Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

By smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... More

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Six : Missing
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Two: Hate
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers

Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes

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By smile_arigatou

"My, it is such a beautiful day out."

"That it is," Theo agreed with his wife as he pulled her in by her waist. "London is really not that bad of a place."

Sebastian and Anne came up and took their arms excitedly. "We're so thankful you brought us on this trip," Anne exclaimed.

"We feel so fortunate to be included," Sebastian added.

Sabrina watched the scene and felt a stab in her heart. The way the Sallows were being so friendly with Minerva and Theo made her feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

"You're part of the family!" Minerva smiled at them. "Now, let's go. We have to reach the train before it leaves."

The group then turned and began walking down a dark alley, away from the bright bustle of the city and towards a part of town that was older and unfriendly. Sabrina had been here before but... where?

"And there it is!"

Sabrina looked up and froze. St. Joseph's Orphanage looked even darker and more suffocating than she remembered it. "What are we doing here?" she demanded.

No one paid her any attention until they were finally in front of the gate. "Here's your stop, Sabrina."

The girl felt ready to hyperventilate. It was here Sabrina finally noticed herself. Where her parents and the Sallows were dressed in fancy silk traveling outfits, Sabrina was wearing a thin plain cotton dress like the one she had been made to wear at the orphanage. She looked down and saw her hands were covered in soot, and her hair color was darker and grimy looking.

When Sister Mary walked out towards the gate, Sabrina turned to her mother. "No, you can't!"

"My sweet girl," Minerva spoke, her words as haunting as ever. "I know this is a lot. You never asked for this. And I'm so, so sorry that I have to do this. But this is for the best."

"One day you'll understand," Theo added. "But they'll take good care of you here."

"No, please!" Sabrina screamed. "They'll kill me!"

"It will be fine. And don't worry about us. We'll have the twins to look after. And Ominis."

Sabrina looked up and finally noticed her boyfriend standing with the twins, who were smiling triumphantly at her. "Ominis," she called out. "You can't. Please don't leave me!"

Ominis' face was stoic and emotionless. "Perhaps now I can finally move on and live my life," he said. "Someone like me wasn't meant to marry a pauper."

Sabrina tried to run towards him, but she felt the cold, harsh hand of Sister Mary on her shoulder pulling her back. "You impudent girl! You are unnatural, you are wicked! It's no wonder your mother is leaving you again on your doorstep!"

As she said that, Minerva turned her back to Sabrina and walked towards Theo and the others.

"No, wait, please don't leave me!" Sabrina screamed again.

"Now we can start over," Theo smiled. "With the family we've always wanted."

Minerva put a hand on Ominis' cheek, oblivious to Sabrina's cries. "We'll do anything for you children. Now, let's get going."

"MUM! DAD!" Sabrina was wailing and fighting to go after them, but Sister Mary's touch prevented her from doing so. "STOP! PLEASE! COME BACK!"

Finally, Minerva turned back to Sabrina and gave her one last smile. "Goodbye, sweet girl. Stay in the dark where you belong."


"Lewis! Hey, Sabrina!"

The hands weren't letting her go. The darkness was closing in.


"Move, Sallow!"

She felt a sharp pain whip across her face, finally allowing her to wake up and open her eyes. Standing above her stood Imelda and the rest of the Slytherin sixth year girls, all looking at her with deep looks of worry and concern.

Anne stood frozen and pale before she tried reaching out. "Sabrina–"

Sabrina was shaking. The images were still as vibrant as they had been a moment ago, and her mind wouldn't stop shouting the horrible things that had been said. She didn't give her classmates time to ask any questions before she was pushing Imelda off of her. The looks from the girls and darkness from the burned out fireplace was suffocating, and her heart was beating so harshly against her chest she felt she had no choice but to run.

So she ran out of the dorm room and out of the Slytherin Common Room and into the darkness of the castle.

Sabrina wound up in the Room of Requirement, but her mind wouldn't allow her to fall asleep. How could she when all she saw behind her eyelids was the scene replaying over and over again in her mind?

Her mother and father turning their backs on her. Anne and Sebastian ignoring her completely. And Ominis... he left her. He had made it so clear that he no longer wanted her. THat she was not worth staying for after all.

Why would he want you? Sabrina's mind was screaming at her as tears fell again onto the pillow she was clutching. You are plain and poor and nothing! He deserves better than you! They all do! They don't want you!

Sabrina didn't even hear the door to the Room open until she noticed footsteps rushing towards the bed she was on. She heard the person stop running once they reached the end of the hallway, and then they were walking to her. "Sabrina?"

She buried her face further into the pillow.

A few seconds later, she felt the mattress dip as Ominis lay down beside her. He put a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed. Sabrina instantly tensed up. "My dear, what happened?"

"Nothing," she sniffled.

"No, don't keep me out like this. I can clearly see–"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Ominis sighed and moved his hands gently down Sabrina's back in an attempt to comfort her. "Did... did I do something? Or Sebastian or Anne?"

Sabrina clutched harder onto the pillow.

"Sabrina, talk to me."

She closed her eyes to try and stop the tears from falling again, but it didn't help and she felt the loneliness and despair wash over her again.

Ominis gently wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest in a small attempt to protect her. "My dear, please," he begged. "Please, let me help you."

Sabrina sniffled again before she finally found her voice. "You left me."

She felt Ominis stop at her words. "What?"

"In my nightmare. You and Sebastian and Anne and... and my parents.... You all left me." The words were so painful for Sabrina to say, she felt like her chest was going to cave in. "You left me at the orphanage, Ominis, and I couldn't do anything!"

"Shh," Ominis whispered as he turned her around to face him. "Sabrina, you know there is nothing in this world that would make me abandon you."

"But what if they do?" Sabrina asked in between sobs. "What if Minerva and Theo leave me? They said they wouldn't, but they did it before."

Ominis' grip on her tightened. "They won't. Trust me."

She sighed against him. "I'm trying...."

The way she spoke those words made Ominis finally fully understand.

It didn't matter what she knew now about her parents because Sabrina's demons were still haunting her. The pains of her as a child cut and manifested so deep that she couldn't fully believe what Minerva and Theo told her, even if her logical brain tried to tell her otherwise. Sabrina's trust was shattered, and nothing Ominis said could fix that.

He finally felt Sabrina begin to fall asleep in his arms, but Ominis stayed wide awake, holding her close to him as he tried to think of a way to help.

"Are you alright, Ominis? You've been quiet all morning."

Ominis turned in Sebastian's direction slightly, seeing his friends' concerned face as they ate breakfast. "I am fine," he explained. "I'm just tired."

Sebastian frowned. "From Sabrina last night? What happened?"

"She had a nightmare about her parents," Ominis plainly explained. "Or rather, she had a nightmare that we all abandoned her."

Sebastian sat in silence for a minute as he thought. "I wonder if there's something her parents can say or do to reassure her."

As he said that, a thought suddenly crossed Ominis' mind. "Sebastian, what are you and Anne going to do once school ends for the term?"

"Well, we have to go to Feldcroft and take care of the house," his friend began. "We want to sell it, but we have to figure out the property paperwork Solomon left behind. After that, I'm not sure."

"Did Mr. and Mrs. Lewis invite you over for the summer?"

"Yeah, they did. I told them we would have to think about it."

"As did I," Ominis replied thoughtfully. The pair were quiet for a moment before Ominis spoke again. "Do you think perhaps we've taken advantage of their hospitality?"

Sebastian shrugged. "I mean... they say they don't mind, but perhaps they just take pity on us orphans."

Ominis scoffed. "I don't think that's quite it, either."

They were silent for another tense minute. "Why do you ask?"

Frowning, Ominis sighed and shrugged. "I'm not sure myself. I guess I'm just trying to find a way to help Sabrina." As he said that, he watched Anne walk into the Great Hall alone, and he was glad that Sabrina seemed to still be asleep.

Anne sat down in front of the boys and began to grab some bacon and toast. "I just heard a rumor that one of the teachers is retiring."

The boys looked up at her in shock. "What?" Sebastian exclaimed in disbelief. "Who?!"

"I'm not sure," Anne went on. "Aurelia just heard that they're beginning to interview for replacements. I'm wondering if it's Hecat. She looked very frail last class."

"But they can't replace Hecat!" Sebastian protested. "She's the best teacher we've got!"

Anne only shrugged. "I know. I'm worried about who Black will find to replace any of our teachers. Especially with our N.E.W.T exams next year." It was here that Anne finally noticed the long look on Ominis' face. "What is it?"

"We were talking about what we're doing when school ends in two weeks," Sebastian answered simply.

Anne looked back at Ominis. "I assumed you were going to Sabrina and her parents."

Ominis looked at her. "I suppose that's the most sensible answer. But..."

"But?" Anne asked, raising her eyebrows.

Before Ominis could elaborate, the bells began to ring and signal the beginning of morning classes. "I'll explain later," Ominis told Anne before he stood up.

Sebastian rushed down to the Beasts Classroom as soon as he was done with his morning classes. He knew that Poppy would already be down here, and sure enough he found her feeding the kneazles in a pen near the professors' hut. Quietly, Sebastian approached Poppy before snaking his arms around her waist.

Poppy jumped in shock but giggled when she realized who it was. "You scared me!"

"That's the point," Sebastian grinned into her neck. "I like surprising you."

"Oh?" Poppy turned around in Sebastian's arms to run her fingers through his hair. "Does that mean I need to stay on my guard?"

"Always," Sebastian said instantly. Before she could say anything, Sebastian leaned down and overlapped his lips with hers. "Merlin, you're so sweet. What am I going to do without you for the summer?"

Poppy's smile dwindled.

"What is it?" Sebastian asked nervously.

"Well," Poppy began. "I haven't told Gran about... us."

Now it was Sebastian's turn to be surprised. His stomach dropped. "Why?"

Poppy looked down nervously as her face reddened. "I never really... got along... with others before," she began. "Growing up, I was always picked on or mocked or taken advantage of. It's a big part of why I gravitate towards animals for company. She's very protective of me, and I'm worried she may not like it when I tell her you're courting me."

Sebastian frowned as he listened to her talk about being bullied. Suddenly, a darker thought crept in. "Is it... is there something wrong with me that you feel like you can't tell her?"

Her eyes widened. "No! Sebastian, it's not like that at all! I... I'm just not good at this."

He leaned in to press his forehead against hers. "Well, you have to tell her eventually," Sebastian said. "We've been together for half a year. If you don't tell her soon, she's bound to hear it from someone else eventually."

"I know," Poppy groaned before she found herself laying her head on his chest. "And I will. I just wish I was brave like you."

At this comment, Sebastian felt himself tense up again. "What do you mean by that?"

Poppy shrugged. "Well, you helped me rescue Highwing, you fought poachers with me, you helped protect your sister from goblins. You're incredibly brave."

Listening to Poppy list off her reasons, Sebastian suddenly felt like a fraud. No... he felt like such a liar. He wasn't brave, or even good by any standards. If only Poppy knew....

"You foolish, selfish boy! Your father would be ashamed! Makes no sense to drag her all the way to London to die when she can just do that here. And then, she can be buried next to you. The pair of you are selfish, insignificant, brats!"

"I won't let her suffer! AVADA KEDAVRA!"


The boy flinched, snapping out of his mind when he saw that Poppy was looking up at him, her hazel eyes lined with concern. Sebastian hadn't even realized he had spaced out or was shaking until he felt his body begin to calm down.

"Are you alright?" Poppy asked.

"Fine," Sebastian lied quickly. He tried desperately to clear his mind. "I, uh.... I won't be able to spend time with you tonight. Ominis asked Anne and I to go with him to Upper Hogsfield. Can you do me a favor and distract Sabrina while we're gone?"

Poppy was studying him, and after a moment she finally nodded. "Okay," she said. "Be careful."

Selfishly, Sebastian moved forward to kiss Poppy his response.

The three students hadn't told Sabrina that they were leaving to visit her parents that afternoon after class. Ominis knew that she would not approve of what they were doing, but he knew this conversation had to be done without her.

Minerva and Theo seemed slightly surprised to see them, but they warmly let them inside before Minerva put a pot of water on the fire to make tea. "I apologize that we were not expecting you," she said as she pulled out some bread for everyone to munch on.

"It's my fault for not reaching out beforehand," Ominis explained. "But I felt like this conversation could not wait."

Everyone sat down as the air became serious. Ominis was about to start his conversation when the tea kettle began to scream, so he instead waited until Minerva was done pouring everyone tea before he started. "First, I want to thank you both for inviting Corvina and I to spend the summer holiday with you both."

Minerva smiled. "Your mother wanted us to take you in. It's our honor, Ominis."

"I know.... However, I would like to decline your offer."

Theo and Minnie stopped and looked at him surprised. Sebastian and Anne looked at each other nervously before they watched their friend, waiting for him to continue.

"Sabrina has been... struggling, to put it nicely," Ominis continued. "Her nightmares have returned, and her feelings of abandonment and loss still have not healed. There is only so much that I can do to help her. So while I love and appreciate that you consider my sister and I a part of your family, I feel like it would be better for Sabrina if she were to have time with you alone."

He saw Minnie's eyes begin to water slightly when Ominis explained his case. "She still doesn't trust us?"

"I believe she does," Ominis said. "Logically, she knows that you would not do what has been done in the past. But... the dark part of her mind keeps telling her otherwise."

Theo cleared his throat. "But what about you? Where will you three go?"

Sebastian spoke up. "We still need to figure out what to do with the house in Feldcroft," he explained. "Solomon left Anne the property when he died."

"I have no intention of keeping it," Anne added. "So that's what we'll be doing this summer."

"And I plan to help them." Ominis looked up at Minerva and Theo. "I hope you understand."

Minerva sighed. "Of course we do," she said. "But that still doesn't mean we cannot be sad about it. Having the four of you kids around reminded us of when we were younger. We felt like we were able to begin healing ourselves."

"It actually helped my memories to return," Theo told them. "But... I will admit, it would be nice to have time to be with Sabrina."

Ominis smiled softly at them. "You deserve the chance to get to know her. And she deserves the opportunity to know who you two are as well. The only way you will get better as a family is if it really is just the three of you."

Minerva and Theo looked at each other before they nodded. "Alright," she said. "But if you three need anything, we'll be here. You are a part of this family now too."

Theo looked at Ominis. "However, I still expect to be asked when you plan to ask for my daughters' hand in marriage."

The blonde boy nodded. "Yes, sir. And I hope that when that day comes, I'll have your blessing."

Anne rushed up the stairs to the observatory two steps at a time before she saw Aurelia's bright red hair contrasted against the starry sky. "I hope you weren't waiting long," she told her.

Aurelia turned to her. "Not too long," she replied. "You were in Upper Hogsfield longer than I thought you would be."

"We were talking to Minnie and Theo," Anne explained.

Her girlfriend looked at her anxiously. "And?"

Anne sighed. "Ominis thinks it's best to give them space."

"What do you think?"

"I think Ominis has his work cut out for him when he talks to Sabrina."

Aurelia chuckled. For a moment, the two girls stood in silence and watched as more and more stars came out to peek through the night as the sky darkened. After a while, Anne found that she was no longer watching the stars and instead chose to watch as Aurelia's cheeks turned pink with the cool air.

Finally, the Ravenclaw girl turned to her. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Have I ever told you that I love you?"

Anne's question caught Aurelia completely off guard. As she looked away, Anne saw that another darker blush had crept onto her face. "Actually... no, you haven't," Aurelia answered finally.

Moving closer, Anne pulled Aurelia's face up so her gaze met the beautiful blue eyes that made her heart skip a beat since that first potions class. "I love you, Aurelia Keene," Anne said softly, her own heart beating wildly in her chest as the words warmed her.

Aurelia stared back at Anne before she was smiling brightly at her. "I love you, Anne Sallow."

Anne couldn't stop the elated expression from overcoming her face before she leaned in to kiss her.

Ominis wasn't quite sure how to address the conversation with Sabrina without getting her upset. He knew that she would be, especially since he went behind her back to talk to Minerva and Theo without her. She would argue and tell him he was being ridiculous and that she was fine and definitely not a child that needed decisions made for her.

And after a careful examination, Ominis could confirm that Sabrina was indeed not a child. She was breathtaking and beautiful and soft, and not just in how she looked physically. She was strong and caring and so incredibly smart and clever that it put most all the other Slytherins to shame.

But Sabrina was also stubborn. Ominis knew he was walking into a fight.

He walked into the empty common room that night after returning from Upper Hogsfield and was hoping that Sabrina was already asleep. However, when he reached the main floor and looked towards the fireplace, he saw her familiar brown waves sitting on the couch facing the fire. When she heard him come in, Sabrina's bright chocolate colored eyes met his and she smiled. "Hello, Ominis."

He smiled at the familiarity of her greeting. "Hello, my dear. May I sit with you?"

Sabrina grinned and moved over slightly so Ominis could sit down next to her. As soon as he was sitting, Sabrina moved back closer to him until she was wrapped in his arm and laying her head on his chest comfortably.

Ominis leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her head, taking in her smell of flowers and clean linen as his hands instinctively moved up her arms to feel up to her shoulders. He chuckled when he saw her wearing that same old green sweater she seemed intent to never get rid of. And even though it fit her perfectly, Ominis never quite understood just how a simple piece of clothing could be so important to her.

"You were gone a long time," Sabrina said after a long time of comfortable silence.

"I was," Ominis said. "I'm sorry if I made you worry."

Sabrina shook her head slightly. "I'm just worried about Marvolo still out there."

Ominis' grip tightened. "Marvolo is a coward. He won't come after me unless he knows he has a chance to win. And as long as I'm with you or Sebastian, I don't think he'll come for me yet."

She sighed. "I hope you're right. Plus, with Theo around this summer, I don't think Marvolo will try to start anything against an Auror."

Ominis tensed and his thumb that had been stroking her shoulder froze.

Sabrina noticed immediately, and a few seconds later she was sitting up to look at him. "What is it?"

Her gaze seemed to burn uncomfortably into Ominis, and he had to look away in order to answer her. "I'm not coming with you this summer."

Ominis felt Sabrina's shock even if he wasn't looking at her. "What?!" she gasped incredulously. "What do you–? You're.... What do you mean you're not coming?!"

Ominis finally looked up and saw the hurt and surprise in her dark brown eyes. He took a deep breath and carefully explained. "Sebastian needs my help over the summer to take care of the house in Feldcroft. He wants to sell it, and he thinks I'll be able to help him sort the paperwork needed for it. And...." He mentally braced himself for this next statement. "I also think giving you and your family some time alone would be good–"

"Ominis, you are my family!"

"Your parents agreed with me. That's where I was this evening."

"Oh, so you just decided to make another decision like this without me?!" Sabrina stood up and began to pace.

"Sabrina, I know you are struggling–"

"I'm not weak!"

Ominis had now stood up as his own frustration rose. "I never said you were!"

"You promised you weren't leaving me," Sabrina exclaimed as tears started to come to her eyes. "What am I supposed to do without you?!"

"Sabrina, would you listen for once? This does not mean I am leaving you!"

"Well you could have fooled me," she said harshly before turning around to head to the girls dormitories.

Ominis felt a harsh stab of panic. "Where are you going?!"

Sabrina turned sharply. "Since you want to give me space, I guess we'll just start now!"

Quickly, Ominis ran after her. "No, Sabrina wait!"

She was faster. Before Ominis even reached the iron stairs, Sabrina was up the steps and nearly slammed her door behind her.

That next morning, instead of going to Charms, Sabrina decided to spend some morning time meditating in the Transfiguration Courtyard. It had always been one of her favorite quiet places to think, and since the sun had begun to finally warm the air, the weather was perfect for relaxing and thinking.

Especially for thinking about how foolish she had been the night before.

After she had slammed the door on him, Sabrina instantly began to feel bad. Blowing up on Ominis wasn't going to change his mind about not joining her for the summer holiday, but she still couldn't understand why, even after all this time, he never talked to her about the big decisions.

No matter how many times she complained, he was still trying to protect her. Sabrina couldn't help but wonder if Ominis would ever keep her from the dark or if he would continue to be as protective and hard-headed as he was now.

And Sabrina was still genuinely worried about Marvolo. He was bound to go after Ominis or Corvina sooner or later, and what if they couldn't protect themselves? What if she or Sebastian wasn't there to help them? Sabrina would never forgive herself if something happened to them.

But despite all of that, the worst and most frustrating part of this was that she knew Ominis was right. Sabrina had been looking forward to spending time with her parents, and spending time with them without anyone else would be a good idea for her to learn about them and appreciate her family more.

Sabrina would never admit to Ominis that she was wrong, though.

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

Sabrina opened her eyes from her sun bath and turned to see her mother walking towards her wearing one of her nicer looking dresses. As Minerva sat down next to her, Sabrina replied. "I didn't feel like going to class today."

"Ah," Minerva said. "Now, how on earth will you get Head Girl if you're not attending class?"

Sabrina almost scoffed. "Head Girl? Me? I should think not."

Minerva laughed. "That used to be something my mother would say to me," she explained. "Whenever I wanted to skip class or take it easy for a day, I would hear her voice chastising me like that. She was Head Girl, you see. As was Miriam. As was Eleazar and my father. So, naturally–"

"You had to be too," Sabrina finished.

"Looking back on it, I wish I hadn't been so hard on myself," Minerva explained. "I could have enjoyed my last year here."

"But... you got together with Theo your seventh year," Sabrina remembered. "It couldn't have been all that bad."

Minerva smiled at the memory. "You're right about that." She turned to face her daughter. "Now, why are you sitting out here instead of going to class?"

Sighing, Sabrina explained. "Ominis told me that he talked to you yesterday about him not spending the summer with us. And... I got mad at him. Not because I don't want to spend time with you and Theo, because I do. He's right, of course. Having time alone with you will be good. But I just wish that he would stop making decisions for me. I want to be included."

"Have you told him that?"

Sabrina frowned and sheepishly answered. "Not in so many words."

"Communication is important," her mother said. "If you don't communicate how you feel properly, how can you expect anything to change?"

The girl sighed again. "You're right. God, I hate admitting that."

Minerva laughed. "Stubborness is a family trait."

A thought finally crossed Sabrina's mind, finally allowing her to study Minerva. "What are you doing here? It's odd for you to be at Hogwarts."

"Oh," Minerva smiled. "Well, I just came by to have tea with Professor Weasley to congratulate her on her promotion."

"Promotion? But she's the–" As Sabrina was saying it, the answer came to her immediately. "Wait, Black is the one leaving?"

"It seems that he has come under some scrutiny as headmaster for allowing certain... abuse... to happen almost under his nose," Minerva explained. "A lot of purebloods disagree with how the Gaunt family treated their children at Hogwarts, especially since everyone knows the truth now about what happened to Noctua and Oliver."

As much as Sabrina wanted to feel bad for her headmaster, she couldn't find herself to be actually that upset. "But if Weasley is Headmistress, who will teach her class? Will she still teach Transfiguration?"

Minerva's smile faded slightly. "Well... now that you mention it...."

Sabrina felt her heart skip rapidly. "Did she offer it to you?"

"She did."

Sabrina was happily surprised. "That's incredible!"

"However," Minerva added quickly. "Before I accepted, I wanted to speak with you regarding it first."

Sabrina closed her shocked mouth to respond. "Me? Why?"

Minerva took a deep breath. "When I was in seventh year, that was when Eleazar began teaching. And I hated it. I felt like everyone was against me, calling me a brown noser and accusing me of getting the Head Girl position because of him. And he was always so critical of my schoolwork and who I spent time with. He did not like me being friends with Noctua at all."

Her daughter scoffed. "Yeah, I know that feeling."

Minerva took Sabrina's hands and held them in hers. "So... before I agreed to this position, I wanted to make sure that I would not make you uncomfortable. I wanted to ask you if me being here, as your teacher, would upset you or make you feel isolated. And if it does, then–"

"I would love it."

The woman looked up from Sabrina's hands to meet her eyes in a hesitant surprise. "Really?"

Sabrina nodded. "I would love having you closer," she said truthfully. "And to learn from you and... just knowing you're a classroom away would be the best feeling. If I get upset or need someone to talk to, I don't have to make the long trek to Upper Hogsfield. I could just find you in the faculty tower."

Listening to Sabrina explain herself, Minerva seemed to finally relax, and she gave a true, genuine smile. "Good," she said. "And just knowing I'm closer to you gives me my own piece of mind too. Next year is going to be good for us. For all of us, I just know it."

Sabrina was beginning to feel that way too.

Ominis and Corvina walked together into Professor Weasley's classroom and approached her office door before he knocked tentatively. They heard footsteps before the door opened. "Ah, there you are," she smiled. "Come in."

"Thank you, Professor," Ominis said before letting Corvina walk in first. The pair took a seat in front of the deputy headmistress' desk before she also sat down before them.

Professor Weasly cleared her throat. "Now, the reason I have called you in here today is to discuss the terms of your disownment. Everything, as you know, has been filed by the Ministry of Magic, and it is now official that you are no longer a part of the Gaunt family. As far as the money goes, everything that was in the agreement has been placed in a separate Gringotts account for you."

Corvina turned to Ominis. "Money? I thought you said you didn't want any?"

Ominis grinned. "Did you really think I was going to walk away from that with nothing? If he had just read the fine print, he would have read that every cent of Noctua's inheritance, as well as mine and yours, was to belong to us."

"But... you lied."

"No, I played the game."

Professor Weasley cleared her throat. "Well, after discussing it with the Ministry and Gringotts, they discovered that what inheritance you did have was... not much. It seemed as if Atticus Gaunt had put a great deal into the Ashwinders and Victor Rookwood. And then there was all of the investments that were pulled out when news of Verena's death hit the community." She looked at them solemnly. "I'm sorry, but everyone in the Gaunt family has gone bankrupt paying for everything. There's not as much as I'm sure you had hoped for."

"How much?" Ominis asked.

She sighed. "About two-thousand galleons left after everything is paid for and taken care of."

Corvina's mouth dropped. However, Ominis smiled. "That's more than what I was expecting, Professor."

His sister looked at him. "Two thousand? That's–"

"It is more than what we expected," Ominis repeated as he turned to look at her. "And most of that will be going to you when you turn seventeen."

Corvina stared at him. "Are you sure? What about you?"

Ominis gave a gentle smile. "I'll be graduating in one more year. After that, Sabrina and I will be married and we'll be able to go our own way in life. When we start working, I won't need the inheritance."

"But after everything that happened... don't you think you deserve something?"

Corvina's kindness amazed Ominis. She really was her mother's child. "I did all that specifically with you in mind. Besides, with the jewelry you receive, you can use that to sell and get more for when you eventually start your life as well."

Professor Weasley cleared her throat. "That reminds me. The Ministry has brought all of Noctua's things, including her jewelry, clothing, and books. Where would you like me to deliver them?"

"To Corvina's dorm," Ominis replied immediately. "They belong to her."

Corvina's eyes began to water. "You really mean it?"

Ominis nodded. "I do."

"I'll need help to go through it all."

"Lucky for you, I have some people."

Corvina finally smiled before a thought crossed her mind. She looked back at Professor Weasley as her face dropped. "What about Marvolo? Have they found him?"

The red-haired deputy headmistress frowned. "No. I must warn you, however, that his inheritance and money had to be used to pay off the Gaunt family debt. If he finds out you walked away with anything–"

Ominis shook his head. "I doubt he'll ever find out."

Meet me in the Undercroft. I have a surprise for you.

Sabrina read her letter as soon as she got it after class, and she couldn't help but smile when she recognized the scribbled elegance that was Ominis' new handwriting. He had been trying to learn to read and write, and he was getting better every day. However, his handwriting was still looking more like Sebastians' than it used to when he used a Quick Quill.

She ran to the Undercroft, and after making sure no one was looking she entered the clock face and walked down the stone steps. She couldn't help but gasp when she opened the iron gate. The large dungeon space was lit up in candles sitting on old crates and tables to give it a warm romantic glow. Next to the fireplace stood Ominis dressed in his favorite dark green uniform and jacket, and he was smiling excitedly for her.

"Ominis!" Sabrina exclaimed as she looked all around. "This is beautiful!"

"I knew you would like it," Ominis said as he approached Sabrina.

She directed her own smile at him. "What's the occasion?"

Ominis gently and quickly wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer. "Should I need one to surprise my girlfriend?"

Sabrina moved her hands to link behind his neck. "I suppose not."

"Good," Ominis replied before he was leaning in to kiss her. "However, I did want to surprise you with something nice before we left for summer break tomorrow."

The mention of their last day at Hogwarts for the year instantly saddened Sabrina, and she leaned in further to lay her head on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat in his chest, and she silently wondered how she would fall asleep without it.

Sabrina felt Ominis' hand move up slightly, and then a few seconds later the phonograph in the corner of the Undercroft began to play a sweet and soothing melody. As the music reverberated in the Undercroft, she began to notice that Ominis had begun to sway them back and forth, gently allowing them to dance along to the music.

After a while, Sabrina felt a soft vibration coming from Ominis' chest, and she noticed that he was humming along to the music. She looked up at him. "Can you sing?"

"Oh, no my dear," Ominis replied as his cheeks reddened slightly. "My singing is not that good, I'm afraid. Besides, I would much rather listen to your singing than mine."

Sabrina giggled. "I'm sure you're not that bad."

"I think dead cats would sound better than me."

"Why don't you try?"

"Absolutely not."

The pair laughed at themselves, causing them to lean in to where they were almost kissing again. Sabrina took in the warm intimate feeling of having Ominis so close to her, and the longer they sat like that the more in love she realized she was. Her chest warmed, all her worries melted away, and nothing in the world mattered more than that moment.

"If any of this was an illusion, then I never want to wake up. With everything I am or ever will be, please remember that I love you. No words can describe how much those words are true, but they are."

She felt like she had lived an entire lifetime during this past year, but as Sabrina reflected on it all, she knew she would never change a single moment. The good and the bad, every single painful thing or joyous minute brought them to where they were now. Ominis was hers, and she was his, and everything was as it should be.

It felt perfect.

A minute later, she heard his soft voice singing.

"I'll never let you go again like I did.
Oh, I used to say
'I would never fall in love again until I found her.'
I said, 'I would never fall unless it's you I fall into'.
I was lost within the darkness but then I found her. I found you...."

The last two weeks of school seemed to fly by much too quick for anyone's liking. News of Professor Black's departure as headmaster soon reached the entire school, and everyone was buzzing with either excitement or dread of what the next school year had to offer.

Theo had excitedly taken time off of work to allow himself the chance to spend the summer with Minerva and Sabrina. Him and Minerva had planned a long trip for the three of them that would take them all over Europe and to America. Theo had said it was because he wanted to see the world, but Sabrina suspected it had more to do with making sure he made as many memories as possible with his family.

She was not complaining in the slightest. In fact, Sabrina was looking forward to such a grand adventure.

Sebastian and Ominis walked her to the train station along with the rest of the school to watch her board the Hogwarts Express for London along with her parents. Anne walked with Aurelia, giving her own final goodbyes for the summer before the Ravenclaw headed home for Belfast.

"I'll write to you all the time," Sabrina promised Ominis once they reached the platform. The large steam train next to her breathed heavily, and between that and the noise from the student body saying their farewells, Sabrina was suddenly feeling anxious. "And if you need anything, like if Marvolo comes back then please–"

"I'll be fine, my dear," Ominis assured her as he gripped her hands to his chest. "Just have a good time."

Sabrina felt tears begin to reach her eyes again. "The last time we said goodbye like this, I almost lost you," she told him. "Do you promise? I'm not going to lose you again?"

Ominis leaned in closer to her and placed one of his hands on her cheek. "I promise," he swore.

As a tear fell, Sabrina wrapped her arms around his torso and took in his intoxicating smell of French vanilla and pine cologne, intent on burning it into her memory.

She felt Ominis chuckle as he also held her close. "Your heart is racing again."

A sob left Sabrina. "It only races for you."

Ominis released Sabrina then, and she closed her eyes as he landed another gentle and tender kiss on her lips. It was as soft and burning as the first time she had kissed him, and she felt every bit of love within him melting into her.

The train screamed above them, making them finally break the kiss. Sabrina quickly wiped away her tears and looked towards Minerva and Theo, who were standing a ways up on the platform waiting for her and allowing her to say her goodbyes. She turned back to Ominis and whispered, "I love you."

Ominis smiled back as she saw a hint of his own tears start to meet his silver eyes. "Until the stars turn cold."

The Hogwarts Express screamed again, and a minute later Sabrina was on the train along with her parents. The hung out the window and waved towards Ominis and the twins as the train began to move.

As they watched Hogsmeade Station get smaller and smaller, a warmth began to creep into Sabrina's chest. When the train reached a tunnel, taking them deeper into the Scottish Highlands, she realized finally that as long as she had Theo and Minerva with her by her side, then for the moment she thought everything would be okay.

And when Sabrina Lewis looked towards her parents, she began to believe it.


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