Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

By smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... More

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Six : Missing
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Two: Hate
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers
Yearning - Original Concept

Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell

236 14 16
By smile_arigatou

TW: mentions of religious abuse. Also... anti-Catholic? I'm not sure what to call it.


"Wicked witch!"

Sabrina barely had time to cover her face before she felt the rocks being pelted at her. The small group of children were throwing them at her without mercy, causing her to curl into a ball next to the wall in a feeble attempt to wait out the pain. She had nowhere else to go and no time to react, and it brought tears to her as she thought about how weak she was.

"Sorceress!" one of the girls cried.

"Sinner!" another one shouted.




Sabrina carefully uncovered herself when she felt the stones had stopped. The three girls had turned and were now looking sheepishly at Sister Margaret, whose rare face of anger was staring straight back at them.

One of the girls spoke up. "Sister Margaret, we were just following what the Bible said."

"Where in your Bible does it state that seven year old children are to punish and kill other children?" Sister Margaret yelled as she grabbed a small straw broom off the nearby wall.

Another girl responded. "But Sister Mary said she's a witch. And it says in Deuteronomy we are to kill witches."

Sister Margaret turned the girls around. "Well, since you girls are so knowledgeable in your Bible verses all of a sudden, why don't you recount the eighth book of John, verse seven?"

No one said anything.

"Come along! Don't disappoint me now! You knew your information a minute ago! Eighth book of John, verse seven!"

"'So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.'"

Sister Margaret turned to the girl still crouched on the ground and smiled. "Good, Sabrina. And who is speaking in this verse?"

Sabrina swallowed. "Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

"Very good." The nun turned towards the other girls, who now had their heads hung in shame. "Now, who shall we believe more? Sister Mary, or Our Lord Jesus Christ?"

The girls responded. "Jesus."

"He would be disappointed in your actions. As am I. Now, don't move."

The three girls that had ganged up on Sabrina stood still and took the quick whips from the straw broom with grace. When Sister Margaret was done, she quickly waved her hand. "Go, shoo! Don't let me see you doing this again!"

As the girls ran off, Sabrina finally stood up and began to look at her arms for signs of bruising or cuts.

Sister Margaret approached her and lifted her face up. "Are you alright?"

Sabrina nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow up the laundry basket."

The nun chuckled. "Aye, child. What am I to do with you?"


Anne instantly jumped out of her deep sleep. "I wasn't asleep," she said groggily as she tried to focus her eyes. However, when she finally looked up, she saw that the cause of her broken nap was actually her girlfriend and not the Hogwarts librarian.

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you?" Aurelia quipped before sitting down harshly on the bench.

The movement and noise was making Anne suddenly feel nauseous. "You know, the old librarian doesn't like loud noises in her library," she said, this time quieter as a group of students walked past their table to reach a shelf of books.

Aurelia didn't seem to care. "Everett has everyone on the Ravenclaw team convinced that I was put on the team for pity. He just doesn't want to admit that I'm the best player he has! Without him, that team would be nothing."

"Merlin, Aura, say that a bit louder and people will begin to think you were sorted into the wrong house."

The auburn haired girl looked at Anne and blushed. "You know, the hat almost put me into Slytherin."

Anne raised her eyebrows at her. "Did it? Why did it change its mind?"

Aurelia shrugged. "Perhaps it thought I would look prettier in blue."

"I actually think you look prettier with nothing on."

Aurelia's face turned red as Anne began to giggle uncontrollably. It was here that Madam Scribner finally walked up to them. "Girls."

They turned to her and instantly quieted. "Sorry, Madam Scribner."

When the librarian walked off, Aurelia turned back to Anne with a softer and quieter tone. "Why were you sleeping in the library?"

Anne groaned. "Well, between Imelda's obsessive quidditch talks and Sabrina's nightmares–"


"Well, you are studying Catholicism in Muggle Studies, correct? Apparently it's bringing up a lot of trauma for her."

"Poor thing," Aurelia sighed. "Was it really that bad for her in London?"

"I suppose so. She won't talk to me about it."

The bells echoed loudly through the halls, signaling the end of morning classes. The girls quickly packed up to begin heading towards the Great Hall for lunch. The hallways and stairs were filled with students rushing out of classes to get to lunch. "If Clopton is giving you that much trouble, I can send Sebastian after him if you want," Anne offered.

Frowning, Aurelia leaned over and grabbed her girlfriends' hand. "I don't know what to do. I feel like everyone is against me."

Anne reached and gently kissed Aurelia's forehead. "You're not. Just a few pureblooded pricks with nothing better to do."

Aurelia looked up at her and gave a gentle smile. "That's for sure."

Sabrina felt like she hadn't slept in days. When they had started their lessons on Muggle religions, she hadn't expected it to affect her in the way that it had been. Her nightmares were beginning to come back in full force, and even sleeping in the Room of Requirement in Ominis' embrace did little to ease her or calm her enough to get more than a few hours rest.

Ominis held onto her waist, helping to drag her along. "You really should not be in class," he told her. "You look like you're about ready to pass out."

Sabrina looked up at him. "I'll be alright," she said. "I can sleep in tomorrow before the quidditch match. It's just hard when I have to face all of this again."

"I understand," Ominis said softly as they walked into their Muggle Studies classroom. "But aside from the sleep, you're handling it so well. And after this, I'll see what Sebastian and I can do to make sure you don't go back into this dark place again."

As the pair went and sat down in their seats for class, Sabrina lay her head tiredly on Ominis' shoulder. "Natty said this may be good for me," she explained. "She said perhaps facing my demons is good to help me get over the past."

Ominis sighed. "That doesn't always help."

"No, but she's right. I can't hide from it forever."

More students came into the room, including Aurelia who came and sat at her desk in front of Ominis and Sabrina. Everett Clopton sat on the opposite side of the room with a few other Ravenclaws, and Sabrina didn't miss the haughty looks they kept glancing in Aurelia's direction.

A few minutes later the old hunched over figure of Professor Smith came shuffling in. "Hello, class. Get your textbooks out. We'll be finishing our discussion on Muggle religions today, and I want your parchments on Catholicism handed in before the end of day today. Now, in your research, who wants to share something they found interesting?"

A few hands went up. Sabrina kept still next to Ominis.

"Miss Dale."

Samantha put her hand down. "I found it really interesting how some Muggle religions use wizard elements in their holidays, like the wreaths and trees at Christmas."

"Yes, indeed!" Professor Smith exclaimed. "It shows how similar we all can be. Who else?"

"I felt a lot of their rules to be barbaric," Lenora Everleigh added. "A lot of Christians feel that even doing something so small like lying is a sin punishable by death."

Sabrina shivered uncontrollably next to Ominis as the image of Sister Mary came back to her. Ominis leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I found the laws and rules they have to follow rather interesting," Everett's snarky voice said. "Especially the laws regarding who you can marry and the punishment for breaking such laws. While Wizarding laws state that you can marry whoever you want, the Catholic Bible states that those who sleep with someone of a different skin color or someone of the same sex will be sent to the fiery puts of Hell and should be put to death."

The class all seemed to direct their gaze towards Aurelia in hushed whispers. Aurelia shifted uncomfortably in her seat and diverted her face from everyone else.

Sabrina was suddenly feeling wide awake as she stared dangerously at the dark haired boy.

"I think Wizarding Law could benefit from following some of those Catholic laws," went on Everett. "Perhaps then we wouldn't have the chaos with Dark Wizards and bad influences as we do now."

"I find it very interesting that a pureblood wizard such as yourself would be interested in the laws and practices of Catholics, Everett."

Everyone had now turned their attention towards Sabrina, who had rarely ever spoken in their Muggle Studies class despite everyone knowing she was raised among Muggles.

Everett looked back at her and smirked. "Some of them make sense, is all."

Sabrina smiled back before she finally sat up. "May I have permission to speak freely, Professor Smith?"

Professor Smith looked back and forth between the students before he nodded his approval to her, a knowing smile on his face as he sat at his desk.

Ominis had also turned and was watching her protectively.

The girl took a deep breath as she felt the fire in her chest begin to grow. "Tell me, Everett, since you enjoyed Leviticus laws so much, what other laws did you enjoy?"

Everett shifted. "Well... I don't remember."

"That's too bad. If you had read the book a bit more then you would have seen the laws stating you can't eat animals with split hooves or fins, or you could have read the laws stating not to see your family members naked."

Some of the students began to giggle.

"Or maybe you read more in Exodus," Sabrina suggested. "What did you think of Exodus twenty-two verse sixteen?"

Everett only shrugged. "What is that?"

"It states simply 'If a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.'"

Everett scoffed. "So if a prick sleeps with my sister and they're not already betrothed, he now has to marry her otherwise he still has to pay for the inconvenience? That is ridiculous. My sister isn't property."

Sabrina shrugged. "Not according to the Bible. Because that's not how that works. If you follow some of it, you need to follow all of it."

"No one follows those laws, anyway. Muggles aren't that stupid to believe and follow everything in that silly book."

"If you had read the verse after that, I don't think you'd be saying that."


Sabrina sat up straighter. "Exodus twenty-two verse eighteen. 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live'."

When she said that, the entire class went eerily silent. Sabrina could see the unease in everyone, and Everett twitched uncomfortably in his chair. He was no longer smirking, and Sabrina thought he even began to look pale.

"Why do you think they still have protection charms around Hogwarts? It's certainly not for the Muggle benefit. And we have plenty of Wizarding Laws stating we are to keep our existence a secret and to not expose our community to the Muggle man. Why do you think that is?"

He looked back at her, confused.

Sabrina hadn't broken her eye contact from him. "Because simply, Muggles don't like us. If you read Deuteronomy book eighteen verse ten, it clearly states 'There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.'" Sabrina emphasized the last part with such harshness she felt Ominis' shake next to her. It raised the tension in the class, and no one even dared to utter a word. "Do you know what Catholics do to witches, Everett?"

He didn't answer.

Sabrina went on. "If you're lucky, you get thrown onto a woodpile and burned alive. Or sometimes they'll tie you up and throw you into the river and wait for you to sink. However, if you float to the top, they'll only pull you out, throw stones at you, and then burn you alive."

"They don't do that anymore," Everett snapped finally.

"That doesn't matter." Sabrina felt her chest start to hurt, but she kept going. "It doesn't matter if they burn you at the stake or throw you in the River Thames. Hanging is still legal. A gun will do the job well enough. In France, I'm fairly certain the guillotine is still there. If you go up to a Catholic and you tell them you're a wizard, they'll want you dead before they even know your name."

"Now you're just making shit up."

"I dare you to look at my back and tell me that again."

Everyone looked back at her in shock. Ominis tensed next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Calm down," he whispered to her softly.

Sabrina narrowed her gaze at the Ravenclaw and took a deep breath to ease the nerves in her stomach. "My point is you just want to be one of those people who just picks and chooses what parts of the Bible to believe in so it fits your life and your own beliefs. You're just as bad as the men who would persecute you without hesitation. So the next time you feel that lesbians and gays are abominations and that they deserve to rot in Hell and burn, just remember that Catholics and Christians feel the exact same way about you."

Everett finally looked away from Sabrina with a shallow and haunted look on his face.

Professor Smith finally cleared his throat. "Thank you, Miss Lewis. I believe that is enough. Everyone, focus now and turn your books to page three-hundred and ninety-four...."

Everyone turned to face forward towards their teacher. Aurelia looked at Sabrina and mouthed a silent 'thank you' before she too returned to her book.

Sabrina leaned her head back down on Ominis' shoulder. He leaned over and hummed. "Do you feel better?"

Surprisingly, Sabrina did feel slightly better. She felt so much better that within a few minutes she was fast asleep on top of Ominis' arm.

"You should have seen her," Aurelia told Anne the next morning. "I've never seen Sabrina so angry before. It was a lot of fun."

Anne was busy weaving her fingers in Aurelia's soft auburn hair, slowly braiding it into a beautiful yet simple French braid to make sure it didn't get in her face during the quidditch match. "That's why Sebastian calls her 'Gentle Slytherin'," she explained. "She's quiet and introverted, but the moment you piss her off, you better run."

Aurelia smiled and stared out of the windows of the abandoned Slytherin Common Room, looking into the Black Lake and seeing the plants sway against the glass. "You know, I've been here for a while and have yet to see a mermaid."

"You're just impatient," Anne said as she tied off the second braid. "You can't expect them to hang around all day, can you?"

"I suppose not." Aurelia sat quietly as Anne began to take her hair and twist it to lay in a bun on her head. "You know, I've never felt so much pressure towards a match before. I feel like if I lose, it just proves him right."

Anne shrugged. "Then don't lose."

Aurelia turned to look at her. "That means I have to go against you in the final."

Anne finished tying off her hair and wrapped her arms around Aurelia. "Would that be the worst thing?"

The Ravenclaw hummed and leaned into her touch. "I suppose not. I did beat you last time."

"Only because I gave you the snitch!" Anne laughed.

Aurelia raised her eyebrows. "Oh so now you admit it?"

The two girls sat warmly like that for a minute, taking in the soft sounds of the fireplace and the harp in the corner before Aurelia finally shifted. "We should go."

It seemed like the quidditch stands had more students in it than usual, which felt odd considering that most of the school usually came to the games. Or perhaps Anne's own nerves were making her claustrophobic as she felt the excited tension all around her.

"Relax," Sebastian said when they climbed up to the top of the wooden stands. "Everything will be fine."

"I just worry what will happen to her if she loses," Anne explained. "Everett and Pucey have so many people convinced we're 'unnatural'."

Sebastian shrugged. "Well, like Sabrina said, unnatural is a matter of opinion and perspective. I still can't believe she went off on Everett like that. I wish I could have seen it!"

Anne chuckled. "I know! I forget all the time how strong she is. She always looks so meek and small."

"Don't let her hear you say that."

When they got to the highest part of the stands, they met up with Sabrina and Ominis. Sabrina was shivering and huddled tightly in Ominis' hold, and as the twins walked up a strong, cold breeze went right through them. "I wish it hadn't rained yesterday," Ominis complained, his cheeks red from the wind. "It's freezing out here."

"I'm sorry," Sabrina said, looking up at him. "I just want to support Aurelia. But I'm also getting very cold, we don't have to stay all day."

Ominis sighed and leaned into her. "I'm not complaining about the game. Besides, holding you like this is my favorite thing."

"Oh, there you all are!"

The four teenagers looked up, all equally surprised when they saw Minerva and Theo walking up to them. "What are you doing here?" Sabrina asked, now red from shock than the March air.

Theo beamed after he finished squeezing Sebastian's shoulder. "Are you joking? Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw! I wouldn't want to miss this for the world!"

Minerva sighed. "Your father is very competitive," she told her daughter.

"You're damn right I am!"

Sabrina chuckled with her mother. "I didn't know parents could come and watch the games," she explained.

Minerva shrugged. "Well, Professor Weasley didn't complain when she saw us." She finally looked behind Sabrina and smiled at Ominis. "And how are you feeling?"

Ominis was staring at her, studying her in slight surprise before he looked away and answered. "I'm much better," he explained. "I... I never got the opportunity to thank you for all of your help."

Sabrina saw Minerva smile fondly at him. "Of course. We would do anything for you."

The way Minerva spoke suddenly sent a stab into Sabrina's chest, instantly causing her to withdraw further into Ominis' hold.

Anne felt a hand on her elbow, and when she turned she saw Imelda pulling her towards the front. "Come watch with me," she said.

"Is everything alright?"

"Of course," Imelda replied. "I just need someone to stand with. Besides, I know you're just as nervous as I am about this game."

"Why are you nervous?" Anne asked with her eyebrows raised.

Imelda turned and hesitated. "This game determines who we play next month," she said simply. "There's a lot riding on today."

Anne was surprised. Imelda never seemed nervous about anything, let alone quidditch. But hearing the roar of the crowds around them died out her questions, and a few seconds later both the Gryffindor team and the Ravenclaw team were walking out onto the pitch.

It was hard to make out anyone on the ground, but Aurelia was easily discernible as she was the only red-head in Ravenclaw blues, and tucked nicely into her uniform was Anne's emerald green scarf. Standing in front of the Gryffindor seeker, Hogan, Anne felt like Aurelia looked tiny.

That's good, she thought to herself. Small is good. Small allows her to sneak in and take the snitch from behind. Small lets her move faster against the wind as her weight won't hinder her.

Imelda had her eyes set on Gryffindor, specifically the captain, Garreth Weasley. "I really hope Ravenclaw wins," she thought aloud. "Ravenclaw is the weaker team, and I'd rather go against them in the finals. They won't stand a chance."

Anne looked at Imelda. "One game at a time," she said.

The players mounted their brooms and rose into the air. The crowds started to get excited as they saw the students hovering above. Madam Kogawa released the bludgers, then the golden snitch, and instinctively Anne's eyes followed the small golden ball until it disappeared.

When Madam Kogawa picked up the quaffle, everyone suddenly went silent. Then, it was thrown into the air, and the players lunged forward as the crowds screamed.

"There goes Natty with the quaffle first for Gryffindor," Lucan Brattleby narrated. "Then to Nellie, back to Natty. She's rushing towards the goals!"

The Gryffindor Chasers were throwing the quaffle back and forth in almost perfect coordination, it was hard to keep track of who exactly had the ball. Before too much longer, the definite ding! from the goalpost signaled the first point of the game.

Anne kept her eyes on Aurelia, who was hovering far above everyone else. She was keeping a diligent eye out for the small golden speck and seemed refusing to look anywhere else. She was focused, and Anne could see the determination in her girlfriends' face.

Ravenclaw became in possession of the quaffle, but just as Everret went to throw it to a teammate, Gryffindor Chaser O'Callahan came up from behind and stole the ball from his grasp. The Ravenclaw crowds groaned in obvious frustration as Gryffindor then scored their next point.

That was how the game went for a long time, and even Anne was amazed at how quickly and easily the Ravenclaw Quidditch team was losing against their scarlet counterparts. After an hour of play, Ravenclaw had only scored fifty points, while Gryffindor had scored almost a hundred.

Everett flew next to Aurelia, and they were close enough that the Slytherin crowd could hear. "Why the hell haven't you caught the snitch yet?!"

Aurelia glared at him. "I'm working on it!"

"Obviously not! We're going to lose because of you! How incompetent are you!"

"Shut it, Clopton!"

Everett pursed his face and shot a nasty look towards the Gryffindor Seeker, Vernon Hogan, who was hovering nearby. Anne couldn't help but grin.

They heard another score from the Gryffindor team. "A hundred and ten points," Anne told Imelda as her smile left her face. She felt herself begin to panic. "If Ravenclaw doesn't do something soon, it won't matter if Aurelia catches the snitch or not."

Imelda's gaze had not left Garreth Weasley, who was Keeper and guarding the goal posts. He must have felt her staring because then he turned and stared back. If Anne had not been paying attention, she would have missed the small but subtle nod he gave to Imelda.

Aurelia lunged forward as her eyes finally found the snitch.

Hogan chased after Aurelia three seconds later.

"What is he doing?!" Imelda screamed.

Hogan stayed within an arms length of Aurelia, but he never moved closer. They were on top of the snitch, and all it would take is one more reach and either seeker would have it in their grasp.

"GO AURELIA!" Anne screamed. "GRAB IT!"

She wasn't the only one. It seemed like almost the entire student body in the stands were screaming at Aurelia, who was rushing after the snitch like her life depended on it.

Anne's heart was beating wildly and felt her throat begin to hurt from the yelling. Imelda next to her was screaming just as loudly, and hardly anyone noticed that the Gryffindor team had slowed down to watch. The Ravenclaw team took the opportunity to grab the quaffle, and just as they scored another point, the two seekers reached out at the same time.

Aurelia's hand went up in triumph.

Anne had never heard the stands scream so loudly in her life.

They heard Madam Kogawa's voice announce the final score. "Gryffindor, one hundred and thirty points. Ravenclaw, two hundred and ten points. Ravenclaw wins!"

Imelda hollered in Anne's ears above the noise of the crowd. "That means you and Aurelia."

Anne grinned. "Yeah! I can't wait!"

Anne met Aurelia outside of the locker rooms as the team finished getting cleaned up. As soon as she was changed, Aurelia was rushing out of the tent and running into Anne's arms. "You were amazing!" Anne told her.

Aurelia gave a small frown. "I have a feeling Gryffindor went easy on me."

Anne shrugged. "I doubt it. You know how competitive they are. Besides, you caught the snitch. You are the one everyone is celebrating tonight."

She saw as her girlfriend finally smiled back. "So does that mean we get to have our own celebration?"

"Oh yeah," Anne grinned as she tightened her grip on her. "Because this is definitely worth a party."

Everett Clopton walked out then and eyed the pair with a disgusted look before looking at Anne. "I would be careful if I were you, Sallow. As you know, Aurelia likes to fuck those that let her win."

Both girls stood in shock at his comment. They shivered as the implication sat in, but instead of fear, Anne released Aurelia and stepped forward in anger. "What is your problem, Clopton? Are you really that pathetic and insecure about your ego that you have to put others down to feel better about yourself?"

"I am not pathetic and insecure!" Everett spat. He took a step forward himself, standing toe-to-toe with Anne to hover over her. He had a few inches of height on her, but it didn't intimidate her at all. "I just call things as I see them."

Anne narrowed her eyes and grinned. "Let me give you a bit of advice, Everett. The next time you want to fuck somebody, try fucking somebody your own size."

Everett stood stunned and completely speechless. Aurelia covered her mouth to hide her shock and the small laugh threatening to escape her.

Anne smiled sweetly at Everett one more time before she turned and grabbed Aurelia's hand. "Darling, shall we get going?"

Aurelia beamed back at her. "Ah sí, mi cariño," she replied brightly.

As Anne put her arm around Aurelia's arms to lead them away, she gave Everett one more glance. "See you around, Clopton."

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