Marvel Women - One Shots

Von marcle729

77.8K 1.2K 37

Just a few one shots that I've written over the past few months. Some chapters WILL include smut and they wil... Mehr

Thank Your Lucky Stars - WM
Good Enough - KB
Too Busy - WM
Couch People - NR
Petal - KB
Crop Top - WM ⚠️
Home - WM & NR
What's Wrong? - KB
Sports Illustrated: Heroes Edition - KB & YB ⚠️
Make Me - EO
The Club - HS ⚠️
Surprise! - FP
Unholy - HS ⚠️
Truth Or Dare - HS
Stir Fry - FP
Her Shirt - KB
A+ - NR
Snow Storm - NR ⚠️
Tease - WM & NR ⚠️
Tzatziki - FP
Confessions & Twinkle Lights - KB
Taste Of A Poison Paradise - CD ⚠️
Shark Tunnel Kisses - NR
Higher (Pt 1) - WM ⚠️
Sticky & Sweet (Pt 2) - WM ⚠️
Talking Body (Shots) - FP ⚠️
Studio Sessions Pt 1 - WM ⚠️
We're Both Upside Down - YB ⚠️

Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - KB ⚠️

1.2K 35 3
Von marcle729

"You girls look stunning! Smile!" Eleanor called, watching as you and Kate stood together in the foyer for a few prom photos.

"Mom, can we please go now! We're gonna be late!" Kate whined. Her arm was around your waist and if you were being completely honest, it was a bit hard to focus because of it.


Everyone knows Kate Bishop is hot. Athletic, popular, smart, captain of the school's archery team that she petitioned so very hard for her mom to fund. So when she began to take interest in you; of course you were hesitant. You were on her archery team; fairly decent at the sport but nothing compared to her. You and Kate couldn't be more opposite. You were always shy, reserved, quiet; never wanting to get in anyone's way and you'd dated the same girl since freshman year.

You were all seniors now and Kate liked to make it very known that she has a particular distaste for your girlfriend. "Hey princess," Kate teased, nudging you in the locker room before practice.

You groaned in reaction, "Bishop," you replied quietly.

"Are you ever gonna call me Kate?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you ever gonna call me by my name?" You asked.

"Hmm touché baby," Kate said, winking. Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment as a few of your team members were overheard chuckling at the interaction. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your gloves and gear from your locker. Practice went quick today and you were grateful, as it was you and your girlfriend's date night and you couldn't wait to surprise her.

You ran to your car and zoomed to her home, excited to spend some much needed time with your partner. Walking in the door of her house, it was oddly silent and you noticed her sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. "Baby?" You called quietly.

"Don't "baby" me," she spat, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes.

"Wh-what's going on?!" You asked, unsure what this was about.

"I knew you thought she was hotter than me. You could've broken up with me before you slept with her though. I thought I knew you better than that!" Your girlfriend argued.

"Ba- What are you talking about?! I've only ever slept with you!!!" You cried out, still confused as to who she was talking about.

"I should've known you'd sleep with that slut, Kate Bishop. It was only a matter of time. You spend every moment with her after school!"

"She's my team captain and I kind of have to! Where is this coming from?!" You asked, tears in your eyes. You sat down next to her and she scooted away a little, the action cold as ice.

"I overheard a few girls on your team saying how jealous they are of you that you've got all her attention constantly. As if you're not sleeping with her!" She accused.

"You've got to be joking right now. Was it Lila?! I swear to god I can't-"

"It doesn't matter who it was, we're DONE! Get out of my house!" She cried.


"Leave! Please..." she cried.

You left her house with a slam of her front door and you crumbled to the ground on her porch. You sobbed violently for a few moments, before getting up and driving home. You ran straight into your bedroom and plopped onto your bed, sobbing some more. You didn't show up to school the next day, and then it was the weekend. Your girlfriend, or rather now ex-girlfriend, was basically your only friend, so your phone didn't buzz the entire weekend.

Even the abrupt knock on the front door at one in the afternoon on Sunday hadn't even startled you. You laid in bed, scrolling through various social media apps, until your mom called your name.

"There's someone here to see you!"

You huffed, but then realized it could be your ex-girlfriend. You pulled on a more appropriate outfit, and ran your fingers through your hair, trying your best to make it look like it had been washed in the last few days. You ran down the stairs and were greeted by none other than Kate Bishop, captain of the archery team, and a royal pain in your ass. She was chatting with your mother and you gave your mom a forced, but polite smile as she excused herself to let you and Kate talk.

"Hey... I uh-" Kate scratched the back of her neck, looking down at the linoleum floor.

"No. Me first. You're the reason my girlfriend and I broke up! You're the reason my entire weekend has been absolute hell on earth! You ruined my life, Katherine Bishop!" You said angrily, pointing your finger at her the entire time.

"You've got to be kidding me. That relationship was so stale! You need new adventures! You need excitement! You need date nights out and you deserve to be fucking spoiled!" Kate spat back.

"You don't get to make those decisions for me, Bishop!" You cried, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "Now I have no prom date, no girlfriend, no life!"

"Go with me," Kate said, shrugging.

"I'd rather lick a wooden arrow," you quipped.

"Really? Hot." Kate said quickly. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Seriously. I don't have a date." Kate shrugged and stuffed her hands in her pockets, looking down bashfully at the floor again.

"YOU? Don't have a date? THE Kate Bishop, captain of the archery team, biggest whore in school, doesn't have a date?!"

"Ouch," she said quietly.

"Sorry. I uh- I'm still a bit miffed," you said, blushing.

"Fair. Sorry about that by the way," Kate apologized, looking up into your eyes.

"Uh thanks. Listen... I don't know if it's a good look for me to go to prom with you, Kate," you said, looking at the raven haired girl. Her eyes were soft and kind and a beautiful bright blue and you'd never really given her a good look until now. "Plus I don't even have a dress or-"

"I'll get your dress and your shoes. And pay for your makeup and your hair and-"

"Woah Kate I-"

"Oh my god. She said it. She said my name! You said my name!!!!" Kate exclaimed, trying all her might not to jump around and kiss you. You chuckled a little at how much of a dork she was and you realized you really didn't know the girl at all.

"Please let me buy everything. As an apology. It's all I ask. We can go shopping right now-" Kate started stammering.

"Kate, BREATHE."

"Sorry," the brunette blushed.

"I didn't say yes, yet," you said quietly.

"Oh.. right. Um... yeah," Kate said once again.

"IF I'm to go with you, it's under one condition. I want to be asked properly. Promposal style," you said, smiling gently.

"Deal." Kate extended her hand and you took it, both giving a firm shake before she left.

The next few days your head was clouded with emotions; ranging from sadness to hatred, happiness to doubt. You missed your girlfriend, but maybe Kate was right? The two of you never went out anymore or did anything fun; you were convinced that that's just what happens after being with the same person for so long. And Kate asking you to prom after she or whomever started that rumor didn't necessarily mean that it was a date or that the two of you were together. You were teammates and friends, if you could even call it that?

Tuesday was your first team practice back after your break up with your girlfriend and you felt like everyone was whispering about you. You tried your best to ignore it, but your focus was off the entire afternoon. "See me after practice," was what you'd gotten after your turn from the coach, nearly missing every shot.

"Hey coach, you wanted to see me?" You asked timidly.

"Listen- We've got tournaments coming up and you seem very distracted. What's going on?" He asked, his emotions showing through his entire face.

"I'm sorry. Just went through a tough break up. Today won't happen again, coach!" You assured him.

"It better not. You're free to go," he said, gesturing to the locker rooms. Upon opening your gym locker, a note fell out onto the floor.

'Meet me in the nursery' the note read. You frowned, but realized it was signed with a K that had an arrow through it; Kate's signature sign off. You gave a small smile to yourself and packed up, grabbing your bag and heading to the back of campus where the nursery was located. You'd never been one to be involved with any type of plants, but you were curious as to what Kate had planned.

The nursery was locked when you got there but there was a bouquet of flowers, and a small note on the door that read "Meet me at the coffee shop on 5th St at 5 o clock. K". The flowers were lovely, purples and wines and a small bit of eucalyptus and baby's breath. You took a deep inhale and smiled, looking at your watch, noticing it was nearly 4:30 pm and you needed to get moving if you were to meet Kate at the coffee shop. You were confused and admittedly a tiny bit excited about what the girl had planned for you. You were also nervous, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. You ran to your car and gingerly placed the bouquet on the passenger seat before nearly speeding into town. You made it with ten minutes to spare so you sat and touched up your hair for a moment.

'What am I even doing?' You thought. While you were still mourning the relationship you once had; everything happening with Kate was new and kind of thrilling and if you were honest, she truly is beautiful. You'd never really given her more than a glance because you hadn't been single since the eighth grade. You shook your head of the thoughts and headed inside the cafe. Kate was no where to be seen but the cashier called out your name for an order so you headed to the counter.

"Iced caramel macchiato with oat milk and a pain au chocolat?" You repeated back to the barista.

"Yes, and I was told you should check the cup sleeve," he shrugged. You raised your eyebrow at the barista but chuckled when you noticed a fifty dollar bill peeking out of his apron pocket. You rolled your eyes playfully and sat down for a moment in a booth by yourself. This definitely was not something you'd normally do, but curiosity had more of a hold on you than your current anxiety. You slipped the sleeve off of the plastic cup, curious as to what it said.

"See? I do pay attention! There's something waiting for you at the local sporting goods shop. My treat, K".

Your eyes widened and you all but inhaled your pastry, which was by far the best one you'd ever eaten. The coffee was incredible as well and you definitely made a mental note to add this cafe to your list of favorites. You dashed back to your car and sped over to the sporting goods store. Everyone on the team knows that Kate has connections here and there were always rumors of some kind of shady behind the scenes business but Kate always had the best equipment when it came down to it. You stepped through the threshold of the store and were greeted with views of artillery weapons and golf clubs and baseball bats and every sport you could think of. Your bow and arrow was pretty standard when it came down to it but nothing compared to Kate's setup.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" The associate asked as you walked in.

"Oh I was told something was waiting for me here? I'm not quite sure what it is... just have a cryptic note from-"

"Kate! Gosh we love that little Bishop girl," the associate beamed.

"Y-yeah her," you stumbled.

"Follow me!"

Hesitantly you followed the tall man as he walked through the store. He brought you over to a small practice range, in front of the target sat a long but relatively medium sized box. "Enjoy," he smirked.

'Not terrifying at all,' you thought. Carefully you ripped the tape off of the box, unsure of what could possibly be inside. The first thing you saw was a note.

"A much needed upgrade, yours truly, K".

You blushed for a moment and then your eyes widened. You blushed. About Kate. You were starting to like the girl with all of the trouble she's gone through with all of this already. You shook your head and went back to the box, pulling out tissue paper and revealing a beautiful titanium retractable bow and a new black leather quiver with purple stitching. Your eyes welled up, knowing this must have cost a near fortune. You'd had the same wooden bow for as long as you could remember; albeit sturdy and reliable; something like this was way out of your budget for you and your parents. You ran your fingers over the bow frame and sighed as a tear fell onto it.

"You should try it out!" The associate said from behind, truly startling you. "Sorry little lady, I didn't mean to frighten you," he said.

"Have you been there the entire time?" You asked, wiping the tears from your eyes.

"No ma'am, just came over to check on you!"

You nodded and pulled the bow from the box, but saw no arrows. As you turned around to face the associate of the store, he had a few in his hand waiting for you to try out. You set up the first one, eyeing up the target in front of you, pulling back and releasing straight into the bullseye. The bow weighed nearly nothing and you couldn't believe how smooth your shot felt. "Thank you, thank you so much!" You beamed at the associate and he nodded.

"Don't thank me, thank that girlfriend of yours!" He said.

"Oh she's not- we're not.. we're just friends," you stammered, quickly brought back to the reality of the situation.

"Oh apologies, little lady. Oh! She left something for you at the front counter."

You nodded and packed up the bow and quiver and carried it up front with you. A horribly scribbled note on receipt paper read, "Okay hotshot, one last spot. Meet me in your backyard. Love, K".


You blinked quickly and thanked the guys in the store; running out to the car and placing your new equipment on the backseat. It had gotten dark in the time you'd spent in the sporting goods store, so you drove home carefully and pulled into your driveway. Your mom met you at your front door, weirdly anticipating your arrival. "Have a good day today honey?"

"Yeah we'll talk later mom please?"

"You like this girl, huh?" She smirked.

"Mom- no.. I mean, I don't know. We're friends, okay?" You rolled your eyes and started towards the back of the house.

"Young lady," your mom started.

You sighed dramatically. "Yes?"

"Lose the 'tude or you're going straight to your room," she scolded. "What's gotten into you?"

"Just got a lot going on you know?" You said vaguely.

"Is that why your captain is frantically running around our yard and asking for power outlets?" Your mom asked, giggling.

"Mooooom!" You whined.

"Go ahead honey, I'm only stalling on her behalf," she said, winking.

"Ugh I knew it!!! Traitor!!" You called as you headed to the backyard.

You pushed open the sliding doors and were greeted with hundreds of fairy lights draped haphazardly over tree branches and pizza boxes on the patio table and more flowers on one of the chairs. You looked over at Kate who stood bashfully between the two trees that featured your practice targets. You hadn't used them in a while now that the school has better equipment, but you used to be out back constantly trying to improve your shot.

"Hi," Kate said, blushing. "Did- did you find everything okay?"

"Well I know where I live, Bishop," you teased.

"I meant.. I meant everything else!" She hiccuped.

"Yes. Yes I did. How did you know my coffee and pastry order?" You asked.

"You've brought the same thing into homeroom every Friday morning for the last four years. I've never seen you go a Friday without it!" She said, smiling.

"Wow I- I didn't know anyone paid that much attention to me..." you said quietly. Kate blushed and looked down, a nervous habit she'd picked up over the years.



"I can't accept that bow and quiver! It's insanely expensive and-"

"It's yours."


"No. They owed my mom a favor, and I cashed in on it. No questions asked," Kate said. You frowned at the statement because what on earth could she possibly mean..."Don't think about it too hard. Just... go grab it!"

You were so excited about what could possibly be in your backyard that you'd forgotten to grab your things from the car. You ran through the gate to your car and grabbed everything, flowers included, leaving them with the others on the patio chair. Kate watched as you gingerly removed the new bow from the box and smiled as you locked it into place. She handed you an arrow and you noticed now that over each of the practice targets sat a "YES" and a "NO" sign, nearly blowing off in the soft breeze.

"So. About prom..." Kate started.

"What about it?" You snickered.

"Willyougowithme?" Kate spewed out.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" You teased, knowing damn well what she said.

Kate sighed and blushed, looking at the ground again. "Will you go to prom with me?" She asked clearly this time.

"Hmmm..." you lined up your arrow, aiming between the two trees and holding it there for suspense. You watched in your peripherals as Kate gnawed on her bottom lip, waiting for something, anything from you. As she looked away, you quickly shot your arrow into the target labeled yes, an easy decision after she's been so kind to you.

Kate heard the arrow hit the target, looking up at the "NO" option first since she was so unsure about what your answer would be. When she noticed nothing there, she looked to the other one and her eyes went wide. "YES??? FORREAL YES?" She asked excitedly.

You blushed and nodded, putting the bow down next to you when you noticed Kate running towards you. She launched into you for a big hug and you stumbled backwards a bit at the sheer force of her running into you. "You really thought I'd say no?" You asked.

"Well- umm... I dunno," Kate said, peeling herself off of you. You looked up into Kate's eyes; bright blue crystals sparkling down at you.

"So you really like the color purple, huh?" You teased.

"What gave it away?" She laughed.

"I don't have paper long enough to write that list, Kate," you said. Kate feigned offense and climbed the patio stairs, opening a box of pizza. You squinted at the archer and wondered if she'd gotten your favorite pizza as well.

"C'mon it's meat lovers," Kate said, rolling her eyes.

"Yes!!!" You cried out in joy. You moved the flowers from your seat and grabbed a slice of pizza, cheersing with Kate before taking a bite.

The two of you talked outside all night long, about everything and nothing all at the same time. Upcoming tournaments and championships and gossiping about who's hooking up with who on the team. "Don't tell the coach but Lila has been sneaking out with Grace for the longest time-"

"Lila and Grace?! SHUT UP!"

"Not joking!" Kate said, throwing her head back as she laughed at your reaction.

"Honey it's getting late!" Your mom called outside. You looked at your watch and saw that it was nearing eleven.

"Oh shit, my mom's gonna kill me! I gotta go. See you tomorrow!" Kate said quickly.

"What's tomorrow?"


"Oh my god duh! Sorry, time flies when you're having fun," you blushed. Kate's cheeks turned red too, and you smiled as she looked down at her feet. "Hey Kate?"


"Thank you. For everything. You really didn't have to-"

Kate leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "It's my honor. Really," she said softly. You stood there frozen on the spot as Kate ran out of the yard, running back to her house since she didn't drive to your place.

Your hand slowly rose to your cheek, where you could feel her lips still against you and you smiled. Nothing and no one has ever made you feel like this. And if you didn't know better, you'd say you were starting to develop a crush on the girl.


The next morning you were exhausted, mostly from all of the running around town you did following Kate's notes, but you'd do it again if you had to. Home room was silent as you stepped in and you realized your desk had an iced coffee and a pastry bag on top. You peeked into the bag and saw it was a pain au chocolat which made you smile. The bag had Kate's signature K scribbled on the outside and you looked over to her and watched as she blushed and looked to the floor.

The rest of the week went by without a hitch, every morning walking in to coffee and pastries was incredibly sweet. However, Friday morning's pastry bag came with an extra note.

"Movies tonight? K".

You pulled out your phone and sent Kate a text:

'You know you could just text me, right?'

'Where's the fun in that?'

'Fair enough.'

'Is that a yes?'



This continued for weeks, endless pastries and small little hangouts with Kate. The more time you spent with her, the more you noticed little things that you'd overlooked before. And you'd also gotten way more comfortable around the raven haired girl as well. She'd hug you in the halls between classes, and snuggle up beside you if she came over for a movie night. You were afraid you might be falling for her after all.

A few weeks before prom on a lazy Saturday morning; your phone began to ring. You smiled when you saw it was Kate; her contact photo being the two of you on a carousel ride from a fair she took you to a few weeks prior.


"Babe, are you dressed?"

"Why hello to you too!"

"Hello! Sorry! Listen- we gotta get to the seamstress for your dress, we're running out of time!"

"But I don't have a dress? I figured I'd just wear my mom's old-"

"Okay so remember like way back before I asked you to go to prom with me? Yeah those offers still stand. Listen, I'm outside your house, come on!"

"Oh my god, Katherine Bishop!"

"Ew please don't, I feel like I'm in trouble!"

"You are!"

Kate huffed but hung up the phone and rang your doorbell instead, and you nearly fell over trying to put on a pair of sweatpants. "I'm coming!"

Your mom answered the door before you could, leaving Kate to barge into your bedroom, seeing you in just a bra and sweatpants. "KATE!"

She screamed and turned quickly, however not without taking a second glance. "Cute bra," Kate snickered.

"Shut up!" You huffed, pulling a t-shirt on.

"You're wearing underwear right? Because the seamstress will need you to try on the dress-" Kate started.

"Hush, yes I'm wearing underwear. Would you like to see those too?!" You joked.

"Well if you're offering-"

You slapped Kate on the arm and she laughed, interlacing her fingers with yours as you walked to her car. All black outside with purple seat covers... typical. You blushed as Kate held your hand the entire car ride, driving as quickly as she could to the seamstress.

"Ms. Bishop! So lovely to see you!" The seamstress called out as the two of you entered her tiny shop. The shop was covered in finished pieces as well as rungs of fabric and various materials. You were very nervous about trying on this mystery dress that Kate had picked out for you.

"You too Ms. Josephine!" Kate said, going in for a hug. "This is my... umm.. this is my-"

"Friend?" You offered.

"Right. Right this is my friend and we're here to get her prom dress fitted," Kate said, looking to the ground again. You reached for her hand and squeezed two times quickly; it's come to be a grounding method for both of you.

"Lovely to meet you," the seamstress smiled. She walked away and quickly returned with a beautiful sparkling purple gown.


"Hush," she said quietly.

"Well dear, c'mon over and try it on!" Ms. Josephine prompted. You nodded and stepped over as she took you and the dress into a dressing room. Once inside you took another look over the gown, form fitting with a low cut front and a high slit down the right leg. The dress was a beautiful purple and covered in sparkly beads and sequins. Quickly you pulled off your clothing, and stepped into the gown after undoing the zipper down the back.

You gasped as you pulled the gown on and realized you'd have to go braless with the way the straps were. You pulled that off too and giggled to yourself at Kate's comment from earlier. The dress was absolutely stunning. It needed to be taken in around the bust and shortened quite a bit but otherwise it was perfect.

"Kate? Can you help me?" You called out.

"Isn't that bad luck?"

"Kate, that's for weddings. Come here please," you asked, rolling your eyes. You held the front of your dress on and opened the curtain, needing help with the zipper up the back. You watched as Kate pretended to close her mouth with her hand and blinked furiously as she looked you up and down.

"Babe you look- just wow," Kate said, her hands on your shoulders.

"Thank you. I guess purple is a nice color!" You teased.

"See! I've told you this!" Kate exclaimed.

"Can you please just help me with my zipper, please?" You asked quietly. You got a light chill as Kate moved your hair over one shoulder; running her fingers under the thin straps that held up the dress. "Kate-"

"Shhh," Kate whispered. You watched in the mirror as the look on her face turned from horny teenager to that of love and admiration and it made you blush. "You're beautiful."

"Th-thank you," you stammered. Kate pressed a kiss to the shoulder not covered in your hair and slowly zipped up your dress; admiring it on your body as she looked in the mirror over your shoulder.

"Stunning," Kate mumbled.

"I've got no makeup on and my hair is a mess!" You countered.

"Doesn't matter, baby," Kate said quietly back. "C'mon, let's show Ms. Josephine!"

Kate helped you step onto the platform in the middle of the room as Ms. Josephine eyed up the dress and took notes and measurements. "Can any leftover fabric be turned into a tie?" Kate asked.

"Of course Ms. Bishop," Ms. Josephine replied, smiling at her.

"Please call me Kate!"

"When you call me Josephine, dear," she winked. You laughed and knew it would never happen. Kate huffed and crossed her arms but giggled nonetheless. "Alright, you can get redressed in your clothes," Ms. Josephine said. "The dress can be picked up on Wednesday!"

"Thank you so much!!" You said, echoing Kate's gratitude as well.

You stepped back into the dressing room with Kate behind you to help with your dress again. She unzipped the back slowly, her fingers feeling like ice against your skin. "Do you know how badly I want to kiss you right now?" Kate asked lowly.

"I- um... no?" You stammered, the question catching you completely by surprise.

"So. Badly," Kate murmured against your skin, her warm breath fanning across the expanse of your shoulders.

"M-maybe you should," you whispered.

"Right here? Kind of wanted it to be special," Kate said quietly. You rolled your eyes at the raven haired girl.

"Fine. No kiss then. Out!" You said playfully, pushing Kate gently out of the dressing room.

"Wait, I was only joking!" Kate whined.

"Nope, too late!" You chided, carefully stepping out of your dress and throwing your clothes back on quickly. You stepped out and looked over at Kate who had taken a seat on the bench with her arms across her chest. "Aww the poor pouty baby," you mocked, crossing your arms against your chest as well.


"C'mon drama queen! Can we get lunch?" You asked.

"Of course, baby," Kate said sweetly.

Kate opened the car door for you and made sure you were in before shutting it and heading to the driver's side. You both agreed on burgers and fries for lunch, and you excitedly talked about a cookies and cream milkshake as well. Kate reached over and interlaced her fingers again as she held your hand over the center console. Her fingers were similar to yours in a way; rough and calloused but also gentle.

Your thoughts ran rampant as you daydreamed out the car window, watching trees and buildings blur by. The last few weeks you'd spent so much time with Kate and you'd loved every minute of it. She's kind, gentle, caring, and hell she's even funny. She's everything you wished your ex would have been in all honesty. Is it too soon to move on from that? Would everyone actually believe that you cheated?

"Babe?" Kate asked softly.

"Hmm?" You hummed, as you were gently pulled from your thoughts.

"What's going on in that pretty little head?" Kate asked, squeezing your hand gently.

"Just thinking... it's nothing," you said. "Come onnnn! I want my milkshake!" You whined, tugging on Kate's hand as you got out of the car. You could tell she wasn't convinced but maybe she'd let it slide just this once.

You and Kate were sat across from one another in a booth; the restaurant sporting an old vintage fifties theme, complete with a jukebox and vinyl records framed on the walls. You looked over the menu even though you already knew what you wanted. The waitress came by to take your orders, Kate going first and then she paused, giving the waitress your order as well.

"And she'll have a double cheeseburger with bacon and an onion ring, no lettuce or tomato and a cookies and cream milkshake," Kate stated proudly. The waitress nodded and took off to the kitchen while you sat staring flabbergasted at Kate.

"How did you-"

"Remember that one time we went to Hard Rock Café as a team in Orlando?"

"Yes..." you said, still unsure where she was going with this.

"Well you said that was your favorite burger of all time! Even though you don't really like onions, the onion ring on the burger was perfect. So I figured you'd probably order it here too!" Kate said, flashing a big toothy grin your way.

You began to tear up, trying to casually wipe your eyes but Kate caught it. "Hey, what's wrong? If it's not what you wanted we'll ask for something different! I just thought maybe-"

"Kate, it's perfect. It's exactly what I was going to ask for. I can't believe you remember that," you said, wiping your eyes again.

"I... I pay attention to the people I care about..." Kate said softly.

"I always thought your pet names and teasing was out of pity actually-"

"You think I'm that shallow?!" Kate asked.

"No! No. Not anymore. I didn't know you then," you said, picking at your cuticles. Kate grabbed your hands to stop the nervous habit. "My girlfriend- sorry, ex-girlfriend; couldn't even tell you my favorite color. We were young and being around each other became habitual. But you, Katherine Bishop, are truly something else."

"A good "something else" I hope?"

"Very good," you said, smiling. Kate blushed and averted her gaze, playing with your fingers a bit. Your milkshakes were delivered quickly and you dove right in, moaning at the taste.

"I haven't had a milkshake in so long," Kate said, tapping her nails on the metal cup.

"Really?! Why's that?"

"Uhhh Coach Barton really doesn't want me to lose any scholarship opportunities so I'm on a typically strict diet," Kate said quietly.

"Why didn't you say something?! We could've gone somewhere else or-"

"I'd go anywhere with you," Kate said, blushing furiously. And you knew she was serious.


You hated having a top locker for so long until you became close with Kate; never being able to reach the top shelf, and now she comes by and helps you with your things daily. It never fails to make you smile. You felt someone's presence next to you as you grabbed the books from your locker for your first class. "Kate I told you not to sneak up on me-"

"Oh. I'm not Kate." Your neck nearly snapped when you noticed your ex girlfriend standing next to you. "Can we talk?"

"What's there to talk about? You dumped me!" You said. "And months ago, let me add. And now is the first time you're speaking to me?!"

"Surely you understand-"

"No I don't actually. Because you didn't give me a chance to explain."

"I'm not here to start trouble. I just wanted to see if we were still going to prom together?" Your ex asked.

You could feel your fingernails digging into your palms. The actual audacity of her standing in front of you a few days before prom night and asking to be your date. "I already have a date."

"Oh... I guess that makes sense. Sorry to be a bother," she said, her body language falling. She picked up her bag and walked away, heading to her class. You were so stunned that you almost didn't see Kate heading right towards you, coffee and pastry in hand.

"Morning, love," Kate said, handing you your breakfast.

"You're too good to me," you said smiling.

"Everything okay?" Kate asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?" You asked.

"Just look a little tense, that's all," she said, gently nudging your shoulder.

"I am a little nervous about having everything ready for prom and then you know, the actual prom part," you said sheepishly.

"Don't you worry about a thing. We're getting your dress on Wednesday and I'm taking you to get your nails done on Friday to beat the crowds a bit, and then Saturday morning is a surprise, leading up to the full glamor of the evening with hair and makeup and prom itself!" Kate rambled on.

"Wait wait, a surprise on Saturday morning?!" You asked.

"That's all you heard? I'm hurt!" Kate joked.

"No I heard the rest, but you never mentioned anything about Saturday morning until now. Kate we have so much to do Saturday there's no time for-"

"Ah ah ah, like I said, don't worry about anything. Okay? Promise me," Kate said.

You sighed in defeat, agreeing not to worry too much. "I promise."


You and Kate had been the only ones to see your dress, despite the incessant pleas from both of your moms apparently. It was a secret until prom night, you both pinky swore it. Picking up the dress and Kate's tie was easy, and the rest of the week went by smoothly. Friday you and Kate spent the afternoon together, getting your nails done; although you raised an eyebrow at the style Kate chose for hers, two short nails and the rest an almond shape. Then you hit the town for dinner and a movie.

"Kate?" You piped up in the car after the movie. She was driving the two of you home, and while you were tired, you had such a good afternoon that you didn't want it to end.

"Yeah, baby?"

Your cheeks flushed as they always do when she says that, and you looked up at her while she rounded the corner into your neighborhood. "Do you want to maybe.. stay the night? I'm sure my mom won't mind and since you're insisting on getting up kind of early tomorrow-"

"I'd love to but I've got some last minute things I've gotta do at home before tomorrow. I'll make it up to you babe, I promise," she said sadly. You pouted a little bit but tried to remain neutral.

"Aww my poor pouty baby," Kate said, lifting your hand in hers and kissing the back of it.

"Okay okay. I had a lot of fun today. Thank you," you said, reluctantly taking your hand back.

"I did too, babe," Kate said, leaning over and unbuckling your seatbelt. She got up and opened your car door even as you rolled your eyes playfully. Kate walked you to your front door and looked into your eyes for a moment before you got too shy and looked away. "I'm calling you bright and early in the morning when I get here. You better be ready!"

"Aye aye!" You said, saluting her. Kate laughed and shook her head. She pressed a kiss to your cheek as you stepped into your entryway. You waved as she got back in her car and drove away, and you were feeling sad already. Your mom was waiting for you in the living room, having watched the front door exchange on her ring doorbell.

"Someone's got a crush! Someone's got a crush!" She teased in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up!" You whined, grabbing a throw pillow and tossing it at her.

"Oh she's not denying it folks! She really likes this girl!" Your mom teased again.

"I'm going to bed!"

"Goodnight honey!" Your mom called. You huffed but climbed the stairs slowly. You could still feel her lips on your cheek and you wondered what they would feel like on your lips.

Sleep was hard to come by that night; as you had a lot running through your mind. Your gown hung from the back of your closet door and it shimmered in the moonlight that peeked in from the window. You thought about earlier this week when your ex-girlfriend asked you to prom as a last resort and how you still haven't said anything to Kate about it. You thought about the surprise she had planned for the morning and you were way too excited to sleep. Eventually though, you did knock out, waking up groggily to Kate's ringtone blaring in your ear.

"Hello?" You grumbled.

"Are you awake! Are you dressed! Let's go baby, it's prom day!!!" Kate cheered.

"Mmm good morning," you mumbled.

"Ya know, I should be upset but your morning voice is kinda hot," Kate said.

"Do you ever think with your brain, Kate?" You groaned.


You laughed and got up to get dressed. "Wear something comfortable!" Kate shouted from the phone.

"Kate, just come inside I know you're in the driveway," you said, giggling. It was maybe a minute or two later that Kate came barreling into your room, gawking at your current appearance.

"I know, I'm barely out of my pajamas-"

"No... uh.. you are so beautiful," Kate stammered.

You walked over to your full length mirror to make sure she was talking about the same person you were looking at. Hair in a messy bun on top of your head, sleep crust in your eyes and a vintage t-shirt that has seen better days. It wasn't quite long enough to cover your ass, but it was fine.

"Kate- sometimes I worry about your eyes," you teased.

"I can see just fine thank you! And you're incredibly beautiful," Kate responded, walking over and wrapping her arms around you from behind. Her arms hugging around your tummy gave you butterflies, and she was incredibly warm and her hair smelled nice and you closed your eyes to enjoy the sweet moment. She pulled away and gave a smack to your ass which caused you to jump.


"C'mon get that cute butt in gear or we're gonna be late!"

"In my defense, you still haven't told me where it is we're going!" You huffed.

"I told you it's a surprise!"

You huffed but pulled on a better fitting t-shirt and some track shorts and fixed your hair to look somewhat presentable. "Should I do my makeup?!"

"You don't need it anyway," Kate said, blushing and looking toward the floor.

"Well.. thank you," you said, your face mimicking the shade of pink. "Can I eat?"

"We will eat!" Kate said, grabbing your hand and dragging you through your house.

"Have fun, honey!" Your mom called behind you. You turned around and gave her 'help me' eyes but all she did was wink at you.

"Did you rope my mom into this?!" You asked the raven haired girl.

"Of course I did. How else would I pull this off?" Kate snickered.

"Hmph. I refuse to be blindfolded though," you said.

"Aw man.. ever?!" Kate asked with a smirk across her face. It took a moment for you to get it but once you had your revelation, you hit Kate in her arm.


Kate laughed and continued to drive, pulling up to a huge day spa. She came around and opened your door and you stepped out with the help of her hand.

The entire day was booked. Brunch at the restaurant in the spa, full body massages, a facial and time in the sauna after all of the appointments were finished. "Kate... you did not have to do this-"

"You deserve it! We both do. C'mon let's go to brunch!" She said, smiling and taking your hand. The morning was beautiful. The food was incredible and despite being a little ticklish, you enjoyed the full body massage immensely. You finally got a chance to fully relax with Kate in the sauna and the two of you held hands while you sat together.

"Kate, can I ask you something?"

"What is it baby?"

"Uh well... I was just wondering..what are we?" you asked, biting your lip.

"Well... what do you want us to be?" Kate asked.

"That's not fair. You answered my question with a question," you huffed.

"Sorry," Kate said. She picked up your hand and kissed the back of it softly, turning her body to look at you at the same time. "I care about you a lot. And getting to be close with you over the last few months has felt well... meant to be? So if you'll have me, I'd love to be yours," Kate rambled.

"M-mine?" You stammered, your cheeks heating up even more than you thought they could in a sauna.

"Uh yeah I mean.. if you wanted... if not that's okay too! I don't want to pressure you-"

"Yes," you said, smiling softly up at Kate.

"Yes?! So like... umm girlfriends? Like actually?" Kate asked. You laughed and nodded, letting go of her hand to take her face in yours. You looked into her eyes and tilted her head down, kissing her on the forehead.

"Yes actually. I'm yours, Kate Bishop," you said, beaming a smile at the raven haired girl.

After the morning at the spa, you were reeling over Kate and feeling incredibly high on life as you got ready for your hair and makeup appointments. Kate had taken you home, insisting she didn't want to see your full look until you showed up at her house for photos. She also insisted on using her house for reasons she couldn't yet disclose. You'd never been there, despite all the team sleepovers and what not; they'd always been held at Lila's house since she was the coach's daughter. Your hair and makeup went as planned and your mom helped you into your dress for the evening. It had been tailored perfectly; and you made a mental note to send a thank you to Ms. Josephine for being so incredible.

"You look great, honey," your mom said, tearing up a little.

"Thanks mom! I feel great too," you said, flashing a wide smile at her.

"That Kate girl kiss you yet?"


"Well it's a valid question!" She said, putting her arms up defensively.

"Well the answer is no. But..."


"But! She asked me to be her girlfriend this afternoon!!" You said excitedly, squealing a bit. Your mom gasped and smiled wide. She reached over to hug you but you stopped her. "Um, hello? The hair, the makeup, the dress?"

"You're right honey, I'm sorry!" She apologized. You chuckled a little bit and thanked her. She offered to drive you to Kate's, which you happily took, not sure how you'd drive in the shoes you were currently strapped into. The GPS said you'd arrived and you and your mother both gawked at the size of the Bishop home. You knew Kate had money, but you were not aware that it was to this extent. The two of you walked up to the front door and rang the bell, a woman who was not Kate, answered the door.

"Hi there! I'm Eleanor, Kate's mother! Nice to meet you both, come on in!" She welcomed you both into the grandest foyer you'd ever seen; everything trimmed in gold and glass. "Tart?"

"Excuse me?"

"Would you like a tart?" Eleanor asked again.

"Oh no thank you," you said, not wanting to have your mouth filled with food when Kate finally came downstairs. You didn't have to wait long thankfully; small talk with Kate's mom was exhausting you. You knew nothing of local artists or interior design details.

"Baby-" Kate started, running quickly down the stairs to greet you. "Wow." She whispered. Kate took your hand and prompted you to spin before pulling you in for a tight hug. "You look absolutely incredible!"

"I could say the same for you, darling! You rock that suit!" You said, looking at your girlfriend whilst being completely heart eyed.

"Oh stop! ...You really think so? I was nervous and I tried to go for a shoe that wouldn't overpower you in your heels and I was worried about the tie but-"

"Hey Kate?"

"Breathe for me," you said, taking her hands and pressing your foreheads together.

"Okay. Yeah, breathing," she whispered.

"Aww how precious!" Your mom cooed from behind you. The two of you were so caught up in each other that you forgot they were there.

"Alright, let's get some photos!!" Eleanor said, suddenly sporting a giant DSLR camera. The two of you situated yourselves in front of the grand staircase, allowing both of your moms to take an onslaught of photos. They posed you this way and that, trying to get the best ones.

"You girls look stunning! Smile!" Eleanor called, watching as you and Kate wrapped an arm around each other.

"Mom, can we please go now! We're gonna be late!" Kate whined. Her arm was around your waist and if you were being completely honest, it was a bit hard to focus because of it.

"I've got another surprise, baby," Kate whispered in your ear. You rolled your eyes because what could it possibly be now?

The two of you walked outside and waiting for you was a tall, black Mercedes G-Wagon, decked out in purple under carriage lights and a thin purple trim, and purple lights inside the car as well. "Kate-"

"This is the car I drive on special occasions. I'd consider tonight a special occasion, wouldn't you?"

"Yes but-"

"But what? Shouldn't my princess ride in a carriage to the ball?" Kate teased. You blushed, and smiled at her, unaware your moms had followed you outside, getting more photos as Kate graciously helped you into the tall vehicle. She tucked your dress in and gave your hand a small kiss before running to the driver's side and hopping in.

The prom was being held at a huge ballroom in the city, a change from your relatively small high school gymnasium that every other school dance has been held at. When the two of you arrived, it felt like time stopped. Everyone outside was looking at the sparkling, lit purple G-wagon that just pulled up. Your breathing picked up slightly, suddenly anxious as all eyes were on your car door.

"Let's show them what we got! Ready, baby?" Kate said. You barely heard her because it felt like everything was muffled as if you were underwater. Your head was beginning to spin and your grip on the door handle tightened; your knuckles turning white. "Hey, hey breathe babe," Kate said softly, placing a hand over one of yours that she could reach.

"Look at me, please?" Kate whispered. You turned in your seat as much as your dress allowed, looking at Kate with nervousness written all over your face. "Let's breathe together, yeah?" And so you did. Kate pressed her forehead to yours, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as you nodded. She hopped out of the car and retrieved you, handing the keys to the valet with an added threat of "nothing better happen to my car" before the two of you ascended the stairs to the hall.

Everything was lit and twinkling and the music from the DJ was loud and bumping, vibrating through the building. The ballroom was breathtaking; a giant staircase similar to one in Kate's grand foyer in her home. "Wow," you said aloud, giving Kate's hand a tight squeeze.

"Let's get our photo taken and then we can dance the night away, my princess!" Kate said, curtseying at you. You laughed and rolled your eyes, walking over with her to get your photos taken with the cheesy backdrop the prom committee had chosen. The two of you stood there, Kate behind you with her hands on your hips; the typical prom couple pose if you will. The two of you smiled and giggled the entire time, stepping away after the photographer was finished with you. You stepped over to the table next to it so Kate could pay for the photos to be sent out once they were printed.

"So it wasn't just a rumor then, was it?" A voice snarled from behind you.

"You've got to be kidding me," you said under your breath.

"So it's true. You did cheat on me with that... whore," Your ex girlfriend said. You turned around and she had her arms across her chest, standing with her date, some girl from the soccer team if you could recall correctly.

"Take it back," you said with gritted teeth.

"Baby..she's not-"

"Oh baby is it? That's fucking rich. You despised her!" Your ex spat, looking at Kate maliciously up and down.

"I never said that once! You despised her. You were jealous the entire time I've been on the archery team because it took time away from you, you lazy narcissist! And she's NOT a whore! She's my girlfriend!" You spat back. Your face was red and you had tears clouding your vision. Kate stood in awe of you fighting back and fighting for her for that matter.

"C'mon baby let's go," she whispered, an arm wrapped around your waist as she pulled you out of the building before you did something you'd regret. The two of you stood outside, catching the warm breeze of the May air and the beginning of the sunset. It was silent for a few minutes as Kate stood next to you against the railing, taking a moment to admire your beauty.

"You must think I'm a monster," you whispered, a small tear rolling down your cheek.

"A monster? Baby you're my hero," Kate said softly. She took your hands in hers and looked into your bloodshot eyes. "You stood up for me when you didn't have to. And if I'm being honest, it was so fucking hot," she said smirking.

"H-hot? Kate you must have a fever," you said giggling.

"Only a fever for you baby," Kate said, and you lost it. You laughed so hard you were crying again. As you caught your breath you looked at your date and realized how truly lucky you were. Kate cared so much for you. The two of you had been going on dates for months and she just asked you to be her girlfriend. You hadn't even realized you were lost in each other's eyes until Kate was slowly closing the gap between the two of you.

"I really want to kiss you," she whispered. Your cheeks flushed and you took a deep breath.

"Funny, because I really want to kiss you too," you breathed, biting your lip as Kate's piercing blue eyes stared down into yours.

"Well then.." Kate started, but quickly shut up as she grabbed your jaw and kissed you gently, resisting the strongest urge to absolutely consume you. Her lips were soft and tasted faintly of cherries. She pulled away and looked back into your eyes, her pupils were dilated and her breathing was heavy just from your first, featherlight kiss.

"Again," she demanded. "Please," she whispered. You nodded, as if to give her permission and she closed the gap between the two of you once more, kissing you harder, but still remaining gentle. Her tongue swiped over your bottom lip and you allowed her to taste you. Kate had one hand on the railing behind you and another on your waist, her long fingers giving you a gentle squeeze as she pulled away from the kiss.

Both of your chests heaving, you looked up at her and you were sure your pupils were just as blown out as hers. "Kate," you whispered.

"I need you right now, baby," she whispered back. You nodded quickly, gasping as she grabbed your hand tightly and took off rather quickly to the parking garage to find her car. It wasn't difficult to do, with it being the only G Wagon around. With the valet service, the car was parked but unlocked. Kate opened the passenger side door and you went to climb in but she stopped you. "Me first."

You cocked an eyebrow at her but nonetheless followed her instruction. She lent you a hand to help you climb in, hitching up your dress so you could properly straddle her lap. "Kate, is our first time seriously about to be in your car?"

"Well, have you ever done it in a car before?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No but-"

"Then yes, yes it is." Kate shut you up with a kiss, her hands on your waist as you hovered above her lap. "Sit, baby. You won't hurt me, I promise."

"Okay," you whispered. You inhaled a shaky breath as Kate kissed at your jaw, and down your neck, not caring if she left any marks in her wake. "Kate! Our parents-"

"Shhhhh it's okay," she whispered, nipping at your collar bone. Her hands moved to grope your breasts and your hands held onto the headrest of the seat behind her.

"Kate," you whined quietly. The texture of the dress was rubbing against your nipples and it was a bit too rough but felt good at the same time.

"I want to see you," she said lowly.

"Kate we can't-"

"Don't worry baby, no one can see in," she snickered. "Just a little bit, please?" She begged quietly.

"Okay," you said, nodding slowly. Kate unzipped the back of your dress, and carefully removed the straps of your dress off of your shoulders.

"My god," Kate said, gawking as your breasts fell free from your dress. "You are so incredibly beautiful," Kate said, completely heart eyed as she stared at your tits. Her large, rough hands went back to groping them, her lips pressing gentle kisses to your neck. You gasped as her fingers pinched your nipples, rolling them between her thumb and forefingers, pulling on them at the same time. You could feel yourself getting more turned on the more she touched you. Her soft lips against your skin and her skilled fingers touching you in ways you'd never felt before.

"Goodness, my ex never-"

Kate shut you up with another kiss, looking at you seriously as she gave your nipples a particularly harsh tug. You gasped as you looked into her eyes. "No talk of her while you're in my lap, okay? You're mine," Kate growled.

"Yeah yes sorry," you stumbled. You'd never been with anyone else and you had no idea about what you had been missing.

"My pretty girl," Kate spoke against your skin, leaning you back a bit so she had easier access to kiss down your chest. Her lips wrapped around one of your nipples and you moaned loudly as her tongue ran around the erect bud.

"Fuck, Kate!"

"That's what I'm doing," she snickered.

You rolled your eyes but they quickly rolled back as her attention on your breasts continued, licking and sucking, giving each nipple equal attention. "Kate, Kate please," you whined. She stopped and you choked out a groan.

"What baby is everything okay? We don't have to-"

"If you don't fuck me soon, I'm going to lose my mind," you said, your voice deepening in her ear.

"Patience, pretty girl and Daddy will give you everything you want," Kate growled. Your eyes went wide but you nodded. Kate continued to lick and kiss at your breasts; your nipples were incredibly hard and slightly swollen after all the attention. You gasped as both of Kate's hands went to your thighs, teasing the sensitive skin between your legs.

"Gonna touch you now if that's okay?" Kate asked, her warm breath fanning across your exposed chest.

"Yes Kate, please!" You bit your lip as Kate cupped your covered pussy, the feeling sending you spinning as it had been so long since anyone touched you there.

"Mmm you're so wet that you've soaked your panties, baby! All for me? Or was it from seeing your ex in the hallway?" Kate growled.

"What?! No, Kate, it's all for you, I promise! You've made me feel so good," your words turning into a whine as Kate began to rub against you.

"Good girl. All mine," she said. You'd never seen this side of Kate before but you definitely were into it. Her lips were constantly against your skin as she teased you, her free hand on your hip and her other hand between your legs. "Mmm wonder what would happen if I-" Kate started, while simultaneously pulling your panties to the side and slipping her fingers between your folds.

"Fuck! Oh m-my god," You moaned out. Kate's fingers were gentle but moved with a purpose. Your eyes closed as she slowly felt around, teasing your dripping hole ever so slowly. "K-Kate please!" You begged.

"Hmm say it just this once, please," Kate whispered.

"Say what?"

"You know what, pretty girl," Kate said, continuing to tease you as you attempted to grind your hips, desperate for more. "Ah ah, still."

You tried your best to focus, attempting to figure out what it is she wanted, and then it hit you. Your eyes opened and you blushed furiously and shook your head. "Kaaate I can't," you whined.

"Just once baby, please? I'll give you whatever you want," she said, her voice hoarse in your ear, kissing your earlobe before kissing down your neck again. You buried your face in Kate's neck, needing more so badly, knowing what she wanted from you. You felt more exposed as you were topless and your girlfriend's fingers were teasing you but you took a shaky inhale and decided to go for it. Right next to Kate's ear, you spoke lowly. "Please Daddy?"

"Fuck," Kate groaned. "Such a good girl."

You gasped and your hips bucked as Kate's fingers circled your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure on the sensitive bud. The praises fell from Kate's lips left and right as your hips swiveled in her lap. "Kate please I need you," you whispered.

"Anything for you, baby," Kate crooned, slowly sinking two fingers into you, your moans louder than you'd ever given anyone. You so badly wanted to be in a better position, wanted to give her your everything. But for now, this would do.

"Faster, please Katie faster," you whined, your forehead pressed to her shoulder as you rode her fingers, gasping as she angled them to just the right spot, your body just on the precipice of letting go.

"Gonna make a mess of my suit, princess," Kate teased. Part of you didn't even care. You wanted to go home and let Kate have her way with you all night long.

"I'm- please! Please Kate," you moaned.

"C'mon, cum for me, cum for Daddy," Kate groaned. Your eyes squeezed shut as you cried out, letting go over her hand and hopefully not her suit.

"Fuck," you whispered.

"God, you're so fucking hot," Kate whispered, lifting your head, and putting her forehead to yours. She chased her lips with yours, giving you soft kisses as your breathing returned to normal. Kate pulled her fingers from inside you, bringing them to her lips and making a show of cleaning them off with her tongue. You groaned at the sight and Kate moaned at the taste of you. "Delicious," she said quietly.

Silence filled the car as you both recovered, both of you almost waiting for the other to say something. "So... Daddy, huh?" You smirked, breaking the silence and looking at Kate with a raised eyebrow. You watched as she leaned her head back and groaned, humming in agreement. "Hot," you quipped. You peered at the time on your phone and gasped.

"Kate, we've been gone forever! We gotta get back!"

"Baby you need to be redressed and fixed up before you go anywhere," Kate snickered.

"Who's fault is that?!" You argued playfully.

"I don't recall you complaining before," she shrugged, nudging your shoulder. She gave your breasts one last squeeze before pulling up your dress and zipping it up the back again.

"You're not wrong," you said, laughing. Kate opened the car door and helped you step out of it, looking at you curiously as you reached beneath the side slit of your dress. You made eye contact with her as you slid your panties down your legs and removed them. Kate nearly jumped out of the car as she realized what was happening.

"What are you doing!" She whisper yelled.

"Souvenir? Plus they're sticky and feel gross now," you giggled.

"The absolute death of me, baby," Kate groaned as you reached around and placed your soiled undergarment in her back pants pocket.

The two of you ran back into the building, heading to the nearest bathroom so you could freshen up. You grabbed your perfume from your purse and cleaned up your lipstick. You were thankful that your hair stylist made your style versatile so you pulled all the pins down and let your hair fall freely down your back.

"God just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter," Kate growled.

"Keep calling me God, Kate and I might just make you worship me," you teased, taking her chin in your hand and giving her a harsh kiss.

"Gladly, baby," Kate said, pulling you in close. You didn't care about the marks on your neck, didn't care that anyone could walk in right now and Kate's hands were gripping your ass through your dress. None of it mattered, just the two of you.

"C'mon let's go dance!" You said, taking her hands and pulling her into the ballroom. The rest of the night you and Kate spent glued to each other. Every song you danced with each other or on each other, your ass pressed firmly into Kate's front. Being in public didn't stop Kate from kissing you where she could get her lips either. And after so much dancing, the two of you were sweating again for different reasons. As the night wound down, you'd taken a few breaks, and you cheered for Lila when she won prom queen.

As the lights came back on in the ballroom, everyone was a bit sad, but you turned to Kate, with absolute admiration and hugged her so tight. "Can we go home now?" You asked tiredly.

"Of course, princess," Kate said, pressing a kiss to your pouty lips as you looked up at her.

The cool breeze of the evening felt amazing on your skin as you and Kate stepped outside. The valet retrieved your car and the two of you giggled because it probably smelled of sex from your earlier escapades. Kate helped you up and in and she drove back to her house as you fell asleep in the passenger seat.

"Baby, babe," Kate said quietly as she shook you awake gently.


"We're home- well. We're at my house at least. I figured you could spend the night? My mom's out of town this weekend," she said, looking down at her feet.

"I'd love to baby," you mumbled. Kate flashed her million dollar smile and kissed your head. She jumped out of the car and helped you out of your seat, holding your sleepy self up and into the house. The cool spring evening air woke you up a little and you remembered the millions of stairs in Kate's home.

"Kate? The stairs... do we have to take-"

"No princess, we've got an elevator," Kate said giggling at your tired state.

"Kate I don't have pajamas-"

"You can borrow mine baby," Kate said. She'd thought of everything.

As the two of you made it upstairs, you showered separately and Kate lent you one of her oversized archery camp tees for bed. "Kate I don't have underwear," you said bashfully.

Kate giggled and tossed you some sleep shorts, which you bashfully pulled on. You watched as Kate climbed into bed, a tank top and sleep shorts on, sitting up against the headrest. "You can join me, you know, unless you prefer to sleep on the floor?" Kate teased.

"N-no I do not," you stammered.

"Aww, is my baby shy again? What happened to worshiping you like a god earlier, babe?" Kate smirked.

"I- well... um..."

"I'm teasing, come here and snuggle? Please?" Kate pulled out the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster and pulled down the covers for you to get in.

"Is this really a good idea?" You asked, biting your lip.

"Is what a good idea? All I want right now is to snuggle my sleepy girlfriend, maybe scratch her back, and share some sleepy kisses, and go to bed. Does that not sound good to you?" Kate asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well no it sounds amazing but- it's technically our first night as girlfriends shouldn't I just be home? Isn't this too fast?"

"Technically, last night was our first night as girlfriends and baby you came all over my hand just hours ago in the passenger seat of my G Wagon. I think it's safe to say that some snuggles and a few lazy kisses are okay," Kate said, giggling.

"Kate!" You said, swatting her arm. You blushed profusely but she pulled you into her lap, a similar position to how she had you earlier, memories flooding back already. "I don't want any funny business," you pouted.

"I'm no comedian, baby," Kate quipped. But you laughed at her comment, proving just the opposite. "Just trust me," she said. You squeaked as she shifted the both of you flat and under the covers. She helped you get situated, your head over her chest, her heartbeat pounding in your ear. Her nails scratched at your scalp gently, causing your eyes to flutter closed.

"You remembered," you mumbled against her skin.

"I pay attention to the people I care about, love," Kate said. "Thank you for sticking up for me earlier. I know I already thanked you, but it means a lot to me. No one has ever meant as much to me as you have. You're my sunshine even when days are dark. And I'm not much of a poet but just imagine I said a bunch of things that mean just that because you truly are the best. I love you."

Kate's eyes opened wide and she clasped her mouth shut. "I didn't- I'm sorry it just-"

You emitted a soft snore and Kate sighed. She really did mean all of those things. Even the "I love you". Especially "I love you".


"Can you believe you didn't want to snuggle on your first night staying over?"

"Katherine!" You whined, blushing again at the story she tells to anyone who will listen. You didn't want to go to this high school reunion. It had been almost fifteen years since you and Kate first got together. She was required to make an appearance since she was on the alumni board of trustees and having been the first women's archery team captain of the school.

But let's face it, no matter how long it's been since your first date or your first time or even your first "I love you", you'd follow your beautiful wife to the ends of the earth.


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(wlw/mx) SMUT include Characters list -Natasha -Wanda -Elizabeth olsen -Scarlett Johansson -Agatha Harkeness
274K 6.2K 51
Just a bunch of random POV one shots with Natasha Romanoff and Scarlett Johansson. This is my first attempt at this so I apologise in advance for the...
2.7K 97 12
If you enjoyed my two other books, "My future" and "A soulmate who wasn't meant to be" I hope you'll enjoy this book as well!! One shot book based on...
226K 4.7K 30
one shots stories of Scar and Nat. requests are open Happy reading dudes Will be updated of a Monday if I have one to do