
By hagreen6

9.4K 259 70

When Emery Starr witnesses a crime, she is forced to uproot her entire life. Sure, she was shy and wasn't exa... More

1| There's No Place Like Home
2| Heart to Heart
3| Witness
4| Hospitals and Heros
5| Safety Plan
6| Motel
7| Hot and Cold
8| Identities and Information
9| Flight
10| New Normal
11| Coffee Bean
12| First Days
13| Just Breathe
14| Popcorn and Gummy Worms
15| Night owl (pt. 1)
16| Night Owl (pt. 2)
17| Regrets
18| Stuck
19| Just a Movie
20| Hold Me Steady
21| Pepperoni and Pineapple
22| Ladies Night
23| Trapped
24| They Know
25| It's Always Something (pt. 1)
26| It's Always Something (pt. 2)
27| Illusions
28| Twilight
29| Identify (pt. 1)
30| Identify (pt. 2)
31| The Nightmare Continues
32| Halloweekend (pt. 1)
33| Halloweekend (pt. 2)
34| Self-Defense
35| Unprofessional
36| Thanksgiving
37| Only Thunder
38| On the Ice
39| Christmas
40| New Years Eve (pt. 1)
41| New Years Eve (pt. 2)
42| Fallout
43| Stalked
44| Alarm
45| Scary Situations (pt. 1)
46| Scary Situations (pt. 2)
47| Aftermath
49| Ghost Town
50| Leaving
51| Coping
52| Leap of Faith
53| You and I
54| Shattered
55| A Closer Eye
56| Potential

48| Jaxon

111 5 4
By hagreen6

Jaxon's POV:

I shouldn't have slept with Emery. Normally, I prided myself on my professionalism, and this was a line I should not have crossed.

The issue was, though I had always considered myself to be a strong man, when it came to Emery, I was fucking weak. So, so weak.

Still, even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't get myself to regret my decisions that lead me to this; to waking up with the most beautiful woman in the world in my arms.

I studied her face as she slept. Normally, Emery slept restlessly; always tossing and turning; always whimpering and trembling. I wasn't sure she even knew how frequently she had nightmares... but I knew.

Last night, despite the terrifying day, she only cried out once. I tightened my grip on her, she curled in, and luckily, that was the end of it.

Now, as I stared down at her beautiful face, it was nice to see her looking relaxed. That adorable little crease that forms between her eyebrows when she's worried was completely smooth as she slept; smooth as her flawless, sun kissed skin.

Her light blonde hair was sprawled in silky waves on the pillow, as it had grown quite a bit since her last hair cut. I watched her even breathing through her full, parted lips; lips so soft I was addicted to kissing them. I wanted to place a gentle kiss on her tiny button-nose, and then brush my lips lightly across her full lashes that were masking her blue-green eyes.

She was so. fucking. gorgeous.

And there were men out there who wanted to hurt her; nay, kill her. It was truly fucked up; a woman so gentle, so kind, and so beautiful, and someone wanted to end her life.

In my years of being a bodyguard I had never been truly scared that I wouldn't be successful in keeping a client safe. I was damn good at my job. But yesterday, I was terrified.

As I stood in that tiny supply closet with her small, fragile body in my arms, all I could think about was how I couldn't bear it if she got hurt. I had good instincts, and those instincts were what made me a good bodyguard, but if I was being totally honest with myself, I wasn't entirely sure what to do yesterday.

I would have died to keep her safe if I had to. I would have held her up against my body until my arms completely gave out, and then somehow I would have found the strength to keep holding on, because letting her go felt dangerous. Holding her in my arms was the one place I knew nobody could touch her; nobody could hurt her.

She had been through so much. This poor girl had been dealt such a shitty hand of cards, and it pained me to see her so scared. Every time she trembled, every time she thought I didn't notice the look of fear in her eyes, I did; and it fucking killed me.

God... this woman.

I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone started to vibrate on the nightstand. I didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know it was chief.

I reached over, quickly silencing the call before it woke Emery. I held the phone to my chest as I gently eased my arm out from beneath her head.

I missed the contact immediately as I headed to the bathroom to take the call.

"Chief," I answered, my voice quiet and gruff with sleep.

"Hey, Jax," he responded. "Everything okay? Your voice sounds funny."

"Yeah," I said, clearing my throat. "Because of the campus lockdown I couldn't get Emery back to the dorms last night. We're at a friend's place and I'm trying not to wake her."

"Got it," Chief sighed. "Is she doing okay?"

I ran a hand through my hair. "She's... she's tough, but she's terrified, and rightly so. What information do you have?"

"I have something, but you're not gonna like it," he started. I stilled, bracing my arm against the counter top for support while he continued.

"There were several victims yesterday; all of which were college-age, petite, blonde girls. This wasn't even the first campus shooting this week, nor was it the only one yesterday. I'm not sure how they figured it out, but they must know Emery was placed at a college in California. All the shootings happened in Cali, and all had the same victimology; petite, blonde, women."

My heart lurched. I felt sick. "Fuck... I can't tell Emery that... it would break her."

Emery was way too sweet to hear something like this. I knew that the second she did, she would think that all the victims were her fault. "How many victims?"

"At your college? Ten. Across California? Thirty-two."

Thirty-two victims. Thirty-two young women's lives cut way too short, in hopes that one of them was the one girl they needed to silence.

"So... what happens now? You need to guide me here, Chief."

"Well, I want you two off the campus. I don't care where you go, but you need to leave as soon as she's up and ready. Try not to scare her, but get her out as soon as you can. Let me know when you get her somewhere safe. Our team is working on new identities and a new location for you both."

Fuck. Another blow. I knew this was going to be a rough day for her. I peaked back into the bedroom, looking at her small frame curled up on the bed. I wasn't sure how I was going to tell her any of this.

When this all started, the initial relocation was devastating, but I saw her slowly getting herself back. I could see her day by day adjusting to her life here; she had a good roommate, a beautiful campus, and I think she was getting comfortable with the life she and I were creating together.

To move again? That would destroy her.

"You there?" Chief prompted. My thoughts were running too wild. I hadn't realized I'd been silent for over a minute.

"Yeah..." I breathed, "I'm sorry. It's just a lot to take in. I was... I just know that relocating will hurt her. I know that she's gonna feel like the victims are her fault... and I'm worried it's going to break her."

"Jax, this is the job," Chief said. "You sound like you caught feelings for her, and you know damn well why that would be an issue."

"I know. You don't need to worry," I lied, "I wouldn't ever cross the line."

"Good. Because as much as I want you on this case, you can be replaced."

"Understood. Again, you don't have to worry. Her safety is my only priority."

"Glad to hear it. Now, let her sleep, but then get her off campus safely. Call me when you're there."

"Okay. Thanks, Chief."

I hung up the phone, splashing some cold water onto my face.


I loved my adoptive father, but first and foremost, he was my boss. I had to be more careful when talking to him about Emery. I knew damn well that nobody would be able to protect her as well as I could. I also knew that there was no way in hell I could go back now on the way I felt about her... so I just needed to be better at hiding it.

I glanced at the clock. 5:27 AM. God, I was fucking exhausted.

I didn't allow myself much sleep lately, and even before that when I wanted to sleep, I couldn't. My thoughts were just consumed by thoughts of Emery. If I wasn't being plagued by the near death experiences, I was paranoid by the coincidences. Or, if neither of those, all I could think about was how badly I wanted her.

I stole a glance at myself in the mirror, noting how tired I looked. If Emery and I needed to relocate somewhere off-campus today, then I knew it would be a long fucking day, and I needed to rest.

I opened the door to the bathroom, creeping quietly back to the bed where Emery was still sleeping. Though, when I pulled back the blankets and settled in beside her, I could feel her trembling.

A quick glance at her face told me she was having another nightmare. That crease between her eyebrows was back, and she let out a soft whimper.

Trying my best not to wake her while also providing comfort, I looped my arm under her head, pulling her small frame to my bare chest. She trembled for a little while, but her breathing slowed, and it seemed she was lulled back into a peaceful sleep.

I hated that she was always so scared, but it gave me solace in knowing that I was the one who could calm her down and make her feel safe.

I knew that we needed to get moving, but I also wasn't ready for this night to be over. Besides, we'd be safe in this house for another few hours, and I needed a little sleep.

So, against my better judgement, I tightened my grip on the woman I loved, closed my eyes, and let sleep overtake me.


It's been a while since I made an authors note but just wanted to drop by to say sorry for the late update! This isn't my favorite chapter, but still, I hope you enjoyed the quick peek into Jaxon's POV anyway!

Thanks for continuing to read this story!


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