A Secret Love Affair

By LesbianJuliet

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Sienna is about to start her first semester of college at Crystal River University. The small town girl who h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

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By LesbianJuliet

The whole Phoenix family gathered in the kitchen to discuss the events that had just occurred. Nobody had ever experienced that side of Andrew before and the emotions ranged from angry to confused. Both of Sienna's sisters sat next to Sienna in the kitchen island helping her scrub her social media of anything that involved Andrew.

Sienna looked around for the one person who was missing. Paige. She excused herself and made her way toward the living room where Paige was sitting. Sienna sat on the opposite end of the couch, she felt so embarrassed and upset about the things Andrew had said to Paige. She was more upset about Paige then the end of her relationship.

"Paige, I'm super sorry. He was way out of line." Sienna said as she fought the urge to run away and hide.

"Please, I've heard worse. That's amature hour, that guy is such an idiot. I don't know what you see in him." She responded, shaking her head.

"Saw," Sienna corrected. "What I saw in him. I no longer plan to see any aspect of him. Ever." Sienna replied confidently.

"I guess we will see about that..." Paige responded, looking through her phone.

Sienna was confused. Why was Paige being so dry and nonchalant about the situation? Why was she not interested in her apology? Sienna knew their were still a lot of steps that needed to be taken in order to repair whatever was going on between them but she figured extending this olive branch would be the beginning of something.

"Look, if you're looking for me to say that you were right or for me to say I'm sorry for not believing you, I truly am sorry. I should have listened to you when you told me all about Andrew." Sienna said, searching and hoping that this is what would get Paige to open up.

"Sienna," Paige replied, putting her phone down. "The apology I want to hear doesn't revolve around me being right. It's an apology for doubting me as a person, my character, for pretty much calling me a liar. For thinking that I'd stoop as low as to make up a story in order to manipulate you into being with me. You completely disregarded that fact that he treated me like garbage and it took you seeing it in person to believe it. I don't know, Sienna. There's a lot to process."

"Paige, I was wrong. I guess believing Andrew over you was the easier choice. It's that side of me that I'm trying very hard to change. I don't expect you to forgive me but I hope you give me the chance..." Sienna responded, moving closer to Paige on the couch and putting her hand on Paige's knee. "To at least prove myself to you. This is all new to me, these are uncharted waters but there is nobody I want to help me and guide me through them other than you." Sienna said, practically holding her breath while waiting on a response.

"I guess we will see what happens." Paige replied, holding back a tiny smile. She took hold of Sienna's hand and singled out her ring finger. "So, what are you going to do with this?" She said, looking down on the diamond engagement ring.

"Ew. This tacky thing? I don't know but I wish I had thought of chucking at him when he was here." Sienna responded, a slight mischievous chuckle escaped her lips.

"I mean...you can still chuck it at him. I'd totally be up for that." Paige replied, an evil smile crept on her face.

"Let's see what happens..." Sienna responded, smiling back at Paige. "So, I was thinking...and you can tell me if I'm moving too quickly but would you...maybe kind of...be interested in going out on a formal date on Saturday?" Sienna asked, shyly. She knew the question was forward and she knew it was soon but she wanted to start fresh with Paige and she wanted to do it as quickly as possible.

"Oh, Ms. Sienna, are you asking me out on an official date? Like....what should I expect? Dinner, a movie, bungee jumping, a marriage proposal?" Paige asked, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. She tilted her head to the side and smiled taking in the beauty of what was the woman sitting in front of her. No matter how much she wanted to control herself, to have the power to stick to what she said she was going to do, she knew she couldn't do that with Sienna. Sienna was her kryptonite.


Unknown: Hey, are you still in town? I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Stop by the coffee shop and see me. I'll totally make it worth your while.

Paige read the message and chuckled. Geez.

Paige had a history of dodging clingy girls by ghosting them and she hoped the barista would be easy to shake off. Old Paige would have probably responded if she had no other plans but new Paige had zero interest in anyone but Sienna. She figured she would respond and let the barista know she wasn't interested.

Paige: Hi. I'm still in town. I had a great-

Paige was suddenly interrupted by Sienna who walked into the kitchen in short shorts and an oversized hoodie. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by her beauty.

"So, I was thinking maybe I'm going to stay in tonight. I feel a little down." Sienna said, sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Are you ok? Still thinking about the Andrew blowout?" Paige asked, pulling Sienna closer by tugging on her hoodie.

"I'll get over it. It's just hard, we spent so many years together, you know? I feel super let down." Sienna responded.

"I have an idea. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Paige asked, almost as if a lightbulb had suddenly gone off in her head.

"Strawberry, why?" Sienna asked, jumping up and sitting on the kitchen counter.

"I'm gonna run to the grocery store and we're gonna hang out with your parents all night." Paige replied, chuckling.

"As tempting as a night of Mega Uno with my parents sounds, I think I'll pass. I'd rather just spend time with you." Sienna responded, offering Paige a half smile.

"Alright. I'll be right back" Paige replied enthusiastically.


Rows and rows of aisles welcomed Paige into the grocery store. As Paige walked around familiarizing herself with the grocery store, she thought about how great Sienna was. She also thought about how Christmas was in just a couple days. She was excited to spend the time with Sienna and her family. She felt like everything was falling into place.

Paige made a mad dash for the frozen aisle and grabbed a pint of strawberry ice cream for Sienna. As she made her way toward the end of the aisle she heard her name being called. Paige quickly turned around and saw Candi the barista standing at the other end of the aisle calling her name.

At this point Paige couldn't pretend she hadn't heard her, she had turned around and made eye contact with the barista and now she had to interact with her. They walked toward each other and met in the middle of the aisle.

Candi looked just as cute as she did when she met her but she was no match to Sienna. Sienna was just too beautiful for words.

Candi caught her off guard when she reached for her and held her in a tight embrace.

"I've been trying to get a hold of you!" Candi said, giving Paige a playful gentle tap on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I know. I was about to text you back just a little while ago. Things have been a little crazy." Paige responded, taking a slight step back.

"Glad to hear you weren't planning on ghosting me. That would have sucked." Candi replied, giving Paige a half smile and closing the purposeful gap Paige had created between them.

"I was just thinking about how things ended and I was hoping maybe to get a brand new start with you." The barista responded, tucking a strand of hair behind Paige's ear. She took one more step forward and got close enough to whisper in her ear. "Let's get reacquainted" She said, her voice sounding almost like a tiny growl in Paige's ear.

Paige felt goosebumps all over her body. She didn't know if it was the fact that they were in the frozen food aisle or the fact that this hot girl was throwing herself at her.

"Yeah, as tempting as that sounds, I think I'm going to have to pass." Paige replied, running her hand through her hair and casually taking a step back, making it clear that she didn't feel comfortable with her being so close to her.

"So, is this what you do? Pick up girls, drive them nuts and then drop them?" The barista responded, her face contorting into the face of someone who was very upset.

"No, not at all. It was just a poor decision. I've got a girl I'm trying to work things out with and it was during an awkward point in whatever we're trying to do." Paige answered honestly.

"Yeah, freaking Sienna Phoenix. The town darling, you know she's straight right? She's been with that baseball player forever. I bet she would have no idea what to do with you. Why would you even want that?" Candi asked, her eyes had suddenly changed, it was almost as if Candi had dissociated.

"I'm sorry, what? How do you know about Sienna....?" Paige asked, a chill ran down her spine.

"Well, it's a small town, she and I went to high school together." Candi responded, her tone changing to a nervous tone.

"But how did you know about her and I? Did you really bump into me here or did you follow me?" Paige asked, suddenly realizing that this girl may have been following her.

"Paige, just one date. If you give me one chance, one night, I promise I'll make you forget Sienna Phoenix." The barista replied, moving closer toward her.

"You're not ok, Candi. I'm not interested, do you need me to spell it out for you? Leave me alone, don't follow me, don't text me, forget I exist. We never met" Paige responded firmly.

"You're missing out, hun. This is your loss. If you wanna take your chances with a straight girl go ahead but I promise it won't work out." She replied, matter of factly.

"I'll take my chances with the straight girl but never with a stalker. Stay away from me, stay away from Sienna and get some help." Paige responded, turning around putting the ice cream back in the freezer and shutting it. A wave of regret came over her, she was no longer this person and while she may have laughed at this encounter in the past, this was no longer the life she wanted to live. All she wanted to do was get home to Sienna.

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