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A few days have gone by since the events that transpired last time. Aunt Viv was able to put her lawyer skills to use in order to negotiate a deal with the cops. Basically, she agreed to go on record and confess what Evelyn did - In return, she gets full immunity and until further notice, the cops are also legally prohibited from discussing the pending charges against Evelyn. So in layman's terms, Fatima and Zac are still in the dark about who kidnapped their daughter and why. Also, seeing that Fatima opted to not press any charges of kidnapping, the cops are technically not obligated to inform her about Evelyn's involvement.

| University |

“So… How'd y'all feel about that paper?” Nandi asked as she, Fatima, and Lulu walked out of the exam hall together.

The time was 3:30 pm and they had just finished writing their first exam. They were currently walking together- headed to the parking lot.

“Hmm… it definitely wasn't easy, but it was doable. I'm pretty sure I'll pass it regardless” Lulu replied.

“Yeah, same” Nandi said before she directed her attention to Fatima who seemed to be withdrawn from the conversation. “How was it for you Fatima?” She asked and Fatima didn't respond.

“Earth to Fatima” Lulu said while snapping her fingers in front of her face.

“Hmm?” Fatima said after snapping out of it. “Sorry, what were ya'll saying?”

“We were just discussing the exam” Nandi replied. “Are you okay? You look like there's something bothering you.”

“I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind, that's all” Fatima replied.

“Are you still thinking about Zoë and the kidnapping incident?” Nandi asked and Fatima nodded.

“Aww, don't worry friend” Lulu cooed. “At least you can rest assure in the fact that she's safe with her father. Look, I know that I don't really know Mr Zachary Taylor like that, but from what I've seen he seems like a good dude, one who wouldn't let any harm come to his daughter. So just relax friend, princess Zoë is fine.”

“I know… but it's not just that. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about that exam - my mind was all over the place” Fatima expressed honestly. “Y'all know that imma only be here for a fixed term, so I literally can't afford to fail! I made some promises to my people back home - promises that I intend to keep.”

“Fatima, trust me, you're not gonna fail” Lulu said assertively.

“How can you know that for sure Lu?” Fatima sighed.

“Because you're my friend and I know you!” Lulu replied. “After all the time we spend studying together, there is no way that either of us can fail. So please do us a favor and just debunk that thought immediately!”

“She's right, Tima” Nandi chimed in. “Honestly, you just need to stop being so hard on yourself. You've been an A-student throughout this whole course, and that's not about to change! Even though life has dealt you with some massive curveballs over the past few weeks, you're still here standing strong! So, please find solace in that friend, and stop focusing on the negative.”

“Heavy on that last part!!” Lulu said. “This was only our first paper. We still have 4 more to go. Lord knows that negativity is the very last thing that we need.”

“Okay, yall are right” Fatima said with a smile. “I'm so grateful to have you both in my life! I'm gonna miss y'all so bad when I go back to Atlanta” she said with teary eyes.

“We're gonna miss you too!” Lulu and Nandi said before doing a group hug.

“Alright, enough with the mushy shit” Lulu said after pulling from their hug. “Look, you're still gonna be here for the next 2-3 weeks, so I say that we should make the most of it! Starting by going out to club Soho tonight!! I think it's safe to say that we could all do with some alcohol in our systems.”

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