A Bondi Dream

By heyits_madi

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Mouse' 16 year old sister Elizabeth Jenkinson moves to Bondi with her big brother after their mother passes a... More

Chapter 1 - Moving in
Chapter 2 - Meeting the boys
Chapter 3 - Bra Boys
Chapter 4 - Surfing
Chapter 5 - Oliver
Chapter 6 - Penguins
Chapter 7 - Sister?
Chapter 8 - Tutor
Chapter 9 - Late
Chapter 10 - Dad
Chapter 11 - Panic Attack
Chapter 12 - A Chance Missed
Chapter 13 - Hug and Make Up
Chapter 15 - Finally
Chapter 16 - Don't Choke
Chapter 17 - Caught, Again.
Chaper 18 - Bud Light
Chapter 19 - Red Wrist
Chapter 20 - License
Chapter 21 - Cold Dinner
Chapter 22 - Secret
Chapter 23 - A Mothers Instinct
Chapter 24 - Jake
Chapter 25 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 26 - Semi Truck
Chapter 27 - Broken Glass...and Bones

Chapter 14 - 17 Years Old

108 3 0
By heyits_madi

2 months later


It's been 2 months, and it's now August 14th, aka my birthday!! I'm turning 17 today. I feel like im getting so old, gosh.

Oliver and I have hung out every day since we made up. I really like him. He's funny, kind, and cute.

Chase and I have hung out a lot, too. I like him too, but I try not to feel for him because I like Oliver a lot more.

I'm not doing too much today, I don't think. I mean,we're definitely not having a party or anything like that. I'm probably just gonna spend the day with Mouse, the lifeguards, and later on a few friends.

My dream is to learn to drive. But I've accepted the fact that may be a while.

I was peacefully sleeping before I got woken up.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Lizzy! Happy birthday to youuuu!"

I woke up with a fright. I turn around to see Mouse holding a stack of pancakes with a candle in them and Jesse next to him smiling.

"Come on! Get up! It's 8am, and we have a whole day planned ahead." Mouse says.

I groan and roll over. The boys just laugh.

"We expect you out here in 5!" Jesse yells as they walk out.

I dont like being woken up, but I smile to myself. It's my birthday. And I get to spend it with my favorite people.

I get up and make my bed. I put on my bathingsuit as I assume we're going swimming layer and put on ripped Jean shorts, with a singlet that has surfboards on it.

I run to my vanity and fix up my hair, and put in a little waterproof makeup. I open my curtains to expose the beautiful rays of the 8am sun.

I slowly open my door and peek out. I see Jesse and Mouse sitting at the table in our now birthday decorated house with streamers and balloons.

I sigh, laughing and walk out.

"Heeey guys. What's all this?" I ask, still giggling.

"We decorated! Don't you like it?" Mouse says as the streamers fall down.

We all burst out laughing.

"It's beautiful, guys, thank you." I say.

"Well, we have a lot planned today. First, you're gonna eat our amazingly cooked pancakes, then we're gonna go down to Bondi and go for a swim/surf. Then we come back here because we have a gift for you, then we eat cupcakes and ice cream, then you'll abandon us for your friends, then you come back home and we watch a movie." Mouse explains.

"Awww! I love you guys." I say, running up to both of them and throwing my arms around both of their shoulders.

I sit down at the table and stare at the pancakes. Mouse isn't that good at cooking, especially not pancakes or waffles, so I sit confused.

"Whats the matter?" Jesse asks.

"Nothing." I say, skeptical.

I slowly take a bite of the pancakes as the boys watch. They tasted pretty good. No. They tasted amazing. How?

"Wait. These are actually really good. How? Did you make these?" I ask.

"Well, of course! We are great chefs, you know!" Mouse says, bowing.

"Who made these?"

"We did, of course!" They respond.

I stare at them. I give them a look.

"What! We did! Justttt with a little help from Tullie." Jesse speaks up.

"I knew it! You guys can't cook pancakes!" I say, getting up and start chasing them around the apartment.

We all start laughing.


Once we arrive at Bondi, we set up towels, beach chairs, and coolers in South End, where the surf is the best. It wasn't too busy today, thankfully.

"Oh, Lizzy, could you go up to the tower and ask for an extra towel?" Mouse asks.

I start walking to the tower. I knock, then open the door. When I walked in, I felt a freezing cold liquid pour on top of my head.

I stand there, frozen, while everyone laughs. I scoff.

"What the hell is this??" I say, wiping my eyes.

"A birthday prank, of course!" Beardy says from the other end.

"Who's idea was this?" I stare around.

Everyone points to their left. Who was on the left? Jethro.

"DAMN IT JEFF!" I say, running up to him.

He runs out of the tower as I chase him down the sand. I hear laughter coming from the tower. This is not how I wanted to start my morning.

We get to the waters edge, and I push Jethro in the water. He comes out of the water, and he does not look happy.

"Elizbeth! You get back here right now!" He says.

He starts chasing me so run to Mouse and Jesse. Jesse has his phone out recording.

I remember something my mom told me. So I drop down to the ground and curl uo in the ball.

Jethro trips over me and face plants in the sand.

"What the hell was that?!" He says.

Mouse and Jesse double over laughing.

"Mom always said, if someone in chasing you, to drop like a sack of rocks and kick them in the balls. But don't worry, I spared you."

"This time." I say evilly

"Thanks?" Jethro says while wiping sand from his eyes.

I giggle, then grab my surfboard, and head out.


We get back home, laughing and talking from conversations started in the car.

"Okay, Lizzy! Sit on the couch. We have something very special for you!

I sit on the couch, closing my eyes with my hands, Jesse sits next to me to make sure I don't peek.

I feel something being placed on my lap.

"Open," He says

I open my eyes. It's a surfboard! My surfboard was beaten up and too small for me.

"Oh my God! I love it Mouse!!! Wait... Roxy? Is that?" I look up at Mouse

He nods.

My mom. My mom's name was Roxy.

"Mom had a special surfboard in the back attic space. Here." He hands a note to me.

I open it. It reads

Dear Elizabeth Rose Jenkinson,

If you're reading this, I'm probably gone by now. I want you to know that the very last thing I though about before I passed away was you two kids. I would give the whole world for you kids. This surfboard, was hand made by Koby Abberton. Koby and I went to high-school together. When I was diagnosed with cancer, we ran down to the shop to get this personally made for you. Hence, the K.A initials on the back. Now, don't feel like you can't use this surfboard because it's special. I want you to use this everyday of your life until it breaks. Every square inch of this surfboard was hand designed with love. I wanted you to have this surfboard on your 17th birthday. I was 17 when I met your father. As you know by now, he is not a good man. This surfboard indicated good luck in your love life. It's never guaranteed when or who the love of your life will come into place. But I have hope for you. Stay strong, confident and most importantly, stand your ground and don't let a man push you around or tell you around. I learned that the hard way. Life will throw obstacles your way all the time, and sometimes you can't dodge them. So you have to fight them. Defend yourself from the obstacles. And if you get hurt, pick yourself back up and brush it off. That's what I did, and I died a happy woman. I have faith in you Elizabeth. Go live it. Live your life the way you want to. I love you so much, never forget that.

Roxy Jenkinson.

I close the letter and look up at Mouse. I get up and hug him. I do nothing but hug him. I felt so lucky in that moment to have had a mother who loves me and a brother who would take a bullet for me.

"I love you Mouse." I whisper.

"I love you Elizabeth" He says back.

"I wish mom was here so I could tell her good bye one more time." I say. A tear drips down my face.

"She's happy now. That's what she wanted." He says. I nod.

Just then the doorbell rings. Mouse goes to answer it. I died a little inside hoping it wasn't Oliver or Chase.

I pick up the wax that with my surfboard. I stare at my new surfboard. I smile to myself. Jesse pick up the other block of wax and helps me wax it.

"Oh hey brah. What are you doing here?" Jesse says to the guy Mouse brought in.

I was so caught up in admiring my board I didn't even look up. Until h started talking...

"I jsut came to see someone special." The man said.

My heart sunk. Or flew? I don't know which. My eyes widened. My head bolted up and made eye contact with him. Koby Abberton. The only man who loved me way back when. He was like a dad to me. More than a dad.

"Koby?" I ask.

He opens his arms. I jump off the couch and jump into his arms. Tears spill over. I couldn't help myself.

"17 years already?" He says.

"What are you doing here?" I say smiling and crying. He wipes the tear off my cheek.

"Your mom and I made a promise, that if I hadn't seen you in over 5 years, I would visit on your 17th birthday. It was well over due." He explains to me.

"Koby. I-Im at a loss of words." I say, hugging him again.

Koby was my Godfather. He promised to protect me, and that he did.

"Wait, what is going on?" Jesse asks. We laugh.

"Koby is my godfather. I haven't seen him in over 7 years. He swore to protect me through the good and the bad. And well, I'm not dead yet so I assume he's doing pretty well." I say

We all laugh. Jesse nods while laughing.

"Thank you so much Koby. It's only 2pm and it's already been the best day of my life so far." I say.

They all sit on the couch and I jump and launch myself at them. We all laugh again. Laughing happens a lot over here. My phone rings. I get off the couch and go to my room

"Hello?" I say.

"Heyy Lizzy! Haooy brithday! Wanna come surfing with Dendy and I for your birthday? Chase says on the other line.

"Yes! Well.. I have to ask first. Be right back, stay on the line." I say

I take a deep breath and walk into the living room.

"Hey Mouse?" I say staring at him on the couch.


"Huh? You dont even know what I'm going to say." I say

"You can go. But be back by 6 for dinner."

"Oh. Thanks?" I say and walk back to my room.

I was a bit shocked. Mouse never let's me go. Hm.

"Hey Chase. Yeah I can go, I just gotta be back before 6pm and for real this time haha."

"Okay haha, yeah it's cool. We'll pick you up in 10?" He says.

"Sounds good." I say


I get back later at 545pm. Chase, Dendy, and I went surfing with his other sister Giselle. It was fun. I walk back in and realized Oliver never wished me happy birthday. Weird.

I brush it off and walk into the living room. In the kitchen was Mouse, Jesse, Koby, Tullie, and Jethro. More people than I thought.

"Uhhh, hey guys?" I say setting down my bag.

They were literally huddled together talking about something. It was the most stupidest sight I have ever seen. It was hilarious.

"Oh hey, welcome Tullie and Jeff they came over for dinner by the way. And we ordered Chinese." Mouse says.

"Omg Hiiii!" I run up to Jethro, he smiles and waits for a hug, I dodge him and go to Tullie.

Jethro stands there looking sad and confused. I go over and hug him too.

"Oops, sorry Jethro I kinda forgot about you." I say. Everyone laughs and he just stands there like "wtf" it was hilarious.

There will be a part 2 to this so stay tuned. Star and comment if you'd like!

-Mads <33

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