Not Just The Boy Next Door( N...

By HttpStylinson21

1.3K 63 28

"You don't know someone till you know them..." Allie found the most honest boyfriend anyone can have....At le... More

Not Just The Boy Next Door( Niall Horan)
Chapter 2.
Chapter three.
Just Fun and games
Kiss me
Little did he know.
The talk.
Take A Chill Pill
Says it all
Die young
Happy little pill
Wish for one more chance
No control
All Of Me
Not Normal!
Where do broken heart go?
The New Kid
Chapter 19


29 1 0
By HttpStylinson21

3 Years Later!

Three years was spent enjoying each others love and amusement.  Four months ago Niall purposed to me. Asking me to Marry him and be his one true love. That one person he will love for the rest of his life. The past years Niall has taught me that i am beautiful and strong. Niall taught me the i'm strong and worth."I'd give everything i got for your love." He always said. I love him and he loves me so i did say yes.

it went like this....

He asked me to meet him up in a really fancy expensive restraint downtown. He also told me to dress up very well so i did. I didn't expect what was going on i thought it would be just another great date but it was more than that. It was the night he went down on his knee and asked to be his one and only of his life. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as i nodded ,"Yes, i will marry you."

Now here i stand getting ready for the biggest day of my life. The moment everyone was waiting wedding day. I stood in front of the mirror glancing at my gown. My amazing friends helped me pick it out and it was gorgeous. Ave helped with my hair style which was a simple bun with some curls dangling on the side of my face was nice as i saw it.

"Can't believe it." Layla squeals

Jessie stands next to me ," Yeah me to." Tears in her eyes.

"You guy are going to make me cry." I joke they hug me,'Stop it." I whine,hugging them back anyway

My mom walks in the room with Niall's mom they both wore sweet warm smiles on their faces. I felt something in my stomach and for the first time it was happiness and love. Without saying anything i walked to them and gave them a hug.

"Aww." The girls sighed and joined in the hug.

Everything felt so real when my father came and walked me down the aisle. The flower girl in front of me which was Avery tossing pink and red rose petals as we walked behind her. Niall was facing the other way. Away from me. Once we were close he turned around wearing a smile i never seen on his face. It wasn't a smirk or a adorable smile he always put on it was....perfect.

I stood in front of him smiling. He looked straight into my eyes and mouthed ,"I love you."barely making a sound. Some people were confused of what he said but i strongly understood. He always mouthed it to me and now i understand it even from a mile a way.

"Agreat day for love, a great day for these two." The priest starts," Joining this two today to love and be together for a very very long time." He says."Do you Niall Horan take Allie Anderson as your beloved wife?"

"I do." He smiles.

"Do you Allie Anderson take Niall Horan as your beloved husband?" He questions one more.

"Yes, yes i do." Tears tried making it's way down my tears.

"You may kiss the bride." The man says. Niall places his hand on my waist and kisses me bridal style lips moving in sync.

2 Years Later

It's been two years since we got married now we have a beautiful son named ' Logan He looks just like niall. People say," He looks just like fetus Niall. What can i say it is true comparing both of their baby pictures i can see no different. Our baby is now 1 years old and is just starting to say "Momma."

Niall frowns crossing his arms ," Hey say ' daddy say 'daddy'." He says.

"Ahha." I laugh at his cuteness,"He will say it soon." I coo,putting the plate down in the sink.

"Yeah when he's five." Niall smiles.

"Mama!" Logan cries falling down,due to tripping over his toy.

"Oh baby." Niall rushes and picks him up holding his head to his shoulder,' Shh baby shh." Niall coos.

"Baba." Logan finally says. Nialls face lit up he held the baby out.

"Oh my god." He smiled," Say it again." He placed the baby down on the couch and pulled out his phone trying to take a video.

"C'mon say it again." Niall whined. Baby Logan just stared at his father with teary eyes still hurting from the fall.

"Maybe if i throw him he will say it." Niall joked.

"No no no!" I grabbed Logan off the chair.

"I was playing." Niall says making his way over to us he placed a kiss on Logan's forehead then a kiss on my lips. Making Logan cry and us laugh.

"My parents called today their coming over your mom and Liam are coming too." I tell Niall who no was in the kitchen," Really? What time?" He questions peeking his head out of the kitchen

"About 5 afternoon, in  time for supper." I say  breast feeding Logan who now fell asleep.


"Come in, we missed you.' I greet my family. We exchanged kisses on the cheeks and hug then made our  way to the living room.

"Quite cozy." Avery comments eyeing the apartment.

"Thank you i say. I heard Logan crying from the bedroom," Oh well he's up." I excused myself and went into the room to grab Logan. When i got back to the living room everyone's jaw dropped they all had grateful smiles.

"He's gorgeous." My mom stands up taking Logan off of my arms and into hers. He seemed to already love her.

"He remembers me." She says, remembering the first day she held him in her arms so tiny and less of a cry baby.

"Of course he does." I say and sit down with the rest.

We spent the afternoon sipping on tea and eating bisects with lemon cake i made. We talked about embarrassing childhood stories making me and Niall blush till we whined for them to stop. POur parents kept going on and on. Avery was full of her own stories to. Sharing those happy days we spent together with the family. Later before they left my mom pulled out a family vacation video my dad toke when i was about 4 or 5.

"Turn it off." I whine.

"Why? you were so cute." Niall says i pout not getting help from him at all.

"I was chubby ugh." I say i heard my mom and Nialls mom laugh.

Liam speaks up,"Is that Ave?" He questions.

"No silly that's Jessie and that's Layla my best friends Ave wasn't even born yet." I reply clearing things up.

"Ohh." He says.

After the video was over it was time to wrap up everyone soon left leaving me and Niall clean up. It was almost midnight so Logan was off to bed. Once we threw trash around it was finally some us time.

Niall sat down on the couch waiting for me to finsh up the dishes. Drying them up i placed them in the cabinet and entered the living room where he sat. I sat myself on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. Placing a kiss in his hair then his forehead. He moved his head up our lips met then moved in sync. As always when we kissed everything was silent only our breathes could be heard in the room.That's when everything came to life, i started to remember the first day i met him. How embarrassing it was to loudly whisper "Sexy" out the window. I then remember  the times he hurt me but apologized after. I remembered those days where i cried to sleep hoping he was okay after the car crash. Last but not least i remember the day he went down on his knee and asked to be his one and only.

"I love you." He whisperer.

"I love you more." I whisper

The end! =0 =(

I know it was quite short and rushed. Well it was a long journey. U guys have no idea how much i loved rewriting this book and getting feedback

thanks to everyone who read and stayed all the way it means a lot. I entered the watty's 2015 so vote every chapter leave many comments

I love u guyss loads <3 <3 <3 <3


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