By EstellaNovella

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"You sunshine, you temptress" Tim Bradford x OC (Season 1 - 4x01) More



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By EstellaNovella

Mirana sits in the shop with Tim, reading the information sheets Sergeant Grey had given her on becoming a hostage negotiator. The Watch Commander had even printed them out on yellow paper to help Mirana read the information better.

"I think I might do this," Mirana says, looking up from the leaflets. "Become a hostage negotiator"

"What happened to UC work?" Tim asks.

"I thought about it, believe me," Mirana says. "And if they ever desperately need me to go, I will but I think this is what I should do. Try to help people in the worst moments of their lives. Both the criminal and the hostage"

"You have a lot of empathy," Tim nods. "I think you'd be really good at it"

"Really?" Mirana asks and Tim nods again.

"You have a way with people," Tim says. "I think it helps that you're pretty"

"Just pretty?" Mirana asks teasingly.

"Did I say pretty? I meant stunningly gorgeous," Tim corrects himself and Mirana nods.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," she teases.

Tim chuckles, his eyes meeting hers with a softness that makes her heart skip a beat. "I mean every word," he says sincerely.

"I know you do," Mirana smiles at him before looking back down at the information sheets.

"So last shift as a Rookie," Tim says and Mirana hums in acknowledgement.

"You gonna miss seeing my stunningly gorgeous face every day?" Mirana asks and Tim grins at her.

"I'm also going to miss how those trousers make your ass look," Tim says and Mirana hits his arm with the papers.

Tim winces playfully, rubbing his arm where Mirana hits him with the papers. "Ouch, okay, maybe I should have saved that comment for later," he jokes his grin widening.

The computer beeps loudly and Mirana leans forward to read the information and she can't stop the gasp that falls from her lips.

"What is it?" Tim asks.

"An amber alert," Mirana says. "Child abduction. Suspect is driving an oro Tacoma truck. Plate number 2-Queen-Robert-Ida-4-4-5. Victim was kidnapped from the City of Angels Hospital"

"How old?" Tim asks.

"Five hours," Mirana whispers before clearing her throat. "The truck belongs to the father, Jared Young. Parents are going through a messy divorce. Security made him leave the hospital earlier. He's got a rap sheet of narcos, possession, possession to sell, under the influence"

"Control, 7-Adam-15, we have eyes on the Amber Alert suspect vehicle. Heading west on Pico, passing Westlake,"

"7-Adam-19, inbound on Olympic, passing Ardmore," Mirana says as Tim begins to drive.

"7-Adam-07, coming west from Wilshire and Rimpau -- moving to intercept from the front,"

"Air Three responding. Heading west from Bell Gardens. ETA to your location -- approximately six minutes. Can you parallel suspect until I get eyes on?"


"7-Adam-19, Maxwell and Pico. West of target -- waiting for him to pass," Mirana says into the radio as the truck drives past them. "Suspect just went past. Speed -- 50 miles an hour. We'll move to parallel on the north"

"Copy that,"

"Where did he go?" Mirana asks, looking for the truck.

"I didn't see him make a turn," Tim says. "Head on a swivel, he's probably taken an alleyway or a side street.

"7-Adam-19, we've lost visual. You got eyes on him?"

"Negative. We haven't reacquired visual," Mirana says.

"Air Three is overhead. Arriving on scene. What's the suspect's 20?"

"We lost visual. Pico, east of Maxwell. It's possible he turned off and headed either north or south,"

"Copy that. We're gonna orbit,"

Mirana and Tim both stare at the radio, waiting and hoping as their hearts ache in sympathy for the woman who had barely even held her baby before it was taken by the place it was supposed to be safest.

"Contact. Suspect vehicle now heading north on Livingston. Repeat, north on Livingston,"

"Copy. On our way,"

"Show 7-Adam-19, en route," Mirana says into the radio. "We're approximately three minutes away"

"Speed is approximately 65. Looks like he's heading for the freeway. Hold on - suspect just sideswiped another vehicle. He's lost control,"

"Oh my god," Mirana says, pressing a hand to her mouth.

"Hey, I know this is hard," Tim says. "But we need to keep our heads on, okay?"

"Yeah," Mirana nods.

"He just TC'd into a telephone pole,"

"Can you see inside the truck?"


Tim stops the car and both he and Mirana run over to the truck before pulling on gloves and sifting through the piles of items in the back of the truck.

"Why did you run?" Nyla asks the man.

"Guns," Tim says, pulling a pistol out of the car.

"And drugs," Mirana says, pulling a baggie out of a pile of clothes. "But I don't think he took the baby. There's no sign that the baby was even here"

"If he doesn't have the baby, who does?" Nolan's college professor asks.

"We need to find out and fast," Mirana says. "A baby that young needs food and warmth, if someone has taken them and they don't understand how to care for them that baby may only have two maybe three hours before hypothermia sets in"


"Cabrera, Harper, can you ten-three to a backup channel?" Angela asks over the radio and Mirana shares a confused look with Tim.

"Sure, go to 11,"

"I need you both to give me the reals on something," Angela says. "How difficult was it to go back to work after Lila and Isaac were born?"

"It was hard," Mirana says. "But we found a great nanny who keeps us updated and Tamara babysits on the weekends. For peace of mind, definitely run a background check on your nanny"

"Honestly, I barely remember," Nyla says. "I almost died giving birth, so... But, uh, that's -- that's not gonna happen to you. G-Giving birth can be a wonderful experience, I've been told. Definitely get the epidural"

"Oh definitely," Mirana says. "Those deep breaths they tell you to do, they do nada."

"Don't worry. I'm not a lunatic," Angela replies. "I'm thinking of scheduling a C, but I'm worried that the stitches and everything will keep me off work even longer"

"I worried about the same thing, but you know what? I got stitches anyway -- just not in my stomach,"

"Isaac got stuck in the birth canal for a minute," Mirana says into the radio. "But he was too far down for them to do a C so I nearly broke Tim's hand"

"Tell me the truth-" Angela says. "Am I gonna poop myself?"

"I did not," Mirana says.

"I wish I could say no," Nyla adds.

"Why can't we just do that twilight sleep thing they did back in the '50s?"

"I asked. Apparently, it is grossly unethical,"

"I asked Lucy to knock me out," Mirana says. "She didn't do it. By asked, I shouted at her before telling Tim it was all his fault that I was even in that position in the first place. Then this man had the nervio to quejarse that I was hurting his hand"

"Bradford, you didn't," Nyla says over the radio. "Mirana you should have punched him in his-"

"Detectives, Cabrera, are you done?" Grey's voice crackles over the radio and Mirana snorts in amusement.

"Believe me, Nyla, I considered it," Mirana says into the radio. "Maybe even cutting it off"


"I'm done sir," Mirana says as she laughs before changing the channel on the radio.

"You threw so much verbal abuse my way when you were giving birth," Tim says.

"Because you and your pene are the reason a tiny human tore its way out of my vagina," Mirana shrugs.

Tim bursts out laughing at Mirana's candid response, his shoulders shaking with amusement.

"Fair point," he manages to say between laughs. "But it was worth it, right?"

Mirana rolls her eyes playfully. "Ask me again after I've had a glass of wine and a hot bath."


"Hey, if I'm a hostage negotiator, I get to wear my own clothes," Mirana says to Tim. "Rather than be stuck wearing this cotton uniform all day"

Tim nods in agreement. "That's a bonus. Plus, I think you'll look pretty badass negotiating in whatever you choose to wear."

"Added to how hot I am, the suspect will just surrender," Mirana hums and Tim snorts.

"Absolutely, that's the solution to crime," Tim replies. "Sexy women"

"And men," Mirana says. "If a someone interested in men had hostages and you showed up, they'd drop their gun and their underwear"

Tim's shoulders begin to shake with laughter. "God forbid we both show up together for a person who like both genders,"

"They'd go into sensory overload and just combust on the spot,"

Tim grins. "Sounds like a plan. We'll be unstoppable."

"Damn right," Mirana says with a smirk. "No criminal stands a chance against us. The Sexy Cops"

"You gonna get that trademarked?" Tim asks.

"Might call you Papi Cop," Mirana hums in contemplation.

"Don't you dare,"

Mirana chuckles mischievously. "Too late, Papi Cop. It's already trademarked in my mind."

Tim shakes his head with a laugh. "Alright, alright. But only in your mind."

"Deal," Mirana says, grinning but the smile slides off of her face when the computer chimes. "Updated Amber Alert. New suspect vehicle is a green Ford Fiesta. License plate 3-Paul-Charles-Ida-0-2-6. Suspect is Rita Cissane. 31-year-old white female who lost her baby to SIDS. God, I want to hold Isaac in my arms at all times and never let him out of my sight"

"I know, Mira," Tim says, his voice softening. "It's a terrifying thought. But we'll find this baby and then tonight we can cuddle Isaac all night long"

"Cabrera," Nyla's voice crackles over the radio. "How long do we have according to your timeline?"

"Okay, if the baby is kept in a swaddle it'll give her extra time," Mirana says into the radio, glancing at the time on the dashboard. "But she needed to be fed an hour ago. I'd put the timeline at about half an hour to an hour max"


Mirana gets out of the police car, spotting the woman standing on the edge of the bridge and Sergeant Grey waves her over.

"You need to go and talk her down," Grey says and Mirana nods, unbuttoning her shirt before tucking her taser into her waistband and attaching her radio to her hip. "What are you doing?"

"The uniform might make her more tense, more irrational," Mirana says before walking over to the woman and she keeps her finger on the radio button so the feed is broadcast to the other officers. "Hi Rita, can I come and stand with you?"

"Are you going to take my baby?" The woman asks.

"No, I have my own baby boy at home," Mirana says. "So can I join you up there?"

"Okay," Rita nods shakily and Mirana climbs up to join Rita on the ledge.

"She's beautiful, what's her name?" Mirana asks, glancing at the baby.

"Casey," Rita sniffles.

"That's a lovely name," Mirana says. "What does it mean?"

"Brave," Rita says. "My brave little girl"

"It took me and my partner a long time to pick a name," Mirana says. "We called him Isaac Luke"

"That's really nice," Rita sniffles. "How was your labour?"

"So painful," Mirana says. "He got stuck in the birth canal for a little while and I was so scared. But in the end-"

"Once they put your baby in your arms and you look down into those beautiful eyes, it's all worth it," Rita says.


"I heard all newborns have blue eyes. Not Casey. Dark brown, right from the start. The most amazing head of hair,"

"My son has blue eyes," Mirana says. "Gets them from his father"

"I love putting Casey's hair in little pigtails. She always fights me, but she looks so cute," Rita says and Mirana smiles.

"Isaac is terrified of anyone going near his hair to cut it so we're leaving it until he's a bit older and less scared," Mirana says. "Can you do something for me, Rita? Can you just look into Casey's pretty, brown eyes? It will make your connection to her so much stronger"


"You know it's not Casey don't you Rita?" Mirana asks softly.

"No, it's not," Rita's voice breaks as she speaks.

"I want to take this baby back to her mother if that's okay with you?" Mirana asks.

"Tell her. I'm sorry," Rita says, handing the baby to Mirana who then climbs off the ledge as Nolan arrests Rita.

"Hi dulce nina," Mirana whispers to the baby as she hurries towards the ambulance. "We're going to take you to your mami now"

Mirana gently cradles the baby in her arms as she approaches the ambulance, her heart swelling with relief that the baby is safe. She carefully places the baby in the arms of one of the paramedics, who quickly checks her over before nodding reassuringly to Mirana.

Mirana walks over to the police car that Rita has been placed in and leans against the open window.

"Hello, Rita," Mirana says softly.

"My baby died," Rita whispers.

"I know honey," Mirana says. "I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you're feeling. It must be eating you alive"

"I feel everything and yet nothing at the same time,"

"Rita, it's going to hurt," Mirana says. "It's going to tear you apart but you need to feel that pain, that grief to help you process the beautiful life that was lost"

"Who did you lose?" Rita asks.

"My mother, I saw her die," Mirana says. "And the pain never goes away. It lessens over time but you can't let it consume you"

Rita looks at Mirana, her expression raw with emotion. "I don't know if I can... if I want to go on."

Mirana reaches out and takes Rita's hand. "You're not alone in this, Rita. There are resources available, people who care about you. You can get through this. I believe in you. I'm going to speak to the D.A.'s office and a friend of mine who's a defence attorney, to see if we can get you the help you need, okay?"

Rita looks down at their joined hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you, Officer... Mirana."


"Cabrera!" Grey calls from his office. "I need a minute of your time"

Mirana pulls away from her conversation with Lawrence, Lucy and Nyla before walking over to Grey's office, closing the door behind her as she glances at the woman sitting at one of the chairs.

"Officer Mirana Cabrera, this is Chief Susan Coleman, she is the successor of Trent Williams," Grey introduces the woman and Mirana shakes her hand.

"It's lovely to meet you ma'am," Mirana says.

"Please, take a seat," The chief says and Mirana does so. "I heard about what you did with Finn Hansen so I watched the bodycam footage and was blown away by what you can do. Then with the Amber Alert today, that reinforced my views on you. Even once the situation was diffused you showed the suspect compassion"

"Thank you, ma'am," Mirana nods.

"So now that you have finished your training as a probationary officer I am allowing you to choose any position in the LAPD that you wish to train for," The Chief says, handing Mirana an envelope. "It's unofficially known as a golden ticket"

"Thank you, ma'am," Mirana says, shaking the woman's hand one last time before the Chief leaves.

Mirana turns to look at Sergeant Grey, unable to wipe the large smile off of her face and Grey returns the smile.

"I'm assuming you know what you want to do?" Grey asks and Mirana nods.

"I'm going to become a hostage negotiator,"

"I'm proud of you Mirana," Grey says. "If anyone in this station has earned it, it's you"

Mirana feels a surge of pride at Grey's words. "Thank you, Sergeant Grey. I really appreciate it."

"You've shown exceptional skill and dedication," Grey continues. "I have no doubt you'll excel in your new role."

Mirana nods, feeling a mix of excitement and determination coursing through her. "I'll do my best, sir."

"I have every confidence in you," Grey says with a smile. "Now, go out there and celebrate."

Mirana walks out of the office with a wide smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with joy as her friends approach her.

"I got a golden ticket," Mirana says.

"What are you going to do with it?" Nyla asks.

"She's gonna become a hostage negotiator," Tim says, wrapping his arm around his fiancee who smiles up at him.

"That's amazing, Mirana!" Lucy exclaims, giving her a congratulatory hug.

"I knew you'd choose something incredible," Lawrence adds, clapping Mirana on the back. "Let's go celebrate!"

"We'll celebrate another night," Mirana says. "Right now, I want to go home and cuddle my baby"

"That sounds perfect," Tim says, pressing a kiss to Mirana's forehead.

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