Red petal || KTH

By __NoorStory__

5.5K 361 218

The story follows the unexpected encounter between Mr. Kim Taehyung, the world's biggest business tycoon also... More

*PART 2*
*PART 3*
*PART 4*
*PART 5*
*PART 6*
*part 7*
*PART 8*
*PART 9*
*part 10*
*PART 11*
*PART 12*
*PART 13*
*PART 14*
*Part 15*
*PART 17*
*part 18*
*PART 19*
*PART 20*
*PART 21*

*PART 16*

402 16 8
By __NoorStory__

Is fate stronger than love or love stronger than fate

SANA's pov

Sana was busy in her work at the office when she received a call from an unknown number. Picking up the call, she asked, "Who is this?" The voice on the other end replied, "Baby girl!!" Sana's heart raced with fear as she recognized the voice from that dreadful night. The caller continued, "You were saved by Taehyung that night, but now he's in a pathetic situation. Who will save you this time?" Sana's eyes widened upon hearing Taehyung's name mentioned. With a trembling voice, she asked, "What do you want from me?" The caller responded with an evil laugh, saying, "That's not a bad question, baby girl, but you can't afford what I want. However, there's a way. Just be an obedient girl until I finish my game." Sana felt her body weaken as memories of that traumatic night flooded back, tears filling her eyes. She pleaded, "Can't you leave me alone? I just want peace." The laughter on the other end only intensified, as the caller declared, "No, baby girl, you are not an option; you are my priority for winning." Before Sana could respond, the call ended. She muttered to herself, "Don't you dare call me baby girl again with that filthy tongue of yours." Sana was really weak and frightened, It was clear that her trauma had hit her hardly .

She slowly rose from her chair and made her way to the adjacent room where she offered her prayers. Performing her ablution, she laid out her prayer mat and began her Sunnah prayers for peace. For Sana, prayer was a source of solace and strength. She cherished the moments she spent in conversation with Allah, knowing that He alone could understand her deepest thoughts and fears.

After completing her prayers and dikr, Sana raised her hands in supplication. Her heart ached as she recalled the events of that traumatic night. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her lips dry as she spoke,

"Ya Rabb, my only confidant, You know the depths of Your servant's despair. I find myself in a difficult situation, and I implore You, O Allah, to test me as You will, but preserve my purity. Grant me strength and surround me with Your protective shield, shielding me from all forms of harm. Test me with love, wealth, or beauty, but safeguard my purity, Ya Allah, until my last breath."    

Her eyes swelled with tears, her body trembling with emotion. She had once hoped to forget the events of that night easily, but it seemed that forgetting was not within her grasp.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of the door opening, she wiped away her tears and pretend as though nothing had happened. "Princess, I was searching for you everywhere," Salman's voice rang out as he entered the room. Recognizing her brother's voice, Sana put on a fake smile and turned to face him. "I felt the need to pray to my Creator randomly to ease my stress, so yeah, I was here," she replied.Salman nodded, but his keen brotherly instincts told him that something was amiss. "Princess, do you trust your oppa?" he inquired, his eyes searching hers for the truth. Sana innocently nodded, and Salman continued "You can tell me whatever is bothering you, and your oppa will fight for you," he assured her.Putting on a brave front, Sana maintained her fake smile. "You are such a nice brother, but trust me, your princess is fine," she replied, trying to reassure him. However, Salman could see through her facade, noticing the absence of her usual cheerful demeanor. "If that is the case, then where is my princess who loves banter and laughter? I could only see seriousness on your face," he pointed out. Struggling to contain her emotions, Sana hugged Salman tightly to hide her tears. "Wallahi, you are a great brother who notices every change in his sister. And of course, everyone changes when maturity hits them," she confessed, wiping away her tears, she slowly backed off from hug, Salman wore a pained smile. "I don't want you to be matured, because being a matured one isn't easy, Princess. Being matured means we will face too many trials," Sana nodded in understanding and spoke, "And of course, Allah's beloved servants pass those trials with sabr (patience)," , finding strength in her faith.With a gentle caress of her cheek, Salman reassured her of his unwavering support. "Don't trouble yourself. Just call oppa whenever you want, and we can face the trials together," he promised. Sana smiled through her tears, grateful for her brother's love and support, Salman bid her farewell, "princess let me take my leave, and take care yourself " sana smiled and nodded as she promised she will take care herself.

After Salman left, Sana took her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found Jungkook's number. She whispered to herself, "Maybe you will be that protective shield Allah granted for me." Recalling the moments when Jungkook stood by her side and protected her, she couldn't help but wish for him to be with her always. "Wallahi, I felt safe when he is around," she left a smile. With that, she saved his number as an emergency contact.

SALMAN's pov

Salman walked through the hallway of the company, and his eyes met Ameekha's. His heart pounded as he saw the face he longed for. Ameekha left a shy smile and walked away. Salman whispered to himself, "Aish, my melon, you have no idea how much I've longed to see you, and here you are, just smiling and passing by without a word." He sighed, realizing it had been too long since they had spoken after the reception night. Salman had promised her that he would pursue her in a halal way.

SANA's pov

Sana felt a little relief after performing her Sunnah salah. However, she was troubled knowing that Taehyung was in trouble. She pondered deeply and then made a dua: "Ya Rabb, I know it's not permissible to make a dua for a non-Muslim who engages in immoral behavior. But at least allow me to make a dua for him as an act of humanity. Please help him defend himself and guide him onto the right path."

then Sana received a call and upon answering, she heard, "Hello, this is from the counter. Mr. Salman informed you to retrieve file number 2304 from his car." Sana replied, "Yes, thank you for the information. I will fetch the file." After the call ended, she headed to down stairs. Arriving at the locker area, she retrieved the car's key and headed to the parking lot.

She opened the car and searched for the file, but to her dismay, there wasn't any file inside. Suddenly, she caught a whiff of a strange spray that made her feel lightheaded. Sensing danger, she quickly activated the SOS message on her phone, just as she had done that night, and placed her phone securely in her pocket to retain the location. And the very next moment she totally became unconscious.


Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the harsh light. He realized his hands were bound together. As he sat up, he saw Aron sitting nearby, with Hana on his lap.

Hana kissed Aron and then approached Taehyung with a smirk, gently caressing the wound on the side of his forehead. "Does it hurt, baby? You shouldn't have blown up my man's shoulder," she taunted. Taehyung glared at her with rage in his eyes and retorted, "Shut up you asshole. You have no idea what else I'm capable of."

Hana let out an evil laugh as Taehyung stood up in anger and attempted to put his tied hands around her neck. Aron rose from his seat, ready to shoot Taehyung, but Hana signaled for him to hold back. Taehyung demanded, "You better tell me who is behind this and what he wants, and that will be the end of the game. I won't harm you." Hana, gripping his arm tightly, responded, "There's nothing you can do, Kim Taehyung. You're the one who first ignited the fire, and it can't be extinguished so easily." Taehyung tightened his grip around her and threatened, "Just fucking spill it out, or else—" Aron interrupted him, saying, "Look who's here, Mr. Kim Taehyung." Taehyung turned to see Aron holding Sana at gunpoint, and Aron continued, "Every wrong move you make will cause the trigger to move, and within minutes, she'll be lifeless." Taehyung's heart began to race as he saw Sana in danger.

As Taehyung observed Sana's fear, he realized that being back in this building had triggered her trauma once again. Her eyes betrayed her intense fear, reminding him of the horrors she had experienced there. While Taehyung was grappling with his emotions, Hana seized the opportunity. She swiftly removed Taehyung's hands from her neck, turned them, and delivered a swift kick to his abdomen before retreating back to Aron's side.

Taehyung, falling to his knees in agony, groaned in pain and shouted in anger , "Stop this nonsense. Why involve Sana in our matters?" Aron responded coldly, "She's not insignificant; she's a key to our victory." Taehyung shouted, "Any harm to her, and you'll face the consequences!" Aron countered sharply, "Control your mouth, or she'll be dead."

Meanwhile, Sana trembled, her mouth trembling as she was already traumatized by remembering that night's events. Their shouts only made her more anxious, and she closed her eyes, whispering, "Ya Allah, please help me. Please send me my protective shield."

Taehyung found himself in a desperate situation, realizing that any wrong move could endanger Sana's life. With tension mounting, he frantically searched for his earpiece, eventually spotting it on the ground. Hastily picking it up, he placed it in his ear, attempting to connect with his team. However, little did he know , all his men had been defeated by Aron's men.

Frustrated, Taehyung shouted, "Just shoot me if I'm the one who caused the whole situation and leave her alone!" Surprisingly, he heard Aron laughing at his statement, and he heard, "If it's just about killing you, why wait until now?" Taehyung's anger erupted as he spoke, "Then what else do you need?"

Aron tightened his grip on Sana's neck and pressed his gun to the side of her forehead. He spoke, "Just wait and see how everything you value is destroyed in a vulnerable way." Sana's heart tore up hearing him, and she closed her eyes, thinking, "Please Jungkook, please come fast." At that moment, she heard Jungkook's voice as he kicked Aron, saying, "How dare you put your filthy hands on my twilight?" Jungkook threw him and picked up his gun, pointing it back at him. Sana freed herself. She felt safe when Jungkook was around. However, her trauma still haunted her like a bad memory.

Meanwhile, Taehyung stood up, seeing Sana is safe. He approached Hana and delivered punches with his tied hands, pinning her to the ground. "Women like you are the reason I disrespect women," he spoke, delivering a final punch that caused her to pass out. Jungkook then tied both Aron and Hana together.

Jungkook took a glance at Sana, knowing she was in a vulnerable state and needed to be taken out as fast as possible. He turned to Taehyung and spoke, "Let's go." Taehyung understood why he was rushing and replied after glancing at Sana, "Take her to the office and make sure she's fine." Jungkook raised an eyebrow and asked, "What about you?" Taehyung smirked and replied, "I have some tasks to do." Jungkook tapped his shoulder and walked towards Sana.

He gently held the hem of her dress and spoke, "Twilight, just follow me." She looked at him, hearing him give her a new name. She knew how carefully he handled things concerning her, so she trusted him and walked with him to his car as he guided her forward by holding the hem of her dress.

After making her sit, he closed the door and walked to the driver's seat. Sana was still plagued by flashbacks of her worst memories. To ease her pain and anxiety, she began reciting dhikr silently.

Jungkook noticed that she was whispering something, so he encouraged her to say it louder. Sana hesitated for a moment but then recited it louder: "Rabbi'shrah li sadri wa yassir li amri." Jungkook asked her to explain the meaning, and she replied with a gentle smile: "My Lord, bring tranquility to my heart and give me ease in my affair." Jungkook expressed relief, saying, "Now I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders." Hearing him a little smile escaped from her. Seeing her brighten up a bit, Jungkook drove them to the company.

Taehyung knelt down in front of Aron and Hana's bound figures and asked, "Any last words?" Aron replied, "You can defeat us, Taehyung, but you can't defeat our boss." Taehyung chuckled and retorted, "Your boss, huh? Well, I'll make sure to defeat him with all my power." Hana remained unconscious. Taehyung glanced at her and remarked, "I think this is how you should be. Your other self always annoys me." With a final smirk, he made his way to his car.

Opening the trunk of his car, he retrieved cans filled with gasoline and poured it everywhere, including every corner of the building. He approached Aron and Hana and poured it on them too. Aron cried out in anger, "Taehyung, this is not the end!" Taehyung grabbed Aron's chin and replied, "Leave it to me, I will put a full stop to it." After that, Taehyung walked outside the building and took a last glance. He declared, "This is where my red petal experienced her trauma, and I will burn those nightmares of yours, my red petal. I won't let anyone harm you. I will be your thorn. Let them face me before reaching you." With a smirk, he lit the lighter and threw it inside the building, causing a huge blast and arson. Taehyung left with a satisfying laugh as he watched his red petal's nightmares turning to ashes.

                            JUNGKOOK's pov

Sana was back at her office with Jungkook. Exhausted, she settled into a chair and rested her head, leaning on it. Jungkook quietly observed her, he knows she wants some rest. So he remained beside her, watching as she gradually drifted off to sleep. His gaze shifted to her iPad, where he found her designs for his new outlet and aircraft. A smile touched his lips as he remarked, "Your designs are amazing, Twilight, but they're quite different from my other outlets. I think you need to visit each one to understand Jeon's theme fully." Gently returning her iPad to its place, he turned his attention back to Sana, whispering, "Be safe, my Twilight. Whenever you're hurt, it feels like someone's choking me." He realized the depth of his attachment to her.

                        TAEHYUNG's pov

After a moment, Taehyung arrived at the company and headed straight to Sana's office, his love and concern for her evident in every action. He attempted to open the door, but it was locked, so he knocked, only to be greeted by Jungkook opening it. Confused, Taehyung inquired, "Are you still here?" Jungkook replied, "Come on, man, it's not time for your possessiveness. She needs company in her current situation." Rolling his eyes, Taehyung gently pushed past him and entered Sana's office. There, he found her drinking water. As she placed the bottle back on her desk, she asked, "Why are you here?" Taehyung's heart ached at her words as he replied, "I'm sorry. I'll make sure this won't happen again because of me." Sana maintained a calm yet cool demeanor as she responded, "I won't complain because it's my fate. But I want to make it clear: don't ever enter my office or place any red roses on my table. I'll forgive you for everything, so don't try anything to seek my forgiveness." Taehyung thought to himself, "Those roses weren't just a gesture to ask for forgiveness; they represented my love and care for you, my Red Petal." Just then, Sana approached him and declared, "I will work for you as an employee, and we will respect each other's decisions. As your employee, I'm warning you not to enter this office again. Just leave." Taehyung glanced into her grey eyes before turning to walk back to his office. As he passed Jungkook, they exchanged a silent reassurance that everything would be okay, and Taehyung left with a smile, hinting that he had other plans in mind. Taehyung entered his office and glanced at Sana through the glass, silently promising himself, "As you wish, I won't enter your office, but the roses of my love will be delivered on time." He couldn't help but smile to himself, determined to express his feelings in his own way.

                                  NEXT DAY

Taehyung visited a pet shop where a staff member approached him, asking, "How can I assist you, sir?" Taehyung replied, "I'm looking for a cat with golden fur, cute, and obedient." The staff member smiled and led him to where the cats were. As Taehyung walked among them, he spotted a tiny, adorable golden cat and exclaimed, "Hey buddy, how are you?" He noticed the name on the board and said, "Zoe, that's so cool, just like me." Chuckling to himself, he arranged the paperwork and officially became the owner of Zoe. After completing the paperwork and payment, he left the pet shop and headed to his company.

As Taehyung entered his company, he noticed everyone's attention drawn to the new addition - Zoe the cat. Making his way to his and Sana's office floor, he gently placed Zoe on the ground and said, "Look here, buddy, be obedient to your daddy." He attached a note to Zoe's neck and placed a rose in its mouth, making it look adorable. Taehyung instructed, "Now, you look really cute. It's time for you to obey your daddy. Just deliver it to my red petal and don't make any mistakes, okay?" He then opened the door to Sana's office and let Zoe run inside. Taehyung watched from his office as Zoe stood still, and he encouraged, "Come on, buddy, just walk to her." With a smile, he waited for Sana to notice Zoe's presence.

                                   SANA's pov

Zoe slowly approached Sana's foot, catching her attention. Sana noticed something moving under her table and leaned down to find the cute cat with a rose. Smiling, she greeted, "Hi, how did you end up here, cutie?" She gently picked up Zoe and placed her on her lap, noticing the note attached to her neck, she pondered, "What is this? A note?" Sana removed the note and read, "Missed me, baby? Don't worry, Zoe will deliver it to you every day." As she understood who was behind it she glanced at the glass to found Taehyung was already staring at her through the glass, she sighed, "This man is getting on my nerves." Taking the rose from Zoe, she walked to Taehyung's office with the cat and the rose.

She placed Zoe on his table along with the rose and spoke sternly, "Just stop it, Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung came near her and whispered in her ear, "You are too ungrateful, Red Petal. I'm letting go of my pride in front of you, and you don't give a damn about it." Sana retorted, "First of all, I won't appreciate your choice of words, and second, don't be too delusional." Taehyung lifted Zoe in his hands and addressed the cat, "See, Zoe, your future mommy isn't even considering your daddy." Surprised, Sana questioned, "What did you say?" Taehyung continued speaking to Zoe, "I think Daddy should put in more effort." Sana rolled her eyes and replied, "Are you kidding me, Mr. Kim? Don't dream of things that won't work." Taehyung gently placed Zoe on the ground and declared, "But I will show you how things work in love." Sana retorted, "There's something called fate, and fate is stronger than love." Taehyung smirked and approached her, stating, "I will prove you wrong that fate is stronger than love, And show you only love wins at the end." Sana sighed and walked back to her office, muttering to herself, "Don't even try, Taehyung. We have a huge wall between us."


Thank you for reading this chapter! In this part, we explored the complex dynamics between Sana, Taehyung, and Jungkook, as well as the ongoing challenges they face. Sana's trauma resurfaces, and she finds solace in her prayers and the support of her brother, Salman. Taehyung and Jungkook both strive to protect her in their own ways, showcasing their deep affection for her. Meanwhile, Taehyung's attempts to express his feelings through gestures like sending Zoe the cat with a rose continue to add tension to their relationship. Stay tuned for the next chapter to see how their story unfolds!

Love you my readers 🩷🩷

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