One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

13.3K 1.4K 930

A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


241 31 11
By NeenaDiHope

He walks back into the hospital room and sees that his family is asleep, he stands there and in the dim light, he looks at each face. Three so beautiful in their combined features of their parents, he looks at each child sleeping so peacefully and his heart stutters. He loves them so completely and he just met them but he knows he would give his life to protect each one of them. He looks over the soft dewy cheeks, the long dark lashes that cast half-moon shadows on their sweet little faces and smiles, these are his children, his own flesh and blood, his babies. His heart swells and his chest puffs a bit at the pride he feels knowing that he has three angels that he helped to create and bring into this world.

He walks a little closer to the hospital bed that has his daughter and his fiancé sleeping with a soft snore coming from one of them and he nearly laughs because he can't tell which one it is coming from. They look so beautiful, this amazing man, this sweet and loving soul gave him the greatest gift he has ever received in his life and he is humbled before him for his sacrifice. He was with an unknown man and still carried and birthed these babies, has been raising them without ever questioning whether he should or not.

His mother has spoken about him over these years and Wangji knows that he is a gentle person, kind, loving and protective of those he loves. He is floored that his man has agreed to spend his life with him, he can't believe that he gets the privilege of spending every day with this unbelievable family that is all his.

He notices that his daughter is starting to move around so he walks closer to the bed and strokes her back gently until she falls back into a peaceful sleep. He sits down and just looks between each of the people in this room unable to sleep for fear he will wake up and find it all just a dream.

The next morning he is woken up by a nurse coming in to take his daughter for some tests. It's very early and he sits up as the nurse disconnects the I.V. line from the port.

She smiles at him "Good morning, we will be taking her down for some testing, we will be drawing blood, doing a scan and giving her a full check-up. Which one of you would like to accompany her down for all of this?"

Wuxi sits up with her and looks at the nurse then at Wangji "I will, if you don't mind staying with the boys, Li Qin should be here soon and she can help you feed them and she will take them home today, they don't need to stay here like this."

Wangji nods "Yes absolutely, I don't mind at all, go with our daughter I will take care of our sons then I have to go to my grandfather's with Mother."

Wuxi nods "Alright, I will call you if they let us know anything and you can wait for the paternity test results, they should bring them to this room when they are done."

He scoots to the edge of the bed with AMei and the nurse helps him stand with her. Wangji watches them standing as well just in case they need his help, he walks over to them and kisses his daughter on her forehead then does the same to Wuxi who blushes but smiles softly. "I will send you the results of the test when I get it, here is your phone, I'll just put it in your pocket here so you will have it on you."

Wuxi looks at his finance and nods with a half-smile "Thanks, I'll see you later."

Wangji nods and watches them walk out of the room, he stretches trying to get the kinks out of his neck since he fell asleep in the chair which was not comfortable. He walks over and checks on his sons who are still sleeping but are beginning to move around a little.

He walks over to the door and talks to the remaining security "Did one of you go with them?"

He nods "Yes sir, they are not allowed to move without at least one of us but we have plain clothes security positioned in several places throughout the floor and they will move as our charges move." He says quietly so as not to be overheard.

Wangji nods "Well thank you, can one of you go to the nurse's station and let them know that we need two toddler-healthy breakfasts and one adult? If any of you need anything let them know that as well."

The security guard shakes his head "We just changed shifts an hour ago we are all fine, I will let one of the plain-clothed guards know and they will get you all something to eat. We know what the babies usually eat for meals, just wait a bit and we will bring it to you, sir."

He thanks the guard and walks back into the room and sees ATian sitting in the bed rubbing his eyes, he smiles at the toddler "Good morning ATian, how did you sleep."

He pouts and puts his arms up wanting to be picked up "Daddy." He whines a little in a sleepy voice and Wangi walks over, picks him up and puts him on his chest.

ATian lays his head on his father's shoulder and becomes almost dead weight again and he relaxes in Wangji's arms. Wangji walks around the room while slowly patting his back keeping an eye on his oldest waiting for him to wake up as well.

About ten minutes later Li Qin comes in with a few bags in her hands she smiles as she sees Wangji with ATian in his arms she whispers "Good morning, I brought something for everyone to eat. Where are Wuxi and AMei?"

Wangji smiles at her "Good morning, oh I didn't realize so I ordered us something from the nurses, anyway they had to go for some tests, they haven't been gone for too long so it might be a while before they come back. I'm not sure how long the tests will take they didn't really give a time frame."

She nods and walks over to the long window sill in the room that also acts as a shelf, places the bags on it and opens them pulling the containers out and putting them on the sill. She has several containers and juices that she puts out and starts to make up a few bowls of food.

Wangji walks over and watches her "What do they like to eat? Do they have any allergies and what don't they like? I want to know everything but I also don't want to give them anything that could hurt them."

Li Qin smiles at him happy that he is so interested in his children, it makes her feel better about him and the last doubts she has about him leave her. "They have a nutmeg allergy they aren't allergic to anything else that we have found after they were tested for different allergies." She opens the containers as she talks to him.

"ATian will eat just about anything you put in front of him, he has always been a fantastic eater. AYuan is a bit picker, he will for the most part eat what we fix but mainly because we fix what they like, he doesn't like eggs unless they are mixed in with other things. AMei is a texture person, she is also the pickiest, she has to have her food put a certain way and she doesn't care to touch anything she thinks is slimy, so sliced bananas, avocado, some thicker broths things like that she won't eat unless you fix them a different way. You can give her half of a banana and let her eat it but don't slice it or she won't touch it and so on." She puts several things efficiently into four bowls as she continues to talk.

"You will get the hang of their eating habits as you are around them more and Wuxi and I will help you with them. You will learn their likes and dislikes pretty quickly; they are for the most part pretty easy babies to deal with." She glances at him with a smile.

Wangji listens carefully as he watches her make them all a bowl of fruit and yogurt with a small fruit bun and some juice. "Here why don't you sit down and you can feed ATian while we wait for AYuan to wake up which should be any minute, he wakes at almost the same time every day." She has a bowl in her hands waiting expectantly for him to do as he is told which he does.

He sits down, puts the toddler on his lap and takes the bowl from her "Thank you, you are very good at your job and you really love these babies, thank you again for taking care of them. I wish I would have been here from the start, I have missed so much already." He takes the spoon, puts a small bite on it and feeds his son.

She grins "You have missed some things but they are not yet two so with you being in their lives from now on all of their memories will have you in them. They won't remember these first twenty months as they get older, most children's early childhood memories do not begin to stick and be retained until they are between two and a half and four. You will remember not being here for the first part of their lives but they won't, to them you have always been here." She watches him feed ATian and listen to her.

He looks at her and smiles "Thanks for that, it makes me feel better that they will always remember me being in their lives. I know that they have quite a lot on social media but are their videos and things of their firsts? Can I see them walk and say their first words things like that?"

She smiles nodding with a slight giggle "Oh yeah, these kids' lives have been documented since their birth. You can literally see them grow up in front of a camera and there are photos and videos galore of all of their firsts."

Wangji smiles "I'm glad, I want to see all of them, everything from the time they were born. I might have missed it but I can at least see it so that I don't feel like I completely missed the first part of their lives."

AYuan wakes up and sits up rubbing his eyes as they talk Li Qin walks over and picks him up "Good morning little master, are you ready for your breakfast?"

He looks at her then at Wangji, he tilts his head "Daddy?"

Wangji smiles at him "Good morning little one, Daddy is still here, did you sleep well?"

He nods his head and crawls to the edge of the bed turns over and slides off then walks over to his father and looks up at him. "AYuan wants up."

Wangji chuckles and looks to Li Qin who shakes her head grinning "Come on ATian you are done eating anyway why don't we let your daddy feed de ge hm?"

ATian puts his arms out to her and she takes him from Wangji who bends down to pick up AYuan "Are you hungry son?"

AYuan nods "Mn, want bekfas."

Li Qin hands him the bowl she already had prepared and gives ATian some juice while Wangji feeds his oldest son. "Here we go, daddy will feed you so you can grow up to be big and strong."

AYuan nods "Big strong, where meimei and Mommy?"

Wangji gives him another bite "Meimei had to go for some more tests so Mommy went with her to make sure she is ok. They will be back in a little while, don't worry they will be back soon and you can see them alright?"

He grins and takes another bite, Li Qin takes ATian into the bathroom, bathes and changes him then comes out and takes AYuan in since he is done eating, bathes and changes him as well. 

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