
By shereads_6

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Someone who has become a stranger. More

Let's talk


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By shereads_6

A few days have gone by since the events that transpired last time. Aunt Viv was able to put her lawyer skills to use in order to negotiate a deal with the cops. Basically, she agreed to go on record and confess what Evelyn did - In return, she gets full immunity and until further notice, the cops are also legally prohibited from discussing the pending charges against Evelyn. So in layman's terms, Fatima and Zac are still in the dark about who kidnapped their daughter and why. Also, seeing that Fatima opted to not press any charges of kidnapping, the cops are technically not obligated to inform her about Evelyn's involvement.

| University |

“So… How'd y'all feel about that paper?” Nandi asked as she, Fatima, and Lulu walked out of the exam hall together.

The time was 3:30 pm and they had just finished writing their first exam. They were currently walking together- headed to the parking lot.

“Hmm… it definitely wasn't easy, but it was doable. I'm pretty sure I'll pass it regardless” Lulu replied.

“Yeah, same” Nandi said before she directed her attention to Fatima who seemed to be withdrawn from the conversation. “How was it for you Fatima?” She asked and Fatima didn't respond.

“Earth to Fatima” Lulu said while snapping her fingers in front of her face.

“Hmm?” Fatima said after snapping out of it. “Sorry, what were ya'll saying?”

“We were just discussing the exam” Nandi replied. “Are you okay? You look like there's something bothering you.”

“I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind, that's all” Fatima replied.

“Are you still thinking about Zoë and the kidnapping incident?” Nandi asked and Fatima nodded.

“Aww, don't worry friend” Lulu cooed. “At least you can rest assure in the fact that she's safe with her father. Look, I know that I don't really know Mr Zachary Taylor like that, but from what I've seen he seems like a good dude, one who wouldn't let any harm come to his daughter. So just relax friend, princess Zoë is fine.”

“I know… but it's not just that. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about that exam - my mind was all over the place” Fatima expressed honestly. “Y'all know that imma only be here for a fixed term, so I literally can't afford to fail! I made some promises to my people back home - promises that I intend to keep.”

“Fatima, trust me, you're not gonna fail” Lulu said assertively.

“How can you know that for sure Lu?” Fatima sighed.

“Because you're my friend and I know you!” Lulu replied. “After all the time we spend studying together, there is no way that either of us can fail. So please do us a favor and just debunk that thought immediately!”

“She's right, Tima” Nandi chimed in. “Honestly, you just need to stop being so hard on yourself. You've been an A-student throughout this whole course, and that's not about to change! Even though life has dealt you with some massive curveballs over the past few weeks, you're still here standing strong! So, please find solace in that friend, and stop focusing on the negative.”

“Heavy on that last part!!” Lulu said. “This was only our first paper. We still have 4 more to go. Lord knows that negativity is the very last thing that we need.”

“Okay, yall are right” Fatima said with a smile. “I'm so grateful to have you both in my life! I'm gonna miss y'all so bad when I go back to Atlanta” she said with teary eyes.

“We're gonna miss you too!” Lulu and Nandi said before doing a group hug.

“Alright, enough with the mushy shit” Lulu said after pulling from their hug. “Look, you're still gonna be here for the next 2-3 weeks, so I say that we should make the most of it! Starting by going out to club Soho tonight!! I think it's safe to say that we could all do with some alcohol in our systems.”

“I concur” Nandi replied. “Our next exam is not until Monday, so I'm definitely down!”

“As much as I'd like to go out with y'all, imma have to pass because it’s unfair on Zac” Fatima said. “I mean… he has been watching Zoë since the morning, I can't expect him to continue his daddy day care shift into the night - that would just be inconsiderate of me.”

“Shit, I tend to forget that you're a whole ass muva” Lulu said in a jokey tone. “But you're right bookie, your job as a mother to Zoë, and as a partner to Zachary comes first! Don't worry, Nandi and I will make sure to drink on your behalf.”

“Shit! Speaking of Zac and Zoë… I need to hurry back to the office” Fatima said after checking the time. “I totally forgot that I need to watch Zoë while Zac goes into a meeting that starts at 4 pm. I love y'all, please be safe tonight” she hugged them before getting into her car (aunt Viv felt bad about everything that happened, so out of guilt/ shame, she decided to lend Fatima a car for the duration of their stay).



| Taylored Shipments : CPT Office |

“You're late!” Zac said as soon Fatima came rushing into his office.

“I know Zac, and I'm sorry. I kind of lost track of time and there was also some traff—

“Save it Fatima!” Zac cut her off. “I don't have time for this. I have a meeting to get to, and thanks to you I'm already 15 minutes late” he said while grabbing his meeting notes from the table.

“Uhm, excuse you?!” Fatima asked, taken aback by his rudeness. “Who the fuck do you think you're talking to Zachary?!”

“Watch your mouth Fatima!” Zac reprimanded her with some base in his voice. “You know how I feel about that cussing in front of my daughter mess.”

“First of all, you can calm your lil dramatic ass down. Ain't nobody cussing in front of Zoë, she is clearly sleeping!” Fatima pointed to her asleep on Zac's office couch. “And secondly, watch how you talk to me Zachary! I promise you that I'm not the one! I literally came rushing in here, trying to apologize for arriving late, and here you are biting my head off for something that was an honest mistake!”

“An honest mistake?!” Zac remarked. “Fatima, your actions made me miss out on 15 minutes of a very important meeting!”

“And yet here you are unnecessarily prolonging the time by standing here and arguing with me over this dumb shit” Fatima rolled her eyes. “Look, just go to your stupid meeting! I got my daughter.”

“You better not go anywhere until I get back” Zac said before leaving.

“Ugh, I can't stand your dumbass daddy” Fatima mumbled to Zoë as if she could hear her, but Zoë was knocked out on the couch.

Hardly 5 minutes went by before Zac came walking back into the office. Fatima was sitting on the chair in front of his desk, going through her study notes.

“That was quick” Fatima said, looking up from her textbook.

“He's gone” Zac said defeatedly as he unfastened his tie and took a seat on the chair behind his desk. “FUCK! My father is gonna kill me man” he sighed before running his hand across his face.

He then reached into his drawer and pulled out a glass and an unopened bottle of Hennessy. Fatima instantly thought back to the conversation that she had with Zac's mom back at the airport. She basically promised Ms Gina that she would try her utmost best to help Zac stick to his sobriety, and should she fail to do that, then she'd have no other choice but to escalate the matter to Ms Gina.

“Zac, I understand that you're stressed, but that bottle is not the solution to your problems” Fatima said.

“Ti, not now please” Zac dismissed her as he contemplated opening the bottle. “I already had a tough day with Zoë, she was misbehaving. And now I have to figure out a way to tell my dad that I blew it with the client who's practically responsible for helping us with all the necessary documentation so that we can start importing and exporting out of Africa. He literally handles all international logistics for the country, so without Mr Reginald Bele, this avenue of branching into the African market will fail before it even starts.”

“Zac, I really am sorry” Fatima apologized sincerely. “I swear that I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just catching up with my girls, and then we lost track of time. I rushed here as fast as I could, but you know how bad the traffic on Eastern Boulevard gets. I'm so sorry Zac” she said with teary eyes.

“It's fine” Zac sighed as he slowly moved the bottle away. “I'm also sorry about earlier. I was just stressed because I spent all day preparing for this meeting, and Zoë was also busy giving me a run for my money. I know that still doesn't warrant how I spoke to you, so I'm sorry.”

“It's fine Zac. I totally get it” Fatima said before getting up and going to lock the door. She then walked over to Zac's side of the desk and took the bottle of Hennessy and put it in her bag. After that, she walked back to him and slightly pushed his chair back.

“What are you doing?” Zac asked, slightly taken aback by her sudden movements.

“I'm apologizing” Fatima said before dropping to her knees. “I can tell that you're stressed, and since it's mostly because of me - I want to show you how sorry I am” she reached for his belt.

“Fatima, stop” Zac grabbed ahold of her hands. “As much as I need this, we can't get freaky in front of our daughter.”

“Zac, relax” Fatima chuckled as she freed her hands. “Zoë is fast asleep, and her back is also turned away from us, so she won't see or hear anything. You just need to make sure that you keep your moans suppressed” she unfastened his belt along with the button and zip of his pants.

“Me? Moans?” Zac scoffed. “Be for real. I'm a man - I don't do all that moaning shit!”

Fatima smiled as she held his erect dick in her hand. “Aight then… prove me wrong” she lowered her head and took him into her mouth.



📍Someone's house


“Hello. Can I help you?” A young teenage girl answered the door.

“Hi. I'm looking for a man named Reggie. Does he live here?” Evelyn asked.

“Yes, he does. He's my father” the young girl replied.

“Can you please go get your father? Tell him that Evie wants to see him” Evelyn said.

“Um… he's actually not home at the moment. He left to go to a business meet– oh you're in luck! There's his car pulling up right now” the girl said pointing behind Evelyn.

“Okay, thank you” Evelyn turned around and slowly started walking towards the car.

“Are my eyes deceiving me??!” The man said as soon as he got out of his car. “Evie?”

“Yes Reggie. It's me” Evelyn said softly.

“I haven't seen you in more than twenty years, but you still look so radiant. Ageless beauty!” the man complimented. “How'd you know where to find me?”

“Twenty-seven years to be precise” Evelyn mumbled. “Anyway, I found you through Google.”

“Don't be stupid Evie. Google doesn't display people's addresses” the man said.

“Okay, maybe you're right” Evelyn said. “Look, how I found your address isn't relevant. I need your help.”

“Of course you do” the man said with a smile. “You always do. So what brings you all the way to Cape Town, South Africa? What kind of trouble did you get yourself mixed up in this time?”

“That doesn't matter. I need you to help me sneak out of the country” Evelyn said.

“Now why on earth would I do that?” Reggie asked.

“Because you owe me for taking advantage of me 27 years ago. Remember that day in Atlanta? The day you got me pregnant?”

“Advantage?” Reggie laughed obnoxiously. “So, what you're here to collect on some back child support or something?”

“No. I'm here for justice. You took my innocence, Reggie. The least that you can do to show that you've changed is help me” Evelyn said.

“I don't owe you shit! You're the one who chose to go Freaknik with your lil fast ass friends and act grown. Don't put that shit on me! Grown actions have grown consequences.”

“Grown? I was 15, you piece of shit!!” Evelyn yelled as she started to feel herself get emotional. “I was 15! I was a child! And you took advantage of that! You know what makes your shitty ass mentality even worse?! The fact that the sweet girl who just opened the door for me is probably also around the age of 14/15. I wonder what she would do after finding out that you're a rapis–

“Shut up!” Reggie grabbed Evelyn by the throat to keep her from talking. He loosened his grip when she started gasping for air. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!”

“Like, I said. I need you to help me sneak out of this country” Evelyn repeated through coughing.

“Fine! I'll give you money to cover your plane ticket” Reggie said. “And Evie, after I do this, you better not ever set your foot here again! Are we clear?!”

“I said I need help SNEAKING out!!” She emphasized. “That means that I can't just casually catch a flight at an airport. I need to get out without being seen.”

“How the fuck do you expect me to do that?” Reggie asked.

“Reggie, cut the shit!” Evelyn said. “I know all about the human/drug trafficking business that you've been running for decades!! Only difference now is that you do it from the sidelines. How do you think I was able to sneak into South Africa in the first place?”

“I don't know what you're talking about” Reggie said plainly. He was suspecting that Evelyn was wearing a wire.

“That's fine. You can act oblivious all you want” Evelyn shrugged. “Just know that if I go down, you're also gonna go down with me.”

“Go down for what?” Reggie asked. “Like I already told you, I have no idea what you're talking about. So can you kindly please get off my property.”

“I have three words for you Reggie” Evelyn said with a smirk. “Shayla Anne Keating.”


A/N: hey y'all👋🏽 lol I know that I was gone for too long, but hopefully this chapter wasn't too confusing?🥴

If you're confused, or need a recap of certain characters/ events… Drop a comment and I'll try to respond. 💜

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