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A few hours had gone by since Fatima got admitted to the hospital. However, Gina and Zac were yet to get an update from the doctor because they are not 'family.' Zac was losing his mind because he didn't know whether to expect the worst or the best, so Gina decided to go against the moral code and see if she can pay one of the nurses to at least give them an update on the status of Fatima and the baby. Just as she was about to approach the reception desk, a man and his son cut in front of her - it was evident that they were panicking.

"Hello. My name is Carlos Wilson, " he said while showing his ID. "I am the father of Fatima Wilson, I believe that she was admitted here?"

"Yes, sir, that is correct. We have been waiting for someone who is family to show up. Please give me a few seconds while I go and get her doctor to give y'all an update." The nurse said as she came from around the desk.

"Wait! Before you go. Can you please just tell me if my sister is okay?" CJ asked with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not at liberty to say. The doctor will tell you all you need to know." The nurse said as she walked away.

"Uhm... excuse me. I couldn't help but overhear that you're Fatima's father?" Gina said.

"Yes, and you are?" Carlos asked.

"My name is Gina Taylor," she said with her hand extended as Carlos shaked it. "And this is my son Zac."

"Zac?! As in the boy responsible for getting my babygirl knocked up?" Carlos asked in a tone that was somewhere in between pissed and curious.

"Y-yes, sir, that's me," Zac stuttered. "I'm sorry that we met under such dire circumstances. Nonetheless, I just want to take this moment and apologize to you. And please know that I plan to be present in both Fatima and the baby's life." Zac said with confidence, pulling on Carlos' heart strings.

"You seem like a responsible young man. It is a pleasure to meet you, Zac." Carlos said as he shaked Zac's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr Wilson." Zac said with a smile of relief.

"I'm looking for the family of... Fatima Wilson, " Dr Jones said while looking down at her file.

"Hi, doctor. I'm her father, this is my son and this is the baby's father and his mother. We are all her family, " Carlos said.

"Oh, okay. It's nice to officially meet you all. Fatima speaks highly of y'all, but I'm only familiar with Zac." Dr Jones said with a smile.

"Is my sister gonna be okay?" Cj asked.

"Yes, she is. She just experienced a panic attack, and that is not good for someone in her condition." Dr Jones said.

"Is the baby okay?" Zac asked.

"Yes. Both Fatima and the baby are okay. However, I'm gonna keep her here for a couple of days just to monitor her vitals. Her blood pressure was through the roof when she was brought in, and if left unmonitored, there's a high chance of her going into early labor, and that is the last thing that we want to happen." Dr Jones said.

"Damn, so she's gonna have to miss the prom?" CJ asked, feeling bad for his sister.

"When is the prom?" Dr. Jones inquired.

"In less than 24 hours," CJ responded.

"Oh wow. Yeah, she's definitely gonna have to miss it." Dr Jones said. "But, it's for the greater good, so hopefully, she won't be too heartbroken when y'all break the news to her."

"Is she awake? Can we go see her now?" Zac asked.

"Yes, she's awake. I'll get the nurse to show y'all to her room because I have other patients that I need to tend to." Dr Jones said before walking away because her pager was going off.

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