Bloody City: Deviants

By AidinWhite

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{Book #2 of The Bloody City Series} The Salvatorini Familia was feared for decades. Italy and the rest of the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chaper Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirteen

36 5 0
By AidinWhite


The cars rolled to a stop outside of a high class club in central Genoa before my brothers and I climbed from the cars. I could feel my anger rise while looking at the club with several made members that ran the club standing out front with the front lights and everything else turned off to seem like it was closed.

"Don," one of them says glancing to me and I flicked my eyes to him.

"Let's go inside, and someone get that fucking body wrapped up and properly disposed. Fucking Chimera," I mutter pushing the doors open with everyone else following me along with Aria who wasn't too far behind me while I looked around the incredibly expensive burlesque night club, red padded walls, and numerous curved seating areas with round tables in the middle between the tables while neatly dressed bartenders polished glasses, and prepped tables. The red lighting made the room look more ambient then anything, while various made membered paced the room mostly men, only two women which was an idea Matteo had to make people not believe that a club could be ran by a woman, even if it was a pair of them that were the managers.

"Where's the body going?" one of the guys asked walking over to us and I looked to Matteo who was pacing the room.

"To his family depending on the condition, the Familia will cover their lifestyle as payment of respect, after five years his younger brother can join as his duty to the Familia," my brother says as I continued to look around the club in the event there was anyone who had slipped inside since the Chimera were able to get close to the club.

"I want all the staff, brought together, and I want to see the video footage from outside the club I want to know just who these Chimera fucks are," I say calmly while walking towards the staff area and was followed into it while I pulled out my phone, and called for all my underbosses to come to meet with me in person, the club wasn't bugged, and I knew it wasn't not with the measures that were in place, and over lapping shifts.

Walked into the basement level I found the round board room where all of us could sit and discuss what had happened in a civilized manner, or as civil as a conversation like this could go.

Sitting at the head of the table I looked around at them while my brothers prepared themselves for the conversation we'd need to have for the Familia to respond properly, which would be how we were to react to the Chimera's retaliation to my warning about them attacking my actual territory.

"So what do we believe is the right course of action to respond to the Chimera?" I ask looking to my brothers, the three of them having exchanged looks as we entered. Antonio would choose to directly counter the Chimera which was a simple but efficient response though he'd recommend the tactful approach. Luca would say to simply wipe them from the map, and do what I had historically when unity was needed and force the hand where I wanted it. Matteo would say equally respond with increase, if they wanted to attack us an start a war we had much more capacity though less incentive to engage in open combat where not needed. As brothers we knew what the others were thinking, it was also why four years of difference between us all was beneficial in the beginning of our division of territory something I'd wanted to bring up since not everything could be done from Genoa.

"I say we divide the territory," Antonio says always the diplomat of the four of us.

"How so?" Matteo asks while Luca stared over a knife at our brother. Antonio leaned forwards smoothing the front of his shirt.

"I will take France, Giovanni's the Northern Central part of Europe, Luca, Amara, and Victoria, Italy, save for Sicily and Sardinia. Greece and the Eastern Adriatic Sea countries the Carspicca Familia," Antonio elaborates and Luca presses his knifes tip into the end of his finger gently.

"For blood, I'll agree," he says and we all looked up to him. Blood oaths weren't often made but in our family such decisions required them. We'd end up explaining it to the Underbosses who would tell their Capo's and soldiers.

Actions like this, especially with a looming war as a possibility between the guerilla insurgent mafia forming on Crete, and the chance that it was bigger then just the Chimera.

I really don't want to have to speak with the Vichiorggio's.

Years ago when I was beginning my reign from Liguria, and my purges of the old guard, I had no strength, and had to build it back up before expanding. Alvaro Vichiorggio hadn't come in person, hadn't been able to. There was few times that he was even seen with people from Italy, though he also had a wife and daughter, along with sole command of much of North America. He'd been known as the cold one, or the man in black his whole life, and it spoke to who the other Cosa Nostra Familia's believed he was.

It was that reason that made me begin to think about how to most efficiently create a more productive network out of the criminal underworld. The Salvatorini Familia was know for being a hard hand in the underworld, and I didn't want that to change, it couldn't change since it had always done so well historically. The cruelty that my siblings were capable of using was what kept everything in hand, and it was also that that made the idea of a sectioned Underworld easier to deal with since it wasn't one big distribution, it was national regions based on how the Familia's worked and were capable of working.

Pulling my knife I squeezed my hand around the blade, before my brothers did the same and as usual we put our blood into a glass and wrote out slowly with it using a quill that we agreed for the division of the territory that the Salvatorini Familia controlled.

"Get the Underbosses, I need to speak to them, all of you return to your territories, I want the entire Familia to know of this change, it will allow for more concentrated responses," I say folding my arms while they stood and I lifted the piece of paper marking our decision as the heads of the Familia.

"Return to your territories, I'll speak with the Regional Underbosses," I say and they nodded before leaving and I swiftly took out my phone, and sent a text to Aria that she would need to be taken home, and that I wouldn't be coming home tonight.


Several hours later while I sat in the main conference room of the Familia villa while the body of the initiate was being buried respectfully, I looked around as the many members of the Regional Underbosses sat around the table many of them smoking and most of them looking at me with the respect that I'd earned from them since becoming Don of the Familia.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I'm announcing that starting tomorrow morning the Familia will be devided with certain proxy Don's to operate the Familia's territory more efficiently, this includes a short list of names, trusted members of the Salvatorini Familia before we had power, and I wanted to inform you this personally, as all of you have devoted years to me, to following the orders I've given whether they were easy or hard you all performed. Again we find ourselves with the possibility of a war with the guerilla faction of the Mafia known as the Chimera, able to be identified with a horned lion, with a snake surrounding the head as a tattoo, they have killed an initate in response to our warning about stepping into Salvatorini territory. I need them found and killed when they enter our territory. I won't have another war not with the fact there are many important event including Christmas, the new year, I was recently married, and my brothers wedding in two months. Get this sorted, that's the goal I need from all of you, the Chimera need to be suppressed, and the person behind the shooting of my wife at the reception must be found. I trust all of you to make the appropriate changes and adaptations required of you. Your individual approach to the problems are your own, just keep me updated on who gets whacked and who remains in question. Please return to your own provinces," I say and most of them stand to leave while only one remained, Fianntino, who was Underboss of La Spezia and made an honourary member of the closer meetings of the Regional Underbosses.

"Alessio," he says giving me a smile that I briefly returned remembering that the recent conflict with the Vincenzo Familia led to the death of his wife Grace.

"Pietro, how are you?" I ask politely as I lifted the glass of water something I needed to drink more often for my own health, and well being.

"I am good Don, I was wanting to ask you, you've had much go on in recent months, and I know that as one who had their wife shot it isn't easy to manage, even in the difference of yours being alive and my own not," he say looking out the window beside me while the sun began to rise in the distance over the sea in front of me.

"Did you have any comments about the meeting?" I ask looking to me and he nodded slowly pressing his lips tightly together as if he were deciding the best words to choose.

"The attack on my wife was from the Vincenzo Familia, but they had never been so bold in the past, and the timing consistently lined up with when there were events or meetings between the Familia's. I began to wonder if someone was planning to destroy the Salvatorini Familia from a distance but has always been unsuccessful, having the southern area of Liguria where my city was suddenly become in disarray, and then if I had been killed it would have left a power vacuum. I was curious if it could all be connected by the Chimera, and someone who is close enough to the center of power to plan something that elaborate," Pietro says and I looked to him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Like a coup?" I ask and he nodded.

"How would all that information end up in the hands of the Chimera, they're a new organization, and were only starting to get bigger when Massimo Riggerio got to Crete," I say and Pietro turned to me.

"The entire Riggerio Familia is filled with snakes, they always were trouble if you ask me, the fact both of the brothers are dead, and old man Riggerio is dead, their line ends," Pietro remarks venom on every word.

"I suppose Massimo is dead in some regard, he betrayed the Familia, death is a clear response for the transgression, now I must return to my wife, and you to your daughter," I say putting a hand on his shoulder which he returned before I walked away towards my car so that I could be with Aria both for the reassurance of my mind that the Chimera could strike again, and that she was the only person who stayed up until I got home, and I wasn't willing to be as much of a bastard and make her wait.

So this chapter was a decent length though I didn't write all of it in one go as I meant to, I had a lot on my mind during the day of writing. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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