One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU 🔞 In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


231 27 54
By NeenaDiHope

They play with the babies for a little while until Jia Li walks in with her fiancé Nie Mingjue. The babies smile and run to her "Ayi, Ayi" the boys call as they nearly knock her over in their rush to see her.

She smiles bending down to hug them "Hello my sweet boys, how are my perfect nephews?" she coos at them.

They smile and tell her all about how they have been, about their meimei being sick, who all they have seen and finally about their daddy.

She stands up quickly "What? What Daddy? AXian what are they talking about?"

He smiles sheepishly at her "Uncle and Shijie didn't tell you huh?"

Her jaw drops open "They know?" she looks at the people in the room "Jiang Cheng knew? I see, so your actual flesh and blood sister is the last to know." She crosses her arms over her chest and scowls.

He stands up and walks over to her "It wasn't intentional meimei, I have had a lot going on and have been introducing him to the family as they meet him. He hasn't met anyone that hasn't come here to see AMei, I am too worried about my daughter to worry about the rest of the family right now. You came here now so this is when you will meet him, now do you want to meet him or are you going to continue to make things difficult when my child is sitting in a hospital bed?"

She grabs his hand in both of hers "I'm sorry gege, I didn't mean to make you upset, but I'm your sister and I should have at least known about him first or been one of the first anyway. I just feel like I have been left out and this is the father of my niece and nephews, I have to make sure he is worthy of them."

This angers Wuxi "That's not your call to make meimei, it's mine as their mother, you know the one who carried and gave birth to them. I am doing the best I can right now and there is a lot going on, not that you would know since you are hardly ever concerned with what's going on with me."

Her mouth opens and closes several times before Wuxi sighs "Come here and meet him before I say something that I can't take back." He leads her over to the hospital bed.

"This is Lan Wangji the father of our children and my fiancé, Wangji his is my twin sister Jia Li." Wangji looks at her, his eyes are guarded after witnessing the exchange between the siblings.

Still holding AMei he nods "Hi, it's nice to meet you sister-in-law."

She gives him an appraising look that he has seen countless times on women who have tried to seduce him and he sighs to himself. She smiles "Hello brother-in-law it's so nice to meet you, I'm guessing the whole where have you been thing has been covered?" she smirks.

Wuxi rolls his eyes "Yes, he didn't remember me any more than I did him. We have worked everything out and are now engaged to be married, everything is fine."

She grins "Well that was fast, already engaged and you two just met, it must be love at first sight." She says with a hint of sarcasm.

Wangji smirks at her "It was for me; I can't speak for him." He glances at Wuxi whose eyes widen, his jaw drops open then after a minute he recovers smiling shyly as he blushes.

Unable to contain himself any longer Nie Mingjue speaks "Wangji you have a family? What's going on man, the last time I saw you, you were single and refusing to even date anyone."

He smirks "Hi Ming good to see you too buddy, yeah I do have a family. I know it's sudden however Wuxi and his babies are all mine." He says with pride written all over his face.

Wuxi looks at him with a soft smile "I'm guessing you two know each other."

Wangji nods "Yes we have been friends and business associates for a long time. I am the architect who makes the plans for the buildings he builds."

Wuxi laughs "And I am the concept artist that draws the concepts for his buildings. We are all just one big happy family I guess."

The three men laugh while Jia Li crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. She huffs and flounces over to Jiang Cheng and plops down next to him "So what do you think of all of this ACheng?" she says in a soft voice.

He has been quietly watching everything with a hawk eye seeing them interact with each other, he glances at her before looking back at the others "I think that of all of the possibilities of a potential father for these kids Wangji is the jackpot. I have worried for years about the type of scumbag that would take Wuxi and impregnate him, then come crawling back into his life looking for who knows what from him. I was nervous that it would be someone like his ex who doesn't care anything for him and only wants to manipulate him but now after seeing them together, I won't worry anymore. We know Carmen and the type of woman she is and her son, who is the heir to the Lan fortune being the father of the triplets is the absolute best possible scenario that could have happened for Wuxi and the babies." He says quietly leaning closer to her speaking just between the two of them.

Jia Li's eyes widen "He is Carmen's son and heir?" she looks with new eyes at Wangji.

Jiang Cheng missing the subtle change in his cousin nods "Yes, he and his older brother are the heirs to the Lan family. Now the babies will be as well since they are proven Lan blood."

Her jaw drops open then she closes it and her eyebrows crinkle "What do you mean proven Lan blood?"

He glances at her then watches the boys playing with Mingjue "I mean they have already done the paternity test and have proof that they are part of the Lan bloodline."

Thinking quickly she says "I hope they had the testing done at a reputable place, some of those labs mess up results and it's proven later to be a mistake, I don't want that to happen to my niece and nephews."

He shakes his head "They did it here after AMei was admitted so they could have a complete family medical history for her."

She nods and sighs "Oh good, I was worried, that makes me feel better."

She turns and watches the others her mind running wild, ten minutes later she stands up "I'm going to the café downstairs for an iced coffee does anybody want anything?"

Wuxi asks for a bubble tea if they have it if not a caramel frap, no one else wanted anything. Mingjue stands up to go with her and she smiles "It's alright Mingy it's just downstairs and it's just for me and gege I won't be but a few minutes stay and talk with your friends."

He smiles gives her a sweet kiss and sits back down to talk with Wuxi and Wangji.

She grabs her handbag and leaves the room the rest of the men engage in conversations about their work and personal lives, and Jiang Cheng is pulled into conversation with them. By the end, they are all good friends since the only two who really don't know each other are Jiang Cheng and Wangji. Jia Li comes back all smiles and hands Wuxi the Frappuccino "Sorry gege no bubble tea so I got your second choice."

He smiles at her "Thank you meimei this is exactly what I needed."

Wangji looks at him "Have you had anything to eat since you got here?"

Wuxi who is happily sipping his drink shakes his head "No I have been playing with AMei and talking to the doctor and nurses."

Wangji gives him a stern look "You need to eat something, it's already afternoon and the last time you ate anything was early this morning while the boys were eating. What do you want and I will have it brought to you?"

He shakes his head "I'm fine, I'm not really that hungry."

Wangji purses his lips and looks at Jiang Cheng and Jia Li "What are his favorite dishes?"

Jiang Cheng smirks and tells him about ten different dishes that he likes or loves to eat, while Wuxi protests that he isn't hungry. Wangji ignoring him picks out three of the dishes and orders them to be delivered to the hospital then tells the security staff so they can check it and bring it to them.

Wuxi looks at Wangji flabbergasted "I can't believe you just did that."

Wangji gives him a sexy little half grin "You are mine to protect and take care of and that is what I am doing. You need to eat or you will get sick. If you get sick you can't take care of our daughter now can you?"

Wuxi flattens his lips before biting his bottom lip and shaking his head, Wangji nods "Exactly, hence I ordered you food so that you can stay healthy for our baby girl."

Wangji tightens his hold on his daughter, kisses the top of her head and plays with her and the toy she is holding. The boys come over "Daddy up, want play with meimei."

Wuxi grabs them and puts them both on the bed next to Wangji and AMei then grabs several toys and puts them around them. While being careful of her arm the boys play with their sister, they also pet her and kiss her having missed being with her while she was in the hospital.

The adults watch the babies play together all of them with smiles on their faces. Wangji looks at Wuxi "They are so sweet to her, they try to take care of her."

Wuxi looks lovingly at his children "Yes they do, they have always been protective of her, watching over her. They help her and do this when she doesn't feel good. She has had an issue with ear infections and each time they both dote on her, taking care of her and keeping watch to make sure she is ok."

Wangji smiles happy to hear that his boys are so caring and loving with their little sister. He is proud that his boys are the protective types even at such a young age.

Wuxi sits up "Oh I forgot to tell you, they have scheduled her surgery for the day after tomorrow. The surgeon said that she will have to stay in the hospital for another day for observation after the surgery and if there is no infection or complications, she will be able to go home. They want to give her one more day on antibiotics just to remove any traces of infection before going in.

Wangji nods "Good the sooner we can get the surgery done the sooner we can take her home where she will be more comfortable. Will you let Mother know so she can be here too since I'm busy holding our baby girl?"

Wuxi nods "Sure, I'll be right back."

He grabs his phone and walks out the door Wangji watches him then turns with a grin to Jiang Cheng "Now say what you want to say while he isn't here." He raises an eyebrow.

Mingjue laughs and waits for Jiang Cheng who scowls "You know what I'm going to say so how about I save my breath and you just keep it in mind, the consequences, I'll break your legs."

Wangji nods "Fair enough, glad we had this talk, I look forward to spending more time with you and getting to know you."

Jia Li rolls her eyes "Men are so strange, bonding over threats, figures." She scoffs.

She looks at Wangji "Now give me my niece I haven't been able to hold her since I got here."

She stands up and tries to take AMei from him, the baby curls in closer to his chest and grabs a handful of his shirt in her little fist "Nooo Ayi, want Daddy." She whines.

She huffs "Don't you want to see your Ayi, come on come to Ayi."

AMei shakes her head and buries her face in Wangji's chest, tightening her hold on him."

"Leave her be, don't try to make her if she doesn't want to." Wangji pats the baby's back calming her.

Jia Li's face turns red in anger "Who the hell are you to tell me that? I will hold her if I want to and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

Wangji raises an eyebrow "I am her father that's who the hell I am and why I can tell you to piss off. If she doesn't want to go to you, you will not try and make her, period, end of discussion."

She reaches for the baby again and Wangji gives her a warning look that makes her pause. "If you touch my child, you will regret it, I don't care who you are. If you continue to try and force this don't be surprised if I become rude. You can play with the boys if they let you, you can sit back down or you can leave, those are your options." He says in a low deep and very serious voice, his eyes never leaving her to make sure she understands his stance on this.

She growls at him and stomps her foot "How dare you, you have no right.."

Wuxi interrupts her "He has every right; he is her father and has every right to make decision for her. Meimei, you know when she is sick she won't go to anyone so why are you being a brat and pushing this? What has gotten into you today?"

She looks at her brother surprised he is back and heard her, she wilts and becomes submissive grabbing his hand "Gege I just wanted to hold her, I'm sorry I know she doesn't like for people to touch her when she is sick. I am just a bit out of sorts today I guess." She turns to Wangji "I'm sorry Wangji gege, I didn't mean to offend you or belittle you as her father, maybe I'm coming down with something, I should probably go home and rest. Mingy will you take me home please; I don't want to risk giving anything to AMei if I am getting sick." She lowers her head still holding Wuxi's hand.

Wuxi lays his hand over the one holding his other hand "Meimei go get some rest and I'll check on you later. I know you would never do anything to endanger AMei's health. I will see you later and if you still aren't feeling well when she has her surgery I will call you and give you an update and you can visit when you feel better."

She smiles softly and hums "Mn"

She picks up her handbag and waits for Mingjue to walk to her after he bids farewell to everyone and walks her out of the room.

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