Being Bad For Good Sake

By The_Author_S

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This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... More

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Enrollment in Gotham Academy
Unexpected Twist
Have to Go
Flight To Gotham
First Time Meeting
First day in Academy(1)
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
The Rumor...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
Would You be My Girlfriend?

The Betrayal

152 6 1
By The_Author_S

Marinette's POV-

The gentle morning light seeped through the curtains, casting a soft golden hue over my room. With each passing moment, memories of the previous night flooded back to me.

But with each memory, an unsettling realization crept over me, weighing heavily on my heart. I had deceived Damien. The tender moments we shared, his heartfelt confession, all of it had been met with a performance, a story I had meticulously crafted for the sake of my mission.

Guilt consumed me as I realized the web of lies I had spun. Damien's sincerity and vulnerability were met with calculated responses and false expressions of affection that I wore like a mask, something I had practiced for days.

As I lay there, the weight of my actions pressed down upon me, suffocating me with remorse. I wasn't driven by genuine affection or love for Damien; I was driven by duty, by the mission I had been assigned. And in my pursuit of that mission, I had betrayed the trust of someone who had bared his soul to me.

I couldn't shake off the guilt that consumed me, knowing that I had manipulated Damien's feelings for the sake of my mission. It was a false relationship that I had created, and he had no idea. The thought alone was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach.

I remember the day when I was assigned to this mission...


I sat in the dimly lit briefing room, my demeanor was calm and collected. I had been called in for a special assignment, one that required my unique skills and expertise.

As Handler entered the room, I straightened in my chair, my gaze steady and focused. "Agent Red" he began, his voice grave, "we have a new mission for you."

I listened intently as he outlined the details of the assignment. It was a delicate operation, one that required me to gather information about the inner circle of a notorious criminal organization.

"As part of your cover, you'll be operating alone," Handler continued, his gaze steady. "Your primary objective is to get close to Damien Wayne. Our intel suggests he possesses valuable information that could lead us to the organization's leader. Your mission is to extract that intel from him."

My pulse quickened at the mention of Damien's name. I knew of him — a wealthy businessman with connections to the city's elite. The mission posed a challenge, requiring meticulous planning and strategic maneuvers rather than brutal force. It was clear: this would be a long-term operation.

Nodding solemnly, I accepted the gravity of the task at hand. "I understand," I replied, my tone resolute. "I will establish myself as his girlfriend to gain his trust and access the information we need. Rest assured, I'll do whatever it takes to ensure the success of this mission."

Present Day:

Now that I'm halfway through my mission, I need Damien to open up and feel comfortable around me, now that we're dating. Once he does, I'll be able to gather the intelligence I need. But as I read Damien's message on my phone, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in my stomach.

As I prepared to face the day ahead, I reminded myself that I was a skilled operative, capable of guiding even the most treacherous of situations. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder what the ultimate cost of my deception would be.

As I stepped into the bustling corridors of the academy, the weight of my deception hung heavy in the air around me. The morning sunlight filtering through the windows seemed to cast a spotlight on the facade I was maintaining, reminding me of the role I had chosen to play.

My heart raced as I reached out and gently intertwined my fingers with Damien's, a gesture that felt both daring and unfamiliar. Leaning in close, I whispered softly into his ear, my voice tinged with a hint of playfulness and caution.

"I get it," my breath warmed against his skin. "It's still new to us, so maybe we should keep it low-key. I'm not a fan of unwanted attention and potential rivals. Just imagine all your fangirls surrounding me and hating on me. That would be quite the hassle."

Damien's reaction surprised me. Instead of reacting with concern or hesitation, he chuckled a warm, genuine sound filling the air between us. It was the first time I had seen him express anything beyond a smile, and it sent a strange flutter through my stomach.

Pushing aside the unfamiliar sensation, I forced a smile, determined to maintain the illusion I had crafted. As I watched him, a flicker of uncertainty crossed my mind. Was it the pasta or something else entirely? Was I really ready to commit to this facade, to carry out my mission at the expense of someone's genuine emotions?

My mind buzzed with thoughts of how to proceed with my mission. Gathering the necessary intelligence required Damien's trust more than ever. But achieving that trust without resorting to further deception was proving to be a daunting task.

With each step, I weighed the consequences of my actions, the guilt of my deception weighing heavily on my conscience. I couldn't help but wonder if there was another way, a way to achieve my objectives without sacrificing Damien's emotions.

Seizing every opportunity to spend time with Damien, Our interactions grew more intimate as he shared stories from his pasts. I started to feel as if Damien was a trusted friend rather than a target of my deception.

But amidst the warmth of our budding connection, I knew that every smile, and every laugh shared between us was built on a foundation of lies, and the weight of that knowledge threatened to crush my spirit. I hoped that by building a genuine bond with Damien, I could lessen the harm caused by my deception and perhaps even find a way to redeem myself in the process.

"What's Paris like?" Damien's voice held genuine interest, and I couldn't help but smile at his question. Memories of my Paris flooded my mind, its charm, and vibrancy vivid even in my distant recollections after all I spent five years there.

"It's... magical," I began, my tone soft with nostalgia. "There's an energy there, something unique that you can't find anywhere else." Damien nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on me. "I'd love to experience it someday, with you." he mused, a hint of love in his voice.

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, each exchange peeling away another layer of pretense, revealing the authenticity beneath.

When Damien complimented my artwork, I felt a rush of warmth, his admiration made me blush, and I felt as if I had achieved something. "It's just something I've always enjoyed," I admitted. "Drawing helps me make sense of the world, you know?"

"I have never told this to anyone, But I also draw, surely not as well as you. But it makes me free, free from burdens and responsibilities." Damien confesses, a bit shy. "You know what Marinette, I feel comfortable talking to you, there is no pressure over me, something I feel even with my father. It's easy to open up without fearing your judgments. I TRUST YOU Marinette."

In those fleeting moments, I allowed myself to forget the weight of my mission, the burden of deception, and simply be present with Damien.

He said he trusted me, but Am I worthy of his trust even after what I am doing to him, I don't want to make him sad or break his trust or hurt him. I wish it was not fake, I wish that he wouldn't hate me for this. I wish he never discovers the truth, maybe then and only then I can save him from heartbreak.

It was nighttime, I was attending some meetings, and because of my mission, the workload was lifted off my schedule. So I can focus on my main mission. As I finished my third meeting of the day, I saw Damien from the window, I picked up his call, "What are you doing here, Missing me already?" It was intended to tease him but strangely he agreed that he was missing me. I felt this strange similar feeling again... I quickly went down to him.

"Marinette," he said, his tone softer than usual, "there's a place I want to take you. Somewhere special." With a nod, I accepted his hand, allowing him to lead me through the labyrinth of dimly lit streets. The night air was cool against my skin as we walked.

Eventually, we arrived at our destination—an alleyway tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was nothing extraordinary, yet there was a quiet energy that permeated the air, a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

As we stood in the alleyway, Damien's demeanor shifted, a shadow crossing his features as he turned to me. "Marinette," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of hesitation, "there's something I need to tell you."

I looked at him, concern flickering in my eyes. "What is it, Damien?" I asked, sensing the gravity of his words. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. "This alley," he started, his voice barely above a whisper, "it's more than just a place of refuge for me. It's where I used to come when the darkness inside me became too much to bear."

Damian's voice quivered with the weight of his words, each syllable dripping with the bitterness of his past. "Marinette, you can't possibly understand the darkness that consumes me. My childhood wasn't just miserable—it was a living nightmare. My mother, Talia, raised me in the shadows, a twisted world where violence and bloodshed were the currency of survival. Kindness? Compassion? Those were alien concepts, luxuries I couldn't afford." 

His voice grew hollow, haunted by the memories of his upbringing. "Every day was a battle for supremacy, a constant struggle to prove myself in the eyes of my mother and the League of Assassins. I was molded into a weapon, a cold-hearted killer with no remorse, no humanity left in me."

His voice cracked, the pain of his past threatening to overwhelm him. "I've done things, Marinette, things that haunt me every day. I've hurt people, and taken lives, all in the name of a cause I'm not sure I ever truly believed in." He met her gaze, his eyes betraying a deep sense of sorrow.

Damian's gaze turned distant, his thoughts drifting to the complex relationship with his father, Bruce Wayne. "You know, Marinette, my father... he's everything I wanted to be, but couldn't." A hint of bitterness tinged his words. "Sometimes I wonder if he even understands what it's like to grow up in the shadows, to be molded into something you never wanted to become."

Their conflicts echoed in his mind, clashes fueled by jealousy and resentment. "We fought, Marinette, more times than I can count. Over his principles, his choices, his refusal to see the world for what it truly is. Maybe I blamed him for leaving me to that... that pathetic and scary life. No child deserves a childhood like mine."

A somber sigh escaped him, the weight of his past heavy upon his shoulders. "That's why I became a vigilante, a hero. To ensure that no one goes through what I went through. To make a difference, to protect those who can't protect themselves." 

His voice softened, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through the facade of strength. "But even now, even when I'm clear about what I believe in, I still feel... lonely. Coldness lingers in my heart, and the nights... they stretch on endlessly."

A fleeting smile crossed his lips as he turned to me, his eyes alight with warmth. "But then you came into my life, and everything changed. It's as if you're a fire, warming my heart and making the nights bearable. You make me forget the horrifying things I did in the past. You make me want to be a better person, worthy of happiness." He reached out, gently caressing her cheek. "For the first time in a long while, I feel like I belong, like I have someone to share the darkness with."

Listening to Damian's painful revelations, my heart ached for him. The darkness in his past mirrored the shadows I've navigated in my own life as a spy. But I couldn't let my emotions betray the mission, no matter how much I longed to comfort him, to tell him the truth.

"I can't begin to fathom the horrors you've endured, Damian," I said softly, keeping my voice steady despite the turmoil within. "But you're not alone. Even in the darkest of times, there's always a glimmer of hope, a light to guide you through."

Internally, a storm raged. I wanted to reach out, to offer him solace, but I couldn't risk exposing my true intentions. The mission demanded deception, and I couldn't afford to waver. Suppressing my own feelings, I plastered on a reassuring smile, hoping it would be enough to ease Damian's pain.

"You're stronger than you realize," I continued, forcing conviction into my words. "And you don't have to face your demons alone. I'll be here for you, every step of the way."

But as I spoke, guilt gnawed at my conscience. How could I deceive him like this? How could I pretend to offer comfort when I was merely playing a role? Yet, I pushed those doubts aside, reminding myself of the greater purpose at stake.

For now, duty prevailed over desire. I buried my feelings deep within, vowing to protect Damian, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness. As the weight of my secret threatened to crush me, I steeled myself for the challenges ahead, determined to see the mission through to its end.

"I'm sorry, Damien," I whispered, reaching out to him, and kissing him in silence. I mentally confessed in the kiss, that I am sorry for what I am doing, for what you have gone through and might go through because of me. I am sorry that you will hate me and I know it will hurt you... But I am Sorry, sorry for everything. Maybe I won't be able to give you the moments to cherish when you are alone. Maybe I am not worth the pain you will suffer...

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