Silent Love

By starkxpalmer

5.7K 429 186

Moving to California is something Sophia really didn't want to do, but when she meets the son of the man he... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52

Part 15

112 7 2
By starkxpalmer

There's quite a known tension in the air between Robert and I following my dad returning with the coffees and I'm pretty sure we can both feel it as he can't keep his eyes off me, and it's driving me insane. My dad will surely pick up on something going on if he keeps staring at me like that. It's annoying me what he has just said, that women never stick around with him, but how can they when he fucks every girl walking? Are we supposed to feel sorry for him or something?

I can't even concentrate on what my dad tries to tell me about the job, my mind is on Robert.. it doesn't help that his eyes are burning through my soul... it's that or the fact that I can't ignore the feeling that I miss him.. I miss him so much but I can't give in that easily, he'll think what he did was okay, and that he's won.. but it's not, he's got to realise treating women that way isn't fair.

As soon as the meeting is finished, I waste no time in sticking around, I quickly thank them both, and follow my dad out, when I glance over my shoulder back to the room we were sat in, Robert's stood watching with a tight jaw, his arms folded across his chest.. I offer him a soft smile, but he doesn't return it.. I don't quite understand why until I hear a voice approach me..

"How did it go?" Mason asks.. I look at him before scanning my eyes back to Robert, who's still watching with a glare.. "Please tell me you'll be starting?"

"Uh.. yeah.. all good.. I'm starting on Monday!"

"Ah! That's awesome!" Mason quickly pulls me into a hug.. my arms wrap around him to hug him back.. "We'll make a great team!"

"That we will.. I'm excited.."

"Good!" He smiles at me as we part.. "You'll be awesome, and I'll make sure everyone looks after you.."

"Thanks Mason, I'll see you Monday.."

"Hey!" He quickly grabs my wrist to stop me from walking away.. "How about a drink tonight? Celebrate?"

"Oh.. uh.."

"I won't tell your dad.." he whispers so my dad doesn't hear.. I find myself once again glancing towards Robert, who hasn't moved at all, he narrows his eyes as he looks our way..

"Yeah, alright.. I'll text you.. we can meet at 7pm.."

"Perfect.." he gives a little nod with a smile across his face.. "I better get back to work before the boss realises.. see you tonight Soph!"

"That you will!" I say, as he walks away, when I turn back to see if Downey is still watching, I notice he's gone.. I glance around the room but there's no sign of him.. just my dad waving at me to catch up to him.

Once we've sorted out my work details, my dad takes me home, I now have the rest of the afternoon to get ready for drinks with Mason. Before that though, I decide to have an hour or so out by the pool, my dad is working away in his office, so I'm getting in a couple of chapters of my book for a little bit of alone time.. after spending some time in the sun, I make my way back inside to grab a bite to eat, but as I step into the kitchen, I'm greeted by my dad... and Downey.

How many times do I have to face these two today?!  I do try my best just to quickly grab something without any words spoken, but as usual Downey can't keep that mouth shut.

"Sophia, catching some rays?" He asks, he's looking a little more relaxed than earlier, his top three buttons of his shirt are undone, and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows.

"Yes, thanks.." I take some fruit, and a fresh glass of orange juice.. "Just came in for a refill.."

"Nice to see you keeping up with the healthy eating.." he nods to the fruit I've put on my plate... "We must get out for that run sometime.."

"Yeah.. maybe.."

"I'll be in my office Bob.." my dad calls as he leaves the kitchen, he trusts us both enough to be left alone.. if only he knew. Robert only looks glad he's left us, as he takes a step closer to me..

"Hey.." his tone quickly changing, a lot softer than before.. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" I say as I pop a strawberry in my mouth.

"You know.." he sighs.. "Us.."

"Us?" I ask in confusion my brow pressed together.. "The last time I checked, there wasn't an us Robert.."

"Don't say that.." he takes the plate from my hands, placing it down on the countertop.. I glance over his shoulder to check my dad or my mom isn't around.. "I miss you.."

"Is that what you say to all your fuck buddies?"

"No.." he groans in frustration.. "I meant what I said earlier.. I am sorry for what happened.. I didn't realise that.."

"What? That I'd actually be hurt that you fucked someone else before you came back to our hotel room?"

"I'm sorry.." he repeats, his hands fall down to my waist.. "Just give me another chance to pro-.."'

"I.. I can't.. I.." I cut him off in a stutter.. he decides to move closer to me.. the closer he gets, the more I realise I'm fighting the very strong urge that's overcome me, my hearts telling me to kiss him senseless, but I can't give in that easy.. I have to make him suffer.

"Tell me you don't want this.." he leans in a little closer, his eyes glance down to my lips.. "Tell me that you won't miss the way it feels when I.." his soft lips are brushing against my neck.. I can feel my lower half beginning to tingle as his lips move across my skin..his body presses against me, as he moves us back towards the countertop.. I want him so bad.. but I can't.. I have to push my feelings down, as my head begins to takes control, and my hands are shoving him away from me..

"I'm sorry Robert, I just can't do this.."

"Sophia.. I need to be honest with you.. I need to tell.."

"Robert?!" We suddenly hear calling from the hallway, and we move away from each other as fast as we can.. thank god my dad decided to interrupt us by calling out for Robert instead of just walking in on us.. "What is taking you so long?"

"Sorry man.. just seeing if Sophia fancied a run tomorrow.." my dad soon appears in the kitchen doorway unamused at Robert's slacking.

"And are you going for a run?"

"She's decided against it.. would rather go on her own.. isn't that right Sophia?"

"Yeah.." I pick up my plate of fruit again.. before heading back outside. My heart is aching, my head is hurting from all these feelings. Should I really be that pissed at him for sleeping with someone else? I mean.. we weren't a couple.. but..  still..

I can't concentrate on my book now that I know he's here.. I keep looking back to the house expecting him at some point to make his way outside to sit with me.. like he's done before.. but he doesn't.. by the time I head back in to start getting ready to meet Mason, he's gone home.

"Where's Robert?" I ask my dad as he's busy helping my mom with dinner.

"He's just left sweetheart.. Why? Did you need to speak to him?"

"No.. there's no reason.." I shrug.. "Just wondered where he'd gone.."

"If you have had a change of heart about the run, just give him a call.."

"No.. I haven't.."

"That's a shame, he's been keen on going with you..." my dad tells me, totally unaware as to the real reason Robert wants to spend time with me. If he does find out, he'll lose it.

"Mhm.. I bet he is.." I whisper to myself, and head to the stairway.

"Sophia.. dinner will be ready in an hour!" My mom calls over to me.

"Don't worry about me, I'm going out with a friend.." I call back as I begin to walk upstairs.

"A friend? Who?" her voice fading the further I go..but as usual she's followed me, appearing at my bedroom door shortly after.. "So.. where are you going?"

"It's.. a friend..from work.."

"Already? But you haven't even started yet.."

"He's called Mason.. we met at the beach..and I just found out he works for dad so..just trying to make friends mom.. I'm not interested in him like that, I promise.."

"Just be careful, alright?"

"I will! It's just a few drinks.." I promise.

"Okay.. what time will you be home and I'll plate you up some dinner?"

"I'm not sure, but I'll text you!"

She eventually drops the lecture, and heads back downstairs to join my dad. After I have showered, I change into something casual, with my hair hung loose, nothing over the top, just a casual look for a few drinks. It'll do. I give one last look in the mirror before heading out to meet Mason at a bar in town.

"Hey!" He greets when I join him at the table he's sat at.. "I was beginning to worry you weren't going to turn up.."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know.. maybe your dad found out.."

"Ah, don't worry about him, he doesn't know my secrets.." I tell him with a chuckle, before asking the waiter that walks by for a cocktail.. "He doesn't even know I'm here with you.."

"How can you hide so much from him?"

"Easy.. just don't tell him.."

"I guess that'll work.." he smirks.. "So are you excited to join us?"

"A little, and a little nervous.."

"I heard you quit as Downey's assistant.. that couldn't have been easy.."

"How did you know that?"

"Office gossip.. someone always finds out the details.. Downey is a mysterious man.. many girls have been his assistant and left for no reason.. so what was yours?"

"I uh.." I glance around the room trying to think of something believable.. "I just couldn't do it, the travelling.. sitting in boring meetings for 2 days.."

"Did he try it on with you?" He suddenly asks, catching me by surprise.


"Apparently, I don't know.. but he tries it on with his assistants and if they turn him down.. he makes them quit.. is that what happened?"

"No! Definitely not.." I try.. "He was alright with me, I mean my dad is his business partner.. he wouldn't do that.."

"It's just rumours.. I don't know if it's true.. we don't normally see him.."

"He was fine with me, I just didn't like being a PA.. but it wasn't because I turned him down.."

"Oh okay.. sorry for asking.."

"It's alright..I just don't want those rumours going around, especially if my dad finds out.."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything.."

"Thank you, and trust me, I don't want to be treated any different just because my dad's the boss..I won't be telling him that you hate him and wish you had a pay rise.."

"I know.. and don't worry I won't be like that.. I liked you before I knew who your dad was.." he admits, I give him a little look before he realises what he has said.. "Oh shit.. sorry.. too soon?"

"Um.. no.. just surprised me..I mean.. do you?"

"Well.. yeah.. I do like you.." he blushes a little.. "I know we hardly know each other but.. you know when you just get that feeling?"

Okay.. this is not was I was expecting.


"I just.. I saw you on the beach and.. had to get your attention so.. the ball.."

"Wasn't your friend?" I ask and he shakes his head in embarrassment.

"Guilty.." he holds his hands up in defence.. "I told him that you were stunning.. and when I saw you on your own..."


"Stupid, I know.." he cuts me off, but I take his free hand that's not holding onto his glass.

"No.. it's kinda cute.." I lean closer and place a kiss on his cheek.. "I'm glad you did.. we wouldn't be here if you didn't.."

"No.. that's very true.."

"Now come on, let's go celebrate.." I tell him, trying to ignore this new feeling that's growing inside me.. "To our new friendship.. and my new job!"

"Yeah.. let's go and party in style!" He quickly follows me behind as I head towards the dance floor.. with my drink in hand.

The night is just getting started.

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