Three Isn't A Crowd - New Ver...

By KareenLClarke

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Three Isn't A Crowd is about River Wheeler, a 18 year old intersex student who is a free spirit. However, is... More

Author's Notes
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty Two

154 5 0
By KareenLClarke

River stared at the portrait she had been painting for the last two hours on autopilot, it was a portrait of a woman she wanted to forget and until last night she had been successful. River knew it was because Gary reminded her of her last night. River had awoken from a bad dream early this morning, the woman was chasing her, and she had to wake herself up.  Thankfully she hadn't woken Carol and Katherine, she removed herself from Carol's arms and got up. River fed Wolfie and then went into her room to change, knowing she wouldn't sleep again. Thankfully it was only 6.30 and she would be getting up for school in an hour. River decided to go to the gym as she hadn't worked out for a week, needing to run off the fear the dream had overwhelmed her with. Getting on the treadmill and set it at a slow pace, warming up her legs and increasing the speed as she warmed up. River ran until she couldn't run anymore and turned off the treadmill. Sweat ran down her face and body, her clothes clinging to her wet body from the exertion of her running. Gulping down a bottle of water, sitting down on a bench and sat there until her body relaxed and cooled down.

River jumped into the pool and floated in the water, enjoying the peacefulness it wrapped her in. River knew she would have to make peace with what happened and tell Carol and Katherine about it, she would have to be more open about her feelings. It wasn't that River didn't want to tell them or talk to them about her past, she just didn't want their pity. River knew this was the reason why she couldn't truly be at peace with forgiving Miranda and truly loving Carol and Katherine completely. Though River didn't fully understand why it was affecting her and stopping her from loving them as history won't be repeating itself. However, River guessed that it had to do with her self-worth, her worthiness to be loved by them and to love herself in a weird way. River knew who she was, her self-worth and that she wasn't all those things. Carol had healed most of those wounds with her love and her maternal love, now Katherine was healing her too with her love. If River was honest with herself, she couldn't truly understand why they loved her and what was so special about her. Under all that false bravado, River was an insecure child and needed reassurance that she was worthwhile and worthy of love. Again, only time could fix that and them loving her, reassuring her that she is loved by them. River got out of the pool and headed back to the apartment, hoping Carol and Katherine were still asleep and she had time to put on a mask as she wasn't ready to talk about it yet. River's wishes were answered, and she headed into her bedroom to wash the chlorine off, getting ready for school.

Carol turned off the alarm that woke them up for school, reaching out for River to wake her and found her side of the bed empty. Carol jumped up and looked around for her when she couldn't see River she got out of bed and went looking for River. Finding her in the shower, Carol undressed and joined her in the shower. River jumped when Carol's hands slid around her body, pulling her into Carol's body and River moaned as their bodies touched.

"Did you sleep well Little one?" Carol asked, kissing her shoulder.

"Yes, Mumma," River answered, turning around and grabbing a washer to wash Carol's body.

"Are you ok going to school today?" Carol asked, enjoying River washing her.

"Yes, I will probably go straight to the art room and paint," River answered, handing the washer to Carol for her to wash her private parts.

Carol took the washer and washed her pussy and ass; a little disappointed River didn't want to fuck before school. However, she was fine and understood, respecting River's boundaries. Katherine joined them in the shower, kissing both River and Carol and washing her body.

"I will start breakfast, is coffee and toast ok?" River told them, getting out of the shower.

"Are you ok Little one?" Carol asked, feeling she was being distant with them.

"Yes, Mumma, just making sure I feed us before school," River answered, wrapping a towel around herself.

River quickly dressed and made the three of them toast and coffee, putting it on the table as the two women joined her.

"Thanks, Lil wolf, what are your plans for today?" Katherine asked, curious about what she planned to do.

"I will drive Gary and me to school and then probably hang out in the art room," River answered, finding this interesting. "What are you up to?"

"I have to make a phone call to organise a meeting with my friend, but pretty much have an unexciting day," Katherine replied, not telling her the phone call was to a therapist.

"Are you going to be busy today Mumma?" River asked, not leaving her out.

"Just lots of paperwork and calls, but I will be looking forward to hanging out with you two at recess and lunch. We have to talk at recess about a few things, so it is important you remember to come and Wolfie will be waiting for you too." Carol answered, reminding her to come to recess.

"I remember, you sure it's ok for Wolfie to be at school," River replied, remembering that Wolfie would be coming to school.

"Yes, I will take her in and set her up in my office in the crate," Carol said, reassuring her that Wolfie would be coming into school.

"I will give Mumma a hand with her as we will drive in together," Katherine answered, happy to help Wolfie. "What do we want to eat at recess and lunch?"

"You choose, I think we have yoghurt, salad stuff and cold meat in the fridge to make sandwiches," River replied, remembering what was in the fridge.

"Alright, I will make up something for us and will surprise you," Katherine said, getting up and going to prepare them food to eat. "I will also pack Wolfie food, milk and things to make her comfortable."

"Cool and thank you, Mumma and Mama," River answered, happy with the plan. "I got to Skype with Dad before school, so I will do that now and I will see you at school."

"Alright Little one, we will see you at recess," Carol said, already looking forward to recess.

River kissed them both quickly on the lips and headed into the office to Skype her father. River didn't have to wait long before her father answered her Skype call.

"Hey Bub, how are you?" Tom asked when he answered the call.

"I'm good, just giving you a call before school," River answered, smiling at him. "How is everyone?"

"Everyone is fine and send their love. We all guessed you were staying when you didn't call yesterday." Tom said, already knowing she was staying.

"Yeah, was busy yesterday and distracted. But yeah, I am staying with Carol and Katherine until June, we will be careful until then." River answered, knowing this call was unnecessary.

"Good, though I am surprised you are going to school," Tom said, wondering why she would risk trouble by staying.

"Carol and Katherine's idea, but I will only go to art and Home economics and spend lunch and recess with them. That should stop me from getting into trouble. However, I really hope June comes quickly. I was thinking I would take them to Tathra during the Easter break, can we have the beach house?" River answered, explaining why and planning to get out of Canberra.

"I will let Bill know you are coming down and you want the small plane to get there?" Tom replied, knowing she hated to drive down there.

"Please, there will be 3 people and a kitten travelling down," River told him, letting him know they would need the 6-seater plane.

"You have a kitten?" Tom answered, thinking of course she got a pet now she was free.

"Katherine found Wolfie abandoned in Florey yesterday and we decided to keep her," River replied, trying to pull his heartstrings.

"Alright, we already organised for the private plane to bring you all over and I put Gary and his partner on the passenger list," Tom told her, rolling his eyes as he wasn't going to say no to the kitten. "Well, you better get to school, call me next weekend. I love you."

"I will and love you too," River answered, ending the call.

Now River was staring at that bitch's portrait and wondering why she painted it, though River had to admit she got it right. Her cruel grey eyes stare back at River, judging her and even after two years strike fear into her.  River got her revenge on the woman and Miranda, but she never found it healing and could only bury it down inside her to forget. River thought she had buried it deep enough inside her that it would never see the light of day again, but she was wrong and now it was time to deal with it. However, River had no idea how to do without involving Carol and Katherine, which was something she didn't want just yet. Seeing Carol come into the art room, River grabbed the roller and covered it with white paint to erase the portrait of the devil woman.

Carol was getting impatient at waiting for recess and seeing her Little one, got up and headed to the art room to pick up River.  

"I will be back soon Helen," Carol told her, passing by her desk on the way out.

Carol power walked to the art room desperate to see River and have her near her, missing River more than she thought Carol thought she would. Before entering the art room Carol took several deep breaths to calm herself and not arousing suspicion of an inappropriate relationship. Brad's accusations were fresh in her mind and already dealt with her former teachers because of her return, but they were happy when they found out River wouldn't be in their classes. She heard the whispers of why River was back at school if she wasn't attending classes besides art and home economics. Rachel had already pulled her aside, questioning the motives and had an unspoken warning to her. Carol didn't realise that it would be a problem, that it would be just accepted no questions asked and they would just go through until June without a problem. Maybe they would have to rethink this idea and they might need to be separated for now. Carol sighed and walked into the art room, hoping Sylvia wouldn't ask too many questions also River hadn't been difficult.

"Hello Carol, how can I help you?" Sylvia asked when she saw Carol.

"I need to have a chat with River, has she been good while in here?" Carol answered, hoping she would just accept that.

"She has been an angel; she has been focused on the portrait for the last two hours and I completely forgot she was here," Sylvia replied, looking over at her.

"I'm glad, the other students didn't have a problem with her being in here?" Carol asked, hoping there were no complaints.

"To be honest her being here made them behave themselves as River does have a reputation and is to be feared," Sylvia answered, hearing no complaints from anyone.

"So, you are in no rush to get rid of her," Carol replied, smirking at the thought.

"No, she is welcome to stay as long as she likes," Sylvia said, minding her own business about it all.

"Thank you, Sylvia," Carol answered, grateful she wasn't making a fuss.

The two women walked over to River, both excited to see her new masterpiece and were shocked to see a blank canvas.

"What happened to the beautiful portrait?" Sylvia asked, confused as to why River painted over it.

"I didn't like it and will start another one after recess," River answered, brushing it off. "I am better at landscapes anyway."

"Ok, I will see you after recess then," Sylvia replied, not pressing her about it.

"Yup. Is there something wrong Mrs Stephens?" River said, pretending she didn't know why the principal was there.

"I need to have a chat with you in my office, you aren't in trouble and just want to talk," Carol answered, making it sound casual.

"Sure, can we go so I don't take up too much recess time for you," River replied, feeling herself becoming little at being near her?

"Yes, I will catch up with you later Sylvia," Carol said, leading the way out of the art room.

They walk quickly away from the art room wanting the privacy of Carol's office, neither saying anything as they knew walls could talk and they didn't need gossip. River couldn't help but smile when she saw Helen.

"Don't even think about it," Carol said, loudly enough for both River and Helen to hear as they both had mischievous looks on their faces.

"Otay Mumma," River answered, only loud enough for Carol to hear.

Once they were in the office with the door closed Carol pulled River into her and hugged her tightly. River returned the hug and sighed as she was overwhelmed by Carol's touch and scent. Glad to be in her Mumma's arms, hanging on for several minutes and just enjoying the hug. A knock at the door made them part and River went over to Wolfie, who was crying at the sight of her mummy. River took her out of the crate and cuddled the little kitten, who purred loudly and kneaded at her. Katherine came into the room with a cooler bag, sitting on the couch and putting their food on the coffee table.

"Come eat Lil wolf, did you have a good morning?" Katherine said, seeing how her morning was and wanting her to eat.

"It was good, how was yours?" River answered, sitting down on the ground in front of the coffee table and taking a sandwich.

"It was ok, I missed you and Mumma and organised a meeting with my friend Vita," Katherine replied, leaving out the several visits of concerned teachers.

"Wez missed you and Mumma too," River said, between mouthfuls of sandwich and giving Wolfie chicken too. "Howz your morning Mumma?"

"It was ok Little one, I missed you and Mama and glad to be with you both," Carol answered, also leaving out certain things. "Wolfie has been good, eating, playing and napping."

"Lil wolf, we need to talk to you about some things and we need you to listen to us. Can you do that?"

Katherine asked, getting the ball rolling to discuss rules.

"Yes, Mama," River answered, wondering what was wrong.

"Thank you Little one. Mama and I were talking last night, and we thought that you should have rules to follow, which will give you structure and boundaries. We have written a list of rules, rewards and punishments and we would like to share it with you." Carol said, not sure how she would respond to it.

"Otay, wez lookz at itz." River answered, knowing this was coming and took the piece of paper Katherine offered her, reading it.

River's Rules

1. Bedtime at 8.30pm each night.

2. Must eat two healthy meals a day.

3. Naps at 1pm each day.

4. One hour of physical exercise a day.

5. Attend therapy sessions with Vita Smith a week.

6. Talk about your feelings and needs with Mumma and Mama.

7. Say one good thing about yourself a day.

8. Pick one self-care activity to do a day.

· Painting/Drawing/Colouring

· Reading

· Listening to music

· Cooking a meal

9. Spend recess and lunch with Mumma and Mama.

10. Come to Mumma or Mama when feeling little at school.

11. Look after Wolfie by feeding, cleaning up after and shopping for her.

12. Drink one bottle of water a day.

13. Shower every day and other personal cleaning needs.

14. Do the chores Mumma and Mama ask you to do.

· Make bed.

· Put laundry in a basket.

· Clean room

· Vacuuming

15. Be kind and respectful of others despite if you think less of them.

16. No coffee in little space.

17. No spending money without telling Mumma and Mama if it is over $50.

18. Always listen and obey Mumma and Mama.


Rewards are earned for completing rules on the list and good behaviour.

· Extended bedtime.

· Junk food one night a week.

· Movie nights or days with Mumma and Mama.

· Play dates with Gary.

· Access to phone, and computer.

· Television time.

· Going to concerts and conventions.

· Weekends at the beach.

· Buy things on wish lists.


· Timeout for five minutes.

· Five spanks for serious bad behaviour.

· No television time.

· No access to phone, and computer time.

· Writing lines.

· Write an apology letter.

River read through the list and couldn't really complain about the rules, well maybe being kind and respectful to others was a bit much. The rewards sounded cool and fair, though being taught self-control with spending was not ideal and having a spending limit didn't sound fair. The punishments were standard and tolerable, well except writing an apology letter was never going to happen. Carol and Katherine watched River read through the list, waiting for her response and thoughts on it. Carol smiled as River's eyebrows danced up and down as she read through it, trying not to laugh when she scowled at rule 15 and the writing of an apology letter punishment.

"I am happy to obey these rules except rule 15 and I won't apologise to anyone as they probably deserved it," River said, not being nice to idiots.

"If you are kind to people you wouldn't have to apologise to anyone. You need to learn tolerance River and not automatically point out they are idiots. Yes, they might be idiots, but just think it not say it." Carol answered, not budging on the rule and punishment.

"Fine, I will try to keep my thoughts to myself," River replied, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

"You are happy to obey and attend therapy once a week with Vita?" Katherine asked, needing to hear her say it.

"Yes, I will attend therapy with this Vita. When do we meet her?" River answered, reassuring them she would go to therapy.

"Thank you, she is coming after your nap, and I know I don't have to say it. But we need to be careful with Vita at first. I told her that Carol and I are dating, and we are concerned for you as our student. Are you ok with that Lil wolf?" Katherine said, hoping she wouldn't be upset.

"Yes, I'm fine with that and understand," River answered, not offended as she wanted privacy as well.

"Let's try some of the rules, like what is one thing that is good about you Little one," Carol said, putting the rules into practice.

"I am very good at fucking you both," River answered, looking very seriously at them.

"Agreed, but Lil Wolf it can't only be about sex," Katherine said, unable to fault her too much on her answer and trying another rule. "How are you feeling, and do you need anything?"

River groaned a little at having to share and say nice things about herself but would obey them as it was important to Carol and Katherine. She wanted to make them happy, and River knew she was emotionally constipated when it came to feelings and emotions. Understanding that she was in a relationship now River had to learn to be open with her feelings and thoughts, to include them in her inner monologue.

"I am feeling little because I am with you both and wish we were at home. Um...I don't know. Are you both going to follow the rules too and tell me things?" River answered, not really sure and wondering if it was a one-way thing.

"Would you like us to follow the sharing of our feelings and needs rules too?" Carol asked, not seeing a problem with that.

"Yes, I need to know things about you too," River answered, wanting them to feel safe sharing things too.

"We are happy to do that too Lil wolf. I wish we were home too, and I am worried about the talk going around as I have had some teachers talk to me about you and Mumma." Katherine replied, being honest and letting them know there was talk.

"I have had people questioning River being here too and we might have to rethink River only attending art and home economics," Carol said, sharing her concerns too.

"What are they saying, Kate and Carol?" River asked, suddenly on guard and out of little space.

"It was implied that you and Carol were in an unprofessional relationship, and I assured them as Carol's girlfriend, that nothing was going on between you. The reason you are still at school is because your parents wanted you to stay in school until June and knowing how everyone feels about River, we didn't want the teachers to put up with your behaviour. That is why you are only attending art and home economics as you like the subject and teacher. I suggested that we could get River to attend their classes as well but was told no thank you." Katherine answered, feeling that she solved the issue. "I think the issue is settled, but we still need to be careful and make sure the issue is solved."

"Give me a week in their classes and I will make them regret sticking their noses in our business," River said, hating them all.

"No, we won't be doing that," Carol answered, despite feeling the same way about it. "Thank you, Kitten, I've had a few unsolicited concerns as well. How would you feel about going to Ms McGill's English class?"

"Only if Gary comes to as I don't want him in a class with Chad," River said, happy to do it but only on that condition.

"Yes, I will transfer Gary to her class, I will tell Michael of the change and let Ms McGill know too," Carol answered, knowing that would be a condition.

"Thank you, Mumma. Well, I should get back to the art room, I will tell Gary of the change." River said, putting Wolfie back in the crate. "I will see you at lunch Mumma and Mama."

"Ok, Little one, but give me a hug and kiss to help me make it through to lunch," Carol answered, getting up.

River hugged her tightly before kissing her roughly, growling into her mouth as her body pressed into River's. Freddie twitched slightly at the passion and closeness and River pulled away before he became hard. River smirked as Katherine stood next to Carol and waited for her turn to be hugged and kissed by River. Katherine moaned loudly as River's tongue fucked her mouth and she squeezed her ass, giving it a light slap. River moved away from them as she felt Freddie hardening at their make-out session.

"Maybe at lunch, we could go for a drive?" River asked, wanting to fuck them both.

"I want that too Little one, but let's play it safe for today," Carol answered, wanting River to fuck her. "Go before I change my mind."

"I'm going," River replied, leaving before she changed her mind too.

"I've organised Vita to meet us both before she has her session with Lil wolf," Katherine told her, trying to distract her mind from sex.

"Ok, does she expect payment for the sessions?" Carol answered, also trying to distract herself.

"No, she is doing it for free as Vita has taken it as a challenge and thinks she can break River," Katherine replied, smirking at the thought.

"Did you bet her any money?" Carol asked, wondering if they had a bet on it.

"No money, but we bet our favourite alcohol. Vita's is a bottle of Glenfiddich 21-year-old Single Malt Scotch Whisky, which costs $288 a bottle. Mine is a bottle of 2010 Penfolds St Henri Shiraz, which costs $225 a bottle." Katherine answered, looking forward to her wine as no way she would break River.

"Wow, you both have very expensive tastes. May the odds be ever in your favour." Carol replied, knowing they are both screwed when River finds out.

"When you taste this wine, you will see it is worth it," Katherine said, remembering the taste.

"I hope you talk about more than the wine and whiskey," Carol answered, reminding her it was about River.

"Yes, I told her all about River from what you told me and my observations. I want River to get help and heal as well. To be honest, I hope Vita gets her to open up and I have to buy her the whisky, actually, I even bought it already." Katherine said, knowing that it was serious.

"Good Kitten, we might buy you that wine one day," Carol answered, wanting to reward her. "Off you go, I have work to do. I will see you at lunch."

Katherine pulled Carol in for a hug and kiss, both moaning as they kissed and both reluctantly pulling apart.

"Fuck, get out of here," Carol told her, slowly going insane with sexual frustration.

"We could close the door and have a little fun," Katherine answered, also feeling frisky.

"I can't believe I am saying this but no, I can wait until we are all together," Carol replied, not needing more talk about them.

"OK, I will see you at lunch," Katherine said, sighing and leaving for her office.

Carol sighed and went to her desk, hoping that her work would distract her from her horniness.

"Psst," Helen said as River came out of Carol's office.

"Hey, beautiful," River answered, going over to her.

"Seriously, you are flirting with me after what you did," Helen replied, scowling at her.

"I'm sorry, I knew you would understand under the circumstances," River said, understanding why she was pissed at her.

"Yes, but not the point, I missed you," Helen answered, admitting her affection for her.

"Really, so you want all this," River said, smiling slyly at her.

"You really need to stop begging me River, I won't sleep with you again and despite the sex being great I don't want to be with you," Helen answered, a glint in her eye and nodding her head slightly to tell River they had company.

"But Helen, I love you and I can't be without you, the way you spanked me with that riding crop is burned into my ass and memory," River said, feeling very mischievous. "Please give me another chance."

"No, it is over River," Helen answered, trying not to laugh.

"You are breaking my heart, but fine I won't be the pathetic loser who can't let go," River replied, storming off pretending to be crying.

River waited until she was far from Helen's desk to burst out laughing and realised that she would miss her when she left. Also, regretting not telling Helen she was leaving. Next time she won't make the same mistake and will say goodbye. However, River would make it up to her and have more moments like the one they just had together. River suspected that would be all around school by lunch, half excited to hear Carol and Katherine's response and half fearing it now there were rules.

"Finally, this separation sucks," Gary said when she sat next to him in the art room.

"We will be together in English, Mumma transferred you to McGill's class and then we will have three classes together," River answered, letting him know the good news.

"Good as Chad was staring daggers into me in English and got that smirk like he is planning something," Gary said, not trusting the arrogant asshole.

"He wouldn't dare now I am back, but just be careful and ring me if you hear anything," River answered, planning to fuck him up before they leave.

"Probably but it doesn't stop him from being a dick," Gary said, rolling his eyes.

"I know, I am so beating his ass before we leave," River answered, looking forward to it.

"Oh, I just remembered. We are coming with you in June, Daddy is letting me graduate without understanding it properly and he is letting me go to Oxford with you." Gary told her, excited that they would be together.

"Awesome, so you are taking a gap year too?" River answered, happy to hear that he was coming sooner.

"Yup, having a rest to get me into the right frame of mind. Daddy said that he and your mummies are helping me with my courses." Gary said, repeating what his Daddy told him.

"Of course, I will be helping you too," River answered, glad he would have lots of support.

"I know, but you will have your courses as well and will need help too," Gary replied, knowing she would and not wanting to burden her.

"It's ok Bud, I am glad you are happy and excited," River said, loving his excitement and happiness.

"Omfg, did you sleep with Helen?" Gary asked, looking at his phone as he got a message.

"Well, that went around a lot quicker than I thought and seriously you have an alert for gossip," River answered, laughing and curious about the gossip alert.

"Yeah, how else do you think I know the gossip to tell you," Gary replied, needing to know what was happening in the college. "So, you and Helen?"

"No, we were talking and Mr Leslie came over, so we decided to fuck with him. Little bitch took it in and then ran his mouth. But in saying that, I would've tapped that." River told him, very amused by it.

"Ew, she is like a hundred," Gary answered, a little sick at the thought.

"She is only in her 70s and she deserves some loving," River replied, not seeing her age as a bad thing. "Plus, it stops the talk about Mumma and me."

"You need Jesus," Gary said, shivering in disgust.

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