A Secret Love Affair

By LesbianJuliet

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Sienna is about to start her first semester of college at Crystal River University. The small town girl who h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26


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By LesbianJuliet

"I can't believe we've already gotten through a year of college." Sienna announced, taking a sip of water from her water bottle.

"I know the fact that we haven't killed each other yet is pretty impressive, Arkansas" Paige responded, grabbing the bottle and taking a sip.

"What's more impressive is that I've managed to restrain myself from putting more itching powder in your tampons." Sienna replied, an evil grin formed on her face.

"Ha ha ha," Paige responded sarcastically, "Let's never talk about that again." Paige said, playfully shoving a box labeled "shoes" into Sienna's arms.

Paige and Sienna had decided they were going to take the plunge and move into their own place. It had been nine months since they had made it official back in Arkansas and things were great.

"I can't believe we're saying goodbye to our Crystal River dorm room." Paige said, a slight frown became evident on her face.

"I know! But we're on to greener pastures now. No more RA's, no more community showers, and most importantly no more sharing a twin bed." Sienna replied, winking at Paige.

As the girls loaded the final box in the moving truck they felt hopeful of what the future had to offer.

"What is it they say about lesbians and U-hauls?" Sienna asked, playfully.

The small house Paige and Sienna had managed to snag just ten minutes from school was perfect for the girls. Sienna had even managed to get the landlord to lower the rent by offering to do the yardwork themselves. The tiny cottage on a quiet street sat close enough to the ocean where they could get a nice cross breeze when they sat on their porch.

Paige had finally networked enough to get her photography side hustle off the ground. For once the reputation that followed her revolved around her actual talent and not whose heart she had broken. Although juggling a job, college, and a girlfriend wasn't easy, it was nice to depend on herself. With Sienna's help Paige and her parents had managed to mend their relationship as much as they could and although they had offered numerous times to help her financially, Paige had been determined to do it on her own.

"Are you working a wedding this weekend?" Sienna asked, as she dragged her watercolor brush across a paper.

"Yep, you know weekends are crazy." Paige responded, looking down on her phone. She turned it upside down and laid it on the side table. She kissed Sienna on the cheek. "Things will cool down soon, I promise." She said, grabbing her phone again and taking it with her to the bathroom.

Sienna couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Paige lately. When she wasn't in class she was working and she wasn't working she was sneaking around. She didn't want to confront Paige and make it seem like she didn't trust her but something was definitely going on.

Sienna continued working on her art and waited for Paige to exit the bathroom.

"Hey, are we ok?" She asked, trying to find Paige's eyes for a glimmer of an answer.

"What? What do you mean, are we ok?" Paige asked nervously as she shoved her cellphone in her back pocket.

"I don't know, babe. You're super aloof lately, you're taking your phone into the bathroom, you're always busy. You're not planning on leaving me are you? Cause both of our names are on this lease and I will ruin your credit." Sienna replied playfully, hoping her joke would provide some relief from the tension the subject had created.

"1. We are fine. I'm just coordinating jobs. 2. Good luck ruining my credit, do you know how many credit card applications I filled out my first week of college? I'm going to have to fake my death soon just to avoid creditors." Paige answered, her mouth smart as usual.

"Don't cheat on me, Paige!" Sienna warned, balling her fist and making her most menacing face possible.

"Never." Paige responded, grabbing her fist and kissing it.


Saturday came along and Sienna heard Paige lugging things into her truck. She was familiar with the sound, she was probably loading backdrops and camera equipment in for the wedding she had mentioned.

Sienna wasn't surprised when Paige entered their bedroom. She always walked in and gave her a kiss even if she was still asleep.

"Get dressed." Paige announced, sliding into bed with Sienna and running her hand up her thigh. She slowly began kissing her, from her lips down to her neck. Within seconds their kiss intensified, it was good to know their fire was still going strong.

"Geez, Sienna, when did you brush your teeth?" Paige asked, pretending to be annoyed.

"A few minutes ago, right after I got done spying on you." Sienna answered. "You know you could never get away with anything." Sienna smiled.

"Oh is that so?" Paige asked, she raised an eyebrow, her tone was mischievous. "Come on. Get dressed, James Bond. You're coming with me." Paige announced, not giving Sienna an opportunity to ask anymore questions.

"Where are we going?" Sienna asked, she looked at Paige who was tight lipped and driving.

"You'll see...." Paige answered, a tiny smirk formed on her lips.

A couple hours had passed and Sienna woke up still in Paige's truck. Paige was still driving, humming along to a song. She seemed happy.

"Glad to see you've decided to join me!" Paige said, blowing a kiss at Sienna.

"Where the heck is this wedding? We've been driving forever." Sienna replied, using her brattiest tone.

"It has been a little over an hour and a half and you're like a toddler, babe. The moment we drive longer than ten minutes you're already asleep." Paige responded.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Sienna recognized where they were. She had been to Ginnie Springs on multiple occasions with her family. It was one of their favorite places to go in the summer.

"Someone's getting married here? Nice. I bet the springs will make for great pictures." Sienna said, looking around for a frantic bride ready to pounce on her photographer girlfriend.

Paige nodded and smiled and began making her way toward a cottage.

"I'll help you start unloading." Sienna said, walking toward the car.

"No, come. I don't want you to get tired. Help me setup inside instead." Paige replied, waving Sienna over from the cottage steps.

Sienna wondered what was inside the cottage, she figured maybe it was where the bride and groom were going to be getting ready for their pictures. Paige had probably coordinated it so she'd have plenty of time to set things up since she was already a pro.

Paige unlocked the cottage door and Sienna walked in into a cottage full of candles and rose petals. The smell of lavender flooded her nostrils, and music was playing in the background, it was beautiful.

"Damn! Somebody went all out. I bet that bride is going to lose her shit when she gets here. Super nice touch Mr. Groom!" Sienna said, walking around the cottage and admiring how beautiful it looked. She had stayed at the cottages before and knew enough about them to know that someone had put in a lot of effort into making the place look as good as it did.

As Sienna walked around she felt her heart begin to race. Pictures of her and Paige had been strategically placed around the cottage. Sienna was hit with a wave of confusion and excitement.

"Paige...what is this?" She asked, turning around to see Paige down on one knee holding an open ring box.

Paige could barely keep her legs from shaking. This was probably the most nervous she had ever been and it felt like time had slowed and sped up at the same time.

"Stop Paige!" Sienna exclaimed, putting her hands over her mouth in shock.

Paige smiled, she smiled that smile that made Sienna want to melt and motioned for Sienna to get closer.

As Sienna walked toward her she felt like she was having an out of body experience.

"Phoenix, Arkansas, and all the other ridiculous other names I've called you in the last few months. The most amazing, beautiful months I've ever experienced in my life. Every day that passed was better than the last, every moment I got to spend with you I fell more and more in love with you." Paige said, her eyes were starting to become watery.

"Before we met there was a part of me that wanted to remain untouched forever. My heart had been shattered and I never thought I'd love again. Then, you walked into my life. Well, you drove into my life and I took your parking spot." Paige continued, a slight chuckle escaping her lips.

Sienna was shaking like a leaf, she knew exactly what came after the speech.

"That day I had an inkling that things were going to be different. That things were going to change, I just didn't know how or when. Little by little you managed to chip away at the barrier I had built in order to protect myself and you showed me what it was to be happy. You showed me that not all love comes with heartache and disappointment. You made me believe again. You are selfless, you are brave, you are hard headed and determined as hell and there's nothing I'd change about you. You've got everything I need in a forever partner and I'm hoping that you will give me the honor, the privilege of being my wife." Paige nervously finished, tears running down her cheeks.

Sienna couldn't contain herself, before she even answered Paige, she went in for a hug and kissed her. She put her forehead against Paige's forehead and finally responded.

"Yes. There has never been a single doubt in my mind that you're who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'll marry you today, tomorrow, I'll marry you yesterday, I'll marry you always. I will always choose you, you are my soulmate." Sienna responded, fully crying, unable to hold back her emotion.

Paige slipped the oval engagement ring onto her ring finger. The band twinkled against the candlelight and the diamond was small and unpretentious. It was everything Sienna wanted, it was nothing like the huge monstrosity Andrew had gotten her. It was their relationship wrapped up in an engagement ring. It was perfect.

"I know this isn't anything like our trip to Arkansas, these aren't hot springs and I'm sure as soon as we make it to the actual springs the water will be cold and overrun by frat boys but I wanted to recreate our trip and this was the best way. It was that day that I stopped fighting myself and admitted to myself that I was in love with you. It was the day I decided to stop fighting myself and start fighting for you." Paige said, holding Sienna close.

"Are you kidding me? It's perfect. You're perfect!" Paige responded, "I love you so freaking much." She said, kissing Paige.

Paige pulled her lips away from Sienna and looked into her eyes. "I love you so freaking much, too." Paige replied, half making fun of Sienna.

Paige and Sienna had reached the next phase of their relationship and couldn't wait to see what came next. One thing was for certain and it was that whatever came throughout the years would be nothing short of amazing. They had found love unexpectedly but everything that came after was storybook worthy.

The End

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