Survive ( Maggie Greene x GP...

By sleepless_ghost

28.5K 1.1K 67

Yn Grimes was a fashion designer before the apocalypse. Wouldn't think someone like her would make it far but... More

Stressful situations
well well well
unexpected discoveries.
walkers in the barn
Pushing through
God ?
shmol update
The governor
Real bad news
The Tombs
Old News
All Lies
The Lord's House
What happened
Different Water
Death comes easy
I'm back Bitches
The End
New Day


158 13 0
By sleepless_ghost

We made it back to Alexandria in the morning. Hershel wouldn't leave me alone for a second and I didn't mind. I gave him a piggy back ride, our people coming into view.

Inside was different. Everyone was working, I smiled and made my way in. " Let's go ma." Hershel said. I laughed and walked in, everyone turning to me and Maggie. Glancing at our locked hands.


I sat down under a tree. Maggie had to go talk to some people so I opted for some silence. " Hey." I heard. The head of my son popped up behind the tree. " You left me." He said sitting down next to me. " I'm sorry. K wanted some quite time." I said but he shook his head. " No, back when the bad man first came. You could have come back, why didn't you." I glanced down at the name tattooed on my wrist. Maggie. " King, who saved me brought me to her home with a boat. The boat wasn't fit for another around the world so we had to work for it. The shots I got damaged some of my body, it immobilized me. They helped me get back onto my feet, to walk and run. To survive. I was in debt. I had to help these people out, they became my family." I tried to reason. He nodded, " so you have family over there?" I shrugged. " They're my friends but they've got stuff to handle over there, why they stayed while me and king came over." I said. He was silent for a while, " so you're gonna go back to them?" He asked. I glanced up at the sky. Clouds floating past. " I won't go back. I came back for one reason. Now I have to reasons to stay. I came back to come find your mom. If it weren't for you and her i woukd have jetted right back over." I know it seemed bad. He shook his head side to side. " I'm glad I finally get to meet you. All I knew was the stuff mom told me. The hat you wore when you two first met. The way you loved the moon and the stars. But now, now I get to have you back. My ma. You, the real you." He turned to me, throwing himself onto me. I hugged him back, " and I'm not going anywhere. In staying here with you. You and your mom." I whispered.

We sat back. " Tell me something." I shrugged. " Like what?" I aksed. " About anything. My uncles, my aunts. You knew them. Mom always found it hard to talk about them. Tell me about my grandpa. Anything, I just wanna talk to you, ma." He said. I nodded, slipping my hand into my pocket. The letter Carl wrote was there with the watch I got from Hershel sr. I pulled it out and turned it for Hershel to see. " Hershel was a good man. He was like a father to me, not because me and Maggie were together but because her cared so much. We didn't meet on good terms. Carl, my nephew got shot and he was the one to save him. I could never repay him fot that, he helped without thinking. He gave me this watch as a sign that he trusted me with his daughter." I handed him the watch. The glass was cracked and it was slightly rusted but it was still special. " It was handed down in his family and he saw me fot to take care of it. He saw my worth and my skills, he helped me become who I am today." I added. He handed the watch back to me carefully. " But he was killed by another man." I concluded. " We've lost do many before him but his loss was the hardest to swallow."

I sniffed. " Beth, she was your aunt. Hell, that girl kept me on my toes. She was a kind girl. Always trying to see the good in people, lightening the mood." I smiled. " She encouraged me day by day. I saw her like she was my own sister." I nodded, glancing st him. He was listening with his face in his hands. " She was also killed but I'm sure you know that." He nodded his head side to side. " What about those before them? Mom talked about them but never in detail." Je asked. " Uhm, yeah well. There was another man, Dale. Damn, that man was something. Something this world desperately needed. That ring on your mother's finger came from him. He saw the good in me, he taught me like he would his own. I was there when no one was by him. He died in my arms back on grandpa's farm." I looked down, dale flashing in my memory. " Then we had Shane. He was like a second brother to me before and after this all but he went crazy. He was inlove with Carl's momma." He smiled. " Like you're inlove with my momma." I chuckled and shook my head. " Well not exactly. He couldn't have Carl's mom. She had Carl and my brother. He couldn't understand that." He nodded in understanding. " What about your brother, uncle Rick?" I felt a lump form in my throat. I glanced at him, sniffing. " He was the world's best brother. Without him I would never even have made it this far. I would have been dead at the start but he was there. Big brother Rick, always had his should ready for me to cry on. Damnit, I wish I could have been here." I smiled. His face running through my mind. " I know I don't know him but I know he was proud of you. When mom talked about him she always mentioned how he'd have you on his mind first. You were his priority." He nodded to himself. I smiled, " like you're mine now." I nudged him. He giggled. " And don't get me started on Carl. The little troublemaker. I would have done anything for him. He snapped his fingers and I'd jump. My little nephew. I can't believe he didn't make it. I promised Lori I'd protect him like my own and I k wasn't even here for his death." I set the letter down next to me. I felt disappointed in myself but Hershel grabbed my hand with a smile. " Don't worry. He knows you tried your best." I smiled at him. " Then, I want you to talk about my uncle next. Your other brother." He became serious. I knew he was gonna bring him up, Maggie for sure told him about him.

" Well, He was the best thing that came our of this broken world. He was one of the good things in this world. He would make me laugh when I felt like I couldn't. He'd always put me first. I would have given my life for that man. He was just my best friend. He was like a piece of me. My best friend. When he died a piece of me was taken with him." I felt my throat close up so I opted for visuals. I pulled st the buttons on my shirt. Pulling it down just enough to show the tattoo on my collarbone. His fingers ran over it, " stay alive? That's what he told you when he died." He said. I nodded, tears coming out at full speed. I let a sob out as he hugged me closer.

" Hershel, you guys okay?" Maggie came out around the tree. She saw us hugging, tears streaming. I wiped my eyes when we pulled apart. She glanced at the tattoo on my collarbone. " It's for him." I told her. She pulled me into a hug next. " He knows you gave your all, Yn. He was so proud of you." She said. When she got up she grabbed Hershel's hand glancing at the letter with my name on it next to me. " Read it." She muttered as she pulled him away.

I glanced out at the clouds again. It felt as if the letter was calling me. I grabbed it and started unfolding it but before I could read it I glanced back up. " Fuck me." I muttered, glancing down again.

Dear Yn

I know everyone told me I'd never see you again. That your body's probably wandering around somewhere, waiting to take a chunk out of someone but I know you're not. I can feel it.

We have always had this connection. You with me, me with you. The blood we share, that bond between us. It links us, you're alive. I know you are. I mean, you're reading this so of course I was right. Remember to rub it all in dad's face when he sees you come through those gates.

" Fucking asshole. You, kid. Always joking around." I laughed, my eyes burned from the tears.

I know I don't say it often. Hell, I don't think I've said it to you since the prison but I love you, Yn. You're my best friend. You were the one to teach me everything a dad or a mom couldn't. Taught me how to ride my first motorcycle. You even taught me to stitch up my own socks. Say it stank to stitch up mine.

I wanna ask one thing from you. Just be with dad, stay with him and make sure he doesn't slip. We all know what happened when mom died, don't let that happen again. I know it's gonna be hard on you too but stay strong. You hate Negan, he hates Negan but don't act. Think about Judith, about your kid. Do the right thing, Yn. I trust you with this.

I love you.


" What the fuck man." I cried like a baby on the ground. I don't know how he knew I was alive but he did. I just wish I was back in time for him.


Aish I can't write anything sentimental. Im sorry about my ass sucking Letter, Carl deserved better but yk.

Also I feel like shit. I know I'm being overly dramatic but who tf thought it was good to have alcohol give hangovers. I'm literally hanging by a thread over here.


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