to them and try to pull them away from Marie. I hoped he did and I hoped he got the message across that they're not getting back together anytime soon.

I was growing really upset with it. Maybe, jealous. Okay, definitely jealous.

Dominik was mine now.

I was filling time, talking to Ellie and Damien when my phone started buzzing.

Braun: Are you at wrestlemania?

Braun: Come meet me outside. Now.

God, I was not doing that. At least he wasn't allowed in.

I decided not to even reply. Then I decided to delete and block his number.

Then I texted the girls group chat, concerned about Flo and Rhea. It'd been a while and they've been gone. I guess I was also worried about Rhea. I wanted to help if I could.


Rosa: How's Rhea?

Ellie: Please.

I looked to Ellie across from me and smiled when I noticed her hiding her phone from Damien.

Ellie: Please Flo!?

Flo: Hey, she's better. Just going to stay with her for a while and make sure she stays better x

Rosa: 💕

Ellie: 💜

I put my phone away and got up, and went on my way to the bathroom. Using it and debating whether or not I should text Dom, because he's been gone for a while too. It seemed like it was way too long.

I left the bathroom, only to be met with a woman standing in front of me. Waiting. Arms crossed.

It was Marie.

Oh, Mierda.

"Rosemary, was it?" She crossed her arms and stood in front of me, looking at me with extreme disgust on her face.

"Rosalie, actually. But Rosa is what I go by." I reply. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, actually." She uncrossed her arms. Took a step towards me. "I'm gonna cut right to the chase. Stay away from my Dom."

My Dom.


"I'm not here to hear your apologises, I'm here to hear you say ok." She said and glared at me, coming even closer.

My apologises? Definitely not what I was going to say.

Marie shrugged. "So I'm waiting."


"Marie..." I started. "Firstly, I'm not going to say ok and just stand aside for some attention grabbing little whore who can't get the message that he doesn't want you."

Marie's face fell.

I kept going. "Dominik is mine." I said firmly. "I should know, by how happy he was when my lips were wrapped around his hard cock-"

Marie screamed and pushed me into the door. "Shut up you-" Marie was pulled back sharply by Ricochet.

He looked between us. "Woah, girls, what's going on?"

Marie glared at him and then me, huffing before turning away and leaving. I watched her walk away, and looked to Ricochet. "Thanks." I whispered.

"No worries, that's Doms ex?" He asked.

"Yeah." I rubbed my head and cleared my throat, trying to shake off the interaction.

"Everything alright here?" Suddenly Flo interrupted, slowly coming over. She saw me a little shaky and come over quicker. "What's up, Rosa?" She touched my shoulder.

"I'm- I'm fine. Where's Rhea?" I asked.

"She's coming, she just needed to grab her jacket and stuff. Are you sure everything's alright?" Flo double checked and looked at me then at Ricochet. "Trevor?" Flo asked and she looked skeptically at him. I could sense there was some tension between them.

"I pulled Marie off her." Trevor confessed.

"Marie attacked you?!" Flo nearly shouted.

"She pushed me, I'm fine." I assured her. "She was just being a bitch." I added. "I called her a whore."

Flo broke a smile and chuckled. Then hugged me quickly.


I couldn't find my mother and sister anywhere. I even texted them, and couldn't find them.

Then I texted Rosa, she didn't reply. So I was on the search for her, looking everywhere. Damien told me she went to the bathroom like twenty minutes ago and hadn't seen her since. That was worrying.

I looked at different bathrooms, couldn't find her, until I turned down a hall and in the middle of this hall was Flo and Rosa, in a side hug. Both laughing at something Trevor said to them.

Fucking stupid Trevor.

Oh, but I wasn't the only one.

At the other end of the hall was Rhea, jacket in her hand and stopped to stare at them in surprise and annoyance.

We locked eyes.

The look we gave each other was "fuck Trevor."

We both moved at the same time, enclosing in- and everyone looked at us. Rosa at me. Rhea got there first and grabbed Flo around the waist, basically pulling her past me, and away.

"Hey, can I have your help?" I looked at Rosa.

"I don't know, have you done that thing?" She looked at me.


"I- I tried." I was honest. "Can we go?"

Rosa looked at Trevor. Then back to me. "Okay."

Thank fuck.

She come with me down the hall. "I couldn't find my family." I start. "I messaged and called, but they must be busy."

"Marie is here." She said.

"She is? Did you see my mom?" I asked.

"No." She replied quickly. "Marie saw me though."

Marie talked to her? Fuck. I rubbed my hair back. "She did? What did she say to you, Rosa?"

She shrugged. "Nothing." She cleared her throat. "I have to go get ready."

What? "Rosa? Come on, I tried. Please talk to me." I said.

"You need to talk to her, I'm not getting cornered again." She said and simply walked off.

Marie cornered her.



I was about to go take my spot by the ring and I was waiting backstage with Rhea. Her match was first and she was stretching. I could see she was getting a little shivery again. Being quiet.

I had to go soon and I just wish I could be with her instead. All the way.

"I love you." I grabbed her hand, she interlocked her fingers with mine. "You're gonna crush it, ok?"

Rhea gave me a weak smile. "Remember to-"

"I know, Rhea." I finished for her. She had reminded me multiple times to remember to move out of the way when I needed to. I didn't want to get tackled into the barricade again. "Tonight is your night." I whispered.

Rhea smiled nicely, and she lent in to kiss beneath my ear softly. She hovered her lips by my ear. "I love you with my whole fucking heart, Flo."

God, melting.

She pulled back and moved my hair to cover my neck, where she definitely left her black lipstick behind.

I gave her a sweet smile and got called over to go out. Rhea gave me a big hug, and I kissed her shoulder once, before walking.

On the way, I walked past Damien and lent in. "Please watch her. She should be alright, but just please-"

"Of course, sunshine." Damien winked and I smiled appreciatively back. Walking out to the ring.


I watched the monitor to where Flo took her seat. She was way too beautiful tonight, and I just wanted to throw her over my shoulder and be with her all night.

I had a match to do first.

The biggest one of my career. Something I've dreamt of.

God, this was insane. I felt insane. My heart began racing and I wished Flo was here again. She calmed me down all the time... it was so good when she was here.

Shit, my breathe was getting shallow again.

I pulled my phone out just to look at my Lock Screen. At my favourite photo of her. 

I looked at it but it just didn't work the same. I wanted her. I needed her to calm me down.

"Rhea." Damien for my attention and stood by me. I sat down and looked down, Damien sat beside me. "You know-"

"I don't want to talk about it, unless you're Florence, I don't wanna talk." I said to him and didn't feel bad about it.

"Not Flo, but- She can't be here right now. Because she's out there." Damien nodded towards the ring area, and I looked at him, listening. "She's out there. She's waiting for you."

I cleared my throat. She was.

"She's out there for you. The quicker you get out there, the quicker you'll see her. Hear her." He said. "Put on a show for her."

And by hell I'd be putting on the show of my life for her.


I smiled happily as I watched Damien seem to cheer Rhea up across the room. Then I looked at the monitor and saw Rosa sitting out of the way. I hope she wouldn't have to get involved at all. I didn't want anyone hurt at all.

I turned to look back at Rhea and Damien, as she stood up to get ready to begin her match. My eyes floated further back, and I saw Marie sticking her head in, looking at me, and waving me over.

Fuck sake. Who the fuck here thinks she can still just walk around. She's not my fiancé anymore.

I swallowed and walked over, and followed her as she walked to my dressing room. "Marie, this has to-"

Marie jumped in my arms and kissed me, the momentum sending me back into the door, where it shut behind me-

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