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The next day…

Fatima couldn't sleep last night because for some odd reason, she kept replaying the interaction with Liv in her head. Something about Liv was enticing to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was the love they both shared for the law? Or maybe it was something deeper… something like a family connection? Either way, Fatima was determined to find out, so she convinced Zac to drop her off earlier than the agreed upon time because she wanted to "tour" the Keating and Associates office. She did call the reception first to ask for permission, and surprisingly, Liv volunteered to personally take her on the tour.

| Keating & Associates |

"So yep! That about covers everything that we do here at K&A" Liv said as she and Fatima walked into her office after walking through all 12 floors of the massive law firm. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked, standing in front of her bar fridge.

"Um… water is fine" Fatima replied before taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"Here you go" Liv said, placing a bottle in front of Fatima before sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"You have a beautiful office" Fatima said, admiring the oakwood shiny table, the marvelous view of the city, the high ceilings, and glass walls that made up Liv's office.

"Thank you!" Liv said back with a smile. "So Fatima… I've actually been meaning to ask you something since last night, if you don't mind?"


"Last night when I asked you why you gave up on the criminal defense attorney route, and you said it's a long story. However, since we have some time to spare… would you mind summarizing that long story for me?" Liv asked.

"What made you choose this career path?" Fatima asked, changing the topic, causing Liv to chuckle because she acts so much like her mother (Shayla).

"My mother did. It's kind of a family lineage" Liv replied.

"Oh… so is that how your sister got into Law as well?" Fatima asked, still deviating from Liv's question.

"Yes, but don't get it twisted. My mother never forced us into it. She just instilled the passion in us and then left us to make our own decisions" Liv explained. "Also… you ain't slick with all these questions. I'm on to you" she hinted with a slight chuckle.

"Huh?" Fatima acted oblivious.

"You're deflecting" Liv said. "Look, it's cool if you don't wanna talk about whatever it is that stopped you from pursuing law. But just say that! No one is forcing you to say anything. Heck, you don't even know me, so I get it.'

"No, it's actually not that at all. It's just a really sensitive topic for me, but I do want to tell you" Fatima replied.

"Okay. Whenever you're ready to speak. You may start" Liv said calmly as she waited patiently.

"It has everything to do with my mother" Fatima sighed as Liv sat up because she was interested to hear where this was going.

"What about her?" Liv asked.

"She uh… we had a really rocky relationship growing up. Shit we still do! Our relationship is actually in shambles right now" Fatima said shaking her head.

"I'm sorry about that" Liv said sincerely.

"It's whatever" Fatima shrugged. "Anyway, so I grew with feelings of rejection/ abandonment, and my mother was the source for all of that. So because of how she treated me, I wanted to get away from her, and I was convinced that the only way to do that was by fleeing to Africa after I graduated from high school. The plan was to study Law in Cape Town, but then I soon realized that studying South African Law would inhibit my chances of practicing here in the States if I ever decided to come back. So I chose to study something remotely close, something that wouldn't have me bound in Africa for all eternity– just in case I change my mind."

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