One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


416 42 24
By NeenaDiHope

Seeing Wuxi in such distress Wangji gets up quickly and walks over to him, he stops directly in front of him and in a soft voice says "A party in Shanghai, a mist that covered everything and everyone, people everywhere and a beauty I spent an incredible night with only to not be able to remember his face the next day. I have searched for him for almost three years, I wear this in the hopes of finding him and giving it back to him, to apologize to him for that night and to see if he can find it in his heart to forgive me and give me a chance to make it right."

He pulls out the necklace and Wuxi seeing it collapses into hysterical crying, Wangji catches him with one arm while still holding the baby with his other, who having grabbed a handful of his shirt tightly in her fist, is also crying. He carries him to a chair and sits him down then squats in front of him, trying to soothe both mother and child he looks at Wuxi.

Wuxi still crying "This was a gift from my parents, me and my twin sister both have one. I lost it that night, I had no idea how to find it and I didn't want to ever go back to the mansion. Thank you for finding it and keeping it, it is pretty much all I have left of my parents since their death when I was twelve."

Wangji's eyes filled with hope and longing "Tell me it was you that night, tell me I finally found you."

Wuxi unable to speak just nods and throws his arms around Wangji's neck, holding onto him tightly as Wangji wraps his arm around his waist mindful of the baby. The baby sees her mother upset and cries harder causing the two to split apart and look at her "Sh it's alright my sweet angel, mommy's alright, we're ok, shh calm down."

His daughter reaches for him and wraps her little arms tightly around his neck and he looks at Wangji over her tiny shoulder.

Wangji watches them and a lump forms in his throat as the realization truly sinks in "She's mine, isn't she? They are really mine?" a tear slips down his cheek.

Wuxi nods quickly swallowing hard yet unable to speak, Wangji looks at the little girl with a soft sort of awe. He looks back at Wuxi "We have three babies together, I'm so sorry I didn't find you before now." He tears up as he strokes the baby's head gently his lungs burning as he holds his breath.

Wuxi shakes his head "It's not your fault, I didn't know who you were either, I couldn't remember anything about you except that you tried to be gentle and you were kind to me given the circumstances."

He lets out the breath he had been holding thanking the heavens that this man is such a forgiving soul.

They both turn when they hear Carmen sniff and they see her crying "They are my grandchildren." She gasps out awestruck as she gazes at AMei lovingly. "My beautiful grandbabies are really mine." Her hand shakes lightly as it covers her mouth, tears streaming down her lovely face. She looks at the two men in bewilderment, stunned by this revelation that her greatest joys the babies she watched come into this world are truly her own flesh and blood. She smiles brilliantly at the two of them her eyes shining with moisture that has yet to fall. 

Wuxi looks at her, his mouth wabbles as he nods and tries to smile at her, he takes a calming breath "They are." His heart flips over in his chest as he sees the depth of emotion in his Carmen Mom's eyes.

Wangji looks at Wuxi "Can I meet the other two? I would like to meet them if it's alright with you."

He looks back at Wangji and huffs out a laugh nodding "Yeah, you can, if you stay here you will meet them in about twenty minutes. They wouldn't calm down after I left with AMei so my nanny Li Qin is bringing them here now."

He gets a soft smile on his face and nods "I'm not going anywhere, as long as you will allow me to stay."

Wuxi nods shyly "You can stay, they are your children after all, and it's only right that you meet them."

Wangji smiles "Thank you, can I hold her again, would that be ok?"

He nods and Wangji puts his hands out to AMei again and she goes to him still sniffling but calmer now. He holds her close and nuzzles her head with his cheek "Hello little one I'm your daddy."

None of them are dry-eyed as he says those words for the first time. He closes his eyes and savors holding his daughter knowing he is holding his daughter for the first time in her life.

Li Qin comes into the room not long after that with the triple stroller. The boys are still crying and Wuxi gets up from the chair, wipes his face clean of tears and kneels down in front of them "Hi mommy's babies, it's alright mommy is here. Shh, it's ok." He touches both boys and they calm almost instantly when they see and hear him.

Li Qin looks worried as she sees the three adults in the room have all been crying and is about to say something when she is thrown for a loop by the words Wuxi utters "Wangji come meet your sons." Carmen can be heard in the background sobbing as Wuxi says this.

Li Qin glances at the older woman then looks from one man to the other and her jaw drops, Wangji walks over to the stroller, looks down at the two babies and smiles "They are just as beautiful as their mother, thank you for having them." Wuxi smiles at him and takes his daughter back so that he can properly meet his sons.

Wuxi points to the first baby "This is Yuan Bo and this is Tian Li." he smiles sweetly at his sons.

The babies watch the man in front of them, Wangji is floored by how beautiful his three children are. He turns to Wuxi "Can I pick them up? I mean can I hold them?" he asks tentatively.

He nods "Sit down over here so that Li Qin can give them to you, you think holding two toddlers is easy but it's deceptively difficult especially if they start squirming." he grins.

Carmen her hand over her heart trying to keep it in her chest as she watches her son meet his children for the first time, having observed them this whole time is trying to control her emotions so she doesn't upset the babies. A knowing glint forms in her eyes as she sees the family come together for the first time but not the last if she has anything to say about it. Her heart soars as she watches her son hold his children for the first time. She already considered them her grandchildren anyway but to know that they are her flesh and blood just sends her over the edge and into maternal bliss.

Wangji sits down and watches Li Qin pick up AYuan first, then ATian, she holds their hands and walks them over to him. He picks AYuan up and sits him on his lap, he sits there and looks at Wangji with bright intelligent eyes, then he smiles and Wangji falls in love once again. She picks up his other son and hands him to him. He takes him and sits him on his other leg and the same thing happens the baby looks at him for a few minutes and then smiles with a happy little giggle which causes AYuan to laugh as well. Wangji never knew he could ever fall in love from a single sound but hearing his sons baby giggles has him falling completely in love with his children.

Unable to control himself he hugs the two boys close to his chest overcome with newfound emotions he didn't know he was capable of and glances first at Wuxi and then at his mother, both have a fresh round of tears in their eyes. "My beautiful boys, I'm your daddy."

They look at him and AYuan tilts his head "Daddy?" he looks at Wuxi who nods "Yes baby this is your daddy."

He smiles and then looks at ATian "Daddy, didi it's daddy."

ATian giggles "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy" he bounces happily on Wangji's lap almost singing the word over and over again, clapping his hands.

He smiles as he looks at each child and shakes his head lightly "I can't believe I have three babies, how incredible." a fresh look of awe on his face as he gazes at his sons.

Wuxi snorts "You should have been there the day I found out I was going to have to carry three babies." trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Carmen laughs through her tears "I was there, you were terrified. I thought you were going to come up off of that table when she told you that you were having triplets then I thought you were going to throw up."

He smiles softly "True, I was terrified but I had you and that made it better. You were with me the whole time. Hell, the day I met you was the day I found out I was pregnant so technically you have been there with me from the beginning. Well, he was there at the beginning but you know what I mean." He nods to Wangji and then blushes.

Wangji tightens his lips trying not to laugh but nods "Yes, I was, I was so upset at what happened that I didn't know what to do. I spoke with my brother and my best friend but other than them I never told anyone what happened I felt violated and felt like I had violated you. I'm sorry if you felt that way, I would have never done anything to hurt you or anyone else under normal circumstances." he kisses the top of each child's head.

Wuxi shakes his head "I believe you; you have Carman Mom as your mother, so I know she raised good sons who are respectful and trustworthy. In all honesty, I'm happy that you are the one that turned out to be their father. I can't imagine the alternatives and now I don't have to." He smiles at Wangji who sucks in a breath knocked over by the beauty of his smile.

Wangji looks at his sons again then up at Wuxi "How old are they?"

He smiles fondly at his boys while he pets his daughter "Twenty months, they will be two on October twentieth. They were born nearly a full month early, which is normal for a multiple birth." he gazes lovingly at his sons while they talk.

He looks at each of the babies and shakes his head with a chuckle "I want to ask so many questions but I seem to be at a loss to be able to voice them right now."

He turns to Carmen "Thank you Mother for taking care of Wuxi and our children all this time." Then he stops his heart racing "Mother what about grandfather? What about Jin Su?"

"Let me worry about my father, he is stubborn but he mainly wanted to see you settled with a family, well.." she motions to the babies in their arms "I would say you accomplished that times three."

He smirks at his mother "You could say that."

The nurse walks in and smiles at everyone "Goodness we have a room full, who is the patient?"

Wuxi nods to his daughter in his arms "This one is, here baby let mommy put you down so the nurse can give you your medicine."

She clutches tightly to him "Noooo mommy meimei doesn't want to." She whines.

Wuxi looks at her "You want to get well and come home with mommy, daddy, da ge and er ge don't you?" she nods.

"Then let her give you some medicine so we can go home sooner, come on be a good girl for mommy." He coaxes.

She sighs and lets go of him and looks at Carmen then at Wangji then looks at the nurse and lays down on the bed but she cries. The nurse puts her I.V. bag on the stand, connects the line to the port and starts the medication. She smiles at the little girl then looks at Wuxi "She will get tired quickly, once she falls asleep we will strap her arm down so she doesn't pull out the I.V. port from her hand.

The boys cry in sympathy for their sister and AYuan seeing his mother helping his meimei whines "Na na." He then turns and puts his arms out to Carmen.

She smiles at him "Oh my sweet boy come here to Na na, it's alright meimei will be better soon little one."

Wangji lets him down and he walks over to Carmen, she picks him up and holds him, she pats his back to calm him down as he lays on her shoulder. Wangji watches and does the same with ATian who rests his head on Wangji's shoulder. ATian softly whines "Daddy."

Wangji's heart hurts hearing his children sound so sad "Sh daddy's here baby." He pats his son's back like his mother did and the boy quiets down. He glances over and sees Wuxi watching him.

Wuxi smiles at the father of his children, he looks good holding their son. "You are doing good Daddy don't worry you will get the hang of it if you want to that is."

Wangji couldn't take his eyes off of the man in front of him, in his drug hazed mind he knew that the man he was with was beautiful but seeing him with a clear mind and eyes not clouded by drugs he could look at him and see that he is truly a unique beauty with a dazzling smile. He nods and blurts out softly "You are so beautiful." He says sort of dazed then realizes that he said that out loud and his ears turn red.

Wuxi's mouth drops open then he looks away shyly and blushes "Um thank you."

Carmen bursts out into giggles "Didn't mean for that little nugget to slip out did you son?"

Wangji looks at Carmen wide-eyed "Really mother?" he tries to signal her to hush but that just makes her laugh harder.

During this entire exchange, Li Qin has remained completely silent just watching the interactions between all of the adults and the children. She can't hold it in anymore "Wuxi, is this really the triplets father?"

Finally realizing she is still in the room, he smacks his head "Li Qin I'm so sorry, yes this is Lan Wangji second son of the Lan family and the father of my children. Wangji this is our nanny Li Qin she has been with us since before the babies were born."

Li Qin bows to Wangji and he nods to her "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lan."

He smiles "Likewise, thank you for taking such good care of our children, they look happy and although our daughter is sick, they all look like healthy, well-adjusted children. I look forward to getting to know everyone better as I spend more time with them."

Carmen tilts her head "Mm darling we need to get a paternity test done for you and them, we will need definitive proof before the engagement or my father will think we are trying to be sly."

He nods and looks at Wuxi "Do you mind if we do a paternity test on the babies?"

Wuxi disappointed and a little heartbroken after hearing for the second time that he is getting engaged shakes his head "Oh um no I don't mind at all but your fiancé might take exception to you suddenly having triplets."

Wangji seeing the disappointed look on the other man's face smirks "It's not like I wanted to marry her anyway, it's my grandfather's idea"

Wuxi perks up "Oh? So you aren't in love with your fiancé then?"

Wangji shakes his head "The person who owns this necklace has always held my heart, which is why I have never stopped searching for him."

Wuxi bites his lip then smiles shyly, nods then blushes again but doesn't say anything. He turns and checks on his daughter who is now asleep.

He clears his throat "Li Qin we need to figure out a schedule so that someone is here with AMei around the clock. It needs to be people that she knows and is comfortable with. I will stay with her for now but if they need to keep her longer than the twenty-four hours they are recommending we will need more of the family to come and stay with her."

She nods and Wangji with trepidation says "I would like to be added to the list of people staying with her if that's alright."

Wuxi nods "I don't mind, she seems to be taken with you, you can take a shift by yourself or you can stay while someone else is here, it's up to you."

He looks at Wuxi with a slight smile "I'll take the shift with you now if that's ok, I would like to stay tonight." he says and gets comfortable still holding ATian.

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