Chief Kim / Kim Taehyung Ff

By karaaii

105K 6.4K 1.5K

"Chief Kim Taehyung" The name was enough to give chills to his whole department... Kim taehyung the 'chief... More

1. Punishment
2. Cage of Dark
3. Salt
4. Bruise
5. clever
6. Drugged
7. Kidnapped
8. Horrified
9. Denial
10. Mute
11. Hopes
13. Chaos
14. Just a Slave
15. Honest
16. She is pathetic
17. Help her
18. Helpless
19. Helpless (pt.2)
20. Silence
21. Ugly
22. He can
23. Eating disorder
24. Echoes of Fear
25. Healing Hearts: A Plushie's Warmth.
26. Rescuing an Angel pt. (1)
27. Homecoming of His Angel.
28. Homecoming of His Angel pt.(2)
29. Shared Smiles.
30. Treasuring the Little Things. pt.(1)
31. Treasuring the Little Things pt.(2)
32. Seoul to Jeju.
33. Bonds of the Heart.
34. A Room of Dreams.
35. Journey to Recovery.
36. Silent Longing.
37. Tender Care.
38. A Friend Found.
39. Heartfelt Hush.
40. Disappeared.
41. Resilience in Fragility.
42. Nightmare Evening.
43. Dark Deeds.
44. Vengeance.
45. Wounds and Whispers.
46. Embracing Vulnerability.
47. Threads of Connection.
48. The Missing Link.
49. Guardian Angels.
50. A Brush with Fate.
51. Shadows of the Past.
52. Whispers of Doom (pt.1).
53. Whispers of Doom (pt.2).
54. Proximity.
55. Lost in the Night.
56. Lost Voices.
57. Fragile Silence.
58. Small Victories.
59. Seth Walash.
60. Dark Omens.
61. Predator's Gaze.
62. In the Eye of Evil (pt.1).
63. In the Eye of Evil (pt.2).

54. Into the Darkness.

501 53 17
By karaaii

In the dead of night, Taehyung's senses sharpened as a faint noise stirred him from sleep, alerting him to the presence of an intruder. With practiced vigilance, he assessed the situation, his mind racing to decipher the threat in the darkness of the room.

Instinctively, he remained still, his eyes barely open, keenly aware of the vulnerable figure of y/n nestled beside him. As he felt the intruder's stealthy approach and the unsettling prick of a needle against y/n's skin, a surge of protective fury coursed through him.

In an explosive burst of action, Taehyung reacted with lightning speed, wrenching the needle away before it could complete its sinister purpose. With a swift and decisive motion, he subdued the intruder, his body moving with the precision of a well-honed weapon.

As the intruder recoiled from the force of Taehyung's counterattack, the room erupted into a whirlwind of tension and danger. Taehyung's adrenaline-fueled instincts took over, propelling him into action to safeguard y/n from harm, his every movement a testament to his unwavering commitment to her safety.

Taehyung's hands moved swiftly, tearing strips of cloth from the bedsheet to secure the intruder, ensuring he couldn't escape. But his focus was solely on y/n, whose stillness sent panic coursing through him.

With trembling hands, he gently tapped her cheeks, his voice filled with urgency and desperation. "Y/n! Butterfly! Wake up!" he pleaded, his heart pounding with fear as she remained unresponsive.

Turning to the intruder, rage boiled within Taehyung as he demanded answers, his voice laced with fury. "What did you do, you bloody fucker?" But the man lay unconscious, unable to provide any explanation for his sinister actions.

Taehyung's mind raced, his body trembling with anxiety as he tried in vain to rouse y/n from her slumber. With each failed attempt, his sense of helplessness grew, leaving him paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.

With urgency gripping his every movement, Taehyung swiftly bound the intruder with handcuffs and secured him in the washroom. But his attention was solely on y/n, whose worsening condition sent panic coursing through him.

Scooping her fragile form into his arms, Taehyung raced to the car, his heart pounding with fear as he cradled her limp body. With trembling hands, he gently tapped her cheeks, his voice pleading and desperate. "Butterfly! Wake up! Please," he implored, his words tinged with anguish as he watched her lips turn a deadly shade of blue.

Ignoring all traffic laws, Taehyung pushed the car to its limits, his mind consumed with thoughts of getting y/n to the hospital as quickly as possible. Every passing second felt like an eternity as he prayed for her safety, his heart heavy with dread at the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Taehyung fought to maintain control of the car while cradling y/n's head in his trembling hand, desperate to protect her from further harm. But his world shattered when he felt the warmth of blood seeping onto his shirt, a chilling realization of the severity of y/n's condition.

In a moment of panic, Taehyung's grip on the steering wheel faltered, and the car collided with a nearby pole with a deafening thud. His heart seemed to stop as the world spun around him, his mind reeling from the impact. But amidst the chaos, Taehyung summoned every ounce of strength he had left and pushed through the haze of dizziness.

With determination etched on his face, Taehyung restarted the car, his hands shaking as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. The urgency of the situation spurred him on as he pressed onward, each passing moment a testament to his unwavering resolve to get y/n to safety, no matter the cost.

As Taehyung rushed into the hospital, his heart pounding with fear and urgency, the staff sprang into action at the sight of y/n's pale, lifeless form. Within moments, a stretcher was brought forth, and medical professionals began assessing her condition.

Taehyung's voice echoed through the corridors as he urgently called for Yoongi and Jin, his panic palpable in every word. The gravity of the situation was evident as the two rushed to y/n's side, their faces etched with shock and concern at the sight of her fading complexion.

Yoongi's voice cut through the chaos, demanding answers from Taehyung, who trembled with anxiety as he struggled to convey the events that had transpired. With a shaky voice, Taehyung recounted the horrifying ordeal, his words laced with fear and desperation as he described the sinister intruder who had injected something into y/n while they slept.

As y/n was rushed into the emergency room, Taehyung was left outside, his heart pounding with worry. With trembling hands, he reached for his phone, dialing Jimin's number in a frantic attempt to secure their home.

Jimin sprinted back to the house, his breath ragged with anxiety, as he faced the grim scene before him. Blood stained the floor, a chilling testament to the violence that had erupted in their absence , the intruder nowhere to be found . His hands shook as he picked up the note, its ominous message sending a chill down his spine.

"I can't let go of my 100 million. She's my investment. You can't keep her safe for long."

The words hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow of fear over Jimin as he searched the house, his heart pounding with dread. But the intruder was nowhere to be found, leaving Jimin with a sinking feeling of helplessness in the face of an unseen threat.

Jimin's hands shook as he reached for the piece of paper near the kitchen, his mind racing with apprehension. With a deep breath, he unfolded the note, his eyes widening as he read the chilling message:

"Every move you make, I'll be watching. She may be safe for now, but I'm patient. Sooner or later, she'll be back in my hands where she belongs."

Jimin's heart sank as the weight of the threat washed over him. Despite his years of experience as a police officer, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped him. This wasn't just a warning—it was a declaration of intent from someone determined to reclaim what they believed was theirs.

Jimin's head was spinning as he watched Hoseok rush into the house. Seeing Jimin frozen in shock, Hoseok's concern spiked, and he hurried over, his voice urgent. "What happened, Jimin? What's going on?" As Jimin handed over the letters, Hoseok's eyes scanned the ominous words, his mind reeling with disbelief.

For a moment, he was speechless, his thoughts racing as he grappled with the chilling implications of the messages.
Hoseok's heart pounded as he read the ominous messages, his mind struggling to process the implications of the words scrawled on the paper. His hands trembled slightly as he handed the letters back to Jimin, his expression reflecting the shock and concern swirling within him.

"What... What do these mean?" Hoseok whispered, his voice barely audible amidst the weight of the situation. The gravity of the threat hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over their sense of security. Jimin and Hoseok exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them that they needed to act quickly to protect their friend and unravel the sinister plot unfolding around them.

Yoongi stormed out of the emergency room, his emotions boiling over as he grabbed Taehyung's collar, shaking him fiercely. "What the hell were you doing, Taehyung? Were you so deep in sleep that you didn't notice someone drugging her?" Tears welled up in Yoongi's eyes, a mixture of anger and frustration consuming him.

Suddenly, Jin appeared, rushing towards them, and he forcefully intervened, pushing Yoongi away from Taehyung. "That's enough, Yoongi!" Jin's voice was firm, his protective instincts kicking in as he stood between them. "It's not his fault."

Taehyung's voice trembled as he addressed Yoongi, desperate for answers amid the chaos. " is she? What happened?"

With a glare, Yoongi stormed back inside, leaving Jin to deliver the grim news. Jin's grip on Taehyung's shoulder offered some semblance of support as he spoke softly, "We're still trying to determine the nature of the injection, but it was a dangerous drug."

Taehyung's heart plummeted at Jin's words, his fears escalating. "Is she okay?" he implored, his voice strained with worry.

Jin's expression mirrored Taehyung's concern as he shook his head sadly. "Until we identify the drug, it's difficult to administer an antidote. But we're providing her with basic treatment," he explained, his voice tinged with sorrow.

Yoongi's hands shook uncontrollably as he administered yet another injection to y/n, desperate to keep her clinging to life. The sight of her lying so still, her face pale and vulnerable, tore at his heart. With each injection, he prayed for a miracle, for her to wake up and smile at him once more.

As he gently caressed her hair, Yoongi's voice trembled with emotion. "Angel, hold on, okay? Oppa is here for you. Everything will be fine," he whispered, his words a soft plea in the quiet hospital room. Despite his own fear and uncertainty, Yoongi refused to give up hope, determined to do whatever it took to keep y/n safe and by his side.

As the clock struck 3 am, the urgency in the hospital reached its peak. The lab management was summoned on an urgent basis, tasked with conducting tests to identify the mysterious drug coursing through y/n's veins. Every passing second felt like an eternity, each moment critical as her condition deteriorated rapidly.

The medical team worked feverishly, racing against time to unravel the mystery of the deadly substance. But despite their efforts, the process seemed to stretch on endlessly, each minute amplifying the fear that gripped everyone's hearts.

Meanwhile, the toxic effects of the drug continued to wreak havoc on y/n's fragile body, her organs faltering one by one under its merciless assault. With each passing moment, the sense of urgency only intensified, as the medical team fought desperately to save her life before it was too late.

As Yoongi and Jin continued their relentless efforts to stabilize y/n's condition, their focus was unwavering despite the exhaustion creeping into their bones. They moved with precision and urgency, their medical expertise guiding every decision and action.

Inside the emergency room, the atmosphere was tense as they worked tirelessly to counteract the effects of the unknown drug ravaging y/n's body. Yoongi's hands moved with practiced efficiency as he administered the necessary medications and monitored her vital signs, his mind racing with potential treatment options.

Beside him, Jin assisted with unwavering dedication, his steady hands aiding in every procedure with meticulous care. Together, they formed a formidable team, their years of training and experience shining through in the face of adversity.

Despite the gravity of the situation, they remained calm and composed, drawing strength from their determination to save y/n's life. With each passing moment, they fought against the clock, their hearts heavy with the weight of responsibility resting on their shoulders.

With bated breath, Yoongi and Jin awaited the results of the lab tests, their hearts pounding with anticipation. When the results finally arrived, relief washed over them as they identified the drug that had been injected into y/n's system.

Swiftly, they prepared the antidote, knowing that time was of the essence. With careful precision, they administered the medication, their hands moving swiftly yet methodically as they worked to counteract the effects of the dangerous drug.

As the antidote began to take effect, there was a palpable sense of relief in the air. However, they knew that the battle was far from over. The antidote was weak, and it would take time for y/n's body to stabilize and recover from the ordeal she had endured.

With tender care, Yoongi and Jin continued to monitor y/n's condition closely, their expertise guiding every decision as they worked tirelessly to ensure her well-being.

Outside the emergency room, Taehyung stood with his back against the wall, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. His eyes were fixed on the closed doors, a mixture of fear and frustration evident in his expression. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, each second stretching on endlessly as he waited for news of y/n's condition.

Jimin stood beside him, his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he paced back and forth. His usually cheerful demeanor was replaced by a tense energy, his mind racing with worry for his friend. He glanced over at Taehyung, offering a reassuring nod, though the uncertainty weighed heavily on both of them.

Jungkook leaned against the nearby railing, his arms folded across his chest as he stared off into the distance. His usually stoic facade cracked slightly, revealing the worry etched in his features. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in the tense lines of his brow..

Hobi paced restlessly, his movements quick and agitated. He glanced at the closed doors of the emergency room, his heart sinking with each passing moment. Despite his efforts to stay positive, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his mind.

Namjoon stood a few paces away, his gaze focused on the ground as he grappled with his own thoughts. His normally calm demeanor was overshadowed by the anxiety gnawing at his stomach, his mind racing with a thousand unanswered questions.

Together, they formed a silent vigil outside the emergency room, their shared concern binding them together in solidarity. Though the outcome remained uncertain, they drew strength from each other, united in their determination to support y/n through whatever trials lay ahead.

Hlo everyone 💚👀
Thank you so much for reading.

Sorry for the delay as I was on a trip. But i'll try to be regular from now on.

Do leave your views in comments and votes.

See you soon.

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