Bounded by Destiny

By Tam_hobi

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"Watch your tongue when you talk to my husband" - a single sentence that echoes through the realms of duty, l... More



102 7 43
By Tam_hobi

Greetings, my dear readers! How are all of you doing? I trust you're all well. I apologize for any delay in bringing you a new chapter, but fear not, for I have returned with fresh content. I hope the wait wasn't too long for you. Now, without further ado, let us delve into the latest installment of our story. Happy reading! 📖✨


As the sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow into the room, Jungkook stirred from his slumber with a sense of anticipation. It was a bright Saturday morning, a day free from the confines of school. Yet, as he blinked away the remnants of sleep and glanced beside him, he was met with an empty space where his husband should have been.

With a sigh, Jungkook realized that Taehyung was likely already at the office, immersed in his work. Despite it being the weekend, Taehyung's dedication to his job often led him to work long hours, earning him the title of a workaholic in Jungkook's eyes.

Pushing himself out of bed, Jungkook embarked on his morning routine, the familiar rituals offering solace in the face of Taehyung's absence. Freshened up and ready to face the day, he descended the stairs to find breakfast already laid out, courtesy of the thoughtful maid who had anticipated his arrival.

Settling into his seat at the table, Jungkook couldn't shake the loneliness that settled over him in Taehyung's absence. Summoning his courage, he finally inquired about Taehyung's whereabouts, his heart heavy with concern.

"Has Taehyung had his breakfast?" Jungkook asked the maid, hoping for reassurance.

The maid's response confirmed Jungkook's suspicions, and he nodded in understanding, grateful for her insight. Determined to make the most of the day, Jungkook decided to indulge in some relaxation, opting to watch movies on Netflix and unwind.

As lunchtime approached and Taehyung still hadn't returned home, Jungkook's concern deepened. Resolved to ensure his husband didn't go without a proper meal, he made a bold decision to visit Taehyung at the office, despite having done so only once before.

Heading to the kitchen, Jungkook sought guidance from the maid on Taehyung's favorite dishes. Armed with the knowledge that Taehyung loved kimchi, Jungkook set to work, carefully preparing a meal with concentrated and attention to detail.

As he cooked, Jungkook couldn't shake the nerves that fluttered in his stomach. Despite his uncertainty, he felt a deep-seated desire to ensure Taehyung felt good and cared for, even in his absence.

Finishing his culinary endeavor, Jungkook retreated to his room to prepare for his visit to Taehyung's office. Opting for a striking white silk shirt that accentuated his skin and ripped jeans that added a touch of casual charm, he couldn't help but wonder why he felt the need to dress up.

With the meal meticulously packed and his appearance perfected, Jungkook embarked on his journey, heart pounding with a mix of nerves and determination. Stepping into the waiting car, he braced himself for the encounter that lay ahead, unsure of what awaited him at Taehyung's office.

Arriving at the imposing office building, Jungkook took a moment to gather his resolve before stepping inside. As he approached the reception counter, he was met with the sight of a new face, a polite smile gracing her features as she recognized him as the boss's husband.

"Hello, Mr. Kim," she greeted, her voice warm with familiarity as she extended a welcoming gesture.

Returning the smile, Jungkook reciprocated the polite greeting, his curiosity piqued but interrupted as the receptionist spoke up once more, her tone carrying a hint of caution.

"Boss is on the third floor, in his office," she informed him, her words tinged with concern. "But be careful, Mr. Kim. He's not in the best mood right now."

Taken aback by the unexpected warning, Jungkook nodded in understanding, his mind swirling with questions as he rode the elevator to the third floor. Each ding of the passing floors only served to intensify his apprehension, leaving his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to face whatever awaited him.

Stepping out onto the third floor, Jungkook approached Taehyung's office door with hesitant determination. Just as he raised his hand to knock, the sound of Taehyung's raised voice echoed from within, sending a shiver down Jungkook's spine.

"CAN'T YOU DO A SINGLE THING PROPERLY? HOW THE HELL DID YOU MESS THIS UP AFTER THREE MONTHS OF WORK?" Taehyung's voice boomed, filled with frustration and anger.

Summoning all his courage, Jungkook knocked softly on the door, his heart racing as he waited for a response. Taehyung's command to enter came with a forcefulness that made Jungkook's nerves spike even further.

Opening the door, Jungkook was met with the sight of Taehyung, his expression initially contorted with anger. However, as his gaze landed on Jungkook, his features softened, a flicker of surprise crossing his face.

"Bub, you're here?" Taehyung's voice was gentler now, the anger dissipating in the presence of his husband.

Nodding in response, Jungkook felt a rush of relief wash over him, though his apprehension still lingered. Before he could fully process the situation, Taehyung's attention shifted to the assistant in the room, his tone sharp and commanding.

"Get out," Taehyung ordered, his voice leaving no room for argument. The assistant, a new addition to the office in Yoongi's absence.

As the assistant departed, Jungkook couldn't help but notice the simmering anger in her eyes, directed towards him. Taehyung's next words broke through the tension, drawing Jungkook's attention back to his husband.

"Come, love," Taehyung beckoned, his voice softer now as he gestured for Jungkook to approach.

As Jungkook obediently made his way toward Taehyung, his gaze inadvertently swept to the side, catching sight of the assistant. Observing her attire, Jungkook couldn't help but notice the revealing dress she wore, accentuating her curves and exposing her skin. A sudden pang stirred within Jungkook, an inexplicable feeling that unsettled him and ignited a flicker of irritation, though he couldn't quite decipher its origin.

Before Jungkook could take another step, chaos ensued as the assistant deliberately tripped on her heels, colliding with Taehyung and causing him to lose his balance. Reacting on instinct, Jungkook swiftly moved forward, pulling the assistant away from Taehyung and guiding her to the ground to prevent further harm.

As the girl groaned from the impact, Jungkook's anger flared at the sight of her provocative attire. With a determined motion, he positioned himself between Taehyung and the assistant, silently declaring his loyalty and protection for his husband.

Observing Jungkook's jealousy, Taehyung couldn't suppress a smile of joy at witnessing this new side of his husband. He got the urge to see more, He extended his hand to help the assistant up, but Jungkook intercepted, pushing Taehyung's hand away and wrapping himself around Taehyung in a protective embrace.

With a steely glare directed at the assistant, Jungkook's voice rang out with authority, "Can't you understand? Get out of here."

Though unable to contain her own frustration, the assistant begrudgingly complied, storming out of the room in a fit of anger.

Observing Jungkook's protective stance, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and admiration for his husband's unwavering devotion. Before he could express his gratitude, Jungkook cut him off with a stern reprimand.

"What do you think you were doing?, Have you seen how she was looking at you?"

Jungkook's voice was laced with concern as he questioned Taehyung's actions.

Taehyung, ever the tease, couldn't resist the opportunity to playfully banter with his husband. "When I have you, how can I see others?" he replied, his tone playful yet affectionate.

Jungkook's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at Taehyung's flirtatious remark. "She was practically drooling over you, Mister Kim Taehyung," he retorted, his tone tinged with a hint of jealousy.

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's adorable display of protectiveness, his smirk betraying his amusement. "Is my husband perhaps feeling a little jealous?" he teased, enjoying the playful banter between them.

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook dismissed Taehyung's teasing with a huff. "Why would I be jealous? I was just saving you from her," he replied, though the faint blush on his cheeks hinted otherwise.

Taehyung's smirk widened at Jungkook's response, his playful demeanor unfaltering. "Trust me, doll, if you rolls back at me again, I'll show you a whole new way to see stars," he quipped, his words carrying a hint of flirtatiousness.

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, Jungkook teased back, "There goes your flirty side, rising by the second."

Taehyung chuckled in response, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Trust me, princess, my flirtatiousness isn't the only thing that's rising," he replied, his tone filled with playful innuendo.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a pang of unease as Taehyung's flirtatious banter continued. "Hyung, please stop," he stammered, playfully hitting Taehyung's chest in a feeble attempt to deflect his advances.

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's response, his laughter filling the room as he relented. "Alright, alright," he conceded, amusement dancing in his eyes. "So, what brings my lovely husband to my office today?" he inquired, his tone affectionate.

Jungkook's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and adoration as he replied, "I made you lunch."

Taehyung's heart swelled with affection at Jungkook's thoughtful gesture. "You made it?" he exclaimed, genuinely touched by his husband's efforts.

With a nod, Jungkook confirmed, prompting a warm smile to grace Taehyung's lips. "Shall we eat together then?" he suggested, his tone filled with warmth.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before responding, "I brought it just for you."

Taehyung's smile widened at Jungkook's words. "That's okay, we can share," he assured, his love for Jungkook shining through in his gaze.

After enjoying their lunch together, Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a gentle smile. "Would you like to go home, bub?" he asked, his tone soft and caring.

"No, I want to stay with you," Jungkook replied, his concern evident in his voice.

Taehyung nodded understandingly. "Alright, then you can sit here beside me while I finish up," he suggested, wanting to reassure Jungkook.

As Jungkook settled into the chair beside Taehyung, a sudden knock at the door interrupted their moment. Taehyung granted entry with a casual "Come in," his attention focused on the task at hand.

To Jungkook's dismay, it was the assistant who entered the room, her presence stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within him. As she approached Taehyung with an apology, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort.

Suddenly, an impulsive urge surged through Jungkook, and without a second thought, he moved to Taehyung's lap, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his lips to Taehyung's neck in a possessive gesture.

As Jungkook's impulsive action took Taehyung by surprise, he couldn't help but be touched by his husband's display of affection. Embracing Jungkook in his arms, Taehyung held him close, feeling the warmth of their bond enveloping them both.

With Jungkook nestled against him, Taehyung calmly accepted the file from Assistant Yui, his attention still focused on his work. "You can leave now, and starting tomorrow, you are dismissed," he stated firmly, his voice unwavering despite the intimate moment with Jungkook.

Yui, unable to hide her embarrassment and regret, attempted to plead for another chance, promising never to repeat her mistake. However, Taehyung's patience had worn thin. "Get out before I call security," he declared, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

With her dignity on the line, Yui hurriedly made her exit, fleeing from the room in a state of shame and haste. Taehyung remained unfazed by her departure, his focus returning to Jungkook, who still lingered in his embrace.

Despite the tense encounter, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as he sensed Jungkook's smile against his neck.


Alright, my lovely readers, I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. Now, let's delve into a discussion about Jungkook's evolving attitude towards Taehyung. Do you think this change will continue to progress further? I'm eager to hear your thoughts and opinions. Please share your comments below, and let's engage on it. As always, stay tuned for the next chapter, which I will deliver to you as soon as possible. Take care for now 🌷✨

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